West Virginia starting the reopening process on Monday

I did, and I still work in the industry. I spend quite a bit of time running around the Middle East and have for about 2 decades. I can tell you, I have a lot more faith in DJT as CinC than I did the last administration. The main reason in because he flowed delegation back to down to combatant commanders and allowed for tactical decision making on the ground. That wasn’t the case with the last administration. His administration’s policies and the directives he allowed Chaos to roll with is 100% the reasoning behind how quickly we crushed the caliphate.

I’m very pleased with his handling of Iran. I can also say definitively that he repaired relations with the Saudis. I love what he did with Israel and moving the embassy. I think it sent a clear message to the PLO, Damascus, and Tehran that Israel will forever be an ally and that they’re there to stay. We recognize their rightful and legitimate claim to the holy city. His overall Middle East policy is exactly what I think was needed.

Im still trying to figure out what the last guy was attempting. Talk about a fustercluck.

My cousin’s husband is in your line of work as well. We agree on everything you laid out above. One of the best decisions I think he made was with Mattis. At least he got everything you outlined back into play....
I agree with what you say for the most part, but when you tell me it’s my right to believe what I want but then tell me I am far from being right. That’s just a backhanded way to tell me I’m wrong and you are right.

Your defense of DJT is funny......poor him!

Tell Mark Meadows to continue to allow his daily press briefings.....

When I wrote "Far from it" I was referring to the fact that just because something is your right does not mean that you are in the right for doing it. It was not meant to convey that you were more in the wrong. So, your whole premise was faulty. I actually think that happens a lot. Folks, myself included, misconstruing written word. It's probably a large part of why we entrench. We read something which we perceive is egregious to our side when in reality, the intent was very different.

Now, I wasn't defending the President. I was simply stating facts that he did include all Americans, and that I get his reasons for giving himself props. Not saying he goes about it the way I would, but he got elected doing just that. Maybe, just maybe, he is a smarter man than I, or you, may be.
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Trump has been very pro-economy and has made moves to enhance and protect it, no doubt and kudos to him for doing this. His job. The truth is, when he says HE created the greatest economy in the history of the world and continues to say it over and over at his rallies and on TV for self gratification and political purposes, this isn’t true. Yes, the economy was very strong. Yes, he juiced the economy to CONTINUE what was already a fundamentally sound economy. Our economy is a complex machine and the biggest, most important factors to the success of our economy......the consumers and the workers.....US! Presidents have taken credit for the success of the economy for a century or more, but the fact is, they have very limited actual control of it...

The difference between DJT and other past Presidents, is that he doesn’t just take credit for the success of the economy, he says he created it......that’s a lie! It’s not true!

Take credit for not ****ing it up, but don’t lie to people saying you created it! That in itself is a slap in the face to every small business owner, worker and consumer in this nation.

Your description of the President's effect on the economy is pretty damn good. Their effect is often overstated by everyone (themselves, parties, media, etc). I always laughed at the people who claimed Bush policies resulted Clinton's strong economy citing it took several years for the policies to have an impact. Similarly, all the D-bags who claimed the economy under Trump sucked then in February, when they could no longer perpetuate the lie with a straight face, began arguing over who takes credit for its strength resulting in Obama's tweet 2 months ago. The President has some influence, albeit overstated. Also, the people's confidence in the President regarding the economy helps too.

As a salesman, you know about puffery. Trump's public game is puffery while you and everyone else who hates him take it literally. No one on the planet, other than hate-filled people looking to attack him, think he actually created the economy or pretended that he did. We know he wasn't even live when it was created.
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Your description of the President's effect on the economy is pretty damn good. Their effect is often overstated by everyone (themselves, parties, media, etc). I always laughed at the people who claimed Bush policies resulted Clinton's strong economy citing it took several years for the policies to have an impact. Similarly, all the D-bags who claimed the economy under Trump sucked then in February, when they could no longer perpetuate the lie with a straight face, began arguing over who takes credit for its strength resulting in Obama's tweet. The President has some influence, albeit overstated. Also, the people's confidence in the President regarding the economy helps too.

As a salesman, you know about puffery. Trump's public game is puffery while you and everyone else who hates him take it literally. No one on the planet, other than hate-filled people looking to attack him, think he actually created the economy or pretended that he did. We know he wasn't even live when it was created.

holy Shit! where in the hell have you been?
Then tell your buddy from Glendale that when he hit me with the “don’t ever reproduce” line, which he did again today, then I will come back at him personally. That’s how this works. We are all adults and can debate. If Vernon wants to shut that down, this is his business and we will all respect that. But until then, man up.....and say something to your boy instead of whining about my dirty finger nail comment.....I’m a steel mill kid....
Being the son of a retired Mill worker myself I admire the hard working men and women. Surprised you would make fun of people like you father. I always enjoyed your takes on sports. Looking forward to those days again.
My cousin’s husband is in your line of work as well. We agree on everything you laid out above. One of the best decisions I think he made was with Mattis. At least he got everything you outlined back into play....
Why did it not work out with Mattis? I figured he'd be in that spot as long as Trump was in office.
Being the son of a retired Mill worker myself I admire the hard working men and women. Surprised you would make fun of people like you father. I always enjoyed your takes on sports. Looking forward to those days again.

It’s all good. My dad, two uncles, both grandfathers and one cousin forgive me....
I think Trump’s volatility and changing strategy mid stream on several issues didn’t sit well.
I can see that. I didn't see Mattis as the type to be very patient. He seemed like the "shoot first, ask questions later" type, which was needed at the time.
Record low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics. Several record highs on the NYSE. Energy friendly policies which made the U.S. the number one oil producing country in the world. The beginning of the construction of our southern border wall to attempt to protect our country from illegal immigration and the flow of drugs and human trafficking. Yep, Trump seems like a “horrible mistake”.

I’m not going to belittle anyone for the political beliefs and opinions. We all believe something. But to deny the good Trump has done while ignoring the failures of the previous administration is pure political bias and not rational thinking. Imagine if Obama had been scrutinized and every word taken out of context by a lying a deceitful media. It’s disheartening that many Americans are rooting against our President. I didn’t like Obama and thought he was the worst President in my lifetime but I can honestly say I never rooted against him to fail. It’s my hope that we all become more tolerant of each other’s political views and root for what’s best for America and mankind. Life is short my brothers and sisters. Peace, love and pass me another beer.

The Unemployment rate when President Obama took office was 7.8%, when he left office it was whittled down to 4.8%, which represented a massive 38.5% decrease in the unemployment rate during his term in office. The Dow was at 7,949 when he took office, it was at 19,827 when he left. That's a 150% increase in the Dow during his term. You may also recall that Bush openly admitted that he didn't care where bin laden was during his term. Under Obama's watch, bin laden was hunted down like a dog, killed and the Republicans acted like it didn't happen. How about Trump's tax cut? Billionaire's now pay 2.6% less under Trumps plan. The fact of the matter is that Obama was indeed scrutinized just as much if not more than Trump has been. The big difference: He's intelligent as opposed to being an idiot.
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I can see that. I didn't see Mattis as the type to be very patient. He seemed like the "shoot first, ask questions later" type, which was needed at the time.
Chaos was a god warrior. Basically the living embodiment of Aries.
Your description of the President's effect on the economy is pretty damn good. Their effect is often overstated by everyone (themselves, parties, media, etc). I always laughed at the people who claimed Bush policies resulted Clinton's strong economy citing it took several years for the policies to have an impact. Similarly, all the D-bags who claimed the economy under Trump sucked then in February, when they could no longer perpetuate the lie with a straight face, began arguing over who takes credit for its strength resulting in Obama's tweet 2 months ago. The President has some influence, albeit overstated. Also, the people's confidence in the President regarding the economy helps too.

As a salesman, you know about puffery. Trump's public game is puffery while you and everyone else who hates him take it literally. No one on the planet, other than hate-filled people looking to attack him, think he actually created the economy or pretended that he did. We know he wasn't even live when it was created.

Puffery is a good word. Trump is a liar and a blusterer, he does it because it makes him feel good and because a large portion of his base believe everything that he says as truth. Last night, I was sitting and watching the ATLANTA news with my parents and one of the segments was talking about increased poisonings in GA. There are people actually drinking disinfectant cocktails....that is so sad to me.

Also, a quick lesson about my world. I sell franchisees, the franchise industry is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission, it’s like selling a stock. There are legal disclosures and timelines to protect investors and business people at all times. As a sales professional in this business, you cannot lie, because you and your company can be held legally responsible. DJT lies about everything all the time. Doesn’t seem right to me.
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Puffery is a good word. Trump is a liar and a blusterer, he does it because it makes him feel good and because a large portion of his base believe everything that he says as truth. Last night, I was sitting and watching the ATLANTA news with my parents and one of the segments was talking about increased poisonings in GA. There are people actually drinking disinfectant cocktails....that is so sad to me.

Also, a quick lesson about my world. I sell franchisees, the franchise industry is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission, it’s like selling a stock. There are legal disclosures and timelines to protect investors and business people at all times. As a sales professional in this business, you cannot lie, because you and your company can be held legally responsible. DJT lies about everything all the time. Doesn’t seem right to me.
I think a lot of it is hyping. Regardless, I don’t pay much attention to it and focus on what actually is done. I don’t need the media hot takes, just the data and I can form my own opinion. And on the issues that matter to me, he’s done a great job.

If people are indeed drinking bleach, we’re better off as a species that they are.
Then tell your buddy from Glendale that when he hit me with the “don’t ever reproduce” line, which he did again today, then I will come back at him personally. That’s how this works. We are all adults and can debate. If Vernon wants to shut that down, this is his business and we will all respect that. But until then, man up.....and say something to your boy instead of whining about my dirty finger nail comment.....I’m a steel mill kid....
Seriously......don't reproduce.
Puffery is a good word. Trump is a liar and a blusterer, he does it because it makes him feel good and because a large portion of his base believe everything that he says as truth. Last night, I was sitting and watching the ATLANTA news with my parents and one of the segments was talking about increased poisonings in GA. There are people actually drinking disinfectant cocktails....that is so sad to me.

Also, a quick lesson about my world. I sell franchisees, the franchise industry is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission, it’s like selling a stock. There are legal disclosures and timelines to protect investors and business people at all times. As a sales professional in this business, you cannot lie, because you and your company can be held legally responsible. DJT lies about everything all the time. Doesn’t seem right to me.

selling for profit has an element of deception in spite of what is legal. There are no saints here.
The Unemployment rate when President Obama took office was 7.8%, when he left office it was whittled down to 4.8%, which represented a massive 38.5% decrease in the unemployment rate during his term in office. The Dow was at 7,949 when he took office, it was at 19,827 when he left. That's a 150% increase in the Dow during his term. You may also recall that Bush openly admitted that he didn't care where bin laden was during his term. Under Obama's watch, bin laden was hunted down like a dog, killed and the Republicans acted like it didn't happen. How about Trump's tax cut? Billionaire's now pay 2.6% less under Trumps plan. The fact of the matter is that Obama was indeed scrutinized just as much if not more than Trump has been. The big difference: He's intelligent as opposed to being an idiot.

The real numbers can be found by looking at the large number of part time jobs Obama created versus the number of full time jobs Trump created. Also, after 8 years in office Obama’s gross domestic product grew by only 1.6 percent and Trump has doubled that to 3.2 percent in only three years. I imagine it will grow much more during his second term, especially if the Republicans gain control of the house as I expect they will. Also 83% of American taxpayers got a tax deduction. I’m very middle class and I got one. Personally I’m in favor of a flat tax. And lastly to call a man an idiot who ran and won against a slew of lifelong politicians for his parties nomination and then to defeat the shady DNC and the Clinton political machine with 90% of the media working for them is truly astonishing. It takes a smart individual to pull off such a feat. And aside from Trumps strong economical policies and his “America first” mantra his ability to troll the liberals is perhaps my favorite thing about him.
Not much to disagree with there.

No one is going to listen to anyone who spews crazy nonsense like this. How do you expect someone to take you seriously? The scary part is you actually believe it.

I am amazed you have these paragraphs in the same post.
I really wish it was crazy nonsense... Look at the number of calls to 911 from people who actually are trying cocktails or asking if it is OK to inject or inhale these chemicals... That is crazy. I would be all good if he would just leave these briefings to the medical professionals... Some people actually believe every word out of his mouth...
Puffery is a good word. Trump is a liar and a blusterer, he does it because it makes him feel good and because a large portion of his base believe everything that he says as truth. Last night, I was sitting and watching the ATLANTA news with my parents and one of the segments was talking about increased poisonings in GA. There are people actually drinking disinfectant cocktails....that is so sad to me.

Also, a quick lesson about my world. I sell franchisees, the franchise industry is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission, it’s like selling a stock. There are legal disclosures and timelines to protect investors and business people at all times. As a sales professional in this business, you cannot lie, because you and your company can be held legally responsible. DJT lies about everything all the time. Doesn’t seem right to me.

“DJT lies about everything all the time”. Mmmmkay. Lmao!!
I think a lot of it is hyping. Regardless, I don’t pay much attention to it and focus on what actually is done. I don’t need the media hot takes, just the data and I can form my own opinion. And on the issues that matter to me, he’s done a great job.

If people are indeed drinking bleach, we’re better off as a species that they are.
Anyone who couldn’t tell the disinfectant thing was a joke definitely needs natural selection.
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The real numbers can be found by looking at the large number of part time jobs Obama created versus the number of full time jobs Trump created. Also, after 8 years in office Obama’s gross domestic product grew by only 1.6 percent and Trump has doubled that to 3.2 percent in only three years. I imagine it will grow much more during his second term, especially if the Republicans gain control of the house as I expect they will. Also 83% of American taxpayers got a tax deduction. I’m very middle class and I got one. Personally I’m in favor of a flat tax. And lastly to call a man an idiot who ran and won against a slew of lifelong politicians for his parties nomination and then to defeat the shady DNC and the Clinton political machine with 90% of the media working for them is truly astonishing. It takes a smart individual to pull off such a feat. And aside from Trumps strong economical policies and his “America first” mantra his ability to troll the liberals is perhaps my favorite thing about him.
I’m a fan of a flat tax myself. We will never see it.
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I really wish it was crazy nonsense... Look at the number of calls to 911 from people who actually are trying cocktails or asking if it is OK to inject or inhale these chemicals... That is crazy. I would be all good if he would just leave these briefings to the medical professionals... Some people actually believe every word out of his mouth...
OR MAYBE.....Libtards are calling the poison control centers (unnecessarily) because everyone knows the media is pushing the narrative. BTW, if someone believes inhaling or injecting lysol is a good idea, well.......DARWIN.
The real metric I would like to see is how many hospitilizations/treatments for inhaling and especially injecting lysol there have been. won't see that stat on CNN.
There is no way anyone could say Trump was being serious unless they have an agenda. It was the closest thing to a smile I've ever seen from him answering a question.
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Also, after 8 years in office Obama’s gross domestic product grew by only 1.6 percent and Trump has doubled that to 3.2 percent in only three years. I imagine it will grow much more during his second term, especially if the Republicans gain control of the house as I expect they will.

Your GDP statement is absolutely false. Here are the numbers. Trump = 2.4, 2.9 and 2.3 for 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively.


You think trump will get a second term and you think Republicans will take back the House - that is f'ucking hilarious! You trumpers are so "woke." LMAO!
Your GDP statement is absolutely false. Here are the numbers. Trump = 2.4, 2.9 and 2.3 for 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively.


You think trump will get a second term and you think Republicans will take back the House - that is f'ucking hilarious! You trumpers are so "woke." LMAO!
Best of luck with Sleepy Predator Joe! Lmao!
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Alright! EVERYONE back to their caves to live in isolation! We cannot afford for one more person to ever be infected again. God help us if the vaccine doesn't work 100% of the time.

Casey has been a dumb ass for a long time.
There is no way anyone could say Trump was being serious unless they have an agenda. It was the closest thing to a smile I've ever seen from him answering a question.
You guys are missing the point.... Even if he was kidding (which I do not believe) there are those who take his word as gospel. I have no proof how many actually tried something crazy as that. All I know is that people were calling 911(actually poison control centers) asking about it.

I do not see any smile. He is looking and speaking to the medical professionals.
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You guys are missing the point.... Even if he was kidding (which I do not believe) there are those who take his word as gospel. I have no proof how many actually tried something crazy as that. All I know is that people were calling 911(actually poison control centers) asking about it.

I do not see any smile. He is looking and speaking to the medical professionals.
Any chance those calling are doing so to drum up a story? Haven’t seen any actual medically sourced stories to back that up. That seems far more likely. The lady in AZ who’s husband drank fish tank cleaner has been charged with murder.

For as much shit as you all talk about the idiocy of Trump supporters, you all are the ones actually buying into the theory that Trump told people to ingest disinfectants. Yet, Trump supporters are the morons. Mmmmmkay. Someone must be hotboxing the bubble with the bomb ass jazz cabbage.
You guys are missing the point.... Even if he was kidding (which I do not believe) there are those who take his word as gospel. I have no proof how many actually tried something crazy as that. All I know is that people were calling 911(actually poison control centers) asking about it.

I do not see any smile. He is looking and speaking to the medical professionals.

He was dead serious (pardon the pun). He was as serious as when he said "he was hearing good things about Frederick Douglas" and when he said "we took control of the airports during the Revolutionary War."