There's no issue with anything Gee said whatsoever. Its actually some new information regarding expansion.
Here is what Gee said:
I think it has helped a lot,” (speaking of ability to have conference CCG)
“In the Big 12, it helps us in the fact that we don’t have to expand in order to be able to have a conference championship game. I think everyone is now working very hard to keep us together. I would have said maybe two years ago there was a real possibility of a disruption, but I feel that it’s much less now.”
“I think we’re a very stable league,” Gee said. “And I think that we’d only speak about expansion if it makes sense.” (they are speaking about expansion, in fact they are meeting about it according to the commissioner and others in May and June)
and this new, but important information regarding expansion:
“We’ve done all the analytics of what adding several teams would mean and what it would look like going into subdivisions,”
No problem at all with any of that--they've said that not being forced into a hurried expansion was important and that the 10 team CCG allowed for that before. But Gee also stated before re: the 10 team CCG:
“With 10 teams, it would be unwieldy,” he said. “I don’t think we could. Well, we could, but I don’t think it’s wise. It would be kind of a shotgun marriage.”
- See more at:
and here is what the article in questions WRITER said:
Gee says the Big 12 isn't looking to expand at this time. -- photo caption
One school president and two athletic directors from three different power five programs believe conference realignment and expansion is on hold. (later quote from an ACC AD, no quote from Gee on this at all)
Because the proposal was adopted, it is now playing a key role in keeping the current state of the Big 12, ACC, Big Ten, Pac-12 and SEC as is. ( not sure where this is derived from about the 10 team CCG ruling, Gee states being able to play a 10 team CCG helped alot, nowhere does he state in the article expansion is on hold because of it)
Gee also serves on the Big 12 expansion committee. At this time, the league does not have plans to move to twelve schools. (This is somewhat true, the decisions are slated for May/June meetings and this summer which hasn't changed).
The expansion committee still does research on potential future members, but none of the data is substantial enough for the league to pull the trigger on adding any new members. (again an off the wall statement attributed to nothing--as shown above, Gee didn't say this, he reportedly said QUOTE
“We’ve done all the analytics of what adding several teams would mean and what it would look like going into subdivisions,”
UNQUOTE. Not sure how you derive
"none of the data is substantial enough for the league to pull the trigger on adding any new members" from that?