WV teacher strke

My cousins have the same type of degree that teachers in WV possess, but we’re born, raised, and work in PA. Why is there such a disparity in pay that they all will reach over $90,000 at the top of the pay scale within 30 years and will teach a large portion of their careers at or over the highest teaching salary in WV that is only attained after 35 years of service. I realize salaries in all industries vary from state to state nationally, but is $93,000 vs. $55,000 for the same job fair? That’s not to mention teachers in most districts in PA aren’t faced with a lot of the issues that those in WV face.

How hard you work - which I’m sure is very hard - is irrelevant to this equation. It’s not a contest. These teachers deserve to be paid better.


That word is usually tied to performance in a capitalist society.
How hard you work - which I’m sure is very hard - is irrelevant to this equation. It’s not a contest. These teachers deserve to be paid better.

Some do.

What’s the evaluation process?

Time or quality of production? Pretty sure the answer, if accurate, will be shitty for taxpayers.
You speak a lot about that which you know very little.

My Mother and Sister were public school teachers. My wife teaches our Children. My sister teaches her Children. My Children volunteer as teacher's aides at the private school they used to attend.
I would like to see our good teachers get a pay increase.

For those who are demanding a pay increase, how much should the increase be?
My Mother and Sister were public school teachers. My wife teaches our Children. My sister teaches her Children. My Children volunteer as teacher's aides at the private school they used to attend.
So you home school your kids?
How hard you work - which I’m sure is very hard - is irrelevant to this equation. It’s not a contest. These teachers deserve to be paid better.
Hundreds of other people I work with and know also deserve raises and aren't paid enough. But teacher raises need to come from local levy taxes, not state taxes. They will steal the money from road repairs at the state level, and I don't want to drive to work on crappy roads; and our kids should not be driven to school on crappy roads.
Add up the countless unpaid hours, and they work just as much as someone working 12 months per year. Also, a lot of counties in the state go through the first week in June and start back around the middle of the month in August.
Tried to stay out of this one, but you really are just embarrassing yourself at this point.
My cousins have the same type of degree that teachers in WV possess, but we’re born, raised, and work in PA. Why is there such a disparity in pay that they all will reach over $90,000 at the top of the pay scale within 30 years and will teach a large portion of their careers at or over the highest teaching salary in WV that is only attained after 35 years of service. I realize salaries in all industries vary from state to state nationally, but is $93,000 vs. $55,000 for the same job fair? That’s not to mention teachers in most districts in PA aren’t faced with a lot of the issues that those in WV face.
Perhaps because people in PA are willing to pay $8k a year in property taxes, instead of the $400 in WV. Let me know when you are ready to do that.
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Time to bring in scab teachers. Fire the whole bunch and hire new education graduates. Will save the state money.

I got parents who are staying home from work cause they got no day care for their kids. So I suffer cause my office is now short handed.
There are no scab teachers. Have you not paid attention. There are over 700 teacher vacancies in WV. Also subs are out with the teachers. Teachers from other states would not come here either because of the low pay.
Well you are paying it and still living there, so you must be willing or you would have mood or not paid you’re/your taxes.

Sure I pay’s the law. makes me piss blood.

I’m doing everything I can to make both go away,

"I gotta pay for day care! FARR the teachers!"
It is that or the "THEY GET VACATION IN THE SUMMER!" just as it is on Facebook.

You all do realize that teachers work second jobs, take professional education courses, and operate summer sports programs, and don't just sit on their ass at home like most of you septuagenarians posting on this freaking board, right?

I knew when I saw this thread was five pages already it was going to be a bunch of red hats bitching about teachers. I really hope you enjoy the bullshit show you're endorsing by refusing to acknowledge labor for your own narcissistic joy. I will cheer when this state dies thanks to the mindset most of you have. It deserves to die.
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It is that or the "THEY GET VACATION IN THE SUMMER!" just as it is on Facebook.

You all do realize that teachers work second jobs, take professional education courses, and operate summer sports programs, and don't just sit on their ass at home like most of you septuagenarians posting on this freaking board, right?

I knew when I saw this thread was five pages already it was going to be a bunch of red hats bitching about teachers. I really hope you enjoy the bullshit show you're endorsing by refusing to acknowledge labor for your own narcissistic joy. I will cheer when this state dies thanks to the mindset most of you have. It deserves to die.

If only you put that much effort into taking a shower.
The teachers and their uniom want to outlaw charter schools in WV as well as the pay raise and PEIA reductions.

Why would they demand or even want that?

Ask Manchin he supported Charter Schools as Governor right?
Here is my question.

I am not against teachers. They are very important to society. That said, WV is one of the worst educated states in the country. Maybe the worst, I haven't checked recently. Why should there be a statewide raise when their field of expertise is so poor on the national scale?

Now that is more than just the teachers themselves, obviously. Bottom line is, let's see some better education numbers so that it warrants a raise of this magnitude.
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I will cheer when this state dies thanks to the mindset most of you have. It deserves to die.

You sound like someonewho would eat a bullet before caring about someone other than yourself.
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On one hand I think about some of the great teachers I had, how hard they worked, and how big of an impact they made. They deserve at minimum a 5% raise.

But then I also think about some of the worthless teachers I had. Didn’t care about students, didn’t care about teaching, they just wanted to show up, go through a lesson and then get the hell out of dodge. I don’t want those people to even be employed let alone get a pay raise.

It’s a fine line, and tenure / needing to basically murder someone to get fired as a teacher has not incentivized these teachers to get any better. Is a 5% raise going to make them work harder or care more?

I’m all for finding a way to give them the pay raise or help offset the costs of their insurance, but don’t take away the concept of charter schools and initiatives like that away unless you’re going to show me a way to weed out the losers plaguing our school system today.

I graduated from St. Albans High School and while I was there I believe we had three guidance counselors at the time. Between myself and my close group of friend I want to say around 15 of us went on to graduate from college that I talk to on a regular basis. You know how many of those 15 ever spoke to a guidance counselor ONCE about where they wanted to attend college, what they wanted to focus on, have they applied for scholarships, etc? None of us. The system in place currently is broken and it really sucks for the good teachers out there that need to be making about double what they currently are because of how big on an impact they make.

Unrelated side note
Anyone that tries to downplay having summers off or act like it’s not that big of a deal is FOS. I bet if you polled teachers what is their favorite thing about being a teacher (other than getting to teach children) they would almost all say getting the summer off. And if they want to work during the summer and make another 8-10k then their income becomes around 55k for the year. That’s pretty damn good in WV.
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On one hand I think about some of the great teachers I had, how hard they worked, and how big of an impact they made. They deserve at minimum a 5% raise.

But then I also think about some of the worthless teachers I had. Didn’t care about students, didn’t care about teaching, they just wanted to show up, go through a lesson and then get the hell out of dodge. I don’t want those people to even be employed let alone get a pay raise.

It’s a fine line, and tenure / needing to basically murder someone to get fired as a teacher has not incentivized these teachers to get any better. Is a 5% raise going to make them work harder or care more?

I’m all for finding a way to give them the pay raise or help offset the costs of their insurance, but don’t take away the concept of charter schools and initiatives like that away unless you’re going to show me a way to weed out the losers plaguing our school system today.

I graduated from St. Albans High School and while I was there I believe we had three guidance counselors at the time. Between myself and my close group of friend I want to say around 15 of us went on to graduate from college that I talk to on a regular basis. You know how many of those 15 ever spoke to a guidance counselor ONCE about where they wanted to attend college, what they wanted to focus on, have they applied for scholarships, etc? None of us. The system in place currently is broken and it really sucks for the good teachers out there that need to be making about double what they currently are because of how big on an impact they make.

Unrelated side note
Anyone that tries to downplay having summers off or act like it’s not that big of a deal is FOS. I bet if you polled 99% of teachers what is their favorite thing about being a teacher (other than getting to teach children) they would almost all say getting the summer off. And if they want to work during the summer and make another 8-10k then their income becomes around 55k for the year. That’s pretty damn good in WV.

Great post.
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Here is my question.

I am not against teachers. They are very important to society. That said, WV is one of the worst educated states in the country. Maybe the worst, I haven't checked recently. Why should there be a statewide raise when their field of expertise is so poor on the national scale?

Now that is more than just the teachers themselves, obviously. Bottom line is, let's see some better education numbers so that it warrants a raise of this magnitude.

Common Core. I bought all the books my daughter is taught from in class every day............Just asinine. I teach her the shit tho, because thats what we all use now..............

I can say this as someone that has had my daughter in private school and now public school..........Her public school is better and I saved a boat load of money.....
They always do.... In West Virginia, the life is always sucked out of the right cause.

It is in our DNA to eff everything up.

Sometimes I think they should fold West Virgina or just sell it off for parts. Other than Morgantown and a small handful of enclaves here and there the state is living in the 50s--both economically and culturally. Zero tolerance for anything hinting at innovation. Unwilling to take risk or leave its comfort zone.

Too much talent exported at a critical juncture (info age) leaving it in the wrong hands, the reactionaries. Really think its goning to take the boomers stranglehold on the state to die off to start moving into the 21st century. Hopefully the youth there are a little more open minded to change and progress.
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Sometimes I think they should fold West Virgina or just sell it off for parts. Other than Morgantown and a small handful of enclaves here and there the state is living in the 50s--both economically and culturally. Zero tolerance for anything hinting at innovation. Unwilling to take risk or leave its comfort zone.

Too much talent exported at a critical juncture (info age) leaving it in the wrong hands, the reactionaries. Really think its goning to take the boomers stranglehold on the state to die off to start moving into the 21st century. Hopefully the youth there are a little more open minded to change and progress.

I don't think so. Everyone that I stayed close with after school has left the state. There is just nothing there. Job market is abysmal compared to everywhere else I have lived, the people are depressed, the drug epidemic is worse than ever before with the heroine and meth, jobs are leaving, people are leaving...Since 1995, Parkersburg has lost 4,000 in population. When the population is only 31,000 that is a huge drop.

I'm speaking of Parkersburg only. I'm sure Morgantown does a lot better. Probably a few places in the eastern handle as well.
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Here is my question.

I am not against teachers. They are very important to society. That said, WV is one of the worst educated states in the country. Maybe the worst, I haven't checked recently. Why should there be a statewide raise when their field of expertise is so poor on the national scale?

Now that is more than just the teachers themselves, obviously. Bottom line is, let's see some better education numbers so that it warrants a raise of this magnitude.
Go be a teacher. Perhaps you can raise the bar.
My sister, brother in-law, nieces, etc. are teachers. They work 9 months out of the year and can work a summer job for additional pay, which the rest of us can't do. I've seen it many times.

We don't need the best teachers in our schools - we can't afford it - we need satisfactory teachers.
Huh??? You want average teachers. I guess you want average in your office working for you??
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I would like to see WVa make education a priority. With the legislature we elected, won't happen. I will gladly pay more at the pump or sales tax/property tax.

I would gladly pay higher taxes to see a system that keeps WVa teachers well compensated but also require them to be retrained/certified to keep the higher pay.

Everybody can argue over petty details all they want. But our only way out of this mess is education!
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I'll just say it (and my wife is a teacher in a state that pays less than WV), but it's a bad mentality. You knew the pay was shitty when you decided to give your life to it. EVERYONE in this country is struggling with bad and/or extremely expensive insurance as well. Where is the outrage from teachers about the real problem, which is too much federal/state regulation in classrooms. Which makes the job more time consuming and far less effective in actually educating kids as individuals and not robots. Private school teachers make a fraction of public school teachers and yet those kids tend to be way better off in the long run. Not a coincidence. You want to strike something, how about band together and say NO to the government overreach? So you can actually work 8 hours a day, have planning time DURING THOSE HOURS, and go home and enjoy your families. Unless it's just all about the bottom line, in which case you made a mistake in career choice from the start and expect everyone else to pay for it. As always, regulation is the problem.

ALL that being said. This is the USA and you have every right to go get what you want....just don't expect sympathy. Everyone else is busting their ass to feed their families too. Difference is, if they don't like their pay, they ask for a raise. If they don't get it, they can either find another job or suck it up.
I have high cost Obamacare. The local radio gave the history of WV teacher pay and benfits this past week. PEIA was offered up decades ago in place of teacher pay raises. The teachers accepted the low cost insurance benefit in place of teacher pay. Now they want both. They said it, I didn't
Wait, the problem that low cost insurance is not low cost anymore. When a cook at a school will have to start writing a check back to the state for healthcare we have a problem.
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Ask Manchin he supported Charter Schools as Governor right?
Most Charter schools a dumpster fire in Ohio. Poor teacher pay and lack of student resources in lieu of big time pay for private owners of the school. Careful what you wish for.
I'll just say it (and my wife is a teacher in a state that pays less than WV), but it's a bad mentality. You knew the pay was shitty when you decided to give your life to it. EVERYONE in this country is struggling with bad and/or extremely expensive insurance as well. Where is the outrage from teachers about the real problem, which is too much federal/state regulation in classrooms. Which makes the job more time consuming and far less effective in actually educating kids as individuals and not robots. Private school teachers make a fraction of public school teachers and yet those kids tend to be way better off in the long run. Not a coincidence. You want to strike something, how about band together and say NO to the government overreach? So you can actually work 8 hours a day, have planning time DURING THOSE HOURS, and go home and enjoy your families. Unless it's just all about the bottom line, in which case you made a mistake in career choice from the start and expect everyone else to pay for it. As always, regulation is the problem.

ALL that being said. This is the USA and you have every right to go get what you want....just don't expect sympathy. Everyone else is busting their ass to feed their families too. Difference is, if they don't like their pay, they ask for a raise. If they don't get it, they can either find another job or suck it up.

Not all private school students are better off. There are good ones and not so good ones. The reason why there are good ones should be obvious.
Tried to stay out of this one, but you really are just embarrassing yourself at this point.

I don’t know how I’ll sleep at night after reading your supremely uninformed post. Don’t say teachers only work nine months when it’s not close to the truth.

I don’t pretend to know the compensation structure for engineers or pharmacists, so I don’t speak out about what they do or don’t deserve and what they should do if they don’t feel they’re being offered a fair wage. If a segment of them choose to strike, you won’t see a public outcry where the entire public feels they all have expert opinions. However, somehow everyone is an expert on public education and they act like the money for these raises is coming directly from their bankroll and therefore, they’re entitled to make decisions for educators.

Even with a 5% raise, that barely covers the recent PEIA cost increases. People are acting like these educators are asking massive pay bump, when that simply is factually inaccurate.
I don’t know how I’ll sleep at night after reading your supremely uninformed post. Don’t say teachers only work nine months when it’s not close to the truth.

I don’t pretend to know the compensation structure for engineers or pharmacists, so I don’t speak out about what they do or don’t deserve and what they should do if they don’t feel they’re being offered a fair wage. If a segment of them choose to strike, you won’t see a public outcry where the entire public feels they all have expert opinions. However, somehow everyone is an expert on public education and they act like the money for these raises is coming directly from their bankroll and therefore, they’re entitled to make decisions for educators.

Even with a 5% raise, that barely covers the recent PEIA cost increases. People are acting like these educators are asking massive pay bump, when that simply is factually inaccurate.
How much % rise happened with PEIA?

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