Atl, are you okay with Trump telling brown people to go back home?

You can’t, won’t, or are scared to criticize him in any way, shape, or form. I feel badly for you. Sad
That toad has dodged so many questions I've asked him I stopped asking. Amazes me how he and that tinkerbell barr get such itchy ears when they ask questions and perceive no answers yet neither of them ever answers virtually anything when they're asked for answers.

Like a couple grown ass whinny little babies needing a pacifier.

I’m just shocked that you, of all people, kowtow to a man spewing racist rhetoric.
I’m just shocked that you, of all people, kowtow to a man spewing racist rhetoric.

If he was really a racist, more Black people like me would be on Welfare and voting Democrat. He'd see to it.

Did I get ya'll some jobs or what?

Damn straight!!!!!!!
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@Original Mountaineer1

Trump got my Black ass out of jail..what did yo party do fo me toad?

It wasn't hard atl, Dems didn't even try!

I know's why they call you a racist. [eyeroll]
Fitting as OM is throwing a tantrum right now because he is upset that a black man has a different opinion than him.

He's just being a typical Leftist, don't be too hard on him 007! [winking]
Fitting as OM is throwing a tantrum right now because he is upset that a black man has a different opinion than him.

Just disappointed that atl hasn’t realized that he doesn’t need to kowtow to rich white men anymore. You can agree with his politics but condemn his tweets. But atl cant do it.
Just disappointed that atl hasn’t realized that he doesn’t need to kowtow to rich white men anymore. You can agree with his politics but condemn his tweets. But atl cant do it.

I don't tweet, but if I did I'd tell that ungrateful African to go back home if she doesn't like it here. I'd buy her damn ticket! Trump wasn't being racist...he was saying what we ALL think!

I'm Black, and she pissed ME off!!!!!!
He's trying to "guilt shame" me because he can't offer better policies for me to vote for a Democrat over Trump.

Can you @Original Mountaineer1 ...isn't that right? What's the Democrat policy that beats Trump's record low unemployment rate for Blacks?

Flip my vote.

I am just trying to understand why you bow to rich white dudes. I know you don’t like Muslims and think women are just personal property, but I thought racist tweets might draw a response from you. Nope. You just continue to worship your god in the White House.
Just disappointed that atl hasn’t realized that he doesn’t need to kowtow to rich white men anymore. You can agree with his politics but condemn his tweets. But atl cant do it.

Atl doesn't owe you any explanation. The fact that you think he does is racist as shit.
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Atl doesn't owe you any explanation. The fact that you think he does is racist as shit.

see 007 YOU just nailed what is the most disgusting aspect to me of Leftists. I'm not entitled to think on my own, and if I do I'm obviously _________________(fill in the blank of every name OM1 and others call me)

You are not allowed to disagree with the Left if you're Black. If you do....

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I am just trying to understand why you bow to rich white dudes. I know you don’t like Muslims and think women are just personal property, but I thought racist tweets might draw a response from you. Nope. You just continue to worship your god in the White House.

I asked YOU for a reason to vote Democrat. I don't give a sh*t about "tweets" you pitiful man!

That's your shallow ass worrying about sh*t that doesn't put food on the table or keep a roof over your dumb ass head. Why should I vote for a Democrat....give me a solid reason better than what Trump is offering us which is a J-O-B?

Remember that old ghetto tune the Sistahs were singing back in the day for Brothers tryin' to get some play OM1?
I am just trying to understand why you bow to rich white dudes. I know you don’t like Muslims and think women are just personal property, but I thought racist tweets might draw a response from you. Nope. You just continue to worship your god in the White House.
Incoherent mindless babble, an extreme case of TDS
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If you examine their protests against Trump, the Left focuses on their gripes about his personality and primarily things he says. If you examine the things we on the right objected to about Zero, it was primarily his policies and what we believed to be their deleterious effects on the fabric of the country.

So we have a classic difference here between the two sides. Opposition by
personality. Then opposition by policy.

The "symbolism" of racism or being a racist vs the "policy" of racism or being a racist. This is why we see this issue over Trump's tweets so differently and why folks on the Right aren't as upset with Trump telling folks who don't love the country or are upset with Life here to leave.

Leftists who hate the country and don't like anything it "symbolically" stands for naturally think Trump's admonition to those ladies was racist, but it's not based in anything substantive other than their personal hatred for him or anything he says.

People who love the country, and support our immigration polices weren't the object of Trump's invitation. His policies DO NOT restrict people of color who follow the Law and wish to come here. Leftists see only color as the sole criterion for judging Trump's remarks, because they do not want any restrictions on anyone coming here, and they don't accept the legal process of immigrating to America because their objective is to end "American" sovereignty as an exclusive nation, through open borders.

Symbolism over substance. Policy over personality. If you understand the differences between the two sides in this and almost every other issue, you understand their universal hatred for anything Trump says, and their constant opposition to any of his policies. You also understand why they almost never criticize his policies, or offer better ones which will produce better results. Their only hope to defeat him on policy, is to smear him personally, and that's why they're attempting to use this issue to brand him as a racist.

Has nothing to do with his policy of screening folks who ask to immigrate here to filter out gangs, human sex traffickers, terrorists, or subversives who do not love the country or wish to support its way of live or ideals.
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Let me know when he tells a white person to go back to where they came from. This is a common racially charged statement clearly invoking the race of the people he was tweeting about. But I’m sure you know that.

Let me know when you or anyone on the Left gives Black people permission to disagree with you, or vote for anyone besides a Liberal Democrat?
Let me know when he tells a white person to go back to where they came from. This is a common racially charged statement clearly invoking the race of the people he was tweeting about. But I’m sure you know that.

I have asked you several times both in this thread and in others to give me some solid policy reasons to vote Democrat over Trump.

Why can't you answer that with anything besides "Trump's a racist"?

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