Yuh-yo! David Pecker rats-out Trump.

Ok, fine......but what if he goes under oath claiming to have no knowledge? Do we have a Bill Clinton situation brewing?
See, now you are getting to a good point. Under oath, isn't tweeting or uttering something on the campaign trail. That was Clinton's problem, lied under oath. I stated it when it happened that he should have never testified while he was PResident, that from a person who never voted for him. I would hope that if trump is under oath, he'd tell the truth. I'm not sure how paying off these women with his own money is a crime. it's not surprising to me that a man named Pecker is involved with Trump.
How do commercials influence elections? How do debates influence elections? And the "grab" statement was just "locker room talk", right?

I thought we were talking about Russians influencing voters that cast Hillary aside? Now we come to find out we voted for Trump only because we didn't know he was screwing a couple of porno Queens?
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I thought we were talking about Russians influencing voters the cast Hilary aside? Now we come to find out we voted for Trump because we didn't know he was screwing a couple of porno Queens?
McDougle wasn't a porn queen. She was pretty hot, actually. Stormy isn't and there's no excuse to step down from the wife he has.
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We have really got way off track in this thread.

Here is a good read:

And to save some of you time, here is my favorite part:

The second area in which the Commission believes the available statutory maximum
punishment constrains imposition of appropriate sentences is for violations under section
322(a)(1) of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. Section 322(a)(1) states:
(a) In General. No person who is a candidate
for Federal office or an employee or agent of
such a candidate shall–
(1) fraudulently misrepresent himself or any committee or organization under his
control as speaking or writing or otherwise acti
ng for or on behalf of any other candidate or
political party or employee or agent thereof on a matter which is damaging to such other
candidate or political party or employee or agent thereof . . .
The typical §322(a)(1) violation is a situation in which one candidate, or someone under
his or her control, generates a campaign communication which purports to be from his or her
opponent and which attributes to that opponent
a view not held by that opponent. Such
communications are especially malicious in that they are designed to confuse the electorate to
the opponent’s detriment. Staff at the Federal Election Commission have informed the
Commission that such offenses, even when less than $25,000 is expended, can have great impact
on the outcome of an election. This is particularly true in congressional elections or, to a lesser
extent, senatorial elections in less populous states. Accordingly, the Commission recommends
that Congress increase the statutory maximum sentence applicable to §322(a)(1) offenses to five
years' imprisonment, irrespective of the amount of money involved.
People are still arguing that people pleaded guilty to non crimes. How on Earth are we expected to respect and listen to these morons going forward? I'm all ears, so that we avoid the this-is-how-you got Trump future threads. They are literally, not figuratively, arguing that well connected, intelligent,and wealthy people with a team of lawyers are pleading guilty to non crimes. I wish we could death panel the stupids along with the olds. Probably a decent amount of overlap.
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McDougle wasn't a porn queen. She was pretty hot, actually. Stormy isn't and there's no excuse to step down from the wife he has.

They voted for Bill Clinton over "bimbo eruptions", but somehow we were "tricked" into voting for Trump because we didn't know he was boinkin' porn sluts. [eyeroll]
People are still arguing that people pleaded guilty to non crimes. How on Earth are we expected to respect and listen to these morons going forward? I'm all ears, so that we avoid the this-is-how-you got Trump future threads. They are literally, not figuratively, arguing that well connected, intelligent,and wealthy people with a team of lawyers are pleading guilty to non crimes. I wish we could death panel the stupids along with the olds. Probably a decent amount of overlap.
That would eliminate 90% of each party.
We have really got way off track in this thread.

Here is a good read:

And to save some of you time, here is my favorite part:

The second area in which the Commission believes the available statutory maximum
punishment constrains imposition of appropriate sentences is for violations under section
322(a)(1) of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. Section 322(a)(1) states:
(a) In General. No person who is a candidate
for Federal office or an employee or agent of
such a candidate shall–
(1) fraudulently misrepresent himself or any committee or organization under his
control as speaking or writing or otherwise acti
ng for or on behalf of any other candidate or
political party or employee or agent thereof on a matter which is damaging to such other
candidate or political party or employee or agent thereof . . .
The typical §322(a)(1) violation is a situation in which one candidate, or someone under
his or her control, generates a campaign communication which purports to be from his or her
opponent and which attributes to that opponent
a view not held by that opponent. Such
communications are especially malicious in that they are designed to confuse the electorate to
the opponent’s detriment. Staff at the Federal Election Commission have informed the
Commission that such offenses, even when less than $25,000 is expended, can have great impact
on the outcome of an election. This is particularly true in congressional elections or, to a lesser
extent, senatorial elections in less populous states. Accordingly, the Commission recommends
that Congress increase the statutory maximum sentence applicable to §322(a)(1) offenses to five
years' imprisonment, irrespective of the amount of money involved.

So Hillary paying Russians for that phony Steele dossier would fall directly under this violation of federal law correct?
Another low IQ response.

What's the Left's or Democrat plan to get GDP above where it is now (roughly 3.6%)?

More cyber-silence
(You can't even fake an's that bad) [eyeroll]

BTW...Trump's plan involves:
  • Continued regulatory & tax relief for businesses and private investors
  • making the tax cuts permanent
  • renegotiating our trade deal with China
  • continued energy independence
  • devolving bureaucracy out of Washington D.C.
  • revitalizing our inner cities through enterprise zones
  • restraining the Federal reserve
  • restoring America's manufacturing base through corporate tax incentives for businesses to repatriate from overseas
  • restructuring our economy through greater emphasis on Domestic enterprises using American sourcing for raw materials like steel, plastics, wood, and aluminum.
Again...what's the plan from the other side?

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@Original Mountaineer1 your silence from post #131 is just another reason why I consider you a total waste of time. You used to be O-K for half way decent discussion of substantive policy, but you've turned into nothing more than a maniacal anti-Trump hater and your irrational hatred for him has eaten away at least half of what was left of your cranium to the point where now your brain has simply atrophied and you are no longer capable of rational, logical, or cogent thought.

(cut away view of what's left of @Original Mountaineer1 's brain)

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People are still arguing that people pleaded guilty to non crimes. How on Earth are we expected to respect and listen to these morons going forward? I'm all ears, so that we avoid the this-is-how-you got Trump future threads. They are literally, not figuratively, arguing that well connected, intelligent,and wealthy people with a team of lawyers are pleading guilty to non crimes. I wish we could death panel the stupids along with the olds. Probably a decent amount of overlap.

I don't have an opinion on the crime/non-crime part. However, if they're investigating you for X that you did do, and has a 30 year sentence, but offer you Y, that you didn't do, that has a 1 year sentence, I would say yup I'll take it in a heartbeat.
The economic growth under Clinton was two fold, one was directly a result of R&D conducted under the Reagan administration made possible by his policies. The other was the breakup of the USSR.

Carter was better than Ford as President? Mmmkay.
Red the article, I found it interesting b/c outside of Bush, I always felt the economy measures favored GOP President’s more.
I don't have an opinion on the crime/non-crime part. However, if they're investigating you for X that you did do, and has a 30 year sentence, but offer you Y, that you didn't do, that has a 1 year sentence, I would say yup I'll take it in a heartbeat.
Sounds like a legit scenario
The economic growth under Clinton was two fold, one was directly a result of R&D conducted under the Reagan administration made possible by his policies. The other was the breakup of the USSR.

Carter was better than Ford as President? Mmmkay.

You are amazingly stupid!
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The economic growth under Clinton was two fold, one was directly a result of R&D conducted under the Reagan administration made possible by his policies. The other was the breakup of the USSR.

Carter was better than Ford as President? Mmmkay.

The fact remains that Obama was the first U.S. President in modern U.S. history (post Truman) to NOT ever have one year of GDP above 3%. Not one year... EVER!

No other U.S. President was that poor, or had that dismal of a record on his watch re: GDP...not even "the worst economy in the last 50 years" G.W. Bush, or his late Father. (HW)

The Left can brag on Obama all they want, and tout his numbers or give him credit for today's economy till they're blue in the face, but his own dismal record stands as a lasting monument to his ineptitude and poor economic performance for the entire 8 years he was in charge. No one was worse or as bad with overall GDP. No one!



Last edited: do you even come across a twitter account named cat turd? And why post it here? It’s like if I went walking through Clarksburg looking for the opinions of a zoned out backpack junkie...then posted their thoughts here to share with you guys.

If shit ever goes down, I hope all you QAnon types like twitbot82 go grab your guns and head to the streets...only to find out you’ve been strung along by thousands of Russian twitter bots playing you guys like a fiddle.

Then I hope you all shoot each other or yourselves.


You post things from the American version of the old Soviet news agency called TASS. What's the difference? Government run propaganda is still the same no matter what you call it:

You post things from the American version of the old Soviet news agency called TASS. What's the difference? Government run propaganda is still the same no matter what you call it:


Go ahead and show me my reposts from those news agencies. I’ll wait.
Go ahead and show me my reposts from those news agencies. I’ll wait.

Thanks for waiting.....

... had some difficulty finding much CBS crap you quoted...but found plenty of ABC, NBC, MSNBC & other Left-wing shills like CNN, or other TASS style Left wing garbage you've got your nose buried deep in ....
(all the while you mock @WVU82 and his sources btw) here 'ya go

Steve King the racist ****wit thinks Google invented the iPhone.

Superior race, y’all
(Left wing Pro-government Bias)

(Left wing Pro government bias)

He’s already plead guilty to state crimes. He ain’t getting a pardon. Sorry folks. The moose out front should have told you.
(Left wing Pro government bias)

(CNN Left wing Pro government bias)

And holy shit...I’m just now realizing that this is a new article where you fools are claiming it’s from the Cruz rally.

I thought it was from this old story:
(Left wing pro government bias)

3000 people died. And Tangerine Mussolini calls it a “success”. jfc
(ABC-Left wing Pro Government bias)

(Left wing Pro government bias)

(Left wing Pro government bias)

(MSNBC-Left wing Pro government bias)
(Splinternews--Left Wing Pro government bias)

“Portraying exasperated weakness”

Jesus ****ing Christ

Hahahahaha! Die on that hill.
(CNN-Left Wing Pro government bias)

Claims he will do something about them.

Far-right media misidentifies Jacksonville shooter as Trump-bashing Reddit user
(NBC-Left wing Pro government bias)
(NBC, Theverge-Left wing Pro government bias)

I could find even more, but readers will get the point. Know something else I found out as I scanned your posts besides all you do is cling to Left wing underground news sights and pimp yourself off as "informed"?

You're an arrogant condescending wafe. In almost all of your posts I read, you either criticize someone else's information and sourcing without directly rebutting it--or you dismiss that which you disagree with and excoriate anyone else's view as beneath your own superior intellect or biased information.

Why is your stuff that you quote always the "enlightened correct" version, yet anyone else's information or sources are always somehow "idiotic", "stupid", "without merit", or just plain wrong? Typical Leftist...accusing others of what you do and then acting superior to those you accuse of your own bias!

Conceit much?
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Thanks for waiting.....

... had some difficulty finding much CBS crap you quoted...but found plenty of ABC, NBC, MSNBC & other Left-wing shills like CNN, or other TASS style Left wing garbage you've got your nose buried deep in ....
(all the while you mock @WVU82 and his sources btw) here 'ya go

(Left wing Pro-government Bias)

(Left wing Pro government bias)

(Left wing Pro government bias)

(CNN Left wing Pro government bias)

(Left wing pro government bias)

(ABC-Left wing Pro Government bias)

(Left wing Pro government bias)

(Left wing Pro government bias)

(MSNBC-Left wing Pro government bias)

(Splinternews--Left Wing Pro government bias)

(CNN-Left Wing Pro government bias)

(NBC, Theverge-Left wing Pro government bias)

I could find even more, but readers will get the point. Know something else I found out as I scanned your posts besides all you do is cling to Left wing underground news sights and pimp yourself off as "informed"?

You're an arrogant condescending wafe. In almost all of your posts I read, you either criticize someone else's information and sourcing without directly rebutting it--or you dismiss that which you disagree with and excoriate anyone else's view as beneath your own superior intellect or biased information.

Why is your stuff that you quote always the "enlightened correct" version, yet anyone else's information or sources are always somehow "idiotic", "stupid", "without merit", or just plain wrong? Typical Leftist...accusing others of what you do and then acting superior to those you accuse of your own bias!

Conceit much?

Please show where they were factually incorrect. Thanks.
Please show where they were factually incorrect. Thanks.

So you and others on the Left always accuse me of "changing the topic" when we get into a scrum. All I said to you is you quote Left wing stuff as much as you criticize others like 82 for quoting what YOU disagree with on the Right.

That was my post to you in #144 of this thread, and in #145 you challenged me to find anything from those sources I said you quote and quote often. So I proved my assertion is correct, now you want me fact check everything you quoted? [eyeroll]

I'll challenge you to do the same with something @WVU82 quotes that you almost 100% either ignore or deadpan with some backhanded snide remark you're accustomed to making. Again I ask you, why is only your information pure unfiltered Truth and his stuff or anyone else's just right wing nut job rantings of a "twitbot" or a Nazi?

You get to exclusively decide what's correct and what's not, is that how it works?

I've challenged you and several others on the Left of this forum to discuss substance in terms of specific policy offerings or alternatives to Trump's ongoing agenda...which is where I suggest most of our discussion should be based on. Is the ACA unconstitutional? Why or why not? What is the alternative? What are the Democrats offering?

Is Trump crazy or a liar for suggesting we can achieve GDP in excess of 4%? Why or why not? What's the Left's alternative to get us past that benchmark? I want to talk policy...I want to discuss issues. What's correct? What works? What doesn't? Why?

All you and most on the Left want to do and in fact all you end up doing is smearing, or condescending to those who you disagree with. You almost never honestly argue for what you actually believe, or want to see for the country. Then when you are challenged to do so, you all either run and hide or unleash the snide name calling remarks & outright lies because you don't have anything else of substance to fight for or offer.

So you simply wallow in nothing but personal hatred and smears for Trump, or anyone else who supports him & his agenda. It's all you've got on the Left because no one is buying anything else you're selling.
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I though that was implied in the first request. I mean...he listed almost half dozen news sources that he claims are left leaning for reporting reality. Then he posts news reports from them that are factually correct.

Can’t criticize the source if what is reported is true from legitimate news sources. But yea...let’s all repost random twitter accounts named catturd because that’s contributing so much to the board.
I though that was implied in the first request. I mean...he listed almost half dozen news sources that he claims are left leaning for reporting reality. Then he posts news reports from them that are factually correct.

Can’t criticize the source if what is reported is true from legitimate news sources. But yea...let’s all re-post random twitter accounts named catturd because that’s contributing so much to the board.

Once again, I understand now that only YOU get to decide what is factual correct?

Why are @WVU82 's sources to be dismissed, and only your sources are legitimately factual? The issue wasn't if your sources are correct or incorrect. The issue was what sources you use. You attacked 82 for posting tweets from his sources, as if they don't count. I suggested you the do the same with sources many of us on the Right believe are nothing more than Left wing shills.

Then you responded with a challenge for me to show you posting from those sources (ie: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN etc) I found some of them (and others) to determine if in fact you post them?
When I found evidence that you do, your next response then was "show me where they are not factual?"

Well, what makes you dismiss 82's sources as non factual? Do you ever point out where they are non-factual, as opposed to yours based in fact? Or do you simply offhand dismiss them in preference for your own "facts"?

It's all comes down to what YOU say is a fact or not, isn't that how it works?
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legitimate news sources

"The verge"?o_O

Let's not even do an analysis of how many "fake news" stories or factually incorrect reporting is done by CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC etc?[thumbsup]

All of your sources are "legitimate" news don't 'ya know?[thumb2]
Once again, I understand now that only YOU get to decide what is factual correct?

Why are @WVU82 's sources to be dismissed, and only your sources are legitimately factual? The issue wasn't if your sources are correct or incorrect. The issue was what sources you use. You attacked 82 for posting tweets from his sources, as if they don't count. I suggested you the do the same with sources many of us on the Right believe are nothing more than Left wing shills.

Then you responded with a challenge for me to show you posting from those sources (ie: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN etc) I found some of them (and others) to determine if in fact you post them?
When I found evidence that you do, your next response then was "show me where they are not factual?"

Well, what makes you dismiss 82's sources as non factual? Do you ever point out where they are non-factual, as opposed to yours based in fact? Or do you simply offhand dismiss them in preference for your own "facts"?

It's all comes down to what YOU say is a fact or not, isn't that how it works?

Reality is what determines what is factually correct. You seem to be upset that reality has a liberal bias.

Womp womp.
Reality is what determines what is factually correct. You seem to be upset that reality has a liberal bias.

Womp womp.

True! I do agree with you on that. So let's do a little "reality check" shall we?

Most of the main news media you typically quote as 'legitimate' news suggests a majority of Americans are opposed to a Wall because they believe it to be 'immoral' and 'ineffective' correct?

What do the most recent polls show about the reality of how Americans think about the inflow of illegal immigration, and if we need greater border security in the form of a wall to control it? If you're honest, you will see those polls show more than half of all Americans agree we need a wall to control the massive numbers of illegals crossing into our country. Poll after poll conclusively shows this do they not?

Why aren't those polls reported by your so called 'legitimate' news sources as reality, and instead only the opposition to the wall is reported as fact?

Can you explain that?
True! I do agree with you on that. So let's do a little "reality check" shall we?

Most of the main news media you typically quote as 'legitimate' news suggests a majority of Americans are opposed to a Wall because they believe it to be 'immoral' and 'ineffective' correct?

What do the most recent polls show about the reality of how Americans think about the inflow of illegal immigration, and if we need greater border security in the form of a wall to control it? If you're honest, you will see those polls show more than half of all Americans agree we need a wall to control the massive numbers of illegals crossing into our country. Poll after poll conclusively shows this do they not?

Why aren't those polls reported by your so called 'legitimate' news sources as reality, and instead only the opposition to the wall is reported as fact?

Can you explain that?

Can you prove that anything that you linked above is false? Or are you just going to keep going off on tangents about your feelings?
Reality is what determines what is factually correct. You seem to be upset that reality has a liberal bias.

Womp womp.

Just a clarification, I looked and almost all of your typically quoted sources (CBS, NBC, ABC), etc only report opposition to the Wall, or show poll results that indicate most American opposed to it. However there are many other polls showing a majority of Americans in fact support the wall, and favor controlling the growing numbers of illegal immigrants crossing into our country. Those sources almost never report the opposition to illegal immigration, they only report support for DACA and opposition to a wall which is not in fact based in reality which you claim has a Liberal bias.

Here, see for yourself

All of these Left leaning news organizations report polls show a majority of Americans oppose a wall

Now what they typically do here CPeer is what I call "lying with the Truth".

At best Americans are evenly divided on this issue, but as I said a majority of Americans polled do favor construction of that wall...a slight majority, but a majority nevertheless. What the media does is a clever sleight of hand though, by lumping support of the wall with "opposition to separation of families" (never mentioning they are illegal) "support for DACA" even though they never mention it was rejected by Democrats opposed to funding a wall, "support for immigrants" even though they never add most Americans oppose increased illegal immigration. They never make those distinctions when reporting opposition to the wall, and almost never report the stronger support for it. "Americans are evenly divided" is all we hear, when in fact Americans favor the wall by larger majorities than oppose it.

They always shape the responses or analysis on the issue as opposed to a wall and supporting more immigration instead of support for a wall and limits on illegal immigration. While it is true there is strong opposition to the wall, and support for increased (legal) immigration, it is also true there is stronger opposition to illegal immigration and greater support for a wall to control it! That does not get reported though as much as the other things I mentioned, even though it is equally as factual. That's Liberal bias, which you tout as reality of fact.

Lying with the truth.
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It doesn't matter where the funds came from. It has been determined in Cohen's plea deal and sentencing, the funds were for campaign purposes and AMI has stated under oath the funds were for campaign purposes. You now have two corroborating witnesses.

Campaign finance laws are taken very seriously. Honest and fair elections are a cornerstone of our democracy and are taken very seriously, as evidenced in the Judge's statement yesterday at Cohen's sentencing.

"He added that Mr. Cohen’s particular crimes — breaking campaign finance laws, tax evasion and lying to Congress — implicate a far more insidious harm to our democratic institutions." - Judge William H. Pauley III

Trump will not get off with no jail time over this. He will probably not be prosecuted until after he leaves office, but he will be prosecuted and he will see jail time.

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