Yuh-yo! David Pecker rats-out Trump.

"If the payment were “wholly personal, as in made to help Trump’s marriage but not his campaign,” it would not amount to a campaign finance violation, according to Richard Hasen, election law expert at the University of California at Irvine."

Again, the prosecutors would have to prove that Trump knowingly and willingly used CAMPAIGN funds to BENEFIT the campaign.

Serious question.

Trump buys a new suit for the debate against Hillary. Does he have to report said purchase?

Giuliani made explicit what everyone suspected: The payment was to help Trump’s election bid by preventing the story of the affair from being public. In an interview with Sean Hannity, Giuliani declared: “Imagine if it came out on October 15, 2016, in the middle of the last debate with Hillary Clinton. Cohen didn’t even ask. Cohen made it go away. He did his job.”

At no point we should allow politicians to lie and cheat in order to win an election and then after facts being known, just blow it off

Hillary: "I did not know that server was illegal and there was no classified information ever transmitted on it" (she said that before the election)
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LMAO.... here comes high horse Bru to lecture and tell people what they think and feel, and completely misreading yet another post. *In crayon font* I don't care about what happens to the man when he's out of office, as a private citizen, it's while he's in the office that I worry and care.

But glad that you agree about our leaders following the law, just wish we would have seen the same vigor out you a few years ago.
My actions are consistent. Nice lie
LMAO.... here comes high horse Bru to lecture and tell people what they think and feel, and completely misreading yet another post. *In crayon font* I don't care about what happens to the man when he's out of office, as a private citizen, it's while he's in the office that I worry and care.

But glad that you agree about our leaders following the law, just wish we would have seen the same vigor out you a few years ago.
He is the absolute epitome of everything he rails about. His stuff is hilarious to read.
1. Payments were made during the election campaign.........
2. Private "non-disclosure" doesn't matter when/how it was made......
3. Trump's team, with Trump in the lead, broke the law.......

OK so you're the Harvard Educated Lawyer and I'm just a truck salesman correct?

So tell me, does a plea to a charge make the charge of an actual crime true? Does a jury or even a Judge rule on the actual evidence presented in a criminal case after a plea deal has been accepted, or is a plea deal simply an agreement not to contest a lesser charge in exchange for defense of a larger charge or possible crime that may or may not have been committed? Demonstrate your legal training to us about plea deals?

Not sure?

Let a former U.S. attorney explain it then, maybe you will understand how Cohen's plea deal in no way implicates the President in a crime because no crime has been proven or even committed!

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OK so you're the Harvard Educated Lawyer and I'm just a truck salesman correct?

So tell me, does a plea to a charge make the charge of an actual crime true? Does a jury or even a Judge rule on the actual evidence presented in a criminal case after a plea deal has been accepted, or is a plea deal simply an agreement not to contest a lesser charge in exchange for defense of a larger charge or possible crime that may or may not have been committed? Demonstrate your legal training to us about plea deals?

Not sure?

Let a former U.S. attorney explain it then, maybe you will understand how Cohen's plea deal in no way implicates the President in a crime because no crime has been proven or even committed!

Glad that you are finally understanding that Trump and his campaign violated federal law. Even they are admitting it....well, except Trump........but SOON..........:popcorn:......wait until more records and recordings are revealed, probably after 2020, but enough that he will be erased from his legacy......if this can be called a "legacy".
Glad that you are finally understanding that Trump and his campaign violated federal law. Even they are admitting it....well, except Trump........but SOON..........:popcorn:......wait until more records and recordings are revealed, probably after 2020, but enough that he will be erased from his legacy......if this can be called a "legacy".

Well that explains it MWV. Either you wasted your money paying Harvard for your legal training or they wasted their time educating you. [eyeroll]
Cohen's plea deal in no way implicates the President in a crime because no crime has been proven or even committed!

Glad that you are finally understanding that Trump and his campaign violated federal law.

Just because you keep saying it or actually believe it doesn't make it legally proven MWV. BTW....if Trump is guilty of committing a crime, why hasn't Mueller charged him? I know he's only interested in "collusion", but isn't he allowed to find any other crime he thinks is worth referring Trump for prosecution? Why is only the SDNY interested in this?

How come Mueller isn't insisting Trump violated Federal campaign finance laws as you and the rest of the Left are convinced of? You all know something more than Mueller does?
I'm glad you're not my counsel...or even a practicing attorney. As I said, you're giving Harvard trained Lawyers a bad rep.

I don't deal with you won't need my services, but I can give you some names if you'd like.
Just because you keep saying it or actually believe it doesn't make it legally proven MWV. BTW....if Trump is guilty of committing a crime, why hasn't Mueller charged him? I know he's only interested in "collusion", but isn't he allowed to find any other crime he thinks is worth referring Trump for prosecution? Why is only the SDNY interested in this?

How come Mueller isn't insisting Trump violated Federal campaign finance laws as you and the rest of the Left are convinced of? You all know something more than Mueller does?

Investigations are a b!tch.
NO campaign finance laws were broken! PERIOD. Personal money was paid to extortionists. Pure and simple. Nothing Illegal about the payment (not sure the same can be said about the extortion itself). No campaign money used. NONE! It was from Trump’s own wealth.

You don't understand how this works.....
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Payments were made during the election campaign........

Wrong. They were made 10 years ago, long before Trump was a candidate.

Private "non-disclosure" doesn't matter when/how it was made......

Wrong...Private means "not for the public" ie: public finance disclosure of campaign funding.

3. Trump's team, with Trump in the lead, broke the law.......

Wrong...he hasn't been charged with any crime, and the crimes of others associated with him DO NOT mean he is also guilty. ie: Manafort, Flynn, Cohen.
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I don't deal with you won't need my services, but I can give you some names if you'd like.

Last I checked, they disbar attorneys who lie to the bench. I've been married probably longer than you've been alive you cheap imposter.
Just because you keep saying it or actually believe it doesn't make it legally proven MWV. BTW....if Trump is guilty of committing a crime, why hasn't Mueller charged him? I know he's only interested in "collusion", but isn't he allowed to find any other crime he thinks is worth referring Trump for prosecution? Why is only the SDNY interested in this?

How come Mueller isn't insisting Trump violated Federal campaign finance laws as you and the rest of the Left are convinced of? You all know something more than Mueller does?

Would it matter if the every theory from the left was found to be true? You still would support the idiot.
Wrong. They were made 10 years ago, long before Trump was a candidate.

Wrong...Private means "not for the public" ie: public finance disclosure of campaign funding.

Wrong...he hasn't been charged with any crime, and the crimes of others associated with him DO NOT mean he is also guilty. ie: Manafort, Flynn, Cohen.

...But prosecutors are conducting a criminal investigation, and they determined that the payments, which were made to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal in the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential election....

Read up on the law........Cohen's payment was his own money, and was done so for keeping information quiet that could harm his client's reputation during the election (thus, involving the election) and since it was above the $2700 it was not reported and violated law.....
...But prosecutors are conducting a criminal investigation, and they determined that the payments, which were made to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal in the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential election....

Read up on the law........Cohen's payment was his own money, and was done so for keeping information quiet that could harm his client's reputation during the election (thus, involving the election) and since it was above the $2700 it was not reported and violated law.....

I'm talking about the non disclosure agreement payments. If Cohen used his own money to protect his client, that's his job as an attorney. How is Trump guilty of Cohen using his own money in a private matter and Trump paying him back? How did anyone know Trump was going to win anything in the "weeks leading up to the 2016 election"?

I thought it was the Russians making sure Trump had it in the bag?
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Ok, you may need those names though......just saying.....times may get difficult.

If I need a divorce attorney after 36 years of Marriage and 7 Children and 4 Grand kids, at least I don't need Viagra to find my little pee wee when I go looking for it. Your Wife has the same problem with you too correct? [thumbsup]
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I'm talking about the non disclosure agreement payments. If Cohen used his own money to protect his client, that's his job as an attorney. How is Trump guilty of Cohen using his own money in a private matter and Trump paying him back? How did anyone know Trump was going to win anything in the "weeks leading up to the 2016 election"?

I thought it was the Russians making sure Hillary had it in the bag?

Wow, are you really that clueless? Read the campaign finance laws again. PLEASE. Doesn't matter if he was doing it "for his client" and was "his own money", it still violated the law. The whole basis of this case will hinge on whether or not it was done to "influence the election", which means silencing the women so their stories don't get out and possible hurt his attempts at being president.

It really isn't that hard, but I know like a good soldier you will do down with the ship........and it is sinking......
Wow, are you really that clueless? Read the campaign finance laws again. PLEASE. Doesn't matter if he was doing it "for his client" and was "his own money", it still violated the law. The whole basis of this case will hinge on whether or not it was done to "influence the election", which means silencing the women so their stories don't get out and possible hurt his attempts at being president.

It really isn't that hard, but I know like a good soldier you will do down with the ship........and it is sinking......

How was the election "influenced" over voters not knowing Trump was banging hoes? Who didn't know that about him after they heard him bragging about grabbing Pussies?

So if we had known he was screwing porn stars we'd have not listened to the Russians and voted for Hillary instead?

Damn you're loopy!
How was the election "influenced" over voters not knowing Trump was banging hoes? Who didn't know that about him after they heard him bragging about grabbing Pussies?

So if we had known he was screwing porn stars we'd have not listened to the Russians and voted for Hillary instead?

Damn you're loopy!

How do commercials influence elections? How do debates influence elections? And the "grab" statement was just "locker room talk", right?
Wow, are you really that clueless? Read the campaign finance laws again. PLEASE. Doesn't matter if he was doing it "for his client" and was "his own money", it still violated the law. The whole basis of this case will hinge on whether or not it was done to "influence the election", which means silencing the women so their stories don't get out and possible hurt his attempts at being president.

It really isn't that hard, but I know like a good soldier you will do down with the ship........and it is sinking......
ARe you suggesting the $2 million campaign violation by Obama should result in Obama going to prison?
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