West Virginia starting the reopening process on Monday

And stand and fight for AMERICAN Patriots!! He NEVER ,EVER cowered like the Clintons, Bush's or Soetero to the Chicoms. He had SEVENTEEN government spy agencies tasked to him by Soetero.7 layers of corrupt ,seditious bastards in EVERY GOVERNMENT AGENCY (NOT including the ACTIVIST judges, to contend with! Unlike EVERY presiding president before him,PDJT has made and kept his promises!! (The tarrifs in the USMCA pays for the wall) And the treasonous bastards who betrayed us for generations WILL GET WHAT THE GALLOWS HAVE FOR THEM!! The ones that aren't hung for sedition against the United States,will be branded,deported and exiled for life (ALL family members included). As Michael Lavon Robinson aka Michelle said "I'm FINALLY proud of our country "..
Please take a disinfectant shot and shut the **** up.
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And stand and fight for AMERICAN Patriots!! He NEVER ,EVER cowered like the Clintons, Bush's or Soetero to the Chicoms. He had SEVENTEEN government spy agencies tasked to him by Soetero.7 layers of corrupt ,seditious bastards in EVERY GOVERNMENT AGENCY (NOT including the ACTIVIST judges, to contend with! Unlike EVERY presiding president before him,PDJT has made and kept his promises!! (The tarrifs in the USMCA pays for the wall) And the treasonous bastards who betrayed us for generations WILL GET WHAT THE GALLOWS HAVE FOR THEM!! The ones that aren't hung for sedition against the United States,will be branded,deported and exiled for life (ALL family members included). As Michael Lavon Robinson aka Michelle said "I'm FINALLY proud of our country "..
This is a ironic/sarcastic troll post right? I mean.... right?
I remember of a starting WVU center that was huge dying a few years ago from poor health. I had a 47 year old cousin drop dead while mowing his yard from a heart attack. Nevermind he was a 100 pounds overweight and smoked like a freight train. This flu isn't despite all your political desires killing the average citizen at a rate that even closely justifies these ridiculous political measures.

Bless your heart, I get why you're confused. You actually listen to him.


I have concluded based on the reactions to reopening that liberals (I kind of knew this already) are by far the biggest vaginas on the planet.. never seen more fearful people in my life. Don't want to work, want everyone to be taken care of and afraid of every damn thing.. guns, viruses, a hot day, a cold day... maybe it's a Mommy issue.. I don't know
They would be the ring leaders if it were a democratic President. They want the economy in a shitter. Only way they can beat Trump with a brain dead candidate
And stand and fight for AMERICAN Patriots!! He NEVER ,EVER cowered like the Clintons, Bush's or Soetero to the Chicoms. He had SEVENTEEN government spy agencies tasked to him by Soetero.7 layers of corrupt ,seditious bastards in EVERY GOVERNMENT AGENCY (NOT including the ACTIVIST judges, to contend with! Unlike EVERY presiding president before him,PDJT has made and kept his promises!! (The tarrifs in the USMCA pays for the wall) And the treasonous bastards who betrayed us for generations WILL GET WHAT THE GALLOWS HAVE FOR THEM!! The ones that aren't hung for sedition against the United States,will be branded,deported and exiled for life (ALL family members included). As Michael Lavon Robinson aka Michelle said "I'm FINALLY proud of our country "..
Nobody is going to be hung. Republicans are against pollution too.
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I can tell you with absolute certainty that EVERYONE is NOT going to die
And also opening up with restrictions and going full steam ahead are two different things

But But Hillary....but but Obama......but but Democrats....but but but but.......How about he is a moron.
That’s the problem. Our choice was between two morons, and in November it will be the same choice. The lesser of two evils was the American election then and now.
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That’s the problem. Our choice was between two morons, and in November it will be the same choice. The lesser of two evils was the American election then and now.[/QUOTE]

As the great Matt Parker and Trey Stone once said. "But Stan, it's always between a giant douche and a turd sandwich."
And stand and fight for AMERICAN Patriots!! He NEVER ,EVER cowered like the Clintons, Bush's or Soetero to the Chicoms. He had SEVENTEEN government spy agencies tasked to him by Soetero.7 layers of corrupt ,seditious bastards in EVERY GOVERNMENT AGENCY (NOT including the ACTIVIST judges, to contend with! Unlike EVERY presiding president before him,PDJT has made and kept his promises!! (The tarrifs in the USMCA pays for the wall) And the treasonous bastards who betrayed us for generations WILL GET WHAT THE GALLOWS HAVE FOR THEM!! The ones that aren't hung for sedition against the United States,will be branded,deported and exiled for life (ALL family members included). As Michael Lavon Robinson aka Michelle said "I'm FINALLY proud of our country "..

@Darrin class of 1989 I know you mentioned recently how all American presidents were respected but get a load of this shit. You can’t tell me Obama isn’t one of the most disrespected presidents in American history for several reasons. I’ve seen people call the former First Lady an ape, man etc. Just disrespectful shit all around.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that EVERYONE is NOT going to die

And I can tell you with absolute certainty that we are all going to die. There is only a 1% chance nationwide that COVID 19 will even be a contributing factor but we will in fact all face death. We do not know how, when, where or why but we will. And it's OK. So let's live until it happens, instead of being on home confinement without an ankle bracelet. Please don't take offense, I know what you meant.
And I can tell you with absolute certainty that we are all going to die. There is only a 1% chance nationwide that COVID 19 will even be a contributing factor but we will in fact all face death. We do not know how, when, where or why but we will. And it's OK. So let's live until it happens, instead of being on home confinement without an ankle bracelet. Please don't take offense, I know what you meant.

14 For death comes to us all, and we are like water drained out on the earth, which it is not possible to take up again; and God will not take away the life of the man whose purpose is that he who has been sent away may not be completely cut off from him.
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Moderator, why are you allowing all of the vicious politically based venom to be spewed? People are nervous, frustrated and worried about the virus and the economy right now. Suicides are way up in many places. Many on the Blue Lot are on edge, so why has a first class WVU sports forum been allowed to degrade like this? Seems uncharacteristic to me.
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I’m still patient to give it 3 more weeks. But by around May 20th, time to start opening things up. Those very old and/or have compromised immunize systems should stay the course, nothing changes for them. They stay home as much as possible and self isolate. And that includes not being able to see grandchildren. So nothing changes on that front. But for everyone else? Need to get back at it while still practicing some self distancing as best as possible.
@Darrin class of 1989 I know you mentioned recently how all American presidents were respected but get a load of this shit. You can’t tell me Obama isn’t one of the most disrespected presidents in American history for several reasons. I’ve seen people call the former First Lady an ape, man etc. Just disrespectful shit all around.
In fairness, the economy was terrible, money was sent places it had no business going and we were completely lied to about the insurance package that was forced upon us. Now, the shit about Michelle being a man, well I don’t know about all that but Joan Rivers mentions it and winds up dead a couple weeks later.
In fairness, the economy was terrible, money was sent places it had no business going and we were completely lied to about the insurance package that was forced upon us. Now, the shit about Michelle being a man, well I don’t know about all that but Joan Rivers mentions it and winds up dead a couple weeks later.

The economy was headed in the gutter before he was elected and measures that were enacted during his presidency helped able a later stable economy. People forget the upward trends of the economy the last 2 years of his second term. Money was sent to places it had no business in many presidencies before his. Not disputing that. Just find it funny that people elect to bring up/ignore facts that suit their narrative. My whole point is that is it really necessary to call a former First Lady a man? Who was the last president that happened to? Sorry, just gripes me when people elect to have short term memories and ignore ALL facts about this type of stuff. Sorry, I’m done now.
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The economy was headed in the gutter before he was elected and measures that were enacted during his presidency helped able a later stable economy. People forget the upward trends of the economy the last 2 years of his second term. Money was sent to places it had no business in many presidencies before his. Not disputing that. Just find it funny that people elect to bring up/ignore facts that suit their narrative. My whole point is that is it really necessary to call a former First Lady a man? Who was the last president that happened to? Sorry, just gripes me when people elect to have short term memories and ignore ALL facts about this type of stuff. Sorry, I’m done now.

She did wear a dress tight enough it made it look like she had a penis tucked. While I do agree money has always been sent places in other presidencies I’ve never seen people struggle like in the Obama presidency and he fought oil & gas so hard. It gave so many folks good paying jobs and even unskilled labor types are doing well now.
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Is the virus his fault? Lol

Of course not. In an effort to respond with more civility than is around here lately, I'll try to state my opinion clearly and courteously: No clear or guided federal response is his fault. Leading the entire nation with an overt political agenda, and not as one America, is his fault. A lack of preparation and defunding our pandemic response is his fault. Pitting state against state to bid on life saving medical equipment on an open market is his fault. Contradicting and misleading statements to the public, while a leader should be factual and calming is his fault. Acting like a child at the podium almost ever single day is his fault. Demanding "thank you" and public praise if you want help for your state is his fault. Those are just a few of the things with this crisis I consider his fault. And my 3 gifs were simply his own words with the date of the statements. Take it as you will.

I can only reason you posted that question to me because you think all of us who wouldn't ever vote for the man believe everything is his fault. Or maybe it's like many on here, broadly labeling liberals with the 'tard moniker and RNC talking points. Maybe it's just bait, stereotypes taking over, or witty cleverness that I'm not picking up on. I'm not going to assume, as I hope you wouldn't about me.

There are some things I actually give him credit for, even in this crisis. But it's pretty useless trying to have discussions on anything but WVU sports around here, without the venom and pack mentality taking over. And, like most of us on here, I hope we can all get back to talking WVU and not politics in the near future. It's poisoned this board and turned it into something like I've never seen in the past 20 years.
The economy was headed in the gutter before he was elected and measures that were enacted during his presidency helped able a later stable economy. People forget the upward trends of the economy the last 2 years of his second term. Money was sent to places it had no business in many presidencies before his. Not disputing that. Just find it funny that people elect to bring up/ignore facts that suit their narrative. My whole point is that is it really necessary to call a former First Lady a man? Who was the last president that happened to? Sorry, just gripes me when people elect to have short term memories and ignore ALL facts about this type of stuff. Sorry, I’m done now.
Im not a fan of Trump, at all, but I have to admit that he does a lot to bring some things on to himself. With that said, Biden is bad about gaffes/racial wording the press /liberals dismiss readily. As for name calling, both sides have many folks to blame, calling a first lady names, is bad, but calling one a whore and alluding to her wanting to escape isn't exactly cool, either. With that said, which one have you heard the main stream comedians(especially those with nightly television shows) propagate more? Neither did any so called comedian appear with a "head" of the president(elect) decapitated and bloodied like DT. As far as the economy goes I agree, but the way the dems forced a few of their policies on the American people, that the bill hasn't come "due" yet in taxes needed to cover any deficiencies in the health plan. Trump has further exacerbated by allowing the younger healthy folks opt out of by not making it mandatory the "tax" for not having insurance. I am not a fan of many of the folks we have seen roll through the presidency in the past several decades. Many with both R/D in front of their names. I am not a believer in the goodness of the people in power, especially above local government, and then not many of them.
Some good and sensible posts here....I truly believe for the sake of the country and for the party, more people need to start owning up to the fact that Trump was a horrible mistake and he is incapable of leading any nation, let alone the greatest free nation in the history of the world....I believe if this isn’t done soon, the GOP as a party will no longer exist as many of us know it and may not see power again for a generation.....

Time to start owning up....
Some of you guys are too fruity to even waste the time/effort to type a detailed and informed reply. the OT is the dedicated spot for the tedious and (frankly) boring posts that at the least manipulate truths and at worst are just lies to support whichever political party you may feel obligated to back.
Some of you guys are too fruity to even waste the time/effort to type a detailed and informed reply. the OT is the dedicated spot for the tedious and (frankly) boring posts that at the least manipulate truths and at worst are just lies to support whichever political party you may feel obligated to back.

Says one of the top trolls and worst posters on this forum.....10-4!
Some good and sensible posts here....I truly believe for the sake of the country and for the party, more people need to start owning up to the fact that Trump was a horrible mistake and he is incapable of leading any nation, let alone the greatest free nation in the history of the world....I believe if this isn’t done soon, the GOP as a party will no longer exist as many of us know it and may not see power again for a generation.....

Time to start owning up....
*The following being said before the China Flu, which is obviously NOT his fault.
Lowest unemployment rate in USA history
*this is for ALL races and both sexes. Basically zero unemployment. More jobs than people
Wage growth for every income strata....
Stock market up 55% in 3 years....absolutely incredible!
401k's had exploding growth, people retiring at younger age
NO WARS!!!! Unless you count crushing ISIS, which was ...good
Rebuilt our military...started new branch in Space Force Agency
Signed new trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, and China....ones we can flourish in
Eliminated business crushing regulations.
Immigration reform & building the wall....illegal immigration way down.
Veterans finally treated with proper medical care and medical options!
Russia under the most restrictive and punishing economic sanctions....ever!
Iran and Venezuela about to collapse from crushing sanctions.
North Korea not shooting rockets off every other day.
Filling courts with Constitution constructionists, not progressive activist.
Fought, and won, against crooked Hillary-Steele Dossier, Russia Hoax, FBI, and deep state
Beat Impeachment coup attempt. (can't wait till that special prosecutor Durham gets done)

Yep, all in 3 short years....terrible leader? Only if you are a Democrat or Socialist, or both.
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Moderator, why are you allowing all of the vicious politically based venom to be spewed? People are nervous, frustrated and worried about the virus and the economy right now. Suicides are way up in many places. Many on the Blue Lot are on edge, so why has a first class WVU sports forum been allowed to degrade like this? Seems uncharacteristic to me.

It's better to let people blow off steam in one thread rather than every single thread get derailed by political BS. Not that it always works but hey I get the approach
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*The following being said before the China Flu, which is obviously NOT his fault.
Lowest unemployment rate in USA history
*this is for ALL races and both sexes. Basically zero unemployment. More jobs than people
Wage growth for every income strata....
Stock market up 55% in 3 years....absolutely incredible!
401k's had exploding growth, people retiring at younger age
NO WARS!!!! Unless you count crushing ISIS, which was ...good
Rebuilt our military...started new branch in Space Force Agency
Signed new trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, and China....ones we can flourish in
Eliminated business crushing regulations.
Immigration reform & building the wall....illegal immigration way down.
Veterans finally treated with proper medical care and medical options!
Russia under the most restrictive and punishing economic sanctions....ever!
Iran and Venezuela about to collapse from crushing sanctions.
North Korea not shooting rockets off every other day.
Filling courts with Constitution constructionists, not progressive activist.
Fought, and won, against crooked Hillary-Steele Dossier, Russia Hoax, FBI, and deep state
Beat Impeachment coup attempt. (can't wait till that special prosecutor gets done)

Yep, all in 3 short years....terrible leader? Only if you are a Democrat or Socialist, or both.

The difference between you and me, I am stating my opinion and what I believe with no further intention. You state your opinion and belief’s as fact and want others to either believe the same or agree with you. You can name and regurgitate every single rally talking point from now until Christmas and it won’t change what I know and feel about this man...

Me, I don’t care if ONE person agrees with me. I am an American first and foremost. I am also a Never-Trumper and my position is based on what I know.
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The difference between you and me, I am stating my opinion and what I believe with no further intention. You state your opinion and belief’s as fact and want others to either believe the same or agree with you. You can name and regurgitate every single rally talking point from now until Christmas and it won’t change what I know and feel about this man...

Me, I don’t care if ONE person agrees with me. I am an American first and foremost. I am also a Never-Trumper and my position is based on what I know.
Name one thing I typed that is not a fact....just one. These are not opinions. You may not like or agree with them but they are facts.
Name one thing I typed that is not a fact....just one. These are not opinions. You may not like or agree with them but they are facts.

You typed a lot of things that you and people like you consider fact. There is a difference. A lot of people drank poisoned kool-aid in Jonestown because they believed what Jim Jones told them was true......

What is a fact: A fact is a thing that is known to be consistent with objective reality and can be proven to be true with evidence. ... The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability — that is whether it can be demonstrated to correspond to experience. Standard reference works are often used to check facts.
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VA care still sucks......Wasted money on Space Force( Captain Kirk turned the Commander job down) Economy was on a steady uptick before he took office....He did do one thing....he exposed the ignorant people in the world that believes his bullshit for that I am grateful....
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You typed a lot of things that you and people like you consider fact. There is a difference. A lot of people drank poisoned kool-aid in Jonestown because they believed what Jim Jones told them was true......

What does is a fact: A fact is a thing that is known to be consistent with objective reality and can be proven to be true with evidence. ... The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability — that is whether it can be demonstrated to correspond to experience. Standard reference works are often used to check facts.
so what you are saying is you couldn't find one....gotcha. :flush:
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She did wear a dress tight enough it made it look like she had a penis tucked. While I do agree money has always been sent places in other presidencies I’ve never seen people struggle like in the Obama presidency and he fought oil & gas so hard. It gave so many folks good paying jobs and even unskilled labor types are doing well now.
and the one we have now is a porn slut what is your point?
Identity politics are a bigger virus than covid. The inability of the left to say he’s done anything right and the right to admit anything he’s done wrong is a disgrace. CNN has turned to junk and Foxnews is a straight up propaganda machine.

Do you really think your side is true and virtuous and the other side isn’t? Is it really that simple?
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Identify politics are a bigger virus than covid. The inability of the left to say he’s done anything right and the right to admit anything he’s done wrong is a disgrace. CNN has turned to junk and Foxnews is a straight up propaganda machine.

Do you really think your side is true and virtuous and the other side isn’t? Is it really that simple?

Yes ... sadly they do.
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Since this thread took a political shit dive, let me weigh in before Vernon loses it and shuts this down....

Trump is a ****in moron and the entire DNC are a bunch of corrupt, disgusting people. How any of you guys can align yourselves with either of these circus shows is beyond me.


-May Pitt eternally eat shit.
-Major 1, Pat 1a and Geno 3
-Va Tech is the worst
-Flutie never beat us
-Marvin Graves can get the 'Rona
-Mike F***ING Gansey
This thread is yet another example why people should not discuss or debate political, religious or moral beliefs. Nothing good is going to come from it and it causes much bitterness and spite. It's almost amazing that some here can agree on a favorite sports team.

How long does it go on? Until half the posters are on several ignore lists so we can't discuss and debate sports for lack of different viewpoints. I'm sure many ignore me but I don't really care. I'm not here to engage in the sh*t slinging. I don't start sh*t, I don't take sh*t and I don't give a sh*t. I am not in the sh*t business as I own no porta potties to rent out.
Comrade Putin, is that you?
You must be talking about DT. The one who is so afraid of standing up to his good friend PUTIN. I bet he is sucking his thumb right now worried about his other dictator friend KIM too.
If everyone listened to him we would all be dead. Everyone inhale Lysol and inject bleach. That'll work, right Doctor's!!!
Who cares if someone is liberal or conservative? I have many friends that are both. Maybe each side should try listening to the other without name calling or degrading them for their views.