So Schiff did have contact with whistleblower before complaint, after denying he did...

After Nancy's press conference today, I wonder how much stronger the evidence against Trump gets with more testimony?

She was not very convincing today. Does she think any more is coming to convince skeptics? Bribery? Extortion? What's still out there we don't know?
Hey @countryroads89 , if testimony has proved Trump bribed or extorted Ukraine, how long did he hold up their aid, when did he release it, and what was the statement they eventually made for Trump that he demanded from Ukraine?

It's OK if you don't answer, I know how tough it is for you to tell the Truth.
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Bump post 163.

You better hope Pelosi doesnt get cold feet and not hold a vote like she suggested today because bump 163 will make your stupid ass famous.

Dave that gif is not from someone who's confident of a victory. That post is nothing but abject terror. If country was going to win that bet we'd be hearing about Trump getting nailed with bribery, extortion, or "obstruction" not Michelle doing her 'hoochie momma' dance!
Do they even have the votes.

I doubt it. No whip count. Not even placed into the dockett which considers all pending business. How is an impeachment vote not even on the dockett?
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Wow! What a well, thought out response! I mean...WOW!


Watch the legislative calendar the next few days 30CAT. If we don't see a vote scheduled for consideration of articles in committee, a vote on floor rules to hear the evidence, a whip count vote, as well as a vote to take up the committee recommendations on the floor by the full House...Nancy cannot pull this off before the FISA report drops.

She is up against it. Time and political realities are not on her side. The hearings were a disaster and didn't change any minds in the Senate. Passing a partisan impeachment vote sure to go down in flames in the Senate may be too much for her to ask her members to swollow, especially those new Dems who gave her a majority. They came from districts Trump won in 16.
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Good question. Those Dems in Trump districts have to be fretting.
One of the more moderate dems in the house has already said there is no compelling case to impeach. If the 31 lean that way it would be interesting. I think Nancy will get what she wants end of day.
One of the more moderate dems in the house has already said there is no compelling case to impeach. If the 31 lean that way it would be interesting. I think Nancy will get what she wants end of day.

I think if the polling continues to show swing voters and independents growing in numbers against impeachment, she calls off the vote.

She'll figure it's less of a risk cancelling what could turn out to be a failed House vote (disaster) or a partisan impeachment vote with no Republican House members in support which will also end in disaster in the Senate when Republicans acquit Trump of all charges and possibly smear the Dems as a result.

She can use the evidence gathered to promote in the media that Trump is guilty of something impeachable, but political protectionists in the GOP won't vote to either impeach or convict him. Then an appeal is made to voters throughout next year to "give Dems control of both chambers" so they can finish the job of removing this President and sending his corrupt buddies packing.

It's really all they have absent a candidate, a message, or a case.
Hey @countryroads89 ...If Dems don't schedule an impeachment vote before the FISA report drops, then will you admit they're not going to take a vote this session and leave?

(if they don't hold a vote before that FISA report, they'll never have one)
Bump post 163.

Why doesn't Nancy call a whip count? Doesn't she want to know how many members of her caucus are ready to walk the plank?

Why hasn't she scheduled a rules committee vote on how the inquiry evidence will be handled?

Why hasn't she placed a vote for committees to present their impeachment inquiry findings up for possibly drawing up articles of impeachment?

Why hasn't she scheduled a full floor House debate?

Why don't you ever answer any questions?
Here 'ya go @countryroads89 don't have to answer my questions, this article does it for you. [winking]

GOP skeptical Pelosi will go through with impeachment

(some key excerpts)

Polling released last week showed rising opposition to impeachment...


Pelosi may opt for a vote on a censure resolution and skip the prospect of a Senate trial that could drag on for a month or more, during which impeachment fatigue among voters could intensify.


“They think they've got a better than 50-50 [chance] that maybe this doesn't happen in the House,”


“There's a growing school of thought that rather give Senate Republicans or the White House an opportunity on a level playing field on a large stage, Democrats would be better off just saying, ‘we're going to look out for the country, not drag the country through this, we've made our point,’ and have a vote of censure-ship,’”


"It’s inconceivable to me there would be 67 votes to remove the president from office,”


“This is not going as planned,” Holmes said of reports that public support for impeachment is dimming.

Hey @countryroads89 ...look at's the calendar for days left this Congressional session. See how few days are left to get this to a floor vote? Don't forget, on December 9th, the FISA report will also be made public and that could end all impeachment talk on the spot. There are actually only 8 calendar days left to vote before Dec 9th! :scream:

You are running out of time country if this happens before Christmas. If it doesn't, you can leave, cause it won't ever after that.

House Calendar (November/December)
Here 'ya go @countryroads89 don't have to answer my questions, this article does it for you. [winking]

GOP skeptical Pelosi will go through with impeachment

(some key excerpts)

Polling released last week showed rising opposition to impeachment...


Pelosi may opt for a vote on a censure resolution and skip the prospect of a Senate trial that could drag on for a month or more, during which impeachment fatigue among voters could intensify.


“They think they've got a better than 50-50 [chance] that maybe this doesn't happen in the House,”


“There's a growing school of thought that rather give Senate Republicans or the White House an opportunity on a level playing field on a large stage, Democrats would be better off just saying, ‘we're going to look out for the country, not drag the country through this, we've made our point,’ and have a vote of censure-ship,’”


"It’s inconceivable to me there would be 67 votes to remove the president from office,”


“This is not going as planned,” Holmes said of reports that public support for impeachment is dimming.

Hey @countryroads89 ...look at's the calendar for days left this Congressional session. See how few days are left to get this to a floor vote? Don't forget, on December 9th, the FISA report will also be made public and that could end all impeachment talk on the spot. There are actually only 8 calendar days left to vote before Dec 9th! :scream:

You are running out of time country if this happens before Christmas. If it doesn't, you can leave, cause it won't ever after that.

House Calendar (November/December)
Atl, you do realize you are addressing the best prospect for gay porn star of the year don't you?? KKuntry IS the biggest dick on the board !!
Atl, you do realize you are addressing the best prospect for gay porn star of the year don't you?? KKuntry IS the biggest dick on the board !!

Ha...ha...I honestly don't know about country's sexual appetite, however I do know that mentally country obviously suffers from impotence brought on by a strong case of TDS. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Ha...ha...I honestly don't know about country's sexual appetite, however I do know that mentally country obviously suffers from impotence brought on by a strong case of TDS. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Not that impotence has any bearing on Kk's lovelife....Impossible to make yourself Pg....
Not that impotence has any bearing on Kk's lovelife....Impossible to make yourself Pg....

Some impotent folks rely on artificial stimulators like Viagra. Not even direct injections of Serotonin into the base of country's cranium could stimulate any mental activity! It's just all hollowed out up there Shirley Knott in what country has left for a brain.


looking for @countryroads89 's brain
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@countryroads89 ...can you count? This article was written back in September, explaining how the impeachment numbers weren't adding up for nervous Nancy. The hearings were supposed to flip that script...they did not! In fact the numbers have grown worse for her!

This is why Nancy won't take a whip count, or call for a vote on articles in committee. She knows once it gets to the floor, a full House vote would not pass! Time and numbers are not on her side country.... give it up lose, the votes are NOT there and Nancy knows it!

Will there be enough votes to impeach Donald Trump?


"At first blush, the arithmetic may seem easy: there are 235 House Democrats and it takes 218 votes (a simple majority) to approve articles of impeachment. The odds of success look pretty good.

But in practice, it’s not quite that simple. There are plenty of House Dems representing center-right districts that Trump won in 2016, and those lawmakers would prefer to avoid this fight. There are other Democratic incumbents from competitive districts where impeachment is so unpopular, they fear putting their careers at risk by voting for it".


"To assume that the 218 votes will be there when it counts is to underestimate the pressures on many of these lawmakers. Indeed, these same House Democrats have seen the same information we’ve all seen, and they haven’t yet expressed support for impeachment – which suggests they might never come around".

They haven't come around. the hearings were a disaster. Senate Republicans were unmoved, many house members remain skeptical. They can't even decide on what articles to draw up? This thing is dead, the only one who doesn't realize it is @countryroads89 .
The media has ignored this during Trump's entire term Gunny. They will be trying to explain it next November after Black voters provide the winning margins turning Trump's victory into a landslide.
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Why doesn't Nancy call a whip count? Doesn't she want to know how many members of her caucus are ready to walk the plank?

Why hasn't she scheduled a rules committee vote on how the inquiry evidence will be handled?

Why hasn't she placed a vote for committees to present their impeachment inquiry findings up for possibly drawing up articles of impeachment?

Why hasn't she scheduled a full floor House debate?

Why don't you ever answer any questions?
Reply button is stuck on 163...
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@countryroads89 listen you don't have to take my word for any of this "non impeachment" talk. If Dems were ready to impeach Trump, to a person they'd easily and confidently articulate what the specific articles are going to be. You don't even hear them mentioning any articles, much less what's in them or their willingness to vote them out to the floor!

If they were about to impeach Trump, they'd be hearing "atta-boys" from their constituents. You don't even hear them mentioning their constituent support for this because it doesn't exist! Quite the opposite in fact.

If they were about to impeach Trump, the polls would be showing strong public support for sooner rather than later. You don't even hear them mentioning the polls, because as each day goes by more and more folks are telling pollsters they want Dems to drop the whole thing...they simply haven't proved their case to most voters.

If they were about to impeach Trump, you'd find legislative dockets planned on the remaining calendar days in this session for a vote on articles out of committee, a rules committee vote on procedures to follow to hear committee evidence on the full floor, a vote to hold hearings and to take a final vote on each article, as well as a whip count to round up the final numbers ready to sink Trump.

You hear none of that, you see none of that. No votes scheduled, no consideration in committee, no rules voted on, no hearing vote, no whip count. Nothing. Just like their case, Democrats have nothing. Again, don't take my word for any of this, go find for yourself the opposite of what I've just posted and refute it. That's how you'll know.

If you can't, then you also should know I'm right, and you're just too arrogant and embarrassed to admit it. It's OK...I know your days on here are numbered, I just wonder when you will finally realize that?


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