I know a lot of you Biden bots and anti-Trump haters never read what we who support Trump post on this forum (that's why I excerpt the articles... just to at least get the nuts-n-bolts across to you mind controlled lemmings) but even if you don't read the information we post, you can't ignore what it says.
(from above linked article in post # 20)
"Forty-four percent of Americans in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll say they've gotten worse off financially under Biden's presidency,
the most for any president in ABC/Post polls since 1986. Just 37% approve of his job performance, while 56% disapprove. Still fewer approve of Biden's performance on the economy, 30%.
"On handling immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border, Biden's rating is even lower, with
less than a 23% approval".
Now I don't care how loyal a Democrat bleater (
@30CAT 's excellent term) you are, even you lobotomized bots have to admit your guy is in serious trouble if he wants to run again to keep Trump away from the WH. So my question to you is this...how did it get this bad for the guy YOU all voted for & who also allegedly got more votes to win his election than any other candidate who's ever run for that Office before? He hasn't even finished three full years yet, and literally more than half of the support he supposedly won in the record vote winning election has essentially turned on him!
I know none of you will never answer, and most likely you can't answer because you refuse to see the obvious. He never had that much support to begin with because he wasn't elected by that many folks! He was installed. There is no way that many Americans turned on him that quickly unless he never had that much support to begin with! Fact.
You can claim there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud to get him installed, but you can't deny he's been an absolute disaster since, no matter how many "real" votes he actually got to screw up as bad as he has. 😏
Hey I resent
What that you've been a total screw up or that you never got a "record 81 million votes" and instead were installed creepy Joe? Maybe you're upset because both are true?