So Schiff did have contact with whistleblower before complaint, after denying he did...

The way I see this Pelosi is toast. She knows it..she may chose to not impeach to save her legacy and ride off into the sunset.

The democrats have no chance of beating Trump. Pelosi knows democrats cannot hold the house either in 2020. Pelosi will not play second fiddle as minority leader in house. She is doomed.

If she was younger she would impeach. Her plastic body is eroding faster than tjebarr's hair is falling out. She doesn't want to deal with all the bullshit nonsense from the squad, but you eat what you sow. Gone further left has injured their party. America not quite ready for that sudden of a change.

Her plastic body is eroding faster than tjebarr's hair is falling out.
Just a reminder so pussy atl doesn’t back out.

I'm NOT backing out you cowardly fraud. Why can't you tell us when the bet is over?

  • When will it be settled (by what date?)
  • How long are YOU willing to wait for it? (impeachment vote)
  • When will Trump be impeached? (give us a time frame at least, by Christmas? next Spring, next Summer, when?)
  • What happens after Trump is re-elected? (Is the bet still on?)
  • Do you immediately concede? (once no impeachment vote this session is taken)
  • What happens if Democrats simply postpone their inquiry? (do you then concede?)
  • If Judiciary or shifty Schiff's sham Intel committee recommends impeachment, but Nancy never calls for a vote and instead just "threatens" one, how long does that go on before you concede?
Can you please answer me?
I'm NOT backing out you cowardly fraud. Why can't you tell us when the bet is over?

  • When will it be settled (by what date?)
  • How long are YOU willing to wait for it? (impeachment vote)
  • When will Trump be impeached? (give us a time frame at least, by Christmas? next Spring, next Summer, when?)
  • What happens after Trump is re-elected? (Is the bet still on?)
  • Do you immediately concede? (once no impeachment vote this session is taken)
  • What happens if Democrats simply postpone their inquiry? (do you then concede?)
  • If Judiciary or shifty Schiff's sham Intel committee recommends impeachment, but Nancy never calls for a vote and instead just "threatens" one, how long does that go on before you concede?
Can you please answer me?
Dude, give it a rest. Anyone who reads this board knows what a pussy he is. Let him continue to flaunt his vageen for all of us to laugh at.
Dude, give it a rest. Anyone who reads this board knows what a pussy he is. Let him continue to flaunt his vageen for all of us to laugh at.

It just bothers me DvlDog we have a bet that I can't reasonably expect a date of concession on? Sh*t this could go on all through Trump's second term! I don't think Democrats will EVER stop trying to find some way to get Trump out of office, even after he's re-elected!

They haven't stopped suggesting the "collusion" crap, why would they just all of a sudden stop trying to impeach him even after he is re-elected? It just burns me up @countryroads89 can't even supply us a rough timeline when this all goes down? Country tells us Nancy already has the votes to impeach, yet refuses to tell us when she calls for them?

What a totally worthless bet!
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Just a reminder so pussy atl doesn’t back out.

I get it, so I just have to sit here and wait until YOU decide you've lost? If you refuse to offer a date when you think this is all over, then it's only over when YOU decide it is?

I'll bet you never decide. You won't have an impeachment vote, but you'll never stop insisting it's coming.[eyeroll]
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Just a reminder so pussy atl doesn’t back out.

What should I call YOU when you refuse to concede?
  • No impeachment/concession by Thanksgiving (lame)
  • No impeachment/concession by Christmas (loser)
  • No impeachment/concession by New Year's (liar)
  • No impeachment/concession by February (punk)
  • No impeachment/concession by Memorial day (pitiful)
  • No impeachment/concession by July 4th (pathetic)
  • No impeachment/concession by Labor day (nauseating)
  • No impeachment/concession by Nov 3, 2020 (re-election butt hurt)
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Bump post 163.

Last week you boasted Nancy had "enough votes" to impeach Trump. Why hasn't she called them in?

How can you trust a bunch of Left wing Democrats?
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Just a reminder so pussy atl doesn’t back out.

Hey country, what's going to be the appetite to impeach Trump once several members of the Obama administration are referred for criminal indictments after the IG's report names them in gross FISA abuse?

You realize that's due out any day now don't you?
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You already backed out. You lost. LMAO!

There isn't going to be any impeachment vote. It's a matter of Law vs Politics, and Dems are not on the winning side of either.

Even if there is a vote to impeach, The Senate is NOT required to even hold a trial...and if they do it is a virtual certainty that the weakness of the case that could emerge would result in a Trump re-election inspired acquittal.

Bill Clinton redux.

So Dems lose their kook fringe base if they can't find enough votes to pass at least one impeachment article for the "high crime" of calling a Foreign leader and asking for his help trying to root out U.S. election interference corruption (a highly impeachable offense) or they will lose when the Senate holds its own version of a "kangaroo court" and acquits Trump without even calling witnesses!

Wouldn't Nancy and the House clowns think that would be a taste of their own nasty medicine?
Bump Post 163.

You really don't have to explain anything to me. (or 'ya can't) What gets me is what are you seeing that gets us from an impeachment "inquiry" in which no crime is even specified...into a full House vote on the floor for specific articles of impeachment and we haven't even taken a vote to formally open an impeachment investigation yet?

Again, don't bother explaining it to me because you can't...but how in the Hell are you explaining it to yourself? Whatever you come up with that justifies this in your own twisted mind, it has to be even more delusional to think this gets you a victory in our bet.

Good Lord that's some serious psychosis you got goin' on there.



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As certain as I am I've already won this bet Dave, I'm even more certain country WILL NOT leave this forum whenever we get to declare there will be no impeachment vote.

Did you hear Dems today (Nancy) saying she won't put a time limit on any of these half dozen committees "inquiring" about whether to recommend a vote to impeach? This could still be going on a week before the election next year....then we'll get a "bombshell" breaking news story:



CNN has learned tonight from an unnamed source that the Trump campaign has kept a "secret slush fund" available to pay off Ukrainian bots which have been strategically placed around key voting precincts in certain swing States, in order to facilitate election day tabulations designed to hijack votes for Joe Biden and give them to Trump.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the source tells CNN revenue for the slush fund came from a secret paid invitation only party hosted by Vladimir Putin last summer on Trump's behalf at Putin's Daca on the Black Sea. The source told CNN "pictures of naked Trump" exist as the two world dictators danced on the beach with dozens of nearly naked "blondes in thongs".

The White House had no comment on the startling revelations when reached by @tjebarr for verification of the unnamed source's allegations.[eyeroll]

Secret images CNN has obtained of Trump "blondes in thongs" Russian beach party




It was a very good party...we raise lots of Roubles for Trump!
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Bump post 163.

I just want you to know country...that I know you know you cannot win this bet. You have no facts, you have no case, you can't explain why victory is coming your way. I also know......


You get on here and brag, and boast, and besmirch me. Yet you constantly make statements you cannot back up, you consistently run away from even the most obvious questions, and you clearly cannot back up anything you declare as factually supported Truth.

You can't win this bet 'cause you have no game. You have no clue. You're a walking talkin' media mind numbed cliche of popularly promoted propaganda.

Trump doesn't make you miserable. You are miserable. You won't leave this forum after Democrats inevitably fail in their attempt to smear Trump by impeaching him hoping that helps them get him out of office. Devoid of ideas, and absent a candidate with a winning message you can neither support nor articulate, you will simply forge onto the next manufactured scandal you hope to pin on him to ruin his second term. You no doubt will still be here to spread the filth, slime, bile, and ugliness you've perfected to date.

You can't discuss issues, you can't defend your positions, you're even too embarrassed to show your face. One thing you cannot hide from though, are facts. Facts that expose your losing issues, your losing candidates, and your losing political smears.

Welcome to the world of losers coutryroads89...I'm sure you'll be right at home when you finally figure out this feckless Democrat impeachment effort against Trump has failed.
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I just want you to know country...that I know you know you cannot win this bet. You have no facts, you have no case, you can't explain why victory is coming your way. I also know......


You get on here and brag, and boast, and besmirch me. Yet you constantly make statements you cannot back up, you consistently run away from even the most obvious questions, and you clearly cannot back up anything you declare as factually supported Truth.

You can't win this bet 'cause you have no game. You have no clue. You're a walking talkin' media mind numbed cliche of popularly promoted propaganda.

Trump doesn't make you miserable. You are miserable. You won't leave this forum after Democrats inevitably fail in their attempt to smear Trump by impeaching him hoping that helps them get him out of office. Devoid of ideas, and absent a candidate with a winning message you can neither support nor articulate, you will simply forge onto the next manufactured scandal you hope to pin on him to ruin his second term. You no doubt will still be here to spread the filth, slime, bile, and ugliness you've perfected to date.

You can't discuss issues, you can't defend your positions, you're even too embarrassed to show your face. One thing you cannot hide from though, are facts. Facts that expose your losing issues, your losing candidates, and your losing political smears.

Welcome to the world of losers coutryroads89...I'm sure you'll be right at home when you finally figure out this feckless Democrat impeachment effort against Trump has failed.

Sounds to me like you’re trying to welch on the bet. If you do, I’ll make sure you regret it.
Sounds to me like you’re trying to welch on the bet. If you do, I’ll make sure you regret it.

Don't worry. I can't be welching if I'm not the one dodging questions. I can explain to you quite precisely with facts, precedents, political reality, and familiarity with the holes in this process why you CANNOT win it. In fact, I've been explaining it all along, and asking you if you're aware of these things? I've been correct at every turn. You cannot refute anything I've said or asked. That's why you don't.

So of course you refuse to answer me, refuse to respond, refuse to realize the hole your friends are in because you refuse to accept you've already been defeated. No matter, facts are stubborn things. The facts of this failed case won't go away.

The ultimate fact is your hopes of winning this bet are based purely on emotion not hard provable facts. When you drill down into the heart of the case...the details that will determine if a vote to impeach is even held, let alone if Trump will ever be convicted on any of it...the fact of the matter is you have already lost. The facts are NOT on your side.

I'll just be sitting here waiting for YOU to recognize what I already do. (I'm not dodging questions, YOU are) The only difference is I already know you won't leave...why would you? You can't even explain why you're still here?
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Bump post 163.

You ran off after the questions I asked you proving how we get to impeachment from this particular process (which you said last week wasn't even necessary) but you came back to remind us how you're ready to leave this forum after this phony "staged" vote leads to a NO VOTE to impeach?

Thanks! [thumb2]
Bump post 163.

Hey country....why did you start a poll asking when others think Trump gets impeached without answering the question yourself? What's wrong, can't make up your mind, or are you sticking your nasty tongue out to see which way the wind is blowing before spewing out your vile filled answer?

You can't even answer what Trump gets impeached on? Good grief country. Keep bumping post're going to need it. [winking]
Hey @countryroads89 if I was in Vegas placing my bet on which one of us has more of an advantage on our bet, which one of us do you think the Vegas oddsmakers would put their money on?

You confident country? Well, you're awfully quiet for someone so confident Trump's gonna get nailed by House Democrats armed with all sorts of impeachment stuff. What's the best thing they got on him? Why can't you lay it out for us country?

Does your silence mean you're admitting defeat? How are you so sure Trump's going to get nailed and you don't even have a clue with what or when? Not a good bet country, not at all!

Bump post 163...keep reminding yourself what YOU said when you Welch.[eyeroll]
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