Fauci.. no fans this year in sports

Could have been DR. Shiva , he has 4 degrees from MIT and has been hammering Fauci and has started a petition for his firing . He basically is saying he is an advocate for Bill Gates and big Pharma .
That's who it was. I saw the same video. But he's not "legit", lol.
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This coming for someone who is touting a person who as of January 2020 told 16,241 false or misleading statements lets keep our agendas in check....
Snopes is the biggest farce on the planet. They have zero credibility.

A very large portion of the small businesses in this country are franchisee/franchisor partnerships. This provides entrepreneurs the ability to be in business for themselves but not by themselves. The largest segment of hotels and restaurants are franchised.

For 18-years I have been in franchise development, 15 with multiple global hotel chains and the last 3 with a global restaurant franchisor. My role the last 4-weeks has gone from focused growth to support, helping our small business owners organize and position to receive federal relief funding through PPP and EIDL.....everyday I am on the phone with people who not only have their entire life invested in their businesses but their worry and concern for their employees.....
A very large portion of the small businesses in this country are franchisee/franchisor partnerships. This provides entrepreneurs the ability to be in business for themselves but not by themselves. The largest segment of hotels and restaurants are franchised.

For 18-years I have been in franchise development, 15 with multiple global hotel chains and the last 3 with a global restaurant franchisor. My role the last 4-weeks has gone from focused growth to support, helping our small business owners organize and position to receive federal relief funding through PPP and EIDL.....everyday I am on the phone with people who not only have their entire life invested in their businesses but their worry and concern for their employees.....
Thank you
COVID-19 has killed 25,000 people a week for 7 weeks. According to the CDC, seasonal flu kills as many as 646,000 annually. That’s 12,423 people per week.

Edited to correct my error of mixing up the US death total with the world death total.
We don't shut down for the flu.
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Snopes is the biggest farce on the planet. They have zero credibility.
And conservative media has credibility come on you can't be that dense. Most intelligent people actually get's their news and knowledge from multiple sources and then use critical thinking to for their opinion. For Example, I listen to Fox CNN MSNC and CSPN and I also get most of my written information from Medscape, AMA, CDC and as well as my wife two professional organizations CHEST and ATS. Also I use anecdotal evidence from a person who is on the front line of this pandemic, who I worry about every day coming home from the ICU with this nasty ass virus. So trust me when I say this in 30 years of her being a critical care physician(being on the front lines for h1N1, SARS, MERS, and Ebola this is nothing she has ever seen there is no rhyme or reason to who will get this virus and even worse there is no way to no why some people with comorbidties survive and others healthy are still on a vent clinging to life.
Do you know what % of "news sources" are owned by the same people now?

So now your conspiracy theory is the news comes direct from the very deepest and darkest corners of Disney and ATT......from Jeff Besoz......from Bill Gates......

Your double secret conspiracy theory meetings with Limbaugh and Alex Jones must be a hoot....

And the 28% who don’t are the hardcore Trump least now we have a clean view of his ride or die sect....

Once again, you guys use selective numbers to try and prove an unproveable point. Trump's ratings for the handling of this crisis are 47 approve and 50 disapprove. I think most agree that we needed to do something initially but since the projections for deaths and new cases is significantly less than originally expected, it's time for a measured reopening.

The lengths you guys will go through to try and "get" The President is just ridiculous. You either manipulate numbers to suit your agenda or just make shit up.
Blue-check journalists, opinion writers, leftists
Why do you watch or read that sh*t? I think it’s great that many states are re-opening. I’m sure they have access to a lot better information than we do. We will see how it goes and they will be judged accordingly by their constituents.

What I don’t understand is why do people on this board continue to mock the severity of this disease and try to discredit any statistical evidence to support the position that this is pretty damn serious and dangerous. I truly wonder if they even believe the stuff they post or they simply want to argue. I mean, WTF are we doing talking about the measles? Good Lord!
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Once again, you guys use selective numbers to try and prove an unproveable point. Trump's ratings for the handling of this crisis are 47 approve and 50 disapprove. I think most agree that we needed to do something initially but since the projections for deaths and new cases is significantly less than originally expected, it's time for a measured reopening.

The lengths you guys will go through to try and "get" The President is just ridiculous. You either manipulate numbers to suit your agenda or just make shit up.

Says the guy who just stated on a public forum that “but since the projections for deaths and new cases is significantly less than originally expected” is BECAUSE of the actions that were taken not for any other reason. You ****ing guys don’t understand that what we are doing IS WORKING so let’s go ahead and blow it up instead and staying diligent for 4-more weeks....
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And conservative media has credibility come on you can't be that dense. Most intelligent people actually get's their news and knowledge from multiple sources and then use critical thinking to for their opinion. For Example, I listen to Fox CNN MSNC and CSPN and I also get most of my written information from Medscape, AMA, CDC and as well as my wife two professional organizations CHEST and ATS. Also I use anecdotal evidence from a person who is on the front line of this pandemic, who I worry about every day coming home from the ICU with this nasty ass virus. So trust me when I say this in 30 years of her being a critical care physician(being on the front lines for h1N1, SARS, MERS, and Ebola this is nothing she has ever seen there is no rhyme or reason to who will get this virus and even worse there is no way to no why some people with comorbidties survive and others healthy are still on a vent clinging to life.
"...And conservative media has credibility..."

I must have missed where I claimed that. Can you point it out to me?
I to want to see full stadiums this fall. The argument of comparing COVID 19 to the flu is ridiculous. The flu has a vaccine and treatment options. People are not hiding in their homes during flu seasons. COVID has no vaccine, is more contagious, no proven treatment options and everyone is hibernating. Even if we have a season, attendance will be down dramatically. We are all comparing apples to oranges. The steps we have and will take will save hundreds of thousands of lives. It's just where we are.

No chance of that happening.

Oklahoma missed 1 month in the middle of the season in 1918.. one month...

Let people decide on their own.. not the State. You wanna hide your house your choice..... The State doesn't make decisions for me...
What about what about what about what about what about what about what about what about durrrrrrr
"It's different when my side does it, it's different when my side does it, it's different when my side does it, drrrr.
Oklahoma missed 1 month in the middle of the season in 1918.. one month...

Let people decide on their own.. not the State. You wanna hide your house your choice..... The State doesn't make decisions for me...

Casey never goes to the games anyway lol but if it meant Huggs retiring he'd be all for playing with crowds [roll]
So now your conspiracy theory is the news comes direct from the very deepest and darkest corners of Disney and ATT......from Jeff Besoz......from Bill Gates......

Your double secret conspiracy theory meetings with Limbaugh and Alex Jones must be a hoot....
Someone missed the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

Turn off Rachel Maddow and pay attention.
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Being a Physician for 39 years, I can only cringe at some of these post. This is real. Discussing whether we should pack stadiums with 60k people to view a college football game in the Fall is absurd. It's ONLY a game ! Spare me the "revenue stream from football" argument. According to the NCCAA web site , less than 10 % of the revenue generated from football goes into the general Academic fund. You can crunch all the statistics you want, this is unprecedented in our lifetime (65 years old).
my aunt was a teacher for 35 years maybe more. she said no football for just one year will shut wvu and many other colleges down.
"...And conservative media has credibility..."

I must have missed where I claimed that. Can you point it out to me?

No need for that, your talking points are straight out of Fox, Breitbart and least balls up and admit they are your personal beliefs....your god given right!
Someone missed the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

Too busy watching Rachel Maddow, I'm sure.

I’ve never watched Maddow once in my life....I’m a free thinker and an Alpha....I don’t follow....
All I see on this thread is quite a few people who are in denial, looking to believe in a larger conspiracy theory involving worldwide governments, health officials, Bill Gates, etc.. as a way to explain away a scary virus. Believing in these conspiracies gives a nice "black and white" explanation and makes people feel better. It allows them to not face the fact that life is random and scary sometimes.

I don't buy the conspiracies because I don't see the payoff. Tanking economies, etc... Nobody wins in this mess.
Dude, Ma'am, whatever you are... Bill Gates is not a conspiracy theory. He is on a hot mic all for killing off people with vaccines of the overpopulated world. Now he thinks he's the vaccine rescue man.

Besides, I used to think "conspiracy theories" were just that. A bunch of crazy people with nothing to do making stuff up to scare people.

now that title belongs to the national media.
No need for that, your talking points are straight out of Fox, Breitbart and least balls up and admit they are your personal beliefs....your god given right!
In other words you can't find it, so like a typical liberal, you just make it up. That's what I thought.

"Well I'm sure that's what he was going to say, so it's o.k. for me to lie about it."
I’ve never watched Maddow once in my life....I’m a free thinker and an Alpha....I don’t follow....
You're a Maddow devotee, your ignorance of basic facts and knowledge of real events gives you away....cause it's all about "feelings" for you.

Like your talking points aren't straight out of CNN, MSNBC, lol.....Mr. "Free thinker".
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Marching on Richmond today boys.. the tyranny stops now. The LOCKDOWNS will end .. one way or another

Give him hell gunny! Make sure those fat asses stuff into their fatigues but more importantly to cover their faces, not to protect others from spreading the virus, but so they are not caught on tape for history......Freedom!!
...but you're just sure that I watch Fox, etc. How does that work?

Like your talking points aren't straight out of CNN, MSNBC, lol.....Mr. "Free thinker".

I watch Fox News and I also read Breitbart...
A very large portion of the small businesses in this country are franchisee/franchisor partnerships. This provides entrepreneurs the ability to be in business for themselves but not by themselves. The largest segment of hotels and restaurants are franchised.

For 18-years I have been in franchise development, 15 with multiple global hotel chains and the last 3 with a global restaurant franchisor. My role the last 4-weeks has gone from focused growth to support, helping our small business owners organize and position to receive federal relief funding through PPP and EIDL.....everyday I am on the phone with people who not only have their entire life invested in their businesses but their worry and concern for their employees.....

Good on you, man... Tough out there... Good luck !
In other words you can't find it, so like a typical liberal, you just make it up. That's what I thought.

"Well I'm sure that's what he was going to say, so it's o.k. for me to lie about it."

Give it to me....that’s all you got! My voting record is all GOP in a southern red state....but I refuse to follow a weak coward who has hijacked the party....he has you lunatics to follow him. Your herd is shrinking friend...
Says the guy who just stated on a public forum that “but since the projections for deaths and new cases is significantly less than originally expected” is BECAUSE of the actions that were taken not for any other reason. You ****ing guys don’t understand that what we are doing IS WORKING so let’s go ahead and blow it up instead and staying diligent for 4-more weeks....
Once again, the mistress of hyperbole strikes. I didn't say anything about blowing it up, I said pretty clearly that it was time for a measured reopening. The fact is that in excess of 67% of the fatalities have come from 5 states so there is absolutely nothing wrong with the states that weren't affected to the same degree having a plan in place to get people back in the workforce.

I did notice that neither you or you "Republican" friends addressed the way you chose one number of many just to prove your point when the rest of the numbers don't support it.
Dude, Ma'am, whatever you are... Bill Gates is not a conspiracy theory. He is on a hot mic all for killing off people with vaccines of the overpopulated world. Now he thinks he's the vaccine rescue man.

Besides, I used to think "conspiracy theories" were just that. A bunch of crazy people with nothing to do making stuff up to scare people.

now that title belongs to the national media.

you might wanna read up on what Gates means by that quote. The vaccines will help infant mortality so people will quit having so many babies in certain cultures because they already have healthy living ones. Thus decreasing the world population. But keep listening to cable news shew.
Anyone who starts a post "I am a registered Republican" is setting up for all the reasons they long ago abandoned true Conservative principles..

The people are rising . They won't sit by and take this tyranny and the state won't be able to stop the people...
Give it to me....that’s all you got! My voting record is all GOP in a southern red state....but I refuse to follow a weak coward who has hijacked the party....he has you lunatics to follow him. Your herd is shrinking friend...
Which has what to do with you making up a claim about me that you suddenly can't provide? You certainly lie like a liberal.
Dude, Ma'am, whatever you are... Bill Gates is not a conspiracy theory. He is on a hot mic all for killing off people with vaccines of the overpopulated world. Now he thinks he's the vaccine rescue man.

Besides, I used to think "conspiracy theories" were just that. A bunch of crazy people with nothing to do making stuff up to scare people.

now that title belongs to the national media.

So at the same time that he is supposedly planning to depopulate the world via death vaccines, he is also investing billions to build bathroom and sanitation infrastructure in rural villages on the Indian Sub-Continent to curb the deaths of dysentery or the huge water and well programs he is funding in Africa to allow access to clean water....

Anyone who starts a post "I am a registered Republican" is setting up for all the reasons they long ago abandoned true Conservative principles..

The people are rising . They won't sit by and take this tyranny and the state won't be able to stop the people...
Sounds like you are leading the charge. Don’t forget to post the pics of your demonstration.