Anyone happen to catch NHLN on Saturday night when Bruce Boudreau said Phil Bourque was the best analyst on radio ?? Said on the On the Fly show that he was listening to the Pens-Devils radio (well, probably on XM) broadcast on Saturday......and after seeing replays on the Pens' goals later, couldn't believe how accurate ol-29'er's descriptions were.
I admit I haven't watched On The Fly all that much this season; from what I can tell, they've got a number of new folks on that Show (including BB). But on those occasions where I've heard Boudreau specifically, I've found his commentary surprisingly favorable toward the Pens. Kinda nice to hear that when you consider he's about as salt-of-the-earth as there is.
And it's those types who (IMO) tend to be against the Penguins......and, in many cases, Sid himself. BB OTOH, seems to be as big a Sid fan as anyone on that network; fairly surprising to me since they've cost him personally about as much any team in the League.