The RNC Platform Committee just passed the Republican Party platform for 2024.


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
School choice should be a states issue fwiw.
Agreed. IMO the GOP should make it part of their platform that all candidates embrace and stress in all the down ticket races. That being said, there are encouragining school choice movements and initiatives either already signed into Law or about to be implemented in several Red States. So it's an issue Republicans are running on and winning with. We just need to make it a standard GOP boilerplate issue, like voter integrity.
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“The federal government should stay out of our schools”


“The federal government should mandate school vouchers”.

The hypocrisy is amazing.
School "choice" vouchers are not mandates. The money goes directly to parents so they can decide how/where they want their children educated. The same money is being spent, but instead of it going to incompetent teacher unions and school boards, the parents get to decide where their education tax money will be spent. ALL schools will compete equally for those dollars...government schools, private schools, Montessori schools, home schools, Religious schools, technical schools and any other educational organization that has a better plan for any parents seeking quality educational options for their children.
School "choice" vouchers are not mandates. The money goes directly to parents so they can decide how/where they want their children educated. The same money is being spent, but instead of it going to incompetent teacher unions and school boards, the parents get to decide where their education tax money will be spent. ALL schools will compete equally for those dollars...government schools, private schools, Montessori schools, home schools, Religious schools, technical schools and any other educational organization that has a better plan for any parents seeking quality educational options for their children.
1. You do realize that public schools are a state controlled entity?
2. You do understand that some states have it in their constitution that private schools cannot receive public tax dollars?
3. You do realize that you asked why "school vouchers" weren't on the RNC's list lead me to believe that you want the federal government to supersede state control of education?
The beauty of the American school choice movement is how it puts parents in control over how their education tax dollars are spent. It's their money, why shouldn't they spend it where they believe it most benefits their kids? The only folks opposed to school choice vouchers are incompetent government school administrators or Leftist teacher unions harboring incompetent indoctrinators disguised as instructors backed by selfish politicians who care only about keeping constituents in the education establishment feeding their campaign re-elect coffers.

Another nice thing about the school choice movement is that it's catching fire and ever growing. Several States have already set up successful school choice voucher programs, and several more each election cycle are drafting their own legislation using those existing models, or have legislation pending for approval by voters. (parents)

Read about some of the most recently passed intiatives here:

School choice in the States

By growing and overwhelming numbers, parents (voters) are driving school choice initiatives and research proving how successful these programs have been are driving the majority of that narrative

25 most significant school choice findings

School choice advocates, from parent activists to policy wonks, use this information about the real effects of school choice policies to educate the public and policymakers.
It was no easy task to create such a list!

We broke the research into four categories to account for different types of research.

  • Historical Importance to the Educational Choice Movement
  • Historical Importance to EdChoice
  • Importance to the Evolution of Research Methods
  • Syntheses and Review
read more here

School choice is our future, and the GOP should be leading the efforts to establish it nationwide.
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The power of the school choice movement is particularly evident where government schools are performing at the lowest levels. Predominantly those are schools ostensibly "educating" African American kids. Their track record is abysmal, so is it any surprise that parents when given the option of having resources to get their kids out of those failing schools overwhelmingly adopt school choice vouchers?

National survey shows Black parents continue to support education choice


The survey, which included 405 Black parents of K-12 students as well as a nationally representative sample of 1,134 K-12 school parents, shows 81% of Black parents favored vouchers, 10 percentage points higher than the supportive share of white parents. Notably, there was no difference in support between low-income Black parents and high-income Black parents.

Meanwhile, 80% of Black parents support education savings accounts compared to 76% of white parents; support for charter schools is slightly higher among Black parents at 74% compared to 73% for white parents.

Sora Schools offers over 100 classes — or expeditions as they call them — for families to pick from, ranging from learning about banned books to the history of fashion. “Our corridor academic model is offering kids hundreds of different learning options every six weeks, and they only need to choose two or three of them,” Smiley says. Students typically work closely with advisors who are assigned to 10 to 15 students. They consult about their academic goals, schedules, and more.
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As usual, you never addressed your hypocrisy. Less federal government control in education just so the federal government can force states to change their constitutions to put tax dollars in private schools?

EDIT: I'll make a deal, I'll support that 100% if you support allowing tax dollars to provide for universal health care. [thumbsup]
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Another rarely recognized benefit of the school choice movement is how it reduces expenses by streamlining and eliminating the need for a Federal bureaucracy administering taxpayer dollars to education. By gradually phasing out of the Department of Education, and simply block granting taxpayer education funds back to the States for them to disburse to their local jurisdictions according to the needs and desires of their specific constituencies, we both improve the quality of education we are paying for as taxpayers and reduce the bloated & wasteful Federal bureaucracy that only stifles competition and education innovation through its "one size fits all" antiquated modeling.

Hopefully we eventually eliminate so much government waste fraud and bloated bureaucracies operating similar to the department of Education, we can ultimately scrap the unfair income tax and fund our discretionary services with a national retail sales tax exactly as many county governments and some States currently operate.
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To any of you mind numbed Leftists who don't understand the power behind the school choice movement:

How is it "hypocritical" reducing government's monopoly over education by giving parents the choice over where their education money is spent which is exactly what the voucher initiative accomplishes? By breaking up the government's "one size fits all" rules and regulations regarding how education is administered in the various States, the voucher movement is a scalpel tool that motivated educators and concerned parents can use to remove the cancer of Federal and in many cases unresponsive State bureaucracies stifling competition & innovation in education.

The more schools we have offering their own proven formulas for success, finding as many ways to reach their students as there are students to reach, the one "standard" school choice vouchers by default demands is success through excellence. No, not all schools will achieve at the same levels, but they don't have to. As long as satisfied parents can decide for themselves which schools best meet their desires for their kids, we won't have the plethora of poorly performing schools propped up by a bloated government bureaucracy concerned only about protecting its well funded monopoly which is the end result of the current model.

The Federal Government is not needed to administer education dollars. There are 50 State governments closer to the people delivering those services, and further local counties and school districts who can refine exactly where and how those dollars are spent? The brilliant end result of the voucher movement is even those bureaucracies can be further streamlined into individual private schools or smaller school administrations. Government run school districts which are meeting parent's demands have nothing to fear from the voucher movement, and in fact have everything to gain as they can expect even more funding if they are performing. There will be less "red tape" to wade through implementing programs which produce results for them, and as more models achieve better results, they can be duplicated as well as better funded minus the heavy handed bureaucracies they now often must wade through controlled by obstinate teacher unions resisting innovation.

There is no need to "force" States to change anything in their Constitutions restricting direct funding of private or denominational schools. Parents using their own money as a direct result of vouchers will make those decisions. They will have the power to decide if the money is used for government education, or private education, or even home schooling if they decide that model works best for them and their children! States will only need to direct that standards of excellence are being met, and the money is being used for instruction, no matter who delivers it or where it's delivered.

The promise of school choice vouchers is that it takes government OUT of education and puts parents and educators directly in charge of it, which is the responsibility of both parties at the end of the day. Relying on innovation, competition, and excellence, we can provide quality education for all of our kids regardless if they're being served by the government or the private sector. It is freedom of choice, the American way! Let's MAGA by supporting school choice initiatives in all 50 States! Let's have 50 experiments competing for the best results! MAGA through educational choice & good old fashioned competition!

I love school choice vouchers, and I'll be making them a HUGE part of my education policy when I return to the WH to MAGA!
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Mandating school vouchers is literally the government staying out of schools. How dumb are you?
Exactly! Vouchers are not even mandates...they are options parents can utilize to find better education alternatives for their kids if they aren't satisficed with their kid's school public or private! If the school is performing, nothing changes except maybe their ability to make changes. If it's a lousy school, it probably shouldn't be open in the first place, and probably won't be open much longer when the money dries up as parents pull their kids out.
Mandating school vouchers is literally the government staying out of schools. How dumb are you?
If you think that federal government "mandates" are less government, you are a fool. Education is left up to the STATE GOVERNMENTS. Maybe you can go back to 9th grade civics class with your buddy Allen and learn a bit?
Exactly! Vouchers are not even mandates...they are options parents can utilize to find better education alternatives for their kids if they aren't satisficed with their kid's school public or private! If the school is performing, nothing changes except maybe their ability to make changes. If it's a lousy school, it probably shouldn't be open in the first place, and probably won't be open much longer when the money dries up as parents pull their kids out.
And the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should not have anything to do with requiring it. Do you see my point? Of course not.

Also, states that are now pushing for this are pushing for charter schools. And 40% of those close within the first 10 years because they are not any good.
Why are Leftists eerily silent as the Federal Government REQUIRES vehicle crash safety standards... fuel mileage standards...water use use standards....air quality standards....FCC standards...FAA reserve standards....consumer credit lending qualification standards....pharmaceuticals standards....building code standards....electrical appliance standards.... even obscenity standards...yet for some strange reason Leftists get their panties all stained over Federal standards REQUIRING SCHOOL CHOICE VOUCHERS when it comes to funding education in the States?

The overwhelming data on school choice initiatives shows most (not all) but the vast majority produce better education results for their students superior to the vast majority of government only run schools. The data is clear and unarguable, and as a result parents are responding to the excellence in quality education options that school choice vouchers provides to them beyond their limited choices in poorly performing only government run education systems.

The most exciting development in the school choice movement however is what's happening in States who have innovated and are now using ESA's (education savings accounts) as a way to get more resources to parents without the cumbersome mechanisms of federal or state government requirements. ESA's as well the explosion of home schooling are making a mark on the expanding school choice movement, and the momentum is only growing!

The reform sweeping red America is slightly different from a voucher — it’s called an education savings account, or an ESA. In a voucher system, public funds go directly to schools. With ESAs, parents who opt out of the public school system get several thousand dollars in an account that they can use for private school tuition, homeschooling, or other education-related expenses.

“We’re ending up with, really, two different systems for arranging our schools,” said Morgan Polikoff, an associate professor at USC Rossier School of Education. Blue states are sticking with the traditional state-funded public education system, while red states are increasingly creating an option for government-subsidized private school tuition

...and homeschooling is fast becoming the option of choice for many parents

Homeschooling growth data by district

Home schooling has become — by a wide margin — America’s fastest-growing form of education, as families from Upper Manhattan to Eastern Kentucky embrace a largely unregulated practice once confined to the ideological fringe, a Washington Post analysis shows.

The analysis — based on data The Post collected for thousands of school districts across the country — reveals that a dramatic rise in home schooling at the onset of the pandemic has largely sustained itself through the 2022-23 academic year, defying predictions that most families would return to schools that have dispensed with mask mandates and other covid-19 restrictions

Leftists complaining about getting the government out of education have lost the argument, but if we need education excellence standards (and we do!) they are in fact the biggest two faced hypocrites opposing school choice education standards since the H word's been invented. :rolleyes:
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And the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should not have anything to do with requiring it. Do you see my point? Of course not.

Also, states that are now pushing for this are pushing for charter schools. And 40% of those close within the first 10 years because they are not any good.
Cool, then let’s just remove all Fed funding as education should be left up to the individual states.

The reality is, public schools are failing the youth. Not being for vouchers is THE single most racist policy we have. You’re effectively condemning kids without means, which are in predominantly minority communities to failed systems.
Cool, then let’s just remove all Fed funding as education should be left up to the individual states.

The reality is, public schools are failing the youth. Not being for vouchers is THE single most racist policy we have. You’re effectively condemning kids without means, which are in predominantly minority communities to failed systems.
This is the intent behind ESA's and block grants mentioned earlier ITT. Well stated!
If you think that federal government "mandates" are less government, you are a fool. Education is left up to the STATE GOVERNMENTS. Maybe you can go back to 9th grade civics class with your buddy Allen and learn a bit?
I think reading could be your problem or plain stupidity but you shouldn't call people fools when you clearly don't know what you are talking about. A school voucher mandate isn't a requirement for people to do something. It is requiring a state to give people an option on how to spend their tax dollars. That isn't not a larger government. That is a freedom option for citizens. You can try to twist words to fit whatever ****tard point you are trying to make but it isn't a sensible argument
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And the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should not have anything to do with requiring it. Do you see my point? Of course not.

Also, states that are now pushing for this are pushing for charter schools. And 40% of those close within the first 10 years because they are not any good.
School vouchers is already a states rights issue. The feds can only say if you take federal dollars you have to allow vouchers. That isn't bigger government. That is mandating freedom.
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I think reading could be your problem or plain stupidity but you shouldn't call people fools when you clearly don't know what you are talking about. A school voucher mandate isn't a requirement for people to do something. It is requiring a state to give people an option on how to spend their tax dollars. That isn't not a larger government. That is a freedom option for citizens. You can try to twist words to fit whatever ****tard point you are trying to make but it isn't a sensible argument
Isn't it amusing how Leftists demanding a "choice" when it comes to slaughtering their own offspring are adamantly opposed to a "choice" when it comes to educating them? (those lucky enough to avoid being slaughtered in the womb)

Don't expect Leftists to be consistent in any of their arguments. That'd be like expecting them to tell the Truth! 😏
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Isn't it amusing how Leftists demanding a "choice" when it comes to slaughtering their own offspring are adamantly opposed to a "choice" when it comes to educating them? (those lucky enough to avoid being slaughtered in the womb)

Don't expect Leftists to be consistent in any of their arguments. That'd be like expecting them to tell the Truth! 😏
Perhaps you should look up "open enrollment". Some states have already done this. Students can choose any school they want in the current system. And all this WITHOUT forcing tax payer money to private schools.
Perhaps you should look up "open enrollment". Some states have already done this. Students can choose any school they want in the current system. And all this WITHOUT forcing tax payer money to private schools.
They can choose any school except the one they may want to attend. The parents pay taxes and the vouchers refund that back to the parent so their kid can go to the school they want. It isn't spending some other taxpayers money.
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They can choose any school except the one they may want to attend. The parents pay taxes and the vouchers refund that back to the parent so their kid can go to the school they want. It isn't spending some other taxpayers money.
What Leftists can't accept (because they can't control them) is parents are driving the move towards school choice vouchers. Fed up with their limited choices in poorly performing government only education, they are lapping up vouchers, ESA's, home schooling, and a variety of other educational choice options using THEIR OWN MONEY! As I mentioned earlier ITT, Leftists have lost this argument because the status quo of government running education without accountability from alternative competition funded by vouchers has ended and it's parents who are ending it!

Good riddance IMO.
Perhaps you should look up "open enrollment". Some states have already done this. Students can choose any school they want in the current system. And all this WITHOUT forcing tax payer money to private schools.
It’s obvious you work with the education system. And I get it, you’re job protecting. You’re worried about your wallet. There is zero logical or rational reason underserved communities should be forced to attend public schools without other options while they show continued declines.

I can see an argument against charter schools, however, I see zero argument against established private schools.

I’ve debated this topic for years with family who worked in the school system. Ironically, they all sent us to private schools. In turn, my kids have also only attended private schools. They see it one way, money out of the public school systems means they get even worse. I get that. It’s the sunk cost fallacy.

The teacher’s unions are ultimately to blame for the rising tide of discontent by parents. They wanted more without the accountability element. That’s just not logical. The whole WV teacher’s strike was a perfect example. Instead of incentivizing STEM teachers, they wanted everyone to be considered equal, and that’s just not the case, in life. Performance and merit are the metrics of life and business, not tenure.
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It’s obvious you work with the education system. And I get it, you’re job protecting. You’re worried about your wallet. There is zero logical or rational reason underserved communities should be forced to attend public schools without other options while they show continued declines.

I can see an argument against charter schools, however, I see zero argument against established private schools.

I’ve debated this topic for years with family who worked in the school system. Ironically, they all sent us to private schools. In turn, my kids have also only attended private schools. They see it one way, money out of the public school systems means they get even worse. I get that. It’s the sunk cost fallacy.

The teacher’s unions are ultimately to blame for the rising tide of discontent by parents. They wanted more without the accountability element. That’s just not logical. The whole WV teacher’s strike was a perfect example. Instead of incentivizing STEM teachers, they wanted everyone to be considered equal, and that’s just not the case, in life. Performance and merit are the metrics of life and business, not tenure.
First, you have no idea what I work for. So stop assuming. Second, it’s the fact that my education in public schools rewarded me by providing me with the opportunity to attain a masters degree. As well as my wife. And sent my daughter to college on full academic scholarship. Those pissing and moaning about how “poor” our public schools are don’t see the other side of it. The problem isn’t with the schools, it’s with genetics and bad parental guidance.

EDIT: For example, I'm for the right for women to choose, but I'm against abortion personally. So just because you support something doesn't me you actually agree with it. My disagreement with tax dollars to private schools is simply because the use of funding from tax payers, who some may not be Catholic or may be atheist, shouldn't have their money funding those institutions.
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It’s obvious you work with the education system. And I get it, you’re job protecting. You’re worried about your wallet. There is zero logical or rational reason underserved communities should be forced to attend public schools without other options while they show continued declines.

I can see an argument against charter schools, however, I see zero argument against established private schools.

I’ve debated this topic for years with family who worked in the school system. Ironically, they all sent us to private schools. In turn, my kids have also only attended private schools. They see it one way, money out of the public school systems means they get even worse. I get that. It’s the sunk cost fallacy.

The teacher’s unions are ultimately to blame for the rising tide of discontent by parents. They wanted more without the accountability element. That’s just not logical. The whole WV teacher’s strike was a perfect example. Instead of incentivizing STEM teachers, they wanted everyone to be considered equal, and that’s just not the case, in life. Performance and merit are the metrics of life and business, not tenure.
Leftists are beholden to the teachers union, not the children. They would rather see the high performing students pushed down to the lowest level in order to protect their public education gravy train. Those of us that can afford private schools will take full advantage. Those who suffer the most are low income, especially black kids in the inner cities who's parents have no other option than to send them to under performing public schools. These kids deserve better and would be so much better off under a voucher system. Remind me again who truly cares about low income folks?
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It’s obvious you work with the education system. And I get it, you’re job protecting. You’re worried about your wallet. There is zero logical or rational reason underserved communities should be forced to attend public schools without other options while they show continued declines.

I can see an argument against charter schools, however, I see zero argument against established private schools.

I’ve debated this topic for years with family who worked in the school system. Ironically, they all sent us to private schools. In turn, my kids have also only attended private schools. They see it one way, money out of the public school systems means they get even worse. I get that. It’s the sunk cost fallacy.

The teacher’s unions are ultimately to blame for the rising tide of discontent by parents. They wanted more without the accountability element. That’s just not logical. The whole WV teacher’s strike was a perfect example. Instead of incentivizing STEM teachers, they wanted everyone to be considered equal, and that’s just not the case, in life. Performance and merit are the metrics of life and business, not tenure.
It’s obvious you work with the education system. And I get it, you’re job protecting. You’re worried about your wallet. There is zero logical or rational reason underserved communities should be forced to attend public schools without other options while they show continued declines.

I can see an argument against charter schools, however, I see zero argument against established private schools.

I’ve debated this topic for years with family who worked in the school system. Ironically, they all sent us to private schools. In turn, my kids have also only attended private schools. They see it one way, money out of the public school systems means they get even worse. I get that. It’s the sunk cost fallacy.

The teacher’s unions are ultimately to blame for the rising tide of discontent by parents. They wanted more without the accountability element. That’s just not logical. The whole WV teacher’s strike was a perfect example. Instead of incentivizing STEM teachers, they wanted everyone to be considered equal, and that’s just not the case, in life. Performance and merit are the metrics of life and business, not tenure.
Your last paragraph sums up where most of the opposition to school choice vouchers emanates. The argument isn't that school choice doesn't work (it does) or that parents don't love it (they do) or that it actually saves taxpayers money (that's true too) the argument is "public money shouldn't be funding private schools", regardless of the overall positive results.

Translation: We teachers shouldn't be deprived of our incomes at the expense of private schools doing a better job who don't have to deal with all the crap we do in these government schools

What's lost in the argument is accountability, and results. Leftists have no problem seeing money taken by force from Catholics or other people of Faith and squandered on poorly performing government schools. Those school's poor results are never held to account for the wasted hard earned money from taxpayers of all Faiths. Yet when Parochial or non denominational private schools are opened often in economically distressed areas, and the kids suddenly perform...Leftists cry "foul" because the same money that was wasted on poorly performing government schools is used in the form of vouchers which produce better results that parents in those communities love!

I was educated in Catholic schools. Like you, I also put my kids into private schools and my wife and I homeschooled them. They performed marvelously, and while we paid for everything with our own money, I'm willing to give other parents who weren't as financially able as we were the same opportunity using their own tax money. That's a Hell of a lot better than leaving kids stuck in these awful government schools with their gender identity, climate change nonsense. The nice thing is the school choice movement is here to stay, and as I've mentioned ITT it's growing. Leftists can just sit back and watch because they can't stop this momentum.
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They can choose any school except the one they may want to attend. The parents pay taxes and the vouchers refund that back to the parent so their kid can go to the school they want. It isn't spending some other taxpayers money.
Not only what you've pointed out here, but how does the voucher program "force" money into private schools? Exactly as you said, parents simply pick the schools they believe are performing with results they desire for their kids. There's no "forcing" them to choose schools they believe are producing better results. If that happens to be a government school, more $$$$$$$ for that school! If another public or private school is producing satisfactory results, competition! Where's the "force" in school choice?
First, you have no idea what I work for. So stop assuming. Second, it’s the fact that my education in public schools rewarded me by providing me with the opportunity to attain a masters degree. As well as my wife. And sent my daughter to college on full academic scholarship. Those pissing and moaning about how “poor” our public schools are don’t see the other side of it. The problem isn’t with the schools, it’s with genetics and bad parental guidance.

EDIT: For example, I'm for the right for women to choose, but I'm against abortion personally. So just because you support something doesn't me you actually agree with it. My disagreement with tax dollars to private schools is simply because the use of funding from tax payers, who some may not be Catholic or may be atheist, shouldn't have their money funding those institutions.
First, there are plenty on non-denominational and non-religious affiliated private schools. Are those ok with you?

And I should be able to deduct my private school tuition from my property taxes as it’s not a service I utilize, moreover, it’s I have to pay out of pocket to not use. There is a happy medium here and common ground that could be found. Teachers Unions and lobbying groups will not allow it.

To think and put the onus of the decline in schools simply on genetics and parenting is hilariously naive. Is it a factor? Sure. Have we significantly adjusted curriculum down? Yes. Does urban grift also play a major role? Yes. Are public schools a jobs program of sorts that doesn’t incentivize merit in the classroom? Yes, absolutely. Why try harder when comp isn’t based on merit?