Atl, are you okay with Trump telling brown people to go back home?

You have yet to post anything to prove country is racist but your buddy atlvdick is calling white people punkass hillbillies

Actually I did. I even tagged you in it. It's not my fault that you are mentally retarded and don't know how to use the internets.
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Yes or no

Since you refuse to criticize anything this moron says or does, I’ll guess you will say yes.
But....but....Trump didn't mean that.....we are just simply "misinterpreting" what he said when he told an American-born person to "go back where they were from"......just because they have a funny name and different skin tone.

Maybe Fred Trump should have went back to Germany.....the place of his birth....oh, wait....only his son believes he was born there. Never mind.
Wvu82 is in panic mode
You support the racist in the White House. No denying that.
He and ATLkgb are twins. I’m still not convinced they aren’t the same troller.
Just incase you guys missed it and could use the money I'll share this.
If you support a racist yer a racist, it ain't like Donnie and his morons are very deep, lol, no wonder they play on the Klan endorsed team, unamerican losers afraid that being white doesn't make them special anymore, he is a good look on his tribe ain't he?
When will this moron (AOC) start spreading accurate information ('facts')? Tell the truth about the 'caged children'. Tell that the photos that are shown are from the OBAMA regime. Yes, THAT worthless President! When will she (and so many others) abandon the lines that Trump is breaking up families by deporting innocent folks who have come here for asylum. The recently announced raids are to get those who have exhausted their legal maneuvers and then given their deportation orders. In short, deporting those who have been ordered by the courts to be deported. These are criminals who should either be in prison or sent back to where they are from with a wall to keep them from returning. Were these US citizens having the same court ordered outcome they would be sent off to prison without a word from the goody-good leftists. It happens continuously to these US criminal--and, yes, it breaks up families all the time. AOC and the other socialist/communist America haters need to spend time spreading the truth and far less vocalizing their propaganda. These folks have spend more than two years discussing the fake story of Trump and Putin and yet they are doing all possible to emulate the USSR.

We know you are an avowed racist so shut your glory hole
I'll tell you what OM1...I don't care what color their skin is, if they don't like it here in America and it certainly appears to me a lot of them don't...they are free to leave.

Can you find a post for me where one of those folks who have so much criticism for America said they actually Love America and stand behind everything we stand for?

My answer is "no" I don't have a problem with Trump telling folks who either don't belong here (illegal) or hate it here to go back home. Who's forcing them to stay here?

Oh I almost forgot...Democrat vote counters. [eyeroll]

I would have expected you to condemn his blatant racism. You can’t. You won’t. Really sad. I simply can’t understand how a person of color will accept and embrace racists comments from a rich white dude. This isn’t 1965.
So you are saying a person MUST like the United States 100% or they should leave? Hmmm....then why the F**K didn't you guys leave between 2008-2016?

Harder for me to believe that an African American would refuse to criticize a blatantly racist comment and instead deflect to a new topic.
I would have expected you to condemn his blatant racism. You can’t. You won’t. Really sad. I simply can’t understand how a person of color will accept and embrace racists comments from a rich white dude. This isn’t 1965.

You still haven't condemned countryroads racism. You can't. You won't. Really sad.
Harder for me to believe that an African American would refuse to criticize a blatantly racist comment and instead deflect to a new topic.

I'll tell YOU what's harder for me to believe. Let's say you were invited to live in Somalia...hated it...couldn't stand it. Would you stay there? Of course not.

So why do people from Somalia or other sh*t holes who are invited to come here or ask to come here, get here, then start complaining about how much they hate it here, yet stay here? OK...we suck...we admit it. Leave.
Harder for me to believe that an African American would refuse to criticize a blatantly racist comment and instead deflect to a new topic.

This is where you and I disagree. If you don't like it here in America and you come from another country you are free to leave. No one forces you stay here unlike most Socialist Hell holes many of these folks are trying to escape from. We don't "force" people to stay here, nor do we "force" them to come here.

They line up to get in here...regardless of color! So I just simply don't see it as racist to tell anyone who doesn't like it here that it's OK to leave. I see those who come here and then only bitch about it yet chose to stay here as stupid, not racist.
This place needs a minimum IQ requirement to post.

How about a Truth-o-meter? Or a race verify blood test? I got it! If you don't give to charity and you make more than 200K a year, your stingy ass doesn't get to say sh*t about how much more the so called "evil rich" need to be taxed by income redistributionists to give free stuff away?
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Guess those ladies can use your same answer on why you are here.

That makes no sense. I'm not complaining about America. I simply voted for the change I wanted to see. They are free to exercise the same right through the ballot box, or leave.

This premise is the fundamental error:"The illegals work as dishwashers, bicycle delivery, and day laborers for contractors, jobs Americans don't want." Plenty of Americans would work those jobs, and would receive better wages but for the addition of illegals to the labor market. …

Thomas M. McGovern@mcgoverntm

I don't think so. I live in NYC, which has lots of illegal immigrants, and they're taking very little from Americans. The illegals work as dishwashers, bicycle delivery, and day laborers for contractors, jobs Americans don't want.
Go to the Home Depot in Brooklyn at 7 AM.

This is a very important distinction and more proof Leftists simply don't understand supply and demand. Why do you think wages for jobs only a few Americans can qualify for are so high?

Ans: high demand, low supply. Prices tend to go up when that market factor exists.

Why do illegals work for so little doing the jobs "Americans won't do"?

Ans: high supply vs demand. Prices tend to be lower when that market factor exists.

The jobs "Americans won't do" would pay more if there weren't such a large supply of cheap labor. Folks here illegally depress those wages, and keep other Americans like lower skilled minority kids from gaining access to them. If our lousy Government education system better prepared these kids for the jobs now in demand, we might have a better supply of labor for the jobs people actually want, and they might pay better at the entry level with a smaller supply of workers.

Allowing low skilled workers to flood our job market simply lowers wages for those workers and assures a permanent dependent underclass unable to exist without large Government subsidies and transfer payments.

Exactly the constituency Socialists need to remain in power redistributing incomes.
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You have yet to post anything to prove country is racist but your buddy atlvdick is calling white people punkass hillbillies

You do realize do you not @tjebarr that those chicks you worship and Trump called out for hating this country actually hate white folks more than me? They also hate white males in particular. If you're a white male and also prefer to have Sex with other males, they hate your dumb white Hillbilly humpin' ass too!

It's a bonus if you're Jewish, or Christian like Bru. They really hate him! As for me...a Black man who is both Christian and Loves America...they're ready to "necklace" me like they do to folks in their own countries who disagree with their Religion or Socialist political leadership.

I'd invite you to move to their Socialist Muslim utopias if it's all that uncomfortable here for you and you respect where they come from.
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Actually I did. I even tagged you in it. It's not my fault that you are mentally retarded and don't know how to use the internets.

country insists as a Black man, I have no "self interest" voting Republican. How racist is that? country posts a picture directly to me of the character Stephen from the movie Django and anyone who's seen that movie knows who Stephen was. Never explained why that post was made to me.

Everyone else who saw that post called country out for its racist overtones, essentially calling me a house N****r. Except I've never read a post from @tjebarr condemning that post from country to me. Barr has also never explained why it's not in my best interests to vote Republican. (neither has country for that matter)

All these ignorant fools repeat is "Trump's a racist, Trump hates Black people". Yet when I ask them what exactly is racist about Trump, or name one policy or legislation Trump advocates or has signed into law that's "racist" I never get an answer. They can't even tell me why it's not in my "best interest" to vote Republican? Black unemployment is at historic lows, I support school choice vouchers for poor blacks looking to get their kids out of failing Government run schools and into better Private schools, and I support tax free enterprise zones in inner cities to help small Black businesses get started.

All things Republicans support and Democrats oppose. Tell me again who's in my "best interests" to vote for?
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country insists as a Black man, I have no "self interest" voting Republican. How racist is that? country posts a picture directly to me of the character Stephen from the movie Django and anyone who's seen that movie knows who Stephen was. Never explained why that post was made to me.

Everyone else who saw that post called country out for its racist overtones, essentially calling me a house N****r. Except I've never read a post from @tjebarr condemning that post from country to me. Barr has also never explained why it's not in my best interests to vote Republican. (neither has country for that matter)

All these ignorant fools repeat is "Trump's a racist, Trump hates Black people". Yet when I ask them what exactly is racist about Trump, or name one policy or legislation Trump advocates or has signed into law that's "racist" I never get an answer. They can't even tell me why it's not in my "best interest" to vote Republican? Black unemployment is at historic lows, I support school choice vouchers for poor blacks looking to get their kids out of failing Government run schools and into better Private schools, and I support tax free enterprise zones in inner cities to help small Black businesses get started.

All things Republicans support and Democrats oppose. Tell me again who's in my "best interests" to vote for?

Yet you praised Malcolm X who called Dr. King that? Interesting.....
country insists as a Black man, I have no "self interest" voting Republican. How racist is that? country posts a picture directly to me of the character Stephen from the movie Django and anyone who's seen that movie knows who Stephen was. Never explained why that post was made to me.

Everyone else who saw that post called country out for its racist overtones, essentially calling me a house N****r. Except I've never read a post from @tjebarr condemning that post from country to me. Barr has also never explained why it's not in my best interests to vote Republican. (neither has country for that matter)

All these ignorant fools repeat is "Trump's a racist, Trump hates Black people". Yet when I ask them what exactly is racist about Trump, or name one policy or legislation Trump advocates or has signed into law that's "racist" I never get an answer. They can't even tell me why it's not in my "best interest" to vote Republican? Black unemployment is at historic lows, I support school choice vouchers for poor blacks looking to get their kids out of failing Government run schools and into better Private schools, and I support tax free enterprise zones in inner cities to help small Black businesses get started.

All things Republicans support and Democrats oppose. Tell me again who's in my "best interests" to vote for?

You do realize that racism isn't just the targeting of black people, right? It can also be the targeting of other ethnicities and skin colors.........
Yet you praised Malcolm X who called Dr. King that? Interesting.....

You dumb poker, don't you know Black people can't be racists? Isn't that why you're silent when Black Leftists call Black Conservatives like me "Uncle Tom" and "Oreo"?
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