Youth motivated to political action, and there just has to be a conspiracy theory

I hate oversimplifications but sometimes things have to be that way in order for complicated stuff to make sense.

I've always thought the best and most effective answer to bad guys with guns is more good guys with them. If criminals and nut cases faced more armed opposition, they simply wouldn't be able to take out as many unarmed folks as they now do. A good guy with a gun stops a bad guy (or Gal) with one. We need more good guys with guns. Simple!

Why do the Police always carry guns on them? To confront the bad Dudes they run into with them! Good folks of the land... "ARM YOURSELVES!!!!!!"

See how that works?
But he called it a varmint my day a varmint rifle was a 22 or 30-06. The AR-15 and similar is not a varmint rifle.

A 30-06 a varmint rifle? What are you trying to do, scare the kin of the varmint from procreating?

.223 is much better suited for shooting groundhogs than a 30-06 is. .22 LR just doesn't cut it enough.
Not knocking your assertion, but what exactly did you want them to do?
They knew about this guy and did nothing.......However......they seem ok with assigning blame to Trump. This is an example of politics gone wild. Trump is no more to blame than Obama was.
They knew about this guy and did nothing.......However......they seem ok with assigning blame to Trump. This is an example of politics gone wild. Trump is no more to blame than Obama was.

WHO IS BLAMING TRUMP? A few national folks have commented on his repeal of the poorly written EO (I think) that limited sales to people on SS benefits related to mental illness. But that wouldn't have stopped this guy.
They knew about this guy and did nothing.......However......they seem ok with assigning blame to Trump. This is an example of politics gone wild. Trump is no more to blame than Obama was.
Police can’t lock people up for threats
The NRA is a lobbying firm for the firearms industry, and Politicians being paid millions by that same lobby look like buffoons trying to imply that these kids must be paid to act that way when it is them on the payrolls. And Obama and Holder are gone, I guess you missed your chance, whatever you imagine happened the last 8 years, Hillary lost, get over it, Trump won, deal with it.

You're right! I wish the Left would have followed your advice in the last line of this post instead of hollering about Russians. Could have saved us millions and a hell of a lot of lost time investigating folks in search of a crime.

As for the NRA, less money comes from them to political parties or candidates than the Teacher's unions or AFSCME. Politicians take money from those organizations to prevent things like outsourcing or school choice vouchers which are favored by overwhelming majorities of school Parents of these same kids. Ironically, many Private schools are already protected by licensed and trained armed personnel. It's one reason we rarely hear of Private schools getting shot up like Public schools are.
Police can’t lock people up for threats
Who is blaming Trump for it? I think they are just blaming the GOP for never even wanting to have a discussion about gun control and he is the head of the party. Which makes sense for them, If I take money from the NRA I am sure they would expect me to vote for their objectives. Pretty sure that is why they give them money and that is how lobbying works.
LOL.....You got to call in backup! Can you meow for me?

Your inability to think logically and comprehend is pretty sad considering your age. I tagged dvl because he is one of the posters who made you look stupid in that thread and now you are trying to claim he was wrong. Hell, I browsed through it again and @TarHeelEer & @Mntneer also spanked your ass.
Sure I remember him via old film clips. I was born in 62!!! My best friend is an evangelical Christian and we talk religion all the time even at work. I actually read the Old Testament when I was 18-19-20. I view it as a collection of stories attempting to explain what couldn't be otherwise explained. I would have a hard time being Jewish..... Now that I am almost as old as you, I should read it again.

Yes you should! It's good stuff....talks about life. Adultery, bribery, sex, know stuff in our headlines today.
You're right! I wish the Left would have followed your advice in the last line of this post instead of hollering about Russians. Could have saved us millions and a hell of a lot of lost time investigating folks in search of a crime.

As for the NRA, less money comes from them to political parties or candidates than the Teacher's unions or AFSCME. Politicians take money from those organizations to prevent things like outsourcing or school choice vouchers which are favored by overwhelming majorities of school Parents of these same kids. Ironically, many Private schools are already protected by licensed and trained armed personnel. It's one reason we rarely hear of Private schools getting shot up like Public schools are.
I do believe those Russians were indicted not hollered at, lol. You read them? And I'm not going to care about "hollering about the Russians", I'm sure all the Trump team to plead guilty so far and take a plea deal are going to lay it all out down the road, we got democrat forever hippie Mueller on the case, hell he is the only one being tough on the commies in Trumps cabinet.
Your inability to think logically and comprehend is pretty sad considering your age. I tagged dvl because he is one of the posters who made you look stupid in that thread and now you are trying to claim he was wrong. Hell, I browsed through it again and @TarHeelEer & @Mntneer also spanked your ass.

You see to be infatuated with spankings today.....he must have cut you off.
Should consider introducing an award for the BS THREAD OF THE YEAR. Hip Boots in the form of a trophy similar to the Oscars could be handed out. Winner could make a political post, and just like the Oscars no one would watch (read), or give a rats*## what the winner had to say.


I do believe those Russians were indicted not hollered at, lol. You read them? And I'm not going to care about "hollering about the Russians", I'm sure all the Trump team to plead guilty so far and take a plea deal are going to lay it all out down the road, we got democrat forever hippie Mueller on the case, hell he is the only one being tough on the commies in Trumps cabinet.

Yes you're right again. Mueller will soon hopefully lay out all the so far non existent evidence of how the Russians didn't influence the outcome of the election by colluding with Trump to steal it from Hillary. We know he's being painstakingly careful to assemble all of the evidence because there just so much of it, but we're all anxious to hear what comes up with besides money laundering among some of Trump's former associates before Trump was even a candidate. He'll certainly have a captive audience, if not some unbelievers once he reveals what actually happened.
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Fun fact for the day, Planned Parenthood kills more humans per minute than the NRA has in the entirety of it's existence. Well not a fun fact, but a fact none the less.
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I do believe those Russians were indicted not hollered at, lol. You read them? And I'm not going to care about "hollering about the Russians", I'm sure all the Trump team to plead guilty so far and take a plea deal are going to lay it all out down the road, we got democrat forever hippie Mueller on the case, hell he is the only one being tough on the commies in Trumps cabinet.

It might also be nice while we're waiting for Mueller's results, to find out why the Obama DOJ needed to spy on Trump's campaign operations and used the FBI lying to a FISA court in order to get permission to do so? Think we'll ever get to the bottom of who illegally unmasked the innocent Americans who were caught up in that attempt to protect the Nation from imminent Foreign threats?
30 plus calls to the Sheriff and several social media posting and nothing could be done and this asshole had a gun? Heaven help us if that's the best we can do.

The FBIs vaunted reputation as a superior law enforcement agency is largely built on the idealized way it's portrayed on TV and in movies. While still effective it's failures often result in catastrophic consequences.
30 plus calls to the Sheriff and several social media posting and nothing could be done and this asshole had a gun? Heaven help us if that's the best we can do.
Have you ever seen anything on stalker my cases? Women terrorized for years, only recently was legislation passed to make it possible to charge stalkers.

I’m all for making it easier to charge threat makers, it’s a slippery slope though...
Looks like some are blaming the NRA, and wanting action from Trump. me the signs after Sandy Hook and others that made ANY reference to President Obama demanding that he take action. Obama had 8 years to get something done.
Have you ever seen anything on stalker my cases? Women terrorized for years, only recently was legislation passed to make it possible to charge stalkers.

I’m all for making it easier to charge threat makers, it’s a slippery slope though...

I agree with this...we have to be careful who we target because I don't want folks "tracked". But it seems to me with the sophistication of our data bases where Law enforcement in California can instantly find out if a licensed driver from New York is a felon on parole violation, surely we can streamline our gun ownership and/or license databases to flag potential or known troublemakers?

Why have the background checks if we don't properly utilize them?
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Ya don't say? Wonder how the NRA and Trump are responsible for that nut job going off like he did?
Well, I think some of the kids in the picture that was posted probably think the NRA has lobbied to prevent gun control legislation from getting passed, and see that as partially responsible. And I can only imagine that some think the President of the United State has some say on what happens with regards to policy in the nation. But I’m only speculating, cause I’m not in the picture that was posted, and I don’t blame Trump or even the NRA. me the signs after Sandy Hook and others that made ANY reference to President Obama demanding that he take action. Obama had 8 years to get something done.
Wasn’t there protests at the WH after Sandy Hook?

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