West Virginia starting the reopening process on Monday

Easy old timer, I’ve been working, had a lot of conference calls this afternoon. A lot of things frustrate me, but you and your MAGA buddies aren’t one of them.....
checking out your options to vacation in Venezuela? I hear it's nice.....except for the socialism, death, starvation, slavery, rape, murder, etc....or you get all that in Chicago and save a bunch
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Well this thread lit up (again) rather quickly lol....
Seems to be a lot of unnecessary knives being thrown about all over the damn joint.

Just here to shout out to my buds @WVRON , @jerzac , and @Cavaleer ....hope to see ya'll soon and enjoy some brews, Crown (Peach I am bringin), and Shine (I'm an Apple Pie kinda guy) at the tailgate...border opening in June,....I can feel it!!! Yezir! :flyingwv:

Maybe you and the wife will need a summer trip to Motown! Or maybe get a bunch of us together and rent a couple cabins in Bruceton. Have us a hillbilly hoe down! Lol!
checking out your options to vacation in Venezuela? I hear it's nice.....except for the socialism, death, starvation, slavery, rape, murder, etc....or you get all that in Chicago and save a bunch

If I was a socialist or a liberal or even a Democrat, this might bother me. Since I am a
moderate Republican and Never Trumper, it does nothing for me....think George Conway, Lincoln Project, that’s me.

I am a proponent of liberating Venezuela, I have many friends who fled the country. Unfortunately, Trump ****ed that up as well....

Chicago is a rough town these days....agree with you there.
think George Conway, Lincoln Project

I’m also a moderate Republican, but those guys annoy me worse than liberals. The latter can’t help it, you guys are just stubborn and would rather lose with but think you’re liked and respected than win the gutter fight the left started taking us down in 04. And make no mistake, the left has no use for you all either.
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I’m also a moderate Republican, but those guys annoy me worse than liberals. The latter can’t help it, you guys are just stubborn and would rather lose with but think you’re liked and respected than win the gutter fight the left started taking us down in 04. And make no mistake, the left has no use for you all either.

No, I just have no respect for DJT the man. None. You can choose to follow who you want, but he has hijacked the party and made it something that disgusts me.

I am American first and foremost, I vote my conscience and belief, not my party.
No, I just have no respect for DJT the man. None. You can choose to follow who you want, but he has hijacked the party and made it something that disgusts me.

I am American first and foremost, I vote my conscience and belief, not my party.
I didn’t vote for him in 2016 either. I wrote in Reagan. I can’t stand to listen to him speak. Stepping back and seeing the actual policy being accomplished, he’s done more for the traditional conservative causes than anyone in my lifetime. He also woke the party up to the very real threat we’re facing in this country from the far left which is what’s driving progressive policy these days. If the left was even remotely concerned with compromise or working towards the center, I might have a different opinion.

Looking strictly at policy, he’s more than earned my vote for 2020. I’d still rather listen to psyop loops for 14 hours than him talk.
I didn’t vote for him in 2016 either. I wrote in Reagan. I can’t stand to listen to him speak. Stepping back and seeing the actual policy being accomplished, he’s done more for the traditional conservative causes than anyone in my lifetime. He also woke the party up to the very real threat we’re facing in this country from the far left which is what’s driving progressive policy these days. If the left was even remotely concerned with compromise or working towards the center, I might have a different opinion.

Looking strictly at policy, he’s more than earned my vote for 2020. I’d still rather listen to psyop loops for 14 hours than him talk.

Evan McMullin for me on my GA ballot.

I see things differently than you, who we put into office locally and statewide has more direct influence on our day to day lives, whether we believe that or not.

IMO the role of President is to work with Congress to better position this country for the people and for future generations of people....this is what our system was founded on, tribalism has change us in that regard, it really has and that is not what is best for this country or our people. It’s okay to think progressively as long as we are responsible, you either adapt and change or you fade...that’s a fact.

There are countries in the world that are enjoying what they see, the fabric and soul of this country being ripped apart....people like @TIREPUNK call me a socialist or a liberal because I don’t believe what he does....our enemies want this.....
Evan McMullin for me on my GA ballot.

I see things differently than you, who we put into office locally and statewide has more direct influence on our day to day lives, whether we believe that or not.

IMO the role of President is to work with Congress to better position this country for the people and for future generations of people....this is what our system was founded on, tribalism has change us in that regard, it really has and that is not what is best for this country or our people. It’s okay to think progressively as long as we are responsible, you either adapt and change or you fade...that’s a fact.

There are countries in the world that are enjoying what they see, the fabric and soul of this country being ripped apart....people like @TIREPUNK call me a socialist or a liberal because I don’t believe what he does....our enemies want this.....
We don’t see things that differently. I just got tired of compromise being my brand of politics always making the concessions and the left pulling us further and further away from center all the while demonizing me. I geared up for the fight and am all in now to hold the line. It’s time the left learns about compromise for a while.
There aren’t enough white men-without college degrees to carry him this time around.....
Have to love the notion that uneducated people are voting for him. It’s almost like there was this really awesome candidate opposing him and people blindly went with Trump because of a campaign slogan. Hilary? Biden? Trump talks to much. Tweets too much. And overall is far from a good guy, but look at our pathetic choices for presidency
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Have to love the notion that uneducated people are voting for him. It’s almost like there was this really awesome candidate opposing him and people blindly went with Trump because of a campaign slogan. Hilary? Biden? Trump talks to much. Tweets too much. And overall is far from a good guy, but look at our pathetic choices for presidency

You are 100% right....the numbers proved it as well. In a WaPo/ABC poll on 11/2/2016 Trump out positioned Clinton with registered voters when asked this question: Which candidate do you find more honest and trustworthy.......Trump 46% and Clinton 38%

What you said above was seen in those numbers on 11/2 which ultimately proved true.

Do you know what those numbers say now??
You are 100% right....the numbers proved it as well. In a WaPo/ABC poll on 11/2/2016 Trump out positioned Clinton with registered voters when asked this question: Which candidate do you find more honest and trustworthy.......Trump 46% and Clinton 38%

What you said above was seen in those numbers on 11/2 which ultimately proved true.

Do you know what those numbers say now??
Until the election day comes I wouldn’t put too much stock in any poll. I know you’ve got perfectly legitimate reasons for disliking Trump but he’s done a ton for us economically and righting the wrongs of past tenures regarding trade policy. He seems to be decisive regarding plans to keep the train rolling and unless Biden can put a pretty strong platform together I don’t see anything changing.
Until the election day comes I wouldn’t put too much stock in any poll. I know you’ve got perfectly legitimate reasons for disliking Trump but he’s done a ton for us economically and righting the wrongs of past tenures regarding trade policy. He seems to be decisive regarding plans to keep the train rolling and unless Biden can put a pretty strong platform together I don’t see anything changing.

Who pays the tariffs on Chinese imports? I'm getting pretty tired of hearing that particular lie go unchallenged day after day.
Who pays the tariffs on Chinese imports? I'm getting pretty tired of hearing that particular lie go unchallenged day after day.
Consumers do.

However, it’s part of a broader strategy to make the cost of doing business in a communist country using sweatshop labor less palatable in the hopes of moving production somewhere else or having an alternate means of production start up.

American corporations took a huge business risk setting up manufacturing and production in a communist nation which also happens to be our chief adversary. If I owned something there, I’d be looking to move it the hell out as soon as I could. This thing with China is only getting started. We’re on a collision course for war with them, finally.
Yes, my response was appropriate. Here is the thing, I have been around here long enough to know the game. I have my own beliefs and opinions, so I share them here, yes. Do I disagree with other posters and their positions, yes, but I never push my opinions or beliefs on anyone....I simply disagree.

What angers me the most about DJT other than the fact that he is a pathological liar, is the fact that he is a bully. He likes to throw punches and tell women to “be quiet” but he can’t take the heat when it comes back..

Go look at your likes from your post, it’s the same guys, you guys are the same, you like to come hot but when it comes back it’s whoa, whoa, what about civil decency.....

As straight up stupid as some people are, I would never tell them to not reproduce.....only an uneducated hill jack says that....

You should not reproduce.
Who pays the tariffs on Chinese imports? I'm getting pretty tired of hearing that particular lie go unchallenged day after day.
Yeah, I tried to mention that a couple times but no one seems to understand we dont actually get paid in tariffs. I gave up.
Consumers do.

However, it’s part of a broader strategy to make the cost of doing business in a communist country using sweatshop labor less palatable in the hopes of moving production somewhere else or having an alternate means of production start up.

American corporations took a huge business risk setting up manufacturing and production in a communist nation which also happens to be our chief adversary. If I owned something there, I’d be looking to move it the hell out as soon as I could. This thing with China is only getting started. We’re on a collision course for war with them, finally.
I'm also tired of people blaming china for AMERICAN companies moving their business there. There are a lot of things you can rightfully be angry at China for but this one is 100% on American businesses.
Yeah, I tried to mention that a couple times but no one seems to understand we dont actually get paid in tariffs. I gave up.

I'm also tired of people blaming china for AMERICAN companies moving their business there. There are a lot of things you can rightfully be angry at China for but this one is 100% on American businesses.
Nowhere in my post was I blaming China for the decision of American businesses moving there.
Regarding George Conway, if I have nothing good to say about him, you know. The only thing that leaves me to say is I would do his wife. I love intelligent, attractive women. JMHO. Does that really create a need for someone to bash her? That would be so petty.
Until the election day comes I wouldn’t put too much stock in any poll. I know you’ve got perfectly legitimate reasons for disliking Trump but he’s done a ton for us economically and righting the wrongs of past tenures regarding trade policy. He seems to be decisive regarding plans to keep the train rolling and unless Biden can put a pretty strong platform together I don’t see anything changing.

I am going to state this again, not to change your mind, but to try to educate. For 18-years I have made my money and feed my family from sales. I sell franchises to small business owners. Tip of the spear with regards to the economy and all of the complex and environmental factors that affect this machine daily. I started my career selling as the economy was still healing from the dot-com crisis and 9/11. I survived the Great Depression of 09, in part because of the gas boom that was happening in WV and PA, I did many hotels deals in both states because of the needs from the gas industry during that time. Now, I am doing the same through this crisis, where both hotels and restaurants have been essentially decimated. Why do I share this? I share this because in order to survive you have to understand the economy and ebs and flows, the strengths and weaknesses to plan and position, to strategize growth and funding plans. We do this by engaging with both lending institutions and their analytical divisions along with economists to better understand the ebs and flows.

Trump has been very pro-economy and has made moves to enhance and protect it, no doubt and kudos to him for doing this. His job. The truth is, when he says HE created the greatest economy in the history of the world and continues to say it over and over at his rallies and on TV for self gratification and political purposes, this isn’t true. Yes, the economy was very strong. Yes, he juiced the economy to CONTINUE what was already a fundamentally sound economy. Our economy is a complex machine and the biggest, most important factors to the success of our economy......the consumers and the workers.....US! Presidents have taken credit for the success of the economy for a century or more, but the fact is, they have very limited actual control of it...

The difference between DJT and other past Presidents, is that he doesn’t just take credit for the success of the economy, he says he created it......that’s a lie! It’s not true!

Take credit for not ****ing it up, but don’t lie to people saying you created it! That in itself is a slap in the face to every small business owner, worker and consumer in this nation.
No, you gotta blame our leadership at the time for allowing it.
Free market/free trade. The tariffs are what an administration does to curb the desire. That assumes a reciprocal relationship and with China, that isn’t the case. They freeze us out of sections of their market, manipulate currency, steal IP, etc.

And as we’ve seen in the COVID response, at least early on anyway, the supply line being hijacked due to China being shutdown and sourcing for their needs. Couple with as a nation we’d put so much of our manufacturing there, it created a black swan that I think opened some eyes about the dangers of being too reliant on a communist nation.
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Free market/free trade. The tariffs are what an administration does to curb the desire. That assumes a reciprocal relationship and with China, that isn’t the case. They freeze us out of sections of their market, manipulate currency, steal IP, etc.

And as we’ve seen in the COVID response, at least early on anyway, the supply line being hijacked due to China being shutdown and sourcing for their needs. Couple with as a nation we’d put so much of our manufacturing there, it created a black swan that I think opened some eyes about the dangers of being too reliant on a communist nation.

At least you guys understand and admit that we the people are paying the cost of the tariffs, most do not because they hear Trump say that China pays them. In reality, the biggest sub group affected by a large portion of the trade war with China is Trumps base. They are the largest consumer base for the products in stores like WalMart and Dollar General...

100% agree with what you said regarding manufacturing. This event should now scare the shit out of everyone in our country, we need to control our own pharmaceutical supply lines along with more medical supplies and technology components. This needs to change immediately or else we will be beholden to our enemies forever....
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I thought we were all Mountaineers. This COVID shit is bringing out the worst of our opinions on this forum. I wish we could go back to when we all just cared about each other's questions and input about WVU sports on this forum. I mean we have people calling out others who work with their hands for a living. This state and country was founded by hard working men and women. To call them names and put down hard work is just plain ignorant. By the way the guy who was called out by a fellow Mountaineer is actually a good guy I know who has a family, works hard, is very intelligent, and makes six figures. People judging each other and shit talking should be on the OT board where it is expected and freely accepted. Damn people, we are supposed to be on the same side here. Keep your religion, political affiliations, and elitist attitudes to yourselves. Can't judge a book by it's cover brothers. You guys are hurting @Vernon 's business and you need to stop.
Regarding George Conway, if I have nothing good to say about him, you know. The only thing that leaves me to say is I would do his wife. I love intelligent, attractive women. JMHO. Does that really create a need for someone to bash her? That would be so petty.

Except she uses her intelligence to spin reality and traverse the grey areas of ethical behavior. I sure she is exceptional of convincing a guy with a little cock, that not only is his cock big and beautiful, it’s great, the best ever. No cock compares.....but if that turns you on, enjoy brother!
I am going to state this again, not to change your mind, but to try to educate. For 18-years I have made my money and feed my family from sales. I sell franchises to small business owners. Tip of the spear with regards to the economy and all of the complex and environmental factors that affect this machine daily. I started my career selling as the economy was still healing from the dot-com crisis and 9/11. I survived the Great Depression of 09, in part because of the gas boom that was happening in WV and PA, I did many hotels deals in both states because of the needs from the gas industry during that time. Now, I am doing the same through this crisis, where both hotels and restaurants have been essentially decimated. Why do I share this? I share this because in order to survive you have to understand the economy and ebs and flows, the strengths and weaknesses to plan and position, to strategize growth and funding plans. We do this by engaging with both lending institutions and their analytical divisions along with economists to better understand the ebs and flows.

Trump has been very pro-economy and has made moves to enhance and protect it, no doubt and kudos to him for doing this. His job. The truth is, when he says HE created the greatest economy in the history of the world and continues to say it over and over at his rallies and on TV for self gratification and political purposes, this isn’t true. Yes, the economy was very strong. Yes, he juiced the economy to CONTINUE what was already a fundamentally sound economy. Our economy is a complex machine and the biggest, most important factors to the success of our economy......the consumers and the workers.....US! Presidents have taken credit for the success of the economy for a century or more, but the fact is, they have very limited actual control of it...

The difference between DJT and other past Presidents, is that he doesn’t just take credit for the success of the economy, he says he created it......that’s a lie! It’s not true!

Take credit for not ****ing it up, but don’t lie to people saying you created it! That in itself is a slap in the face to every small business owner, worker and consumer in this nation.
The parsing of a never-Trumper is unlike any I’ve witnessed before following politics. You guys turn yourselves into pretzels in order to not allow praise for him. You all are more passionate in your hatred of him than liberals are. It’s impressive.
Except she uses her intelligence to spin reality and traverse the grey areas of ethical behavior. I sure she is exceptional of convincing a guy with a little cock, that not only is his cock big and beautiful, it’s great, the best ever. No cock compares.....but if that turns you on, enjoy brother!
You’ve met my wife?
I thought we were all Mountaineers. This COVID shit is bringing out the worst of our opinions on this forum. I wish we could go back to when we all just cared about each other's questions and input about WVU sports on this forum. I mean we have people calling out others who work with their hands for a living. This state and country was founded by hard working men and women. To call them names and put down hard work is just plain ignorant. By the way the guy who was called out by a fellow Mountaineer is actually a good guy I know who has a family, works hard, is very intelligent, and makes six figures. People judging each other and shit talking should be on the OT board where it is expected and freely accepted. Damn people, we are supposed to be on the same side here. Keep your religion, political affiliations, and elitist attitudes to yourselves. Can't judge a book by it's cover brothers. You guys are hurting @Vernon 's business and you need to stop.

Then tell your buddy from Glendale that when he hit me with the “don’t ever reproduce” line, which he did again today, then I will come back at him personally. That’s how this works. We are all adults and can debate. If Vernon wants to shut that down, this is his business and we will all respect that. But until then, man up.....and say something to your boy instead of whining about my dirty finger nail comment.....I’m a steel mill kid....
I am going to state this again, not to change your mind, but to try to educate. For 18-years I have made my money and feed my family from sales. I sell franchises to small business owners. Tip of the spear with regards to the economy and all of the complex and environmental factors that affect this machine daily. I started my career selling as the economy was still healing from the dot-com crisis and 9/11. I survived the Great Depression of 09, in part because of the gas boom that was happening in WV and PA, I did many hotels deals in both states because of the needs from the gas industry during that time. Now, I am doing the same through this crisis, where both hotels and restaurants have been essentially decimated. Why do I share this? I share this because in order to survive you have to understand the economy and ebs and flows, the strengths and weaknesses to plan and position, to strategize growth and funding plans. We do this by engaging with both lending institutions and their analytical divisions along with economists to better understand the ebs and flows.

Trump has been very pro-economy and has made moves to enhance and protect it, no doubt and kudos to him for doing this. His job. The truth is, when he says HE created the greatest economy in the history of the world and continues to say it over and over at his rallies and on TV for self gratification and political purposes, this isn’t true. Yes, the economy was very strong. Yes, he juiced the economy to CONTINUE what was already a fundamentally sound economy. Our economy is a complex machine and the biggest, most important factors to the success of our economy......the consumers and the workers.....US! Presidents have taken credit for the success of the economy for a century or more, but the fact is, they have very limited of actual control of it...

The difference between DJT and other past Presidents, is that he doesn’t just take credit for the success of the economy, he says he created it......that’s a lie! It’s not true!

Take credit for not ****ing it up, but don’t lie to people saying you created it! That in itself is a slap in the face to every small business owner, worker and consumer in this nation.

You could argue semantics until you are blue in the face but his EPA deregulation sent the oil and gas business into overdrive. Now, he didn't necessarily create a great economy out of thin air, it takes untapped natural resources which we had plenty of because Obama was content to let foreign countries import resources in while the American worker sat on the sidelines. Trump came in and the job market for skilled and unskilled labor went through the roof, more so than it has at any point since maybe the early 80s. Trump made it profitable for businesses to actually do business.

He says he created the economy and he also says he didn't do it alone. He gives credit to not only policy makers but American citizens. Again, you don't like the guy and that's cool but I don't think we are sitting in the same spot as we were 2 months ago with Hillary or Bernie as President.
The parsing of a never-Trumper is unlike any I’ve witnessed before following politics. You guys turn yourselves into pretzels in order to not allow praise for him. You all are more passionate in your hatred of him than liberals are. It’s impressive.

That’s surprising from someone who I assume saw combat. Following competent and trustworthy leaders is important. Or at least my buddies who served have told me that...

You could argue semantics until you are blue in the face but his EPA deregulation sent the oil and gas business into overdrive. Now, he didn't necessarily create a great economy out of thin air, it takes untapped natural resources which we had plenty of because Obama was content to let foreign countries import resources in while the American worker sat on the sidelines. Trump came in and the job market for skilled and unskilled labor went through the roof, more so than it has at any point since maybe the early 80s. Trump made it profitable for businesses to actually do business.

He says he created the economy and he also says he didn't do it alone. He gives credit to not only policy makers but American citizens. Again, you don't like the guy and that's cool but I don't think we are sitting in the same spot as we were 2 months ago with Hillary or Bernie as President.

Fracking and the the natural gas boom took off in the Obama years. Specifically in North Dakota, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Texas had a head start. I assume this is the industry you are now in? I am a supporter of the industry and America controlling our own destiny..

I’m curious, where do you live? I have to keep remembering that we are all subjective based on where we live. For instance, all the things you say above that Trump has done, has been happening in Atlanta since the Olympics. Maybe not the same in Southern WV obviously and I need to understand that....
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..Take credit for not ****ing it up, but don’t lie to people saying you created it! That in itself is a slap in the face to every small business owner, worker and consumer in this nation.

If you watched the briefing from yesterday, he said he and 325 million Americans created it. So, he did give everyone credit. Now, I won't disagree that he toots his own horn but so did Barack "you didn't build that" Obama and I imagine pretty much every POTUS before him. It's not unique to Trump. He says he does it because the main stream media won't, and there is a lot of truth to that (you can google the media's not really up for debate these days).

I get it that you are a "Never Trump" guy. That is your right. That does not make you right though. Far from it. We all have differences of opinion man. When you think about it though, I bet we all agree on more than we disagree with aside from politics and religion. Wish we could all accentuate those mutually agreed upon aspects and learn to better accept the differences. Not saying just and others like me too. We all have been part of the problem to one extent or the other. We all can be part of the solution too.
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That’s surprising from someone who I assume saw combat. Following competent and trustworthy leaders is important. Or at least my buddies who served have told me that...

Fracking and the the natural gas boom took off in the Obama years. Specifically in North Dakota, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Texas had a head start. I assume this is the industry you are now in? I am a supporter of the industry and America controlling our own destiny..
No I'm not in it now. I was in the auto racing business in the Obama years and it was an extreme struggle. We relied on the middle class worker and they weren't working. I moved on to a different career but I still keep tabs on that sector as it is all around me.
If you watched the briefing from yesterday, he said he and 325 million Americans created it. So, he did give everyone credit. Now, I won't disagree that he toots his own horn but so did Barack "you didn't build that" Obama and I imagine pretty much every POTUS before him. It's not unique to Trump. He says he does it because the main stream media won't, and there is a lot of truth to that (you can google the media's not really up for debate these days).

I get it that you are a "Never Trump" guy. That is your right. That does not make you right though. Far from it. We all have differences of opinion man. When you think about it though, I bet we all agree on more than we disagree with aside from politics and religion. Wish we could all accentuate those mutually agreed upon aspects and learn to better accept the differences. Not saying just and others like me too. We all have been part of the problem to one extent or the other. We all can be part of the solution too.

I agree with what you say for the most part, but when you tell me it’s my right to believe what I want but then tell me I am far from being right. That’s just a backhanded way to tell me I’m wrong and you are right.

Your defense of DJT is funny......poor him!

Tell Mark Meadows to continue to allow his daily press briefings.....
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Of course not. In an effort to respond with more civility than is around here lately, I'll try to state my opinion clearly and courteously: No clear or guided federal response is his fault. Leading the entire nation with an overt political agenda, and not as one America, is his fault. A lack of preparation and defunding our pandemic response is his fault. Pitting state against state to bid on life saving medical equipment on an open market is his fault. Contradicting and misleading statements to the public, while a leader should be factual and calming is his fault. Acting like a child at the podium almost ever single day is his fault. Demanding "thank you" and public praise if you want help for your state is his fault. Those are just a few of the things with this crisis I consider his fault. And my 3 gifs were simply his own words with the date of the statements. Take it as you will.

I can only reason you posted that question to me because you think all of us who wouldn't ever vote for the man believe everything is his fault. Or maybe it's like many on here, broadly labeling liberals with the 'tard moniker and RNC talking points. Maybe it's just bait, stereotypes taking over, or witty cleverness that I'm not picking up on. I'm not going to assume, as I hope you wouldn't about me.

There are some things I actually give him credit for, even in this crisis. But it's pretty useless trying to have discussions on anything but WVU sports around here, without the venom and pack mentality taking over. And, like most of us on here, I hope we can all get back to talking WVU and not politics in the near future. It's poisoned this board and turned it into something like I've never seen in the past 20 years.
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That’s surprising from someone who I assume saw combat. Following competent and trustworthy leaders is important. Or at least my buddies who served have told me that...

Fracking and the the natural gas boom took off in the Obama years. Specifically in North Dakota, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Texas had a head start. I assume this is the industry you are now in? I am a supporter of the industry and America controlling our own destiny..

I’m curious, where do you live? I have to keep remembering that we are all subjective based on where we live. For instance, all the things you say above that Trump has done, has been happening in Atlanta since the Olympics. Maybe not the same in Southern WV obviously and I need to understand that....
I did, and I still work in the industry. I spend quite a bit of time running around the Middle East and have for about 2 decades. I can tell you, I have a lot more faith in DJT as CinC than I did the last administration. The main reason in because he flowed delegation back to down to combatant commanders and allowed for tactical decision making on the ground. That wasn’t the case with the last administration. His administration’s policies and the directives he allowed Chaos to roll with is 100% the reasoning behind how quickly we crushed the caliphate.

I’m very pleased with his handling of Iran. I can also say definitively that he repaired relations with the Saudis. I love what he did with Israel and moving the embassy. I think it sent a clear message to the PLO, Damascus, and Tehran that Israel will forever be an ally and that they’re there to stay. We recognize their rightful and legitimate claim to the holy city. His overall Middle East policy is exactly what I think was needed.

Im still trying to figure out what the last guy was attempting. Talk about a fustercluck.