Yuh-yo! David Pecker rats-out Trump.

The one where he told someone to get him a Diet Coke?
RealisticApprehensiveDachshund-small.gif up on the law....don't make sh!t up and look stupid.........Cohen used his own personal money to hush up people that could have dirt on Trump during the it was, by definition, used to "influence" the election.....and since the money was not reported as a donation, it did violate law.......duh.....
Not sure what Cohen did or did not do. The discussion related to The President. He (THE PRESIDENT) broke NO campaign finance laws. What is this ",,,by definition.." crap? How do YOU know what Cohen;s intentions were and, moreover, what relationship there might or might not be between his thoughts and/or intentions and those of the President? You and the authors of your talking points are way off legal base and pressing non issues as if they mean anything. Do you wish to also venture into the cases of ALL the congress people who have utilized the tax payers funded slush fund to pay off those who have made accusations against them during their campaigns? Tax money to the tune of Multi-millions. If you insist on trying to tie the Trump extortion payment to illegal use of campaign funds then there is an even better chance that ALL these congressmen are and have been guilty for years no covering their sexual activities with tax funds that cannot, in any way, be construed as personal or private. So, YOU get the facts correct and stop parroting only those inane talking points supplied to willing idiots pressing so hard to destroy a President, duly elected by the citizens of this Country (and, please, do not ignore the constitution and go harping on the use of popular vote as the measure for election).
Not sure what Cohen did or did not do. The discussion related to The President. He (THE PRESIDENT) broke NO campaign finance laws. What is this ",,,by definition.." crap? How do YOU know what Cohen;s intentions were and, moreover, what relationship there might or might not be between his thoughts and/or intentions and those of the President? You and the authors of your talking points are way off legal base and pressing non issues as if they mean anything. Do you wish to also venture into the cases of ALL the congress people who have utilized the tax payers funded slush fund to pay off those who have made accusations against them during their campaigns? Tax money to the tune of Multi-millions. If you insist on trying to tie the Trump extortion payment to illegal use of campaign funds then there is an even better chance that ALL these congressmen are and have been guilty for years no covering their sexual activities with tax funds that cannot, in any way, be construed as personal or private. So, YOU get the facts correct and stop parroting only those inane talking points supplied to willing idiots pressing so hard to destroy a President, duly elected by the citizens of this Country (and, please, do not ignore the constitution and go harping on the use of popular vote as the measure for election).


Now that’s the definition of full retard.

(It wasn’t worth looking up and posting a meme.)
Not sure what Cohen did or did not do. The discussion related to The President. He (THE PRESIDENT) broke NO campaign finance laws. What is this ",,,by definition.." crap? How do YOU know what Cohen;s intentions were and, moreover, what relationship there might or might not be between his thoughts and/or intentions and those of the President? You and the authors of your talking points are way off legal base and pressing non issues as if they mean anything. Do you wish to also venture into the cases of ALL the congress people who have utilized the tax payers funded slush fund to pay off those who have made accusations against them during their campaigns? Tax money to the tune of Multi-millions. If you insist on trying to tie the Trump extortion payment to illegal use of campaign funds then there is an even better chance that ALL these congressmen are and have been guilty for years no covering their sexual activities with tax funds that cannot, in any way, be construed as personal or private. So, YOU get the facts correct and stop parroting only those inane talking points supplied to willing idiots pressing so hard to destroy a President, duly elected by the citizens of this Country (and, please, do not ignore the constitution and go harping on the use of popular vote as the measure for election).

He was duly elected by the Electoral College......point #1

Point #2: the intentions are pretty damn clear......hush money is used for one keep someone quiet about something......happened during the election......thus, it was to influence the wasn't reported......Trump knew about it.......violation......

It is really that simple.
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He was duly elected by the Electoral College......point #1

Point #2: the intentions are pretty damn clear......hush money is used for one keep someone quiet about something......happened during the election......thus, it was to influence the wasn't reported......Trump knew about it.......violation......

It is really that simple.
So you consider this an analogy or a dangerous precedent setting occurrence within politics? Or do not care you just want him gone by any means necessary?
The morons believing nonsense that the payments made to women in order to silence them in order to benefit a candidate in election is mindblowing. Ask yourselves these points only if you know some basic facts.

A candidate must report on forms any money spent for the benefit of the campaign. Definition of benefit of the campaign is clearly defined and to summarize is if it helps in any way for the election, it is the benefit of the campaign. Therefore, any money that a candidate uses that is his own must be reported as well as any other funds that was raised. This is an attempt of any funny business going on which is what we are seeing presently. Trump filed his reports of campaign spending and didn't disclose these payments. That is a violation. Period.

Quit listening and believing political hacks that have an agenda making stupid arguments in the piss poor attempt of making excuses for this person that has fooled you for years and you continue to support. If you want to support him, at least own up to his actions in an honest manner as you would if someone else might have done in similar circumstances. Everyone should be equal under the laws of this country and quit listening to spin in order for a rationalization of acts so a certain agenda can be met.
So you consider this an analogy or a dangerous precedent setting occurrence within politics? Or do not care you just want him gone by any means necessary?

As I've stated, I don't care if he is impeached and removed or not. Personally, I'd love to see him in prison for just 6 months after he leaves office. Would tickle me (didn't like Trump in the 80's.....when he was a Democrat....[winking]).
Let me get this straight...Trump paid to squash negative stories about his sexual dalliances with mistresses that if voters had known about them, they would have elected Hillary who voters didn't already have any negative attitudes about?

Voters also knew Trump bragged about grabbing women in the pussy, but it was his affairs with porn sluts that he hid which would have really told them Hillary was worth the risk and their doubts about her?

By the way...where did all the Russians go that Trump "colluded" with to steal the votes Hillary was going to get anyway despite what voters already knew about her before the Russians sealed the deal for Trump?
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Let me get this straight...Trump paid to squash negative stories about his sexual dalliances with mistresses that if voters had known about them, they would elected Hillary who voters didn't already have any negative attitudes about?

Voters also knew Trump bragged about grabbing women in the pussy, but it was his affairs with porn sluts that he hid which would have really told them Hillary was worth the risk and their doubts about her?

By the way...where did all the Russians go that Trump "colluded" with to steal the votes Hillary was going to get anyway despite what voters already knew about her?

The outcome doesn't matter when it's violating a law. You see, you plot to murder someone......but they don't end up dying.......thus, according to ATL, you didn't commit a crime after all!!!!!!!!
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The outcome doesn't matter when it's violating a law. You see, you plot to murder someone......but they don't end up dying.......thus, according to ATL, you didn't commit a crime after all!!!!!!!!

What you say here is true but what is the crime Trump committed? If he ordered his attorney to pay-off sluts from his own personal finances where is the violation of campaign Finance laws?

Seems to me it has to be established that he actually used campaign finances to make the payments. If he used his own money how is that a violation of campaign finances? If it was for personal expense why would he even have to report it?

Let's just reverse the situation, let's say for the sake of argument that he did use campaign finances to pay off the sluts. Wouldn't that be for a personal expense?

That would be illegal.

However if he used his own money to pay a personal expense you're barking up the wrong tree if you think he's ever going to be impeached over that.
One of my all time favorite characters. By far his finest work. The hairy Jew knuckles had me in tears.
Went to see that movie, didn't realize TC was in it. The whole time I'm watching, I'm like, "I know him." When he started dancing it was then I realized who it was. The whole freaking movie.
What you say here is true but what is the crime Trump committed? If he ordered his attorney to pay-off sluts from his own personal finances where is the violation of campaign Finance laws?

Seems to me it has to be established that he actually used campaign finances to make the payments. If he used his own money how is that a violation of campaign finances? If it was for personal expense why would he even have to report it?

Let's just reverse the situation, let's say for the sake of argument that he did use campaign finances to pay off the sluts. Wouldn't that be for a personal expense?

That would be illegal.

However if he used his own money to pay a personal expense you're barking up the wrong tree if you think he's ever going to be impeached over that.

Ok, try to follow the campaign finance laws just a little bit. It's getting ridiculous to have to type this out in simple terms over and over again. I may be a Harvard grad, but even the simplest minded people could understand it.......

Trump's team did not submit the amount that Cohen "gave" those women......which was in violation of the law.......and the fact that Trump gave back the money or claimed to "not know" what the money was for does not matter........
Ok, try to follow the campaign finance laws just a little bit. It's getting ridiculous to have to type this out in simple terms over and over again. I may be a Harvard grad, but even the simplest minded people could understand it.......

Trump's team did not submit the amount that Cohen "gave" those women......which was in violation of the law.......and the fact that Trump gave back the money or claimed to "not know" what the money was for does not matter........

When were those payments made MWV? What part of the campaign's expenses did they cover? I heard they were private non-disclosure agreements and they were paid well before Trump announced his candidacy for President where they not?

So again I ask you, even in your Harvard-educated most erudite explanation of the intricacies of campaign Finance laws... what law did Trump break?
When were those payments made MWV? What part of the campaign's expenses did they cover? I heard they were private non-disclosure agreements and they were paid well before Trump announced his candidacy for President where they not?

So again I ask you, even in your Harvard-educated most erudite explanation of the intricacies of campaign Finance laws... what law did Trump break?

1. Payments were made during the election campaign.........
2. Private "non-disclosure" doesn't matter when/how it was made......
3. Trump's team, with Trump in the lead, broke the law.......
A candidate must report on forms any money spent for the benefit of the campaign. Definition of benefit of the campaign is clearly defined and to summarize is if it helps in any way for the election, it is the benefit of the campaign. Therefore, any money that a candidate uses that is his own must be reported as well as any other funds that was raised. This is an attempt of any funny business going on which is what we are seeing presently. Trump filed his reports of campaign spending and didn't disclose these payments. That is a violation. Period.

It all hinges on whether or not a prosecutor can prove that 1) Trump knowingly used campaign funds to pay the women and not personal funds. 2) That these were the only instances of when Trump made payments to women to keep them silent, that his brand and celebrity profile are not often protected in such manners 3) That the payments were made for the benefit of the campaign and not to prevent a negative impact on the public persona.

As I said yesterday, I don't think we'll see Trump prosecuted in 2020, not over this.
It all hinges on whether or not a prosecutor can prove that 1) Trump knowingly used campaign funds to pay the women and not personal funds. 2) That these were the only instances of when Trump made payments to women to keep them silent, that his brand and celebrity profile are not often protected in such manners 3) That the payments were made for the benefit of the campaign and not to prevent a negative impact on the public persona.

As I said yesterday, I don't think we'll see Trump prosecuted in 2020, not over this.

Again, personal funds DOES NOT MATTER. You guys need to get that through your skulls. Since Cohen made the payment himself, with his own money, and was Trump's lawyer at the time, that is considered under campaign finance laws to be a "donation" and must be reported. It wasn't........

Secondly, commercial ads paid for by those supporting a candidate do so in an attempt to "influence voters".....same with "hush" money.
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Again, personal funds DOES NOT MATTER. You guys need to get that through your skulls. Since Cohen made the payment himself, with his own money, and was Trump's lawyer at the time, that is considered under campaign finance laws to be a "donation" and must be reported. It wasn't........

Secondly, commercial ads paid for by those supporting a candidate do so in an attempt to "influence voters".....same with "hush" money.

Let's say you're right, how were the voters "influenced" if they never knew about the payments or what was behind them?

Wouldn't the "influence" be to a positive outcome? What was the "influence" behind the paymemts and thus the violation of the law? And what part of Trump's campaign finances were not his own money?
Again, personal funds DOES NOT MATTER. You guys need to get that through your skulls. Since Cohen made the payment himself, with his own money, and was Trump's lawyer at the time, that is considered under campaign finance laws to be a "donation" and must be reported. It wasn't........

Secondly, commercial ads paid for by those supporting a candidate do so in an attempt to "influence voters".....same with "hush" money.

"If the payment were “wholly personal, as in made to help Trump’s marriage but not his campaign,” it would not amount to a campaign finance violation, according to Richard Hasen, election law expert at the University of California at Irvine."

Again, the prosecutors would have to prove that Trump knowingly and willingly used CAMPAIGN funds to BENEFIT the campaign.

Serious question.

Trump buys a new suit for the debate against Hillary. Does he have to report said purchase?
Again, personal funds DOES NOT MATTER. You guys need to get that through your skulls. Since Cohen made the payment himself, with his own money, and was Trump's lawyer at the time, that is considered under campaign finance laws to be a "donation" and must be reported. It wasn't........

Secondly, commercial ads paid for by those supporting a candidate do so in an attempt to "influence voters".....same with "hush" money.
They are brainwashed, incapable of understanding.
"If the payment were “wholly personal, as in made to help Trump’s marriage but not his campaign,” it would not amount to a campaign finance violation, according to Richard Hasen, election law expert at the University of California at Irvine."

Again, the prosecutors would have to prove that Trump knowingly and willingly used CAMPAIGN funds to BENEFIT the campaign.

Serious question.

Trump buys a new suit for the debate against Hillary. Does he have to report said purchase?
Hmmm. Almost like why prosecutors now have 2 people admit under oath that the payments were made to influence the election. We can quibble over whether or not he’ll go to jail, but I don’t see how anyone can argue the evidence is not there. Do you think prosecutors just accept those statements with no corroboration?
It all hinges on whether or not a prosecutor can prove that 1) Trump knowingly used campaign funds to pay the women and not personal funds. 2) That these were the only instances of when Trump made payments to women to keep them silent, that his brand and celebrity profile are not often protected in such manners 3) That the payments were made for the benefit of the campaign and not to prevent a negative impact on the public persona.

As I said yesterday, I don't think we'll see Trump prosecuted in 2020, not over this.

It doesn't matter where the funds came from. It has been determined in Cohen's plea deal and sentencing, the funds were for campaign purposes and AMI has stated under oath the funds were for campaign purposes. You now have two corroborating witnesses.

Campaign finance laws are taken very seriously. Honest and fair elections are a cornerstone of our democracy and are taken very seriously, as evidenced in the Judge's statement yesterday at Cohen's sentencing.

"He added that Mr. Cohen’s particular crimes — breaking campaign finance laws, tax evasion and lying to Congress — implicate a far more insidious harm to our democratic institutions." - Judge William H. Pauley III

Trump will not get off with no jail time over this. He will probably not be prosecuted until after he leaves office, but he will be prosecuted and he will see jail time.
Hmmm. Almost like why prosecutors now have 2 people admit under oath that the payments were made to influence the election. We can quibble over whether or not he’ll go to jail, but I don’t see how anyone can argue the evidence is not there. Do you think prosecutors just accept those statements with no corroboration?

Sounds like the prosecutors evidence is their testimony, which alone may not be enough to convict.

As I said yesterday. The left can hang their hat on this and think they've "got" Trump on this, but I'll wager he won't see a lick of jail time over it.
"If the payment were “wholly personal, as in made to help Trump’s marriage but not his campaign,” it would not amount to a campaign finance violation, according to Richard Hasen, election law expert at the University of California at Irvine."

Again, the prosecutors would have to prove that Trump knowingly and willingly used CAMPAIGN funds to BENEFIT the campaign.

Serious question.

Trump buys a new suit for the debate against Hillary. Does he have to report said purchase?

Yes, he does......(must provide receipts for campaign spending)
Sounds like the prosecutors evidence is their testimony, which alone may not be enough to convict.

As I said yesterday. The left can hang their hat on this and think they've "got" Trump on this, but I'll wager he won't see a lick of jail time over it.

Sworn testimony, financial records and the audio tape.

Keep hoping!
Sworn testimony, financial records and the audio tape.

Keep hoping!

Keep hoping what? I don't care what happens to Trump in 2 years. I only care about what happens to the country while he's President.

I know you and others have a massive hard-on for the man, and can't wait to see him in handcuffs, but I'm afraid you'll end up disappointed in a couple years like you were shocked in '16.
Sounds like the prosecutors evidence is their testimony, which alone may not be enough to convict.

As I said yesterday. The left can hang their hat on this and think they've "got" Trump on this, but I'll wager he won't see a lick of jail time over it.
Agree to disagree. Trump is got in my mind, just not sure anyone will act. Probably better for libs to have him on the ticket.
The morons believing nonsense that the payments made to women in order to silence them in order to benefit a candidate in election is mindblowing. Ask yourselves these points only if you know some basic facts.

A candidate must report on forms any money spent for the benefit of the campaign. Definition of benefit of the campaign is clearly defined and to summarize is if it helps in any way for the election, it is the benefit of the campaign. Therefore, any money that a candidate uses that is his own must be reported as well as any other funds that was raised. This is an attempt of any funny business going on which is what we are seeing presently. Trump filed his reports of campaign spending and didn't disclose these payments. That is a violation. Period.

Quit listening and believing political hacks that have an agenda making stupid arguments in the piss poor attempt of making excuses for this person that has fooled you for years and you continue to support. If you want to support him, at least own up to his actions in an honest manner as you would if someone else might have done in similar circumstances. Everyone should be equal under the laws of this country and quit listening to spin in order for a rationalization of acts so a certain agenda can be met.

Edwards acquitted, and mistrial:

  • Edwards hit up donors for the cash, Trump used his own money
  • I'm sure Trump has a history of doing this, not sure about Edwards
I'm not sure if you're standing on your Pecker or not.
Agree to disagree. Trump is got in my mind, just not sure anyone will act. Probably better for libs to have him on the ticket.

I can't take another election season with him on the ticket, and I don't think he'll run. He'll come up with some reason as to why he's not, but I don't think he will.

If he is on the ticket, then Dems better wake up and stop putting forth the stiffs that they have been. They better come up with a personality that trumps Trump.
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You should care about this country and our leaders following the law. The end does never justify the means. At no point we should allow politicians to lie and cheat in order to win an election and then after facts being known, just blow it off and say "I care only when he is our President". F'ing gutless and brainless.
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You should care about this country and our leaders following the law. The end does never justify the means. At no point we should allow politicians to lie and cheat in order to win an election and then after facts being known, just blow it off and say "I care only when he is our President". F'ing gutless and brainless.

LMAO.... here comes high horse Bru to lecture and tell people what they think and feel, and completely misreading yet another post. *In crayon font* I don't care about what happens to the man when he's out of office, as a private citizen, it's while he's in the office that I worry and care.

But glad that you agree about our leaders following the law, just wish we would have seen the same vigor out you a few years ago.