Atl, are you okay with Trump telling brown people to go back home?

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Here are the tweets. They're crude, as usual, but they're not "leave and don't come back" like most of the media portrayed it. If it was "don't come back" then it wouldn't say "then come back." There's more reasons to why people distrust the media than just Trump telling them to do so. The consistent pattern is, Trump behaves badly and the media behaves badly in response.

Yes, some of the women weren't from other countries in the first place but that makes the tweet less coherent, not more evil.

ETA: And here is the last of the three tweet sequence since it seems it got cut off. is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

I don't always agree with you, but when I do...I agree with you!

Spot on post.:clap:
Here are the tweets. They're crude, as usual, but they're not "leave and don't come back" like most of the media portrayed it. If it was "don't come back" then it wouldn't say "then come back." There's more reasons to why people distrust the media than just Trump telling them to do so. The consistent pattern is, Trump behaves badly and the media behaves badly in response.

Yes, some of the women weren't from other countries in the first place but that makes the tweet less coherent, not more evil.

ETA: And here is the last of the three tweet sequence since it seems it got cut off.

" is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!"

Another ETA: There is a larger and larger chunk of people (myself included) that are checking out of these media discussions (by which I don't mean checking out of watching the issues but rather not paying attention to the mainstream sources). When two sides are awful some people want to check out instead if figuring out which side is less awful and then going after the other side. I don't care whether or not Trump is worse than the media on stuff like this because they're both so bad that they are functionally equivalent and I want no part of either of them. Also, I think that the reason much of the media does this is because it sells better. Promoting outrage sells, highlighting nuance does not.
Read the letter in the tweet. You will recognize some names. Study who the organization supports and who follows them on twitter.
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Also, I think that the reason much of the media does this is because it sells better. Promoting outrage sells, highlighting nuance does not.

in this one succinct, simple, declarative statement...this poster has nailed the entire "mo" of today's worthless media and in so doing also crystallized the sycophants who are sucked in by it.

100% excellent post!
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Read the letter in the tweet. You will recognize some names. Study who the organization supports and follows them on twitter.

with the Left, everything is planned, everything is staged, everything is fake, everything is phony, everything is insincere, everything is camouflaged, everything is calculated, everything is designed to accumulate power, and therefore everything is pointed towards destroying America.
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Skin color--who in more a racist? Someone who continously remarks about it, or someone that doesn't.

Liberals are much more racist the conservatives, not even close. They use skin color in any subject of discussion.
Skin color--who in more a racist? Someone who continously remarks about it, or someone that doesn't.

Liberals are much more racist the conservatives, not even close. They use skin color in any subject of discussion.

Says the guy who tried to criticize Corey Booker and Kamala Harris for “choosing a black identity instead of white” when they don’t actually have white parents.
Says the guy who tried to criticize Corey Booker and Kamala Harris for “choosing a black identity instead of white” when they don’t actually have white parents.

Says the poster who claimed to be white before turning black.
(and not itemizing any deductions on a 250K tax return) [eyeroll]
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What kunty is really trying to say.


Rep Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) “We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice”


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Says the guy who tried to criticize Corey Booker and Kamala Harris for “choosing a black identity instead of white” when they don’t actually have white parents.
Says the guy who tried to criticize Corey Booker and Kamala Harris for “choosing a black identity instead of white” when they don’t actually have white parents.

There you go again being a good little liberal using skin color within another discussion.
kkkuntry has bonded with fellow nutjob tjebarr. His confidence level has sky-rocketed knowing two clowns share one uniform.

This is their new theme song Dog Rescueer...BOTH of them! the "happy home"....[winking]
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@Dog Rescueer I'm going to play this every time @tjebarr posts one of his rambling Trump diatribes.
(and when country still insists Trump "colluded"...even after Mueller testifies)
with the Left, everything is planned, everything is staged, everything is fake, everything is phony, everything is insincere, everything is camouflaged, everything is calculated, everything is designed to accumulate power, and therefore everything is pointed towards destroying America.

The playbook is deep and well financed/coordinated. And designed to destroy all of those in their way.
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I’d kick in a Benjamin or two if she would go back to Somalia. Doubt they would take her though.

She had a choice and still has total choice over any other country on this planet she'd prefer to live. She chose to come here, and she chooses to stay here so anything else she has to say about her unhappiness here while she rejects literally hundreds of other choices she can go live in quite frankly falls on deaf ears for me.

No one forced her to come here, and no one is pleading for her to stay. (Quite the opposite in fact since she's bitching so much about life here)

I predict she won't carry her Black ass anywhere else except to the nearest bank where she cashes her bi weekly pay checks of 6,692.00 (based on a 174K yearly salary)

Plus I'd bet my meager earnings next to hers that she itemizes her tax returns to keep as much of that salary as she is legally allowed. She's not sending in anything "extra" of her "fair share" on that "evil rich" salary, while she bitches and complains about others who aren't paying enough and is ready to vote to "force" them to pay more! :mad:

God I can't stand phony ass Leftists.

You've heard of the "new math" from the Left or their "new normal"?

This is their "new logic"

Dems that started the KKK, have been in power in Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago etc while blacks have been decimated and support millions of black babies being killed now call Trump who created the lowest black unemployment rate in history a racist?o_O

I don't get it you?
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I've been waiting for a few I asked you two years ago.
I asked OM in this very thread if he condemned country's racist remarks and he did not. Shows how serious he is about racism.

That toad has dodged so many questions I've asked him I stopped asking. Amazes me how he and that tinkerbell barr get such itchy ears when they ask questions and perceive no answers yet neither of them ever answers virtually anything when they're asked.

Like a couple of grown ass whinny little babies needing a pacifier.
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