West Virginia starting the reopening process on Monday

Who cares if someone is liberal or conservative? I have many friends that are both. Maybe each side should try listening to the other without name calling or degrading them for their views.
Not much to disagree with there.

You must be talking about DT. The one who is so afraid of standing up to his good friend PUTIN. I bet he is sucking his thumb right now worried about his other dictator friend KIM too.
If everyone listened to him we would all be dead. Everyone inhale Lysol and inject bleach. That'll work, right Doctor's!!!
No one is going to listen to anyone who spews crazy nonsense like this. How do you expect someone to take you seriously? The scary part is you actually believe it.

I am amazed you have these paragraphs in the same post.
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I give you guys mad credit and respect
@Flaeer @TimWVU01 @TIREPUNK @ThatNehlenFeelin

You are staunch in your beliefs and fight hard to impose your will and belief on others....

Just like the Arab Division of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.....those mother****ers were straight up cult staunch in their beliefs and fought ferociously to their deaths.....
Please.....please.....don't reproduce.
Some good and sensible posts here....I truly believe for the sake of the country and for the party, more people need to start owning up to the fact that Trump was a horrible mistake and he is incapable of leading any nation, let alone the greatest free nation in the history of the world....I believe if this isn’t done soon, the GOP as a party will no longer exist as many of us know it and may not see power again for a generation.....

Time to start owning up....
My god, you have something far worse than Covid-19......T.D.S. You should seek help immediately. I haven't seen many recover. Bless your little heart (& mind).
Some good and sensible posts here....I truly believe for the sake of the country and for the party, more people need to start owning up to the fact that Trump was a horrible mistake and he is incapable of leading any nation, let alone the greatest free nation in the history of the world....I believe if this isn’t done soon, the GOP as a party will no longer exist as many of us know it and may not see power again for a generation.....

Time to start owning up....

Record low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics. Several record highs on the NYSE. Energy friendly policies which made the U.S. the number one oil producing country in the world. The beginning of the construction of our southern border wall to attempt to protect our country from illegal immigration and the flow of drugs and human trafficking. Yep, Trump seems like a “horrible mistake”.

I’m not going to belittle anyone for the political beliefs and opinions. We all believe something. But to deny the good Trump has done while ignoring the failures of the previous administration is pure political bias and not rational thinking. Imagine if Obama had been scrutinized and every word taken out of context by a lying a deceitful media. It’s disheartening that many Americans are rooting against our President. I didn’t like Obama and thought he was the worst President in my lifetime but I can honestly say I never rooted against him to fail. It’s my hope that we all become more tolerant of each other’s political views and root for what’s best for America and mankind. Life is short my brothers and sisters. Peace, love and pass me another beer.
Record low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics. Several record highs on the NYSE. Energy friendly policies which made the U.S. the number one oil producing country in the world. The beginning of the construction of our southern border wall to attempt to protect our country from illegal immigration and the flow of drugs and human trafficking. Yep, Trump seems like a “horrible mistake”.

I’m not going to belittle anyone for the political beliefs and opinions. We all believe something. But to deny the good Trump has done while ignoring the failures of the previous administration is pure political bias and not rational thinking. Imagine if Obama had been scrutinized and every word taken out of context by a lying a deceitful media. It’s disheartening that many Americans are rooting against our President. I didn’t like Obama and thought he was the worst President in my lifetime but I can honestly say I never rooted against him to fail. It’s my hope that we all become more tolerant of each other’s political views and root for what’s best for America and mankind. Life is short my brothers and sisters. Peace, love and pass me another beer.
I mean you're probably going to get angry about this but there is quite a bit that is inaccurate about what your saying. A few points, we haven't begun construction on a new wall unless you count repairs to old walls or models for inspection. Also even of we do build the wall the vast majority, VAST majority of drugs dont go through areas where a wall would have anh effect on them. For starters. Also striving to be the number 1 oil producing country in the world shouldn't be our goal. Advancing technology so we no longer need to be dependent on oil, coal, etc. should be the goal. You either advance or you die/get left behind. Also a side note, I never understood why every day people always point to the stock exchange highs as an example of how great the country is doing? You may have made money off of stocks but the majority Americans do not. The majority of money in stocks is made by the companies and the already very wealthy.
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I mean you're probably going to get angry about this but there is quite a bit that is inaccurate about what your saying. A few points, we haven't begun construction on a new wall unless you count repairs to old walls or models for inspection. Also even of we do build the wall the vast majority, VAST majority of drugs dont go through areas where a wall would have anh effect on them. For starters. Also striving to be the number 1 oil producing country in the world shouldn't be our goal. Advancing technology so we no longer need to be dependent on oil, coal, etc. should be the goal. You either advance or you die/get left behind. Also a side note, I never understood why every day people always point to the stock exchange highs as an example of how great the country is doing? You may have made money off of stocks but the majority Americans do not. The majority of money in stocks is made by the companies and the already very wealthy.

Yes we have been replacing old, ineffective walls thus far and the plan is to have completed an additional 450 miles of wall by the end of this year with new wall being constructed near the Rio Grand Valley. And it is true that drugs don’t flow in where walls are, thus the need for more walls.

What advancing technology has made coal and natural gas obsolete? None that I know of yet or the foreseeable future thus living in the time we are being the worlds leader in oil production is huge! I mean do you want to be dependent on the Saudis or Russia for oil?

And although I don’t own stocks outside of my 401K portfolio me and many other Americans benefitted greatly from the stock market surges. That was until the Chinese Virus was sent our way. And even if I didn’t make a penny directly from the stock surge the economy as a whole benefited immensely thus the record unemployment lows. The country is so many aspects is in much better hands now than ever before. I’m looking forward to the conservatives taking back Congress, keeping the Senate and another four years of President Trump as I see even greater things for our country. That’s my opinion based on results of the first term. Hate if you want and believe what you want. It’s a FREE country. At least as long as we stick to our core beliefs and we don’t ever go down the road of socialism and we continue to put America first.
I mean you're probably going to get angry about this but there is quite a bit that is inaccurate about what your saying. A few points, we haven't begun construction on a new wall unless you count repairs to old walls or models for inspection. Also even of we do build the wall the vast majority, VAST majority of drugs dont go through areas where a wall would have anh effect on them. For starters. Also striving to be the number 1 oil producing country in the world shouldn't be our goal. Advancing technology so we no longer need to be dependent on oil, coal, etc. should be the goal. You either advance or you die/get left behind. Also a side note, I never understood why every day people always point to the stock exchange highs as an example of how great the country is doing? You may have made money off of stocks but the majority Americans do not. The majority of money in stocks is made by the companies and the already very wealthy.
It depends on the stocks or funds involved. I was doing pretty good until this deal happened.

Where I am crime is the biggest barometer of the economy. Bad economy, lots of petty crimes. Good economy, no crime.
Record low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics. Several record highs on the NYSE. Energy friendly policies which made the U.S. the number one oil producing country in the world. The beginning of the construction of our southern border wall to attempt to protect our country from illegal immigration and the flow of drugs and human trafficking. Yep, Trump seems like a “horrible mistake”.

I’m not going to belittle anyone for the political beliefs and opinions. We all believe something. But to deny the good Trump has done while ignoring the failures of the previous administration is pure political bias and not rational thinking. Imagine if Obama had been scrutinized and every word taken out of context by a lying a deceitful media. It’s disheartening that many Americans are rooting against our President. I didn’t like Obama and thought he was the worst President in my lifetime but I can honestly say I never rooted against him to fail. It’s my hope that we all become more tolerant of each other’s political views and root for what’s best for America and mankind. Life is short my brothers and sisters. Peace, love and pass me another beer.
He was......Fox News.
Yes we have been replacing old, ineffective walls thus far and the plan is to have completed an additional 450 miles of wall by the end of this year with new wall being constructed near the Rio Grand Valley. And it is true that drugs don’t flow in where walls are, thus the need for more walls.

What advancing technology has made coal and natural gas obsolete? None that I know of yet or the foreseeable future thus living in the time we are being the worlds leader in oil production is huge! I mean do you want to be dependent on the Saudis or Russia for oil?

And although I don’t own stocks outside of my 401K portfolio me and many other Americans benefitted greatly from the stock market surges. That was until the Chinese Virus was sent our way. And even if I didn’t make a penny directly from the stock surge the economy as a whole benefited immensely thus the record unemployment lows. The country is so many aspects is in much better hands now than ever before. I’m looking forward to the conservatives taking back Congress, keeping the Senate and another four years of President Trump as I see even greater things for our country. That’s my opinion based on results of the first term. Hate if you want and believe what you want. It’s a FREE country. At least as long as we stick to our core beliefs and we don’t ever go down the road of socialism and we continue to put America first.
In not hating at all. I've made no secret of my feelings about the man. I was simply talking about specific things that you mentioned and I was trying to be civil about it. So I'm glad you were civil in kind. Building walls anywhere still are not going to hinder drug trafficking at all. The vast majority of drugs flow throw ports, or underground, or by private planes. Only a small amount of drugs would even be effected by a wall and even then not stopped. I never said oil and coal was obsolete, I said we should be trying to find a way to make them so. I mean come on, look at how quickly technology jumped forward from the model t to now in a very short time. Yet we are still using the same basic design for combustion engines, come on. The people who own those oil and coal are going to ride them till they die and do everything in their power to keep them at the top. Problem is, once someone somewhere dies come up with something better look out. Better hope it's an American because it is going to be a game changer. If would be better for all of us if we were actively aggressively trying to replace them.
Says the dipshit with dirt under his nails and no college degree but who makes a comment like this.....**** you bitch! Take that back to your trailer and smoke it....
WOW.....someone that works has as a laborer (with dirt under their nails) and didn't go to college is beneath you? You are what gives your kind the bad name. BTW, I bet I have a better degree than you. You sound like a triggered little troll.
Followed the idiots advice and bought a year's supply of Lysol......I should be good to go.
When is the Greenbrier opening -- what about State Parks.... need to go somewhere other than my house....
A few points, we haven't begun construction on a new wall unless you count repairs to old walls or models for inspection.
I don’t think you can really call what was there before a wall. This talking point doesn’t jive at all with reality. The old thing was basically just a vehicle barrier in vast stretches. That’s been
/being replaced.

Also even of we do build the wall the vast majority, VAST majority of drugs dont go through areas where a wall would have anh effect on them.
While drugs are a problem, I’d consider the human trafficking a much greater humanitarian concern. This will cut that down and make it harder for the cartels. Human trafficking by the cartels was on a steep incline. Stricter border security will help refocus assets strategically to better combat the drugs and human trafficking components as opposed to utilizing them for open desert. The wall is also something that wasn’t a new idea, it was actually something the previous couple of administrations promised and punted on, including President Obama.

In any event, anything that makes it more expensive for the cartels to operate is a plus. As is declaring war specifically on them. We’re able to bring to bear a lot more budget and Intel collection mechanisms we didn’t have at our disposal previously.
Also a side note, I never understood why every day people always point to the stock exchange highs as an example of how great the country is doing?
Stock growth is indicative of the health of industry, also reflected in the employment numbers.
You may have made money off of stocks but the majority Americans do not.
Literally anyone with a 401k was benefitting, and many companies offer 401k matching through their corporate stocks. If businesses are healthy, they can and we’re using the money for additional direct to employee benefits. Wage growth was also up across the targeted demographics. Internal trainings and benefits were also up. Industry driven infrastructure projects previously held were being completed which was also sprawling financial impacts in all sectors.
The majority of money in stocks is made by the companies and the already very wealthy.
And those companies were in turn growing and providing additional employment opportunities. We were at full employment, so much so that people previously left uncounted were actually coming back into the job market.

Something that wasn’t mentioned were the gains made in the small business sectors directly a result of regulatory changes ushered in by this administration. Minority small business ownership and growth were waaaaay up.
I don’t think you can really call what was there before a wall. This talking point doesn’t jive at all with reality. The old thing was basically just a vehicle barrier in vast stretches. That’s been
/being replaced.

While drugs are a problem, I’d consider the human trafficking a much greater humanitarian concern. This will cut that down and make it harder for the cartels. Human trafficking by the cartels was on a steep incline. Stricter border security will help refocus assets strategically to better combat the drugs and human trafficking components as opposed to utilizing them for open desert. The wall is also something that wasn’t a new idea, it was actually something the previous couple of administrations promised and punted on, including President Obama.

In any event, anything that makes it more expensive for the cartels to operate is a plus. As is declaring war specifically on them. We’re able to bring to bear a lot more budget and Intel collection mechanisms we didn’t have at our disposal previously.

Stock growth is indicative of the health of industry, also reflected in the employment numbers.

Literally anyone with a 401k was benefitting, and many companies offer 401k matching through their corporate stocks. If businesses are healthy, they can and we’re using the money for additional direct to employee benefits. Wage growth was also up across the targeted demographics. Internal trainings and benefits were also up. Industry driven infrastructure projects previously held were being completed which was also sprawling financial impacts in all sectors.

And those companies were in turn growing and providing additional employment opportunities. We were at full employment, so much so that people previously left uncounted were actually coming back into the job market.

Something that wasn’t mentioned were the gains made in the small business sectors directly a result of regulatory changes ushered in by this administration. Minority small business ownership and growth were waaaaay up.
I appreciate what you are saying but these people just hate Trump and more broadly...America, Democracy, and capitalism. Simple as that. Reasoning is not possible with this crowd.
@Darrin class of 1989 I know you mentioned recently how all American presidents were respected but get a load of this shit. You can’t tell me Obama isn’t one of the most disrespected presidents in American history for several reasons. I’ve seen people call the former First Lady an ape, man etc. Just disrespectful shit all around.

The office should be respected no matter what party resides there. Never said all were respected. Obviously that's not the case.

Side note...I do not condone calling the former first lady that either (although I will say the current one is one heck of an upgrade).

Wish we could all be much more respectful of each other's beliefs.
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Says the dipshit with dirt under his nails and no college degree but who makes a comment like this.....**** you bitch! Take that back to your trailer and smoke it....

My gosh man, was this response warranted?

And to call out someone for not having a degree? Should someone with two degrees look down on those with just one? Those with a doctorate down on those with "only" a masters?

Holding a degree does not make one a better human being any more than graduating from Harvard would make you a better man than a WVU alum.

By the way, not all those without college degrees live in trailers you know. There's this guy named Bill Gates that happens to come to mind for one.

Good grief we need to inject some decency into our replies.
My gosh man, was this response warranted?

And to call out someone for not having a degree? Should someone with two degrees look down on those with just one? Those with a doctorate down on those with "only" a masters?

Holding a degree does not make one a better human being any more than graduating from Harvard would make you a better man than a WVU alum.

By the way, not all those without college degrees live in trailers you know. There's this guy named Bill Gates that happens to come to mind for one.

Good grief we need to inject some decency into our replies.
I hurt dedhoop24 pretty bad in this thread and he is lashing out in frustration. Stage 4 TDS...there is no stage 5.

My gosh man, was this response warranted?

And to call out someone for not having a degree? Should someone with two degrees look down on those with just one? Those with a doctorate down on those with "only" a masters?

Holding a degree does not make one a better human being any more than graduating from Harvard would make you a better man than a WVU alum.

By the way, not all those without college degrees live in trailers you know. There's this guy named Bill Gates that happens to come to mind for one.

Good grief we need to inject some decency into our replies.

Well spoken. I would trade my criminal justice degree for a certification in HVAC repair, Electrician, and several other high paying trades. The guy that checks out my home heating and cooling started at $52,000 once he became certified. Many with BA degrees are very underemployed. Tell a potential employer about your political science or sociology degree and be prepared to be asked what else you've got. Everyone who wants a degree should get one but skilled laborers and techs are in very high demand. As far as someone's value as a person, I understand that is pretty well set by age 5 or 6.
My gosh man, was this response warranted?

And to call out someone for not having a degree? Should someone with two degrees look down on those with just one? Those with a doctorate down on those with "only" a masters?

Holding a degree does not make one a better human being any more than graduating from Harvard would make you a better man than a WVU alum.

By the way, not all those without college degrees live in trailers you know. There's this guy named Bill Gates that happens to come to mind for one.

Good grief we need to inject some decency into our replies.

Yes, my response was appropriate. Here is the thing, I have been around here long enough to know the game. I have my own beliefs and opinions, so I share them here, yes. Do I disagree with other posters and their positions, yes, but I never push my opinions or beliefs on anyone....I simply disagree.

What angers me the most about DJT other than the fact that he is a pathological liar, is the fact that he is a bully. He likes to throw punches and tell women to “be quiet” but he can’t take the heat when it comes back..

Go look at your likes from your post, it’s the same guys, you guys are the same, you like to come hot but when it comes back it’s whoa, whoa, what about civil decency.....

As straight up stupid as some people are, I would never tell them to not reproduce.....only an uneducated hill jack says that....

Yes, my response was appropriate. Here is the thing, I have been around here long enough to know the game. I have my own beliefs and opinions, so I share them here, yes. Do I disagree with other posters and their positions, yes, but I never push my opinions or beliefs on anyone....I simply disagree.

What angers me the most about DJT other than the fact that he is a pathological liar, is the fact that he is a bully. He likes to throw punches and tell women to “be quiet” but he can’t take the heat when it comes back..

Go look at your likes from your post, it’s the same guys, you guys are the same, you like to come hot but when it comes back it’s whoa, whoa, what about civil decency.....

As straight up stupid as some people are, I would never tell them to not reproduce.....only an uneducated hill jack says that....


Tells women to shut up? He tells everybody to shut up. I know the left loves to say he hates women though, so have at it. We will see how much he hates women when he endorses Nikki Haley in 2024, and she will win.
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Tells women to shut up? He tells everybody to shut up. I know the left loves to say he hates women though, so have at it. We will see how much he hates women when he endorses Nikki Haley in 2024, and she will win.

He will really ****ing hate women when they lead the charge in voting him out in November. There aren’t enough white men-without college degrees to carry him this time around.....
I hurt dedhoop24 pretty bad in this thread and he is lashing out in frustration. Stage 4 TDS...there is no stage 5.


Easy old timer, I’ve been working, had a lot of conference calls this afternoon. A lot of things frustrate me, but you and your MAGA buddies aren’t one of them.....
He will really ****ing hate women when they lead the charge in voting him out in November. There aren’t enough white men-without college degrees to carry him this time around.....
Cool. I know plenty of women with college degrees who’ll be voting for him. I know plenty of people who are educated minorities who’ll be voting for him as well.
Moderator, why are you allowing all of the vicious politically based venom to be spewed? People are nervous, frustrated and worried about the virus and the economy right now. Suicides are way up in many places. Many on the Blue Lot are on edge, so why has a first class WVU sports forum been allowed to degrade like this? Seems uncharacteristic to me.

Do what I do when we have bad days like today. I grab my cooler (Michelob Ultra @Keenan Cummings), my WVU chair, and walk to the end of my driveway with some gravel. I sit, drink a few cold ones and flip people the bird and throw rocks at them as they drive by......just kidding. I always tell my wife that when I’ve had a bad day.
Cool. I know plenty of women with college degrees who’ll be voting for him. I know plenty of people who are educated minorities who’ll be voting for him as well.

Yeah, i barely know anyone that wants Biden. Especially with all of the sexual assault stuff coming out and many women saying it's legit.
Cool. I know plenty of women with college degrees who’ll be voting for him. I know plenty of people who are educated minorities who’ll be voting for him as well.

Thank you for your service and providing each and every citizen the right to vote for their beliefs.
I’ve got a vested interest in this argument but the simple fact remains.....coal, oil, and natural gas will be the dominate forces in energy generation until some other source has better economics. Period. End of discussion. Better accept that fact or be angry and disappointed for the rest of your life.
Well this thread lit up (again) rather quickly lol....
Seems to be a lot of unnecessary knives being thrown about all over the damn joint.

Just here to shout out to my buds @WVRON , @jerzac , and @Cavaleer ....hope to see ya'll soon and enjoy some brews, Crown (Peach I am bringin), and Shine (I'm an Apple Pie kinda guy) at the tailgate...border opening in June,....I can feel it!!! Yezir! :flyingwv: