Fauci.. no fans this year in sports

All I see on this thread is quite a few people who are in denial, looking to believe in a larger conspiracy theory involving worldwide governments, health officials, Bill Gates, etc.. as a way to explain away a scary virus. Believing in these conspiracies gives a nice "black and white" explanation and makes people feel better. It allows them to not face the fact that life is random and scary sometimes.

I don't buy the conspiracies because I don't see the payoff. Tanking economies, etc... Nobody wins in this mess.
All I see on this thread is quite a few people who are in denial, looking to believe in a larger conspiracy theory involving worldwide governments, health officials, Bill Gates, etc.. as a way to explain away a scary virus. Believing in these conspiracies gives a nice "black and white" explanation and makes people feel better. It allows them to not face the fact that life is random and scary sometimes.

I don't buy the conspiracies because I don't see the payoff. Tanking economies, etc... Nobody wins in this mess.

There were a hell of a lot of winners the last time the economy tanked. Small biz getting killed off in favor of more corporate raiders (Walmart, Amazon, etc.)
There were a hell of a lot of winners the last time the economy tanked. Small biz getting killed off in favor of more corporate raiders (Walmart, Amazon, etc.)

The fruits of any fallout gives rise to "winners". Somebody flourishing in such conditions is not simply an inevitability ... it's a rule of law.

Any system that prevails and prospers when a vacuum is created, ultimately "wins".

That's not even debatable.

If anybody cannot see what's currently being built as we speak, all I can say is introduce yourself (and study up) on Saul's hegira on the road to Damascus.

It's very "eye opening".
For starters that number has been inflated by addding anything with a respiratory etiology as cause of death added to Covid 19 even if unconfirmed. And secondly, the 2019/2020 Flu season ranged from October thru April and yes thats 7 months BUT the Flu has also killed 45000 + THIS ywar so is it REALLY that far off? And many people took the vaccine for the flu and yet here we are so?

I'd like to know how many of the flu deaths didn't get the shot because I know a lot of people who refuse to get the shot. Lot of people still believe that they can get the flu from the shot or that it's not worth it because the shot isn't 100% effective.
Okay. It’s absolutely terrible. What do we do about it? It’s obvious these “stay at home” orders aren’t going to snuff this virus out. Of course that was never the plan. It was to “flatten the curve” and not overwhelm the hospitals. The hospitals aren’t overwhelmed. If anything, they’re under utilized. What next? What’s the end game here? Politicians are shooting from the hip and our country is being destroyed in the process.
I agree at some point we have to try to return to normalcy and as a society will need to take some risks. My comment is more towards the folks that continue to spout nonsense that this is comparable to the flu. It's laughable.
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The quintessential weatherman covering the hurricane. This man is loving life.

He'll have his own cereal next month ... the prize inside the box being a message saying: "Be sure to drink your Quarantine."

A crummy commercial?

Son of a bitch!
Fauci is about to be outed for funding China the R&D money on this virus and circumventing our government's wishes. I hope the weasel ends up in jail.
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Fauci is about to be outed for funding China the R&D money on this virus and circumventing our government's wishes. I hope the weasel ends up in jail.

I heard murmurs of reports surfacing but personally, I have not watched CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, or anything of that ilk for a while ... and no, Fauci being on the take would be of no surprise.

See below. I warned people his relationship with Gates is long-standing and lucrative. Trust me ... the Gates Foundation was not formed for the purposes of amity and compassion. It was created for ultimate profit.

Shocking, huh?

Of course, people don't tend to listen to me because I don't think there's more than 2 genders, live life as an alpha male who questions authority (after all, they murdered my father), and can CLEARLY see what season we are in.

As they say ... you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.

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They don’t talk about this on Fox News so a lot of these guys don’t hear it or understand it. They are not talking to nurses or doctors or franchise people like me who are on the phone daily with the people who own and operate the actual businesses that employ roughly 45% of our countries workforce in restaurants and hotels....the PPP loans were meant to get people through 12-weeks so we can do this right and come out of this with a fighting chance for the immediate future.

Guys standing on state capital steps dressed in all black with AR-15’s draped in Trump flags and yelling at people are not patriots....
What is a franchise person?
You just proved my point, thank you! You and your ideologues keep spouting the same things over and over. Here is the difference and what should make it a non-political issue but a humanity issue. This is a GLOBAL pandemic that is affecting every country in the world in relatively the same ways. Governments all over the world are making the same decisions and determinations based on science and their own medical capacities. This isn’t some “conspiracy theory” that you right-wing dipshits constantly need for circle jerk purposes....this is real life affecting billions of people....

Oh, and the 1918 Flu Pandemic, which was an actual flu and started in Kansas, USA and killed millions throughout the world was and is different than a NOVEL Coronavirus that jumped from animals to humans.....

And to the arguments otherwise, again, this is about medical capacity.....because of what is happening in NY/NJ was everywhere and we just let it flare, then when some dipshit get drunk and drives into a tree or shoots his foot off with a shotgun or has a heart attack then his likelihood of death rises because of don’t have to believe the news or politicians or the scientists....but at least believe the nurses and doctors who live in the communities who are fighting this...
The hospital ship is being sent back to it's base, beds are being torn down, we have an excess of ventilators. It's getting better, I believe we should continue to observe social distancing but if unemployment increases another 10%, it's estimated that suicides and OD will increase by 75,000. That's pretty bad so we have to weigh the proper response so that we can get as many people back to work as possible.
Pffft get this guy out of here... For a bad FLU... Don't think so.
Have not been impressed with him, and this just adds to it. I have dealt with Drs. like him (with a GOD complex) all mu career. He comes across as a person dictating "do it MY way so everything will be perfect (in MY mind, at least)" Anything practical, reasonable to the 'average' person is SOoooooo beneath him that he will repel it out of hand without consideration. His focus is myopically limited and rigidly affixed to 'what the book says'. One must ALEAYS follow these rules rigidly or it is not 'according to science'. He see little, if ANY , good to be gained from the use of treatments that seem to be working in the hands of those willing to try various approaches to 'cure'. To him they have not been exhaustively studied and approved by his (or other) rigid ,self-impressed narrow minded bureaucratic loyalists. He would rather tryst and rigidly advocate the findings of a computer program projecting from flawed human input than be less dogmatic and see the potential benefits from a deviation from such models. President Trump took a gigantic leap early in his term by enacting the 'right to try' treatments that are not officially sanctioned for treatment of a 'killer disease' . GREAT STEP FORWARD. Now we have a similar scenario and the mouthpieces of the medical community are icing down any talk that makes it appear that taking such a route might show (and, IN FACT, HAS shown) promise as a means of saving lives that were written off as 'gone' before the treatment. His negativism and preaching what MIGHT occur in the future offers no glimmer of brightness to the future of so many undergoing extremely tough times. Most often, it seems to me, that his proclamations are based on the 'do little or nothing (other then that which I, personally, advocate)' to stem the spread or 'cure' some severely afflicted using means that have not mastered the gauntlet set out by ME (and the 'most learned members of my select fraternity). He might be acclaimed, by many, as brilliant (and may have earned respect for former decisions that proved beneficial),but in the recent weeks he has, to me, come up quite short as a forward thinker who considers more than one facet of a situation prior to making wide sweeping declarations as to what seems, to him, as to the directions of the future. Not impressed.
The hospital ship is being sent back to it's base, beds are being torn down, we have an excess of ventilators. It's getting better, I believe we should continue to observe social distancing but if unemployment increases another 10%, it's estimated that suicides and OD will increase by 75,000. That's pretty bad so we have to weigh the proper response so that we can get as many people back to work as possible.

People are acting like the Southern states are just sending people out with no restrictions. The reopenings are going to observe social distancing for the time being and will relax over time. That little nugget of info has been buried under all the media hype (mostly from DC-NYC-LA).
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Yes, you are arguing with idiots, but the bigger problem is, they ALL get their information from ONE source and they repeat talking points in order to convince everyone else. When history finishes with this chapter, Fox News will be one of the largest vilified collaborators in the history of the world.....everything is on tape. Notice how dear leader has gone dark on hydro chloroquine......
Because CNN or MSNBC never lie, lol. I hate to break it to you, but bias and lying are just as heinous in one direction as they are in the other. You're obviously just a partisan in the other direction.
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The hospital ship is being sent back to it's base, beds are being torn down, we have an excess of ventilators. It's getting better, I believe we should continue to observe social distancing but if unemployment increases another 10%, it's estimated that suicides and OD will increase by 75,000. That's pretty bad so we have to weigh the proper response so that we can get as many people back to work as possible.

I agree with you 100%. The cure can never be worse than the disease, but the pain needs to be once so we can move on...

I am in the middle of it here in GA, seeing the infection rate rise every day in my county of 130,000 with one hospital but a recent order to open businesses that make no sense and a legal directive from the governor stating that local orders cannot be greater or less than his state order.....that is politics and nothing else!
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You just proved my point, thank you! You and your ideologues keep spouting the same things over and over. Here is the difference and what should make it a non-political issue but a humanity issue. This is a GLOBAL pandemic that is affecting every country in the world in relatively the same ways. Governments all over the world are making the same decisions and determinations based on science and their own medical capacities. This isn’t some “conspiracy theory” that you right-wing dipshits constantly need for circle jerk purposes....this is real life affecting billions of people....

Oh, and the 1918 Flu Pandemic, which was an actual flu and started in Kansas, USA and killed millions throughout the world was and is different than a NOVEL Coronavirus that jumped from animals to humans.....

And to the arguments otherwise, again, this is about medical capacity.....because of what is happening in NY/NJ was everywhere and we just let it flare, then when some dipshit get drunk and drives into a tree or shoots his foot off with a shotgun or has a heart attack then his likelihood of death rises because of don’t have to believe the news or politicians or the scientists....but at least believe the nurses and doctors who live in the communities who are fighting this...
...and you and your ideologues keep spouting the same things over and over as well.

Because CNN or MSNBC never lie, lol. I hate to break is to you, but bias and lying are just as heinous in one direction as they are in the other. You're obviously just a partisan in the other direction.

I am a registered Republican in a red southern state, I’ve voted GOP for Pres. in every election since 92.

Yes, all news sources have agendas, but when 95% of news sources are reporting relative to a pandemic and 5% are spewing political opinions and conspiracy theories then it’s hard to hide from that. Like I said, history will be the ultimate judge when this is all over, because the evidence is all on tape...
I saw a video last night. Not sure who the reporter was but it connected the dots pretty well. I pay very little attention to new channels because I know I can't trust the info they are giving.
Could have been DR. Shiva , he has 4 degrees from MIT and has been hammering Fauci and has started a petition for his firing . He basically is saying he is an advocate for Bill Gates and big Pharma .
All I see on this thread is quite a few people who are in denial, looking to believe in a larger conspiracy theory involving worldwide governments, health officials, Bill Gates, etc.. as a way to explain away a scary virus. Believing in these conspiracies gives a nice "black and white" explanation and makes people feel better. It allows them to not face the fact that life is random and scary sometimes.

I don't buy the conspiracies because I don't see the payoff. Tanking economies, etc... Nobody wins in this mess.
Think harder.
People are acting like the Southern states are just sending people out with no restrictions. The reopenings are going to observe social distancing for the time being and will relax over time. That little nugget of info has been buried under all the media hype (mostly from DC-NYC-LA).
Who are these “people” you are referencing? Surely, you are not watching the ‘infotainment’ networks again?
I am a registered Republican in a red southern state, I’ve voted GOP for Pres. in every election since 92.

Yes, all news sources have agendas, but when 95% of news sources are reporting relative to a pandemic and 5% are spewing political opinions and conspiracy theories then it’s hard to hide from that. Like I said, history will be the ultimate judge when this is all over, because the evidence is all on tape...
Do you know what % of "news sources" are owned by the same people now?