t and I went around on this a year ago......the key aspect of this entire situation was Vegas' borderline insane $500 million new franchise fee.
The day Bill Foley signed the check his franchise was the 14th most valuable in the League (according to Forbes Magazine), With that kind of financial commitment, the League simply had to give Foley better pieces to pick from than others in the past. Maybe the pieces turned out to be a little better thjan the League realized they could be, or maybe Foley was just a little better organized (and picked better people) in building the franchise's foundation.
But what's going to be interesting to see is if Seattle (or whoever is next to enter the League) gets the same package. From what I can glean, early indicators are they will get the same deal. Of course, the current franchises will almost assuredly fight this harder than what they did with Vegas. OTOH, the entrance fee may indeed be increased from the $500 million level, which no owner (including those in Toronto, NYC, and Montreal) will argue with.