Atl, are you okay with Trump telling brown people to go back home?

One of kunty's Twitter handles can be be found under followers.

Isn't it amazing how White Liberals are less concerned about how Blacks in Africa treat other Blacks in their homelands than they are about how Blacks in this country kill other Blacks?

Not one White supremacist has "necklaced" anyone Black in America. Yet it happens every day in places like Darfur, Tanzania, Botswana, Cameroon, Somalia, and Sudan, by Black people many of them Muslim, against other Black folks. (Many of them Christian)

Silence from BOTH Black and White Leftists in this country who think it's America that hates Blacks.

Isn't it amazing how White Liberals are less concerned about how Blacks in Africa treat other Blacks in their homelands than they are about how Blacks in this country kill other Blacks?

Not one White supremacist has "necklaced" anyone Black in America. Yet it happens every day in places like Darfur, Tanzania, Botswana, Cameroon, Somalia, and Sudan, by Black people many of them Muslim, against other Black folks. (Many of them Christian)

Silence from BOTH Black and White Leftists in this country who think it's America that hates Blacks.


Why the fake concern for "shithole" countries all of a sudden?
He's an ignorant hick. Keith Ellison has called Jews and White people the personification of evil itself in the form of the Devil and MWV who says he is Christian ignores that.

Ignorant hick? Your ethnic hatred is as despicable as the racism you continue chewing on. And you still avoided calling out your own hypocrisy.
You dumb poker, don't you know Black people can't be racists? Isn't that why you're silent when Black Leftists call Black Conservatives like me "Uncle Tom" and "Oreo"?

Still avoiding your own hypocrisy. Plus you call Country a zebra and have used the term "Oreo" in your posts before. Sad.
Why the fake concern for "shithole" countries all of a sudden?

I'm not. I'm pointing out how phony "racist" complaints on the Left are about America when the folks from the sh*t hole countries prefer to immigrate here to get away from true racists in their homelands, which Leftists in this country remain silent about.

Still avoiding your own hypocrisy. Plus you call Country a zebra and have used the term "Oreo" in your posts before. Sad.

I'm not a racist. I love Conservative Blacks. Too bad whites and Blacks on your side don't feel the same way. They're the ones who call me an oreo.

Country said he was white BEFORE he turned black. What would you call him? So was Obama, (part white part black) yet he was called Black. Why?
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I'm not a racist. I love Conservative Blacks. Too bad white and Blacks on your side don't feel the same way.

Country said he was BOTH black and white. What would you call him? So was Obama, why was he called Black?

A human or a person. Not your racist names.
One must take care of their own leaky roof before helping others with theirs.

Well now ain't this a "white guilt" trip?

You have falsely accused me of infidelity, adultery, incest, racism, and misogyny, while claiming the mantle of Christ as a practicing Christian?

You're lecturing me?
Well now ain't this a "white guilt" trip?

You have falsely accused me of infidelity, adultery, incest, racism, and misogyny, while claiming the mantle of Christ as a practicing Christian?

You're lecturing me?

I'm just waiting for you to run off and cry again and tell me to "not post you" again. Like babies do.
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I'm just waiting for you to run off and cry again and tell me to "not post you" again. Like babies do.

Look I asked you to stop posting me. I can't help it that you find my posts so irresistible you can't stop posting me. [winking]

Hey since you are so anxious to converse with me, you going to show up at MPS on the weekend of Oct 14th? I'd really like to meet you. Maybe you can bring "Christa"?
Look I asked you to stop posting me. I can't help it that you find my posts so irresistible you can't stop posting me. [winking]

Hey since you are so anxious to converse with me, you going to show up at MPS on the weekend of Oct 14th? I'd really like to meet you. Maybe you can bring "Christa"?

Sure thing.
Yes or no

Since you refuse to criticize anything this moron says or does, I’ll guess you will say yes.

To me it’s not a brown thing it’s an ingrate thing. So, it’s fine with me if Jane Fonda, Colin Kaperdick, Megan Rapino, And Natalie Maines leave and go somewhere else. And they can take these four “ladies” with em. The country will be just fine.
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To me it’s not a brown thing it’s an ingrate thing. So, it’s fine with me if Jane Fonda, Colin Kaperdick, Megan Rapino, And Natalie Maines leave and go somewhere else. And they can take these four “ladies” with em. The country will be just fine.

Could not have been said better even if I said it myself! You beat me to it. [winking]
To me it’s not a brown thing it’s an ingrate thing. So, it’s fine with me if Jane Fonda, Colin Kaperdick, Megan Rapino, And Natalie Maines leave and go somewhere else. And they can take these four “ladies” with em. The country will be just fine.

Were you sitting back not complaining during Obama's years? Of course you weren't. Why didn't you leave then?
I thought you had to be first white then claim to switch to black? Who's dumb enough to claim that? Someone with a negative IQ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have know a few that tried black and won’t go back. Guess they like strength and a willingness to push back.
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Were you sitting back not complaining during Obama's years? Of course you weren't. Why didn't you leave then?

Because we knew he was leaving. We just waited for him to run out of time trying to destroy the country.[winking]
Have know a few that tried black and won’t go back. Guess they like strength and a willingness to push back.

I have plenty of white friends who I adore and who love me. None of them though have ever claimed to be Black, although a few wouldn't mind having a relationship with a black person. (As long as they're the opposite sex):stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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If illegals was not here , maybe just maybe we could get people that are on welfare to do the jobs....make welfare almost impossible to get if a person is healthy
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Have know a few that tried black and won’t go back. Guess they like strength and a willingness to push back.

Look I asked you to stop posting me. I can't help it that you find my posts so irresistible you can't stop posting me. [winking]

Hey since you are so anxious to converse with me, you going to show up at MPS on the weekend of Oct 14th? I'd really like to meet you. Maybe you can bring "Christa"?

Christa may be one of those trafficked and exploited women he bought of the sugar daddy site.
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Christa may be one of those trafficked and exploited women he bought of the sugar daddy site.

Not sure, he certainty claims to know all about her and her apparent exploits with me. So I'd sure like for him to bring her along to my tailgate so I can meet her and ask her a few questions about him. [eyeroll]
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What's with @Keyser76 and all his recent "pendulum" comments? First it was Trump lost the "popular vote", then we were going to be drowned under a coming giant "Blue Wave" it's the mighty "pendulum" swinging it's huge Socialist axe into our lives about to cut us off from prosperity, Liberty and Capitalism in exchange for Venezuela and Pyongyang. [eyeroll]
Please elaborate.

Here are the tweets. They're crude, as usual, but they're not "leave and don't come back" like most of the media portrayed it. If it was "don't come back" then it wouldn't say "then come back." There's more reasons to why people distrust the media than just Trump telling them to do so. The consistent pattern is, Trump behaves badly and the media behaves badly in response.

Yes, some of the women weren't from other countries in the first place but that makes the tweet less coherent, not more evil.

ETA: And here is the last of the three tweet sequence since it seems it got cut off.

" is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!"

Another ETA: There is a larger and larger chunk of people (myself included) that are checking out of these media discussions (by which I don't mean checking out of watching the issues but rather not paying attention to the mainstream sources). When two sides are awful some people want to check out instead if figuring out which side is less awful and then going after the other side. I don't care whether or not Trump is worse than the media on stuff like this because they're both so bad that they are functionally equivalent and I want no part of either of them. Also, I think that the reason much of the media does this is because it sells better. Promoting outrage sells, highlighting nuance does not.
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Christa may be one of those trafficked and exploited women he bought of the sugar daddy site.

know something 007...I doubt that poker even shows up. If he's as true to his previous empty promises to "soon" expose me, he won't be within 500 miles of MPS that afternoon. Like all Leftist cowards, he doesn't have the stones to come say to my face what he brazenly types out on his keyboard wearing his mickey mouse club briefs.
giphy.gif atl...."soon".... @MountaineerWV ......

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