Nobody (except for our resident troll) is missing the point. Buckaineer is simply lying and trolling as usual to make his. We've already established he can't count or do basic math. Once his "40%" lie that he attempted to cite from his wrong reading of Big 12 history was exposed as a fraud, he then did a U-turn and tried to proclaim that very same Big 12 history he previously relied on as his authority was now suddenly "meaningless nonsense."
Buckaineer is a fraud, a liar, and a trolling POS. I simply want everyone to base their opinions of the rematch risk on the ACTUAL historical record, not the lies proffered by him. We get that the rematch issue is only one piece of the puzzle, but it is nonetheless a factual piece and we have a resident a-hole who is trying to lie to everyone about what the facts are.
Overall, it seems the rest of we legitimate posters are mostly in agreement on this issue. The league made a calculated decision to weigh the rematch risk against what they gain financially. Reasonable minds certainly can differ about the wisdom of their decision.I do not believe this to be true. If you're referring to "underdog" in the gambling sense, historical betting lines are extremely difficult to find. However, poll rankings are not. In 4 of those 6 rematches, the higher-ranked Big 12 team won. In light of that, I'd say it is unlikely that 4 of 6 also were won by underdogs.