On one hand I think about some of the great teachers I had, how hard they worked, and how big of an impact they made. They deserve at minimum a 5% raise.
But then I also think about some of the worthless teachers I had. Didn’t care about students, didn’t care about teaching, they just wanted to show up, go through a lesson and then get the hell out of dodge. I don’t want those people to even be employed let alone get a pay raise.
It’s a fine line, and tenure / needing to basically murder someone to get fired as a teacher has not incentivized these teachers to get any better. Is a 5% raise going to make them work harder or care more?
I’m all for finding a way to give them the pay raise or help offset the costs of their insurance, but don’t take away the concept of charter schools and initiatives like that away unless you’re going to show me a way to weed out the losers plaguing our school system today.
I graduated from St. Albans High School and while I was there I believe we had three guidance counselors at the time. Between myself and my close group of friend I want to say around 15 of us went on to graduate from college that I talk to on a regular basis. You know how many of those 15 ever spoke to a guidance counselor ONCE about where they wanted to attend college, what they wanted to focus on, have they applied for scholarships, etc? None of us. The system in place currently is broken and it really sucks for the good teachers out there that need to be making about double what they currently are because of how big on an impact they make.
Unrelated side note
Anyone that tries to downplay having summers off or act like it’s not that big of a deal is FOS. I bet if you polled 99% of teachers what is their favorite thing about being a teacher (other than getting to teach children) they would almost all say getting the summer off. And if they want to work during the summer and make another 8-10k then their income becomes around 55k for the year. That’s pretty damn good in WV.