So, it is true, you are not a respectable human being and you clearly are not a man. I will tell you how a man responds to something like this:
"I am deeply sorry that my remarks hurt you and possibly others as that was never my intention. Please accept my condolences for your loss and for those impacted by this terrible tragedy. I was merely caught up in a thread and did not think wisely before I posted."
Let me clue you in on events like this, You can say two things and only two things ever if you have even a shred of human decency:
"How can I help?"
"Please accept my condolences."
If you say anything else you come of as crass and inhumane. When you try to spin your remarks rather then doing the honorable thing, you come across as a child that knows no better.
You don't deserve to be associated with West Virginia or WVU as you do not have the qualities it takes to be either and none of the understanding it takes to proudly oneself as both.
I could barely stomach your entire reply... ...laughable and pathetic. Yet, predictable. if you're a victim. I did apologize despite that I knew you wouldn't accept it unless it met your every condition. I did apologize knowing that you're actually attacking me for abusing you in other threads on very diff topics (where you didn't/couldn't defend yourself). You're not thinking of the flood victims...just your chance to stab one LowFatMilk.
You're BEGGING to be a victim. ...yet another WVian trait.
I am sorry though... ...that you're so soft that you let Internet posts bother you so much ( especially when they were not intended to..).
Is this where I type 'If you say anything else...(blah blah blah you're a monster)' as if it's ammo to keep you from replying again ?
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