OT: Assassination attempt on Trump (moved to the Off-Topic board)

Social Media was a bad place for info before but it is a ceasepool now. So much bad information, even reposted in this thread.
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Pop-ups during basic training…lol. Was my group the only one taught to shoot low (or ignore the impact of gravity)? …the ‘dirt spray’ would score a hit.

Paper scoring is much more accurate.
Funny hearing left slanted Sunday morning tv shows stating “we need to lower the political temperature” as if they aren’t part of it.
Don't mind the temperature I hate they raised it with lies . They all knew the Russian collusion story was bullshit , they all knew the good people quote was taken waaay out of context , they all know the court hearings and convictions is bogus at best, they all knew the COVID-19 deaths and mask and "vax" was bullshit ....but they kept pushing those lies ..... people need to pay attention more to politics than sports . No I don't mind the temperature at all I mind getting lied or mislead to get it there .
I five year old with a brain could’ve understood the meaning of my post. A left slanted fool driven by hate couldn’t. Keep showing your ass Moe. It’s been a rough day for you.

Relax. You’re making a mostly decent thread…uncivilized.
WTF are you talking about? 1. It’s now off topic. 2. Your take is clownish.

I did zero wrong here and you keep showing your ass. Go the f away. Do the board a favor
WTF are you talking about? 1. It’s now off topic. 2. Your take is clownish.

I did zero wrong here and you keep showing your ass. Go the f away. Do the board a favor

Absolutely! Then they continued to come up with new lies. As 1 by 1 the original lie was debunked. Raising the bar each time
Was the "rhetoric" a problem when a plot was revealed to kidnap Michigan's governor? Or when Pelosi's husband was attacked? My point is simple: BOTH SIDES need to stop this nonsense.
Was the "rhetoric" a problem when a plot was revealed to kidnap Michigan's governor? Or when Pelosi's husband was attacked? My point is simple: BOTH SIDES need to stop this nonsense
It’s nit even close if you are trying to compare narratives pushed by the right and narratives pushed by the left. You can keep grasping at straws though
It’s nit even close if you are trying to compare narratives pushed by the right and narratives pushed by the left. You can keep grasping at straws though
Go back and read the comments before and after. Don't play stupid.
Was the "rhetoric" a problem when a plot was revealed to kidnap Michigan's governor? Or when Pelosi's husband was attacked? My point is simple: BOTH SIDES need to stop this nonsense.
Yes. You’re correct. But notice that no one is looting stores or burning cities down right now either. If it were the other way around would it be the same? That’s completely debatable.
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Yes. You’re correct. But notice that no one is looting stores or burning cities down right now either. If it were the other way around would it be the same. That’s completely debatable.
Well.....I can think of a few instances off the top of my head where government property was destroyed, and cars were driven in to crowds. Just saying.
Yes. You’re correct. But notice that no one is looting stores or burning cities down right now either. If it were the other way around would it be the same. That’s completely debatable.
So if Joe got shot in the ear you think Dems would start looting and burning? hmm
So if Joe got shot in the ear you think Dems would start looting and burning? hmm
Not necessarily but it would give the left wing nut jobs a reason. And anymore that’s all they need.
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you are a piece of shit...too bad it couldn't have been you...rot in hell
This is what is meant by lowering the temperature.

Too many people, way too many, have gotten off course. They no longer see nor live out the pledge "ONE nation, indivisible,..." There is no longer a "we" ; it's become "us" versus "them".

Far too may people identify with party rather than country. They immediately go to arms (pardon the pun) at even the slightest hint of denigration. It's all over this board and in this thread. Americans first and foremost has gone to the wayside because far too many, although adults in age, are still 5 years old in maturity and wisdom.

Posters talking of "civil war", of killing each other, as if it was a simple as it is in the movies. No remorse, no recourse, no empathy. What's worse - most of it comes from "supposed" former soldiers - whom one would think would know better. Unless of course they are nothing more than drummer boys and paper pushers in the rear echelons.

I encourage everyone to go over to Youtube and watch the American Battlefield Trust's videos they just put out about the Battle of Gettysburg. How both sides, so sure their side was in the right, slaughtered each other over 3 days. Walk in the footsteps of those soldiers into the breach of annihilation.

Sure, we'll get a few days grace period at most, by most. But, soon enough, it'll be right back to the same rhetoric, the same vitriol, the same "us" versus "them" that got us here in the first place. Back to blaming each other, wanting each other dead, literally or figuratively, over our political views.
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That seems suspect as hell. I don’t understand how that happens.
As I’ve said before, I don’t believe in coincidences - two things had to happen at once. First of all they would’ve had to miss the security on the roof, which is almost unthinkable and secondly, a would be assassin just had to bumble along and find that opportunity at the right time. I don’t buy it.
Was the "rhetoric" a problem when a plot was revealed to kidnap Michigan's governor? Or when Pelosi's husband was attacked? My point is simple: BOTH SIDES need to stop this nonsense.
I’ve been saying this for a while. I have friends and Family THAT VOTE VERY SIMILAR TO ME, and some seem to be okay with the old, “Well they started it!”

Even if I tend to agree with their sentiments, I also understand that continuing the abrasive / aggressive bullshit is less than helpful.

FWIW, with a few exceptions, this thread seems to have gone better than expected. The name calling is from some uncalled for, but not surprising.
TBH, I did wonder why he wasn’t booted and the post taken down. Speaking out of the other side of my mouth, that sentiment is out there and hiding it only ensures it will pop up somewhere else.

The depth of discourse is deep, Bennie Thompson ( Dem ranking member of homeland security committee) even introduced legislation to remove DJTs secret service protection.
There should at least be a suspension.
Not a real good comparison.

First of all, that margin was going to happen anyway, Mondale and Farraro were two horrible candidates;

Secondly, the assassination attempt was three and a half years earlier.
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That is why I believe they had the shooters location before he shot...People had alerted security when he was climbing up to the roof. I watched the clips of the shooting many times and there is NO way the sniper team could have returned fire as quickly as they did without knowing. The shooter down message came within a couple minutes.
But why did they wait until he shot first?
Not a real good comparison.

First of all, that marging was going to happen anyway, Mondale and Farraro were two horrible candidates;

Secondly, the assassination attempt was three and a half years earlier.
It’s a very good comparison. The Democrats are splintering even worse than before since the debacle at the debate. And now the Republicans will be unified after the attempted assassination.
But why did they wait until he shot first?
That’s a question I’ve asked myself. I don’t have an answer, only assumptions.

Did they think that the person on that rooftop was put there as part of the security detail and weren’t sure? I doubt it. But I can’t think of anything else unless I dove in to the conspiracy theories that everyone has already started to flood the internet since everyone is an “expert” these days on everything. If you don’t believe that, just ask them and they’ll let you know.