Calling out Hypocrites

Being a destroyer of American democracy and being a threat to the United States and its people are vastly different.

The former is a policy, the latter is a threat to us all.
Repubs are cool with both. Trump steals our most sensitive classified documents, hides and keeps them to show to his friends and for other unknown reasons. He's a national security risk and should never be let near the White House again. This is all well documented.
First, they are virtually the same in definition. Being a "destroyer" of democracy and being a "threat" to democracy. Also, showing an image of a kidnapped POTUS in a trunk..........come on man.
I don't see that image in any different light than the images of Trump behind bars. Not ideal but both images are way below telling us Trump is a national threat to the country and its people. And I haven't even begun to mention the assassination suggestions.

They are both shitty. The left has just acted like the bigger assholes right now in this regard. They should be specifically denounced without deflection or excuses. I hope we can get back to the days of bickering over images depicting a tied-up President vs. a locked-up President, but the Left took it too far.
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Repubs are cool with both. Trump steals our most sensitive classified documents, hides and keeps them to show to his friends and for other unknown reasons. He's a national security risk and should never be let near the White House again. This is all well documented.
It's people like you that are the reason the country is a mess and unsettled.
Repubs are cool with both. Trump steals our most sensitive classified documents, hides and keeps them to show to his friends and for other unknown reasons. He's a national security risk and should never be let near the White House again. This is all well documented.

Does Judge Cannon need a Security Detail now?

I don't see that image in any different light than the images of Trump behind bars. Not ideal but both images are way below telling us Trump is a national threat to the country and its people. And I haven't even begun to mention the assassination suggestions.

They are both shitty. The left has just acted like the bigger assholes right now in this regard. They should be specifically denounced without deflection or excuses. I hope we can get back to the days of bickering over images depicting a tied-up President vs. a locked-up President, but the Left took it too far.
Yeah, kidnapping and in prison are virtually the same thing.
Repubs are cool with both. Trump steals our most sensitive classified documents, hides and keeps them to show to his friends and for other unknown reasons. He's a national security risk and should never be let near the White House again. This is all well documented.
Can you just post a link to CNN for me? I'd rather get the CNN talking points directly from CNN than you.

Thanks. lol
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No. They weren’t anonymous. They testified under oath.

And I’m pretty sure comments against Biden have been calling him a “destroyer of democracy”. What would you classify that as?
4th request

Can you provide the exact quote and conservative influential person to call for harm on Biden?

The fact you’re attempting to scream about anonymous crowd people saying stuff proves you don’t have any examples. Why? Because it’s not happening. Your weak example could easily be another libtard or FBI plant in the crowd. We wouldn’t know

Try again or stfu
4th request

Can you provide the exact quote and conservative influential person to call for harm on Biden?

The fact you’re attempting to scream about anonymous crowd people saying stuff proves you don’t have any examples. Why? Because it’s not happening. Your weak example could easily be another libtard or FBI plant in the crowd. We wouldn’t know

Try again or stfu
First, if it isn't the answer you like, you just claim (like you have already) that it is a "cover up" or "a plant" or something conspiracy related to that effect.

Would the retweet by the former POTUS showing Biden tied up and in a trunk work for you? Or is that "civil"? (Yes, he retweeted the image)

Edit: do you consider actors and musicians as “influential”? Ted Nugent?

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No question that right now the left is more responsible for political violence. The fact that there are democrats who just weeks ago proposed legislation to deny President Trump secret service protection tells you all you need to know.
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Repubs are cool with both. Trump steals our most sensitive classified documents, hides and keeps them to show to his friends and for other unknown reasons. He's a national security risk and should never be let near the White House again. This is all well documented.
Trump as President has the right to have classified documents

Showing his friends? Source?

A decent sniper can easily hit a target out to 500 yards or more. So why is the Secret Service claiming the building the shooter used to fire at Trump (which was a little over 100 yards away) wasn’t their responsibility? C’mon man, this is bullshit. Get it together and take responsibility.
Had he died Saturday those charges would have been dropped for a different reason and nobody would have ever known officially it was a violation of his constitutional rights

Incompetence because of poor leadership making political decisions is usually the correct answer from my experience. But the SS Director, Mayorkas, and Biden have tough questions that they need to answer under oath.
The Secret Service is responsible for the entire mission. The Local Police support them. This right here is why you will get leaks.

Building Trump shooter used to fire shots at president was responsibility of local police: source​

Again spot on.

"Why was President Trump even on stage at that point?"New from
: Sources tell him that “they had been monitoring [the sh*oter] since he came in around that external perimeter area…they lost track of him, apparently, and he was hiding in a building about 300 yards away."Dan continues to break new information on this:BONGINO: "Folks, if they had this subject on their radar that you had a potential threat, I think the questions right now are fairly obvious. Why was President Trump even on stage at that point? He should have not been on stage. It's ridiculous. I mean, if you know you're in a situation with a potential threat out there, just delay the event for a little bit. I mean, listen, we've got to talk candidly about this stuff again.I don't want to hear about Monday morning quarterbacking anything. This isn't a freaking football game, man. This is the life of the president of the United States. This isn't a joke. I saw some guy online talking about how, oh, people make mistakes. We don't get to make mistakes. What are you talking about? Make mistakes. This is the Secret Service.There's no opportunity for mistakes."
Waiting on MountaineerWV to expressly and unequivocally condemn this tweet and President Biden for making it.

This is from the F'n President of the United States for Christ's sake. The supposed leader of the free world.
Neither image constitutes fear-mongering.

Didn't you say this earlier? The "bullseye" comment was over the top (is that what you are referring to?), I have said that. I wasn't aware of that comment until after the shooting because I don't eat, sleep, drink politics like some of you do.
The Secret Service is responsible for the entire mission. The Local Police support them. This right here is why you will get leaks.

Building Trump shooter used to fire shots at president was responsibility of local police: source​

Yeah that is some bullshit. The SS may have assigned that area to local police but it all operates under them.