North Korea.......nukes........threats........


Sep 18, 2007
........nice day to play some golf, right Mr. President? I'll just leave this here for those that were critical of Obama (umm....Trump) to reap it......

Losers? He may have won, but he isn't "winning".
Yes losers......people that voted for another Presidential candidate and still cannot and will not accept the fact that Trump won. I did not vote for President Obama BUT I accepted his election victory and accepted his position as POTUS. You folks are just a miserable hate filled lot. I have never seen such vitriol as you folks have....nothing but a bunch of sheep.
Yes losers......people that voted for another Presidential candidate and still cannot and will not accept the fact that Trump won. I did not vote for President Obama BUT I accepted his election victory and accepted his position as POTUS. You folks are just a miserable hate filled lot. I have never seen such vitriol as you folks have....nothing but a bunch of sheep.

Accepted? When haven't I accepted him winning? But why isn't FoxNews calling him out for golfing during this North Korea crisis?

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