Search results for query: funding

  1. DvlDog4WVU

    Someone more tech savvy than me can find my post from several years ago

    But in that post you will find that I spoke on NGOs funding kickbacks. This USAID thing is a massive blow. Wait until you see the massive reduction in donations to the Dem party reelection efforts.
  2. DvlDog4WVU

    Florida Republicans Who Voted Against Funding FEMA Are Now Facing Disaster

    Wait, you just posted the other day that FEMA had the money? Which is it?
  3. DvlDog4WVU

    We just spent 6 straight years outside the Top25 and hovered at .500

    ...whistle got blown by Neal. You guys thought we were going to be able to pass up the purported contract proposal from Rod’s camp, massive NIL funding from our most well heeled donors, and someone a significant portion of the fanbase wanted back the last 6 years? And you honestly thought we’d...
  4. DvlDog4WVU

    OT: Drones

    ...The space force, for all intents and purposes already existed in the USAF. All its creation did was break it out separately to ensure its own funding streams wouldn’t be compromised by big AF priority shifts. It created a dedicated mission statement for the Space Force. Separately, the NSA...
  5. DvlDog4WVU

    the Unitary Executive Theory...

    On the surface, I don’t hate it, but there are downsides to it. I’d rather he execute line item veto authority.
  6. DvlDog4WVU

    the Apalachee High School shooting in Winder, Georgia... she/her/they trans pride ... another brain-washed kid... father arrested...

    What problem? A random school shooting once a year? It’s not a statistical problem requiring the kind of money you’re talking about. So, no, I don’t think Congress needs to appropriate funds to out in metal detectors. But, I’m also in favor of shutting down Govt funded drug treatment facilities...
  7. DvlDog4WVU

    The RNC Platform Committee just passed the Republican Party platform for 2024.

    Cool, then let’s just remove all Fed funding as education should be left up to the individual states. The reality is, public schools are failing the youth. Not being for vouchers is THE single most racist policy we have. You’re effectively condemning kids without means, which are in...
  8. DvlDog4WVU

    Why hasn’t a GOP AG brought a case against ActBlue to freeze its funding until it can prove its donations?

    Off the top of my head, there is a potential for some serious felonies with the ActBlue thing. You have Wire Fraud locked up tight for everyone involved, including the big donors whose cash is being washed.
  9. DvlDog4WVU

    The RNC Platform Committee just passed the Republican Party platform for 2024.

    First, there are plenty on non-denominational and non-religious affiliated private schools. Are those ok with you? And I should be able to deduct my private school tuition from my property taxes as it’s not a service I utilize, moreover, it’s I have to pay out of pocket to not use. There is a...
  10. DvlDog4WVU

    OT Maryland Keybridge collapsed after cargo ship collides with support beam

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  11. DvlDog4WVU

    Explain to me why we're paying for a war in the Ukraine....

    That’s certainly the take of the NeoCon element of DC and the old ColdWar fossils as well as everyone making money off of this invasion. It’s a big leap to take the current situation and extrapolate that into the domino theory you’re advancing. Other context would suggest that Putin has been...
  12. DvlDog4WVU

    Real quick way to reduce gov’t spending….

    Agreed. That was a Trump position as well.
  13. DvlDog4WVU

    SIAP: Letter From BOG

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  14. DvlDog4WVU

    SIAP: Letter From BOG

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  15. DvlDog4WVU

    The next speaker, like the last one, equivocates on the 2020 results

    ...which have to be accomplished by the state’s legislature per the constitution. The states, none of them, are equipped through manpower or funding to do a full canvas. Without voter ID, ballot harvesting, even though illegal, can run wild with mail in ballots. But the most definitely can’t...
  16. DvlDog4WVU

    Once you understand the leadership of Israel is

    Bro, you’re off the rails.
  17. DvlDog4WVU

    Bill amendment failed - attempt to cover 45 mil deficit

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  18. DvlDog4WVU

    During the pandemic Trump approved

    I don’t think you know why, because you’re blaming him for things he couldn’t do. The Democrat Congress held the purse. They gave the money. He could’ve veto’d but in an election year, they would have been able to override him. Again, an easy argument could be made as to the items and personnel...
  19. DvlDog4WVU

    I have a lot of genuine liberal friends.

    I’m not sure how you can disagree with my scenario. The GA Grand Jury recommended he be charged with 7 different charges. They’re likely going to indict him.