If we lose bowl game there could be a real super positive

Nova Mountaineer

Gold Member
Jul 22, 2001
I want these Mountaineers to win in the worst way - they stayed with their teammates and they are working hards - hopefully Allison will have a super game (as good as any QB in a bowl game). That's what I'm hoping for. Don't get me wrong I'm pissed at the guys who aren't playing because of the NFL thing. But getting a win is important as we being the 2019 season. As someone said earlier on the board - this is the first game of 2019 season.
HOWEVER, if we do lose (the Orange have three losses and two of them are to Clemson and Notre Dame) so a solid team. BUT if we do lose there is a positive - Dana loses a $25,000 bonus.
Took your nasty pills today, I see.
Allison isn't ready for prime time but it will help him do better next season, IF Dana doesn't bring in a transfer QB. Don't bet against it.
I want WVU to win without 3 stars. That makes it even more significant for 2019.

M agnificent Grier passes shredded Tennessee, 40-14

O verhelmed drenched Youngstown, 52-17

U nable to play North Carolina State because of Hurricane Florence

N asty defense against Kansas State, 35-6

T errific, then timid on offense against Texas Tech, 42-34

A ntsy time for fans, vs. Kansas!, 38-22

I ncomprehensible insanely indescribably inept offense against Iowa State, 14-30

N ailed Baylor, 58-14

E rectile dysfunctioned Texas on 2-point PAT, 42-41

E viscerated TCU, 47-10

R etching collapse at Oklahoma State, 41-45

S pectacular shootout but Oklahoma wins, 56-59

Let's make some Orange Crush!!!!
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Admittedly I must have gotten hold of some mean pills - just having a difficult time with the Grier thing. Not sure how
many school were lined up with offers - we took him in, even put some bucks up for a Heismen effort.
I want these Mountaineers to win in the worst way - they stayed with their teammates and they are working hards - hopefully Allison will have a super game (as good as any QB in a bowl game). That's what I'm hoping for. Don't get me wrong I'm pissed at the guys who aren't playing because of the NFL thing. But getting a win is important as we being the 2019 season. As someone said earlier on the board - this is the first game of 2019 season.
HOWEVER, if we do lose (the Orange have three losses and two of them are to Clemson and Notre Dame) so a solid team. BUT if we do lose there is a positive - Dana loses a $25,000 bonus.

Only a total a$$hole could think like that.
For better or worse, this all makes a great excuse to lose to a team we should have no business losing to.

It does create a situation where unless we get crushed, it’s not a big deal. A win would be huge.
What do people expect when they've made bowl season so convoluted and overcrowded with teams who really shouldnt be playing in a bowl, that its hard to even follow? It has taken the value of winning a bowl game away. They made the change back in the day. Bowls are now total corporate sponsorship sellouts, and its not even hidden. Its the 'Cashin-In Bowl' to these big companies. This is not Grier's fault, it the NCAA's for being so stupid that they took the value of bowl season away. Their little playoff system is lame and biased. The rest of the bowls no one cares anymore because there are simply too many. You dont even have to be a decent team to make a bowl anymore. This is not new this has been coming. Every year people care less about college bowl season. There just isnt anythint special about it now outside of the BCS bowls. Like most other things, its all about the mainstream sellout aspect and not about intrinsic value.
This Syracuse team is a product of a weak ACC they lost to every team that was good and to Pitt.
Nova, you are one sick dude thinking that anyone missing out on $25,000 would be a positive. Pretty hateful statement. Have a Merry Christmas!. Go ‘errs!
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I want these Mountaineers to win in the worst way - they stayed with their teammates and they are working hards - hopefully Allison will have a super game (as good as any QB in a bowl game). That's what I'm hoping for. Don't get me wrong I'm pissed at the guys who aren't playing because of the NFL thing. But getting a win is important as we being the 2019 season. As someone said earlier on the board - this is the first game of 2019 season.
HOWEVER, if we do lose (the Orange have three losses and two of them are to Clemson and Notre Dame) so a solid team. BUT if we do lose there is a positive - Dana loses a $25,000 bonus.
People are recruiting a 4 star dback who participated in a robbery. Do you not think people would have lined up for the Gatorade player of the year who was 6-0 at Florida ? He could have gone most anywhere. By the wsy, coaches usually donate that money. Some poor kid is losing out shithead!
I want these Mountaineers to win in the worst way - they stayed with their teammates and they are working hards - hopefully Allison will have a super game (as good as any QB in a bowl game). That's what I'm hoping for. Don't get me wrong I'm pissed at the guys who aren't playing because of the NFL thing. But getting a win is important as we being the 2019 season. As someone said earlier on the board - this is the first game of 2019 season.
HOWEVER, if we do lose (the Orange have three losses and two of them are to Clemson and Notre Dame) so a solid team. BUT if we do lose there is a positive - Dana loses a $25,000 bonus.
The fact that gibby is still on the sideline pisses me off the most more than the player no shows. We kicked Clemsons ass, Clemson got a new DC. The rest is history.
It doesn't matter if we win or lose, the season was a failure .

You are seriously lacking perspective. We actually had a pretty good season.

We’re ranked in the top 20 in both polls. Based on your criteria, the overwhelming number of our previous seasons were worse than failures.

Since 1953, we’ve been ranked in the top 16 at season’s end 8 times, so I guess you figure 88% of our seasons have been failures. I doubt many would agree with your assessment.
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There is a difference between not wanting Dana to get paid because he is underperforming versus wanting the team to underperform so Dana doesn't get paid. I have nothing against Dana personally, I just think the evidence through 8 seasons shows that it is doubtful he can coach a team to a conference title. His teams always seem to lose 1-2 games they shouldn't and/or come up lacking against the other conference title contenders. It just seems to me his teams lack the discipline to consistently play at a level to win a championship. Hence the only gripe I have about any payday he gets from WVU is that I think the program is capable of better and would rather see that money going toward something that I think has a future of helping the football program become a Big XII title contender.
You are seriously lacking perspective. We actually had a pretty good season.

We’re ranked in the top 20 in both polls. Based on your criteria, the overwhelming number of our previous seasons were worse than failures.

Since 1953, we’ve been ranked in the top 16 at season’s end 8 times, so I guess you figure 88% of our seasons have been failures. I doubt many would agree with your assessment.
If we are in it for the participation trophies then I guess we can call it a successful season, I want conference championships .I expected the sky out of this team and they barely made it above the tree tops .
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Merry Christmas!!

There are 36 bowl games this season, so basically over 70 teams made a bowl this season. For comparison, in 1990 there were 18 bowl games. In 1990, bowl season was a way bigger deal and people --fans and players alike, took it more seriously. When 70+ teams make a bowl, its not interesting at all. They may as well just add another game on the end of the regular season for everyone
What do people expect when they've made bowl season so convoluted and overcrowded with teams who really shouldnt be playing in a bowl, that its hard to even follow? It has taken the value of winning a bowl game away. They made the change back in the day. Bowls are now total corporate sponsorship sellouts, and its not even hidden. Its the 'Cashin-In Bowl' to these big companies. This is not Grier's fault, it the NCAA's for being so stupid that they took the value of bowl season away. Their little playoff system is lame and biased. The rest of the bowls no one cares anymore because there are simply too many. You dont even have to be a decent team to make a bowl anymore. This is not new this has been coming. Every year people care less about college bowl season. There just isnt anythint special about it now outside of the BCS bowls. Like most other things, its all about the mainstream sellout aspect and not about intrinsic value.

I dont think its all the NCAA , its ESPN and the gold rule " the people with the gold rule " They really want the programming.
If we are in it for the participation trophies then I guess we can call it a successful season, I want conference championships .I expected the sky out of this team and they barely made it above the tree tops .

So, I guess you thought Don Nehlen was a failure as a coach.
Anyone who wants WVU to lose so that Dana doesn't get a $25,000 bonus is classless. You want 85 kids to suffer so you can have your swarmy, petty way?

I want WVU to beat Syracuse, even with its depleted lineup. I want to see what is ahead for 2019 because the bowl game is an audition for 2019 for some of the players.

I want to enjoy another WVU game. If WVU were playing Syracuse in Mountaineer Field during the regular season I would feel the same way.

All that counts with me is that my alma mater is playing football and I get to watch.

M agnificent Grier passes shredded Tennessee, 40-14

O verhelmed drenched Youngstown, 52-17

U nable to play North Carolina State because of Hurricane Florence

N asty defense against Kansas State, 35-6

T errific, then timid on offense against Texas Tech, 42-34

A ntsy time for fans, vs. Kansas!, 38-22

I ncomprehensible insanely indescribably inept offense against Iowa State, 14-30

N ailed Baylor, 58-14

E rectile dysfunctioned Texas on 2-point PAT, 42-41

E viscerated TCU, 47-10

R etching collapse at Oklahoma State, 41-45

S pectacular shootout but Oklahoma wins, 56-59

!!! I want some Orange crushed for my New Year's Eve drink!!!!
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So, I guess you thought Don Nehlen was a failure as a coach.
Nehlen nearly won a national championship and won a conference championship in '93. Yes, his last few years were failures though. This was our best team in years and we couldn't even compete for a conference championship and finished behind Iowa State. Congrats on your perceived successful season though.
Nehlen nearly won a national championship and won a conference championship in '93. Yes, his last few years were failures though. This was our best team in years and we couldn't even compete for a conference championship and finished behind Iowa State. Congrats on your perceived successful season though.

Condolences on your unrealistic expectations. My friend, I’m afraid you’re in for a lifetime of misery and disappointment.
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Expecting to compete for conference championships is a unrealistic expectation? I hope our football program doesn't share that perspective.

We did compete, dumba$$. We were within 7 points of the conference championship, or do you consider losing games by 4 points and 3 points a non-competitive effort.
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Expecting to compete for conference championships is a unrealistic expectation? I hope our football program doesn't share that perspective.
Nehlen nearly won a national championship and won a conference championship in '93. Yes, his last few years were failures though. This was our best team in years and we couldn't even compete for a conference championship and finished behind Iowa State. Congrats on your perceived successful season though.
'Couldn't even compete' ?!? What channel you been watchin? The food network on the couch?
We did compete, dumba$$. We were within 7 points of the conference championship, or do you consider losing games by 4 points and 3 points a non-competitive effort.
Hey dumbass, you have to win those games to get to the conference championship game in order to compete and win a championship. Having our "best team in years" finish fourth in a conference we have yet to win isn't exactly described as competeing for championships.
I must have missed the big 12 championship game that we played in.
And now you're posting/pissing because you are ticked about the way this game is goin...or maybe you aren't dunno either way, the I St game was a debacle and we all knew it, yet they regrouped down the stretch, could have been better in Stillwater and gave IMO a great effort vs Sooners to try and get it done...two outstanding O's during that game, 3 points and a couple very key fumbles/brain cramps outta the QB. You wanna shit on the coaching I assume...fair enough, Dana shoulda wrapped his arms around WG and prevented the fumbleitis...smfh. Carry on...
Hey dumbass, you have to win those games to get to the conference championship game in order to compete and win a championship. Having our "best team in years" finish fourth in a conference we have yet to win isn't exactly described as competeing for championships.

Well, my illiterate friend, this might help you:

COMPETE: to strive consciously or unconsciously for an objective (such as position, profit, or a prize) : be in a state of rivalry

We’re were very competitive in the Big 12 this year.

C’mon, you can admit it now. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Well, my illiterate friend, this might help you:

COMPETE: to strive consciously or unconsciously for an objective (such as position, profit, or a prize) : be in a state of rivalry

We’re were very competitive in the Big 12 this year.

C’mon, you can admit it now. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Don't even bother to reason with him Soaring(maybe I should tell myself this) ...the agenda is obvious...either that or he is a pathetic troll...back to time for this stupidity...
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Well, my illiterate friend, this might help you:

COMPETE: to strive consciously or unconsciously for an objective (such as position, profit, or a prize) : be in a state of rivalry

We’re were very competitive in the Big 12 this year.

C’mon, you can admit it now. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Lol. Of course we were able to compete with others in an effort to win games, but that's a bit different than claiming we competed for a conference championship.

Compete: strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same.

To compete for a championship you must make the championship game, finishing fourth in the conference isn't competing for championships.
Lol. Of course we were able to compete with others in an effort to win games, but that's a bit different than claiming we competed for a conference championship.

Compete: strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same.

To compete for a championship you must make the championship game, finishing fourth in the conference isn't competing for championships.
Till the last game of the reg season sched they competed for conf was 3 points close. I know this doesnt fit your agenda but whatever...good day sir...maybe we lose tonight get you all giddy...maybe we win and you double down. Really who gives a flyin f$#k though...
Till the last game of the reg season sched they competed for conf was 3 points close. I know this doesnt fit your agenda but whatever...good day sir...maybe we lose tonight get you all giddy...maybe we win and you double down. Really who gives a flyin f$#k though...
We did not compete for the championship this year. We did not play in a game where we had a chance of winning the conference. By your standard the Bills could say they competed for the Superbowl last season .
BTW I see you there @Darth_VadEER ... been a are things down Buffalo way? Heading down there for Pens vs Sabres with our friends from Ft. Erie mid March. Current debate with em is Anchor Bar or Dinosaur BBQ...I LOVE Dinosaur, every time I've been....what's your say?
We did not compete for the championship this year. We did not play in a game where we had a chance of winning the conference. By your standard the Bills could say they competed for the Superbowl last season .
I think Darth would concur at minimum the Bills are NOT the EERS....not even close...perhaps I am wrong...doubt it though...

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