Tiger, why should anyone on this board care what you think about anything. You are an ACC fan. You have tried to disparage the conference WVU is in at every turn, with every statement, yet you think what you have to say is somehow important or regarded, and you go out of your way to try to turn people away from anything I discuss.
That's because you don't have the BIG 12s best interest at heart. You are horrified that the BIG 12 is going to adopt these changes and that will put the conference even further ahead of your conference. Maybe you are ashamed that you pushed so hard years ago to keep ACC schools like yours from moving and giving themselves better futures? Maybe you are one of those truly delusional ACC fans that fantasizes a BIG 12 giant will come to your last place conference after the imaginary break up that you and your cronies are desperate for? No matter.
You don't speak for me and no one needs you to disparage me daily to puff you and your BIG 12 hating ego up.
People can make their own decisions. They don't need you to tell them what to think or what to read or what to understand. I don't need a buddy buddy system to speak the truth or in your case to try and back up lies and misinformation. I stand on my own and could give a rats a$$ about you or your feelings.
The BIG 12 is going to meet and go over data they are now collecting and the most likely outcome will be that they will expand, create a conference network and add a CCG and grow financially even further ahead of your schools and conference. You can whine and moan about it all day and spew your $h!t at me night and day and it won't change any of it. If you dupe a few into following you along the way and hating me--that's your problem and theirs, not mine. I'll keep on correcting your b.s. as long as you spew it.
See, this is the whole problem. I do NOT disparage West Virginia or the Big 12. In fact, earlier in this very thread, I disputed the notion that the Big 12 was even in trouble in the first place.
The problem is that you read too much into comments. You think if I don't say, "The Big 12 is the most awesome conference ever!" that somehow I'm "disparaging" the Big 12 or West Virginia. I haven't said anything negative about the Big 12 or West Virginia. If you would stop twisting around my words, you would see that.
For example, I said that expanding would not bring the Big 12 more revenue. Now why did I say that? I didn't say it to be negative about the Big 12. I said it because that's my honest analysis of the situation.
-The most desirable teams are already in P5 conferences with GOR agreements
-The only teams available are mid-major schools with limited value
-The other forms of revenue (bowls, NCAA) would have to be split extra ways
-The Big 12's TV contract has the pro rata clause
-Texas is unlikely to agree to a Big 12 Network, due to the LHN.
-Other schools, such as TCU, have expressed the desire to stay at 10
-The rule change now allows the Big 12 to have a CCG
None of that is "disparaging" to West Virginia or the Big 12. It's ridiculous to think that any of these points are disparaging.
When you add all that together, it's reasonable to conclude that expansion won't happen. The problem is, you get all pissed off and go ape shit whenever I, or anyone else, points that out. Then, you respond by personally attacking whoever disagrees with you, ignoring any evidence counter to your opinion, bringing up points that are completely based on conjecture, and insisting that only one outcome is possible, regardless of facts indicating otherwise. You are not a saint, nor a victim, in this discussion.