Nunes going beyond DOJ/FBI

But your posts mostly have no real substance. I get something from THE. Even if I don’t agree with him, I understand his thought process, and that’s good for me. I don’t see a process with you at all. Just hate for the other side.

You most certainly are entitled to your opinions, but not your own set of facts. If I could understand one thing about you it would be what makes you so superior to others or so sure of your understanding of what you think are facts vs other factual analysis or presentations that you have the constant need to belittle or dismiss anything that your either refuse to see or don't agree with?

I mean what makes you the intellectual supreme justice or arbiter of thought on this board?
You most certainly are entitled to your opinions, but not your own set of facts. If I could understand one thing about you it would be what makes you so superior to others or so sure of your understanding of what you think are facts vs other factual analysis or presentations that you have the constant need to belittle or dismiss anything that your either refuse to see or don't agree with?

I mean what makes you the intellectual supreme justice or arbiter of thought on this board?
I don’t think I’m intellectually superior to anyone on this board actually. I’m a believer in the theory of multiple intelligences. I’m just tired of your Bullsh1t.
There's more, I'm just getting started.
Wtf do you think you’re proving?

I’ve already said multiple times I have no respect for you, and the Bullsh1t you spew on here daily. I think you’re a good person, I think you are a passionate Christian, I like you are a patriotic American.

I think you are as partisan as anyone I’ve ever come across. I think most of your posts are Bullsh1t and show no real substance (notice, I even said most there). And I think you fail to live up to the standard you want to set for others.

If you think you are proving something about my disrespect - post the times it is directed towards someone other than you.
...and here's more from boomer being "respectful" and offering proper political discourse:

But your posts mostly have no real substance. I don’t see a process with you at all. Just hate for the other side.

You don’t seek political discourse. Not with posts like just seek to puke up hatred of Americans. That’s it.

I’m just sayin.....that post made no fvcking sense man. It was Bullsh1t

This post makes no sense. It’s just partisan hate filled vomit.
I think you are as partisan as anyone I’ve ever come across. I think most of your posts are Bullsh1t and show no real substance (notice, I even said most there). And I think you fail to live up to the standard you want to set for others.

How do you call all of this out on someone else and excuse yourself?

More of your rants coming....there's a lot to sift through.
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I don’t think I’m intellectually superior to anyone on this board actually.

I wish you could step back out of your ego every once in a while just to see how stupid some of the stuff you post is

Youre like the little dog that bounces around Spike — find some substance would ya

I’ll answer that foolishness with three simple questions:

your ability to discuss or debate is just horrible, imo.
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Wtf do you think you’re proving?

I’ve already said multiple times I have no respect for you, and the Bullsh1t you spew on here daily. I think you’re a good person, I think you are a passionate Christian, I like you are a patriotic American.

I think you are as partisan as anyone I’ve ever come across. I think most of your posts are Bullsh1t and show no real substance (notice, I even said most there). And I think you fail to live up to the standard you want to set for others.

If you think you are proving something about my disrespect - post the times it is directed towards someone other than you.

I'll let the other posters handle how you handle them. But I'm not alone in the way you deride those who disagree with you. They can speak for themselves, I'm dealing with how you speak to me while complaning I'm the one who is disrespectful.

More of your examples coming. You're like an oil well that keeps gushing,
Here's more of boomer being respectful and offering polite discourse when questioned:

The question my cowardice refuses (or my ignorance can’t) answer is:

“It’s the government that shoots those that politically oppose it, when they are unarmed?”

Right? That’s the glorious question I’m duckin, right?

This post makes no sense. It’s just partisan hate filled vomit.

You just keep trying to widen the divide. You’re not trying to discuss a topic.

I say, you blind, you no know what’s a going on, I post meme to make the fun

I will direct you, sir, to my original post on this Tom foolery.

Further more, my original comment claiming your post was partisan hate filled vomit - indicates that that question was Bullsh1t too

See your silly little ego laden excercise really makes no sense. Did I say I was upset with something on the subject of guns? Or are we simply lumping everyone left of center together again?

I have no respect for you, and the Bullsh1t you spew on here daily

Real respectful wouldn't you all agree?
I think he's getting to the heart of Schiff's claims that his (Nunes') memo was a "misstatement" of facts known. We have yet to hear what corroborating evidence was given to the FISA court along with that dossier, and from what we know already that dossier was well known to more folks than just the FISA court. What about the rest of what was allegedly behind that application for a warrant to spy on Trump? Everyone seems to miss that little fact into why that warrant was even issued?

Interesting questions. I love Nunes..he doesn't take any crap.
Wait til Gowdy unleashes hell on Earth! The PEDOS have now where to hide but Gitmo!! The "funny"thing is.....Gitmo is gonna be the new "Club Med" for SEVERAL thousands of pedos!! It'll be known as the "International Club Med"
more boomer being tolerant and respectful of opinions other than his own:

you don’t want to know my personal beliefs on the subject. You just want to create the “leftist” monster everyday to pin all your rage onto

By making this fictional character of political opposition, your world makes so much more sense.

Respect opposition views from individuals, speak to the person - not the other side, and stop with the “my team- your team” rhetoric.

Never said that. Just that your op was partisan vomit bs that made no sense. Your “leftist”, everybody left of center wants a communist government, can’t be Christian and left at the same time, socialist solutions mean you want a communist government generalizations are just ridiculous and getting fvcking old.

Notice how it's only my opinions that are subject to ridicule. Boomer's opinions of course are always correct. Right boom?
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I think his posting history proves that boomboom doesn't respect any of my opinions/positions. That's a very solid stance for a relativist, but he owns it like the hypocrite he is.
You have to show the FISA court that your surveillance is producing results to get approved for longer periods. They did twice. We could see that evidence to see if it’s warranted, yet I’m sure that you want to believe they went to the court with just the dossier three times
Dear God boy,you are some kind of SERIOUSLY brain cell diminished useless idiot!! THEY USED YAHOO "NEWS" AS THEIR SOURCE!! Don't you follow the "Communist News Network... surely your one of their last 1,000 " dedicated "viewer"...:joy::flushed::scream:[pfftt]
I think his posting history proves that boomboom doesn't respect any of my opinions/positions. That's a very solid stance for a relativist, but he owns it like the hypocrite he is.
So sad that the trolls aren't getting paid $$ any more to hassle American Patriots...buh bye, Tavistock...buh bye...lmao
more boomer being tolerant and respectful of opinions other than his own:

Notice how it's only my opinions that are subject to ridicule. Boomer's opinions of course are always correct. Right boom?
Oh no you didn't just "T" him up with.... tolerance!! Oh,the humanity!
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Oh no you didn't just "T" him up with.... tolerance!! Oh,the humanity!

The guy is just simply incredibly arrogant & hypocritical lenny4wvu and there is no other way to show him what he accuses in others than with his own words. Wait till you see what I'm finding of his own posts to others who dare to disagree with him? Dave, TarHeelEer, wvu2007, among others. I mean just pages and pages of insults, put downs, derisions, perjorative name calling and self assured arrogance simply because other folks express views counter to his own. Unreal.
I'll let the other posters handle how you handle them. But I'm not alone in the way you deride those who disagree with you. They can speak for themselves, I'm dealing with how you speak to me while complaning I'm the one who is disrespectful.

More of your examples coming. You're like an oil well that keeps gushing,
It gushes for you
Here's more of boomer being respectful and non partisan patiently and tolerantly responding to questions about his positions

Because you’re FOS

it’s real simple— now calm the voices in your head and really read this post:

Boy....that’s some serious wisdom there.

.oh, I know, ask your truth beacon of a President to release the FISA docs.....whoops, can’t do that cause he’s “fishing with a net” right now.

You seriously posting these three sources to a liberal as evidence?

That was his response after asking "what evidence" existed that Hillary and the Dems were spying on Trump's campaign. I linked him to stories outlining what's been discovered so far and he dismissed the articles because one was from the National Review, and one was from the Washington Free Beacon. The last one was a compilation of analysis on reporting offered by the Washington Post and Reuters. He's a Liberal, so he rejects any information that's not from the Left. Real open minded.
Dear God boy,you are some kind of SERIOUSLY brain cell diminished useless idiot!! THEY USED YAHOO "NEWS" AS THEIR SOURCE!! Don't you follow the "Communist News Network... surely your one of their last 1,000 " dedicated "viewer"...:joy::flushed::scream:[pfftt]
You realize you posted that as a response to me talking about how they had to prove the surveillance was producing in order to get renewals. If so, I don’t think anyone has seen the information produced to receive the renewals. If you’re just saying, in a general sense, that because they used yahoo as a source, all else should be dismissed. I’ll say this, I think using yahoo (even if the source wasn’t from Steele) is troubling to say the least. However, I’m not aware of the context in which it was used in the FISA app, because I haven’t seen the FISA app.
It gushes for you

I just don't understand how with a sraight face you can either accuse me of being disrespectful to you, or asking for respect of your views from either me or others on this forum when you carry on like I've been posting for the past hour or so.

You're a piece of work boom!

Anyway, the basketball game is about to come on and I'm going to watch some hoops. Maybe I'll post some more of your hypocrisy later or maybe I've made my point, but you have a serious problem with pointing out flaws in others you either don't see or can't see in yourself. Hope you don't raise your kids to act like their Dad does?

Geez....That stuff was just from today boom!
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I think his posting history proves that boomboom doesn't respect any of my opinions/positions. That's a very solid stance for a relativist, but he owns it like the hypocrite he is.
Yes. I don’t respect your views either. But you don’t constantly spew them and act like you’re being open, honest and trying to foster discussion. I respect that at least.
I think you failed

I think you see only what you want to see...I thought I was spot on simply quoting your own words. Let the board decide, just like we decided country was indeed a racist. You disagreed with that too, but you're wrong. The board disagreed with you. Guess we're all stupid huh boom?
Yes. I don’t respect your views either. But you don’t constantly spew them and act like you’re being open, honest and trying to foster discussion. I respect that at least.

Your posts prove of course you do? (act open, honest, and foster discussion?)

Oh no you didn't just "T" him up with.... tolerance!! Oh,the humanity!
I’m tolerant of many things that are in direct opposition to me. I’m not tolerant of someone lumping everyone that doesn’t agree with them into one group. It was one thing I thought conservatives on this board were justified in being disgusted some on the left consider all conservatives to be the same. I was very happy to see that isn’t true at all of conservatives. This board helped me see that....not only does atl lump everyone left of center together, he actually attributes others posts to me, and asserts that I and all others left of center have the most extreme views possible.
The guy is just simply incredibly arrogant & hypocritical lenny4wvu and there is no other way to show him what he accuses in others than with his own words. Wait till you see what I'm finding of his own posts to others who dare to disagree with him? Dave, TarHeelEer, wvu2007, among others. I mean just pages and pages of insults, put downs, derisions, perjorative name calling and self assured arrogance simply because other folks express views counter to his own. Unreal.
It is unreal
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Here's more of boomer being respectful and non partisan patiently and tolerantly responding to questions about his positions

That was his response after asking "what evidence" existed that Hillary and the Dems were spying on Trump's campaign. I linked him to stories outlining what's been discovered so far and he dismissed the articles because one was from the National Review, and one was from the Washington Free Beacon. The last one was a compilation of analysis on reporting offered by the Washington Post and Reuters. He's a Liberal, so he rejects any information that's not from the Left. Real open minded.
Just from conservative alt media. And I don’t know why you couldn’t simply state the evidence. Which doesn’t exist btw.
Just from conservative alt media. And I don’t know why you couldn’t simply state the evidence. Which doesn’t exist btw.

You probably don't even think Trump was spied on! That lie died what six months ago?
I’m tolerant of many things that are in direct opposition to me. I’m not tolerant of someone lumping everyone that doesn’t agree with them into one group. It was one thing I thought conservatives on this board were justified in being disgusted some on the left consider all conservatives to be the same. I was very happy to see that isn’t true at all of conservatives. This board helped me see that....not only does atl lump everyone left of center together, he actually attributes others posts to me, and asserts that I and all others left of center have the most extreme views possible.

I don't have time to find it right now, but I remember back in early September when you came on here ranting about "White Males, and Christians". DvlDog called you on it, and you "sort of" apologized. I'll find the thread...but lumping things together is not something you're immune to my friend. Like I said earlier, stop promoting your tolerance and other's intolerance and just check yourself.
Yes. I don’t respect your views either. But you don’t constantly spew them and act like you’re being open, honest and trying to foster discussion. I respect that at least. call him worst names than me! Who are you kidding? Brushy gets the worst of your derision. Horrible name calling. Get real boomer!

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