We were promised evidence of Trumps collusion the the Russians

Simple question. Why do you expect others to be honest when you dont expect it from yourself? If you cant answer the question just dont answer it so everyone can see.
What if he reports there were no wiretaps at Trump Tower, Russia did meddle in the election with the goal of helping Trump, and that he can't rule out collusion at this point. Is this the media's fault again?

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If this was real life, I would hope you'd just stay in bed and not face your friends after you'd been wrong so many times in life.

You are the one defending a habitual liar. You're too stupid to be embarrassed.

Now that this appears unlikely should we expect apologies from the WashPost and NYTimes for their lies? Will the dem sychophants continue to repeat the lies of their leaders?

Yes and so will CNN.
So we're now sitting here in September a few months removed from @countryroads89 "prediction" stated below that we'd all know in a few months (back in March) exactly how the Russians "colluded" with Trump to steal the election from Hillary.

so @countryroads89 what do we know?

Just sit tight; you will find out in a couple of months.

Both, I hope. We are the top of the food chain, no? IDGAF about the USA meddling in other elections. I sure as shit care about others meddling in ours.

@WVUCOOPER here was worried about intereference in our election process by Russians yet he is unconcerned about illegal surveillance of innocent Americans swept up in questionable FISA warrants requested by someone within the Obama adminsitration. No one seems to know and @WVUCOOPER doesn't seem to to care.

[QUOTE="countryroads89, post: 1498401, member: 5410"Tell us again how Obama tapped Trump Tower.....or Obama got the British to help him spy on Trump[/QUOTE]. [laughing]

Here in the same thread @countryroads89 attempts to downplay the fact that Trump tower was indeed placed under electronic eavesdropping, forcing the media to admit Trump's charge was correct...but @countryroads89 is still not buying it.

This was @countryroads89's attempt to suggest to @dave that Trump's whole narrative is falling apart and he's being left stripped naked as a liar and election fraud.

Poor little fella said:
Wonder what @countryroads89 and @WVUCOOPER have to say today about their positions?
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So we're now sitting here in September a few months removed from @countryroads89 "prediction" stated below that we'd all know in a few months (back in March) exactly how the Russians "colluded" with Trump to steal the election from Hillary.

so @countryroads89 what do we know?

@WVUCOOPER here was worried about intereference in our election process by Russians yet he is unconcerned about illegal surveillance of innocent Americans swept up in questionable FISA warrants requested by someone within the Obama adminsitration. No one seems to know and @WVUCOOPER doesn't seem to to care.

[QUOTE="countryroads89, post: 1498401, member: 5410"Tell us again how Obama tapped Trump Tower.....or Obama got the British to help him spy on Trump
. [laughing]

Here in the same thread @countryroads89 attempts to downplay the fact that Trump tower was indeed placed under electronic eavesdropping, forcing the media to admit Trump's charge was correct...but @countryroads89 is still not buying it.

This was @countryroads89's attempt to suggest to @dave that Trump's whole narrative is falling apart and he's being left stripped naked as a liar and election fraud.[/QUOTE]

The FBI have raided Manafort's premises in the wee hours of the morning, following electronic surveillance (which it never was stated if it was Trump Tower, his VA residence, etc). Please pay closer attention when watching the news. You have been all over the map on this surveillance thing.

Donnie jr met with Russians because he thought he was going to obtain information on Hillary - the textbook definition of collusion. He first lied and denied the meeting completely, then he lied and said it was about adoptions, and then the emails came out and he admitted to it. Have you been living under a rock or is this just more of your selective memory?

And surely you didn't forget about Flynn being caught in multiple lies and failing to disclose his income from Russia and Turkey both, and him begging for a plea deal. Mueller is now tracing financial info on Manafort as far back as 11 years. This stuff takes time.

And my prediction was true; we know all kinds of shit on these dirty corrupt bastards.

You have to be either one of the most naive or dumb people I have ever met. I feel sorry for you. Your political slant blinds you to perceiving the truth and grasp basic facts.
Dave, there is literally an email chain in which a person stating they represent the Russian government's effort to influence the election offering information to help the Trump campaign, and the Trump rep saying they would be interested in that collusion of information.
. [laughing]

Here in the same thread @countryroads89 attempts to downplay the fact that Trump tower was indeed placed under electronic eavesdropping, forcing the media to admit Trump's charge was correct...but @countryroads89 is still not buying it.

This was @countryroads89's attempt to suggest to @dave that Trump's whole narrative is falling apart and he's being left stripped naked as a liar and election fraud.

The FBI have raided Manafort's premises in the wee hours of the morning, following electronic surveillance (which it never was stated if it was Trump Tower, his VA residence, etc). Please pay closer attention when watching the news. You have been all over the map on this surveillance thing.

Donnie jr met with Russians because he thought he was going to obtain information on Hillary - the textbook definition of collusion. He first lied and denied the meeting completely, then he lied and said it was about adoptions, and then the emails came out and he admitted to it. Have you been living under a rock or is this just more of your selective memory?

And surely you didn't forget about Flynn being caught in multiple lies and failing to disclose his income from Russia and Turkey both, and him begging for a plea deal. Mueller is now tracing financial info on Manafort as far back as 11 years. This stuff takes time.

And my prediction was true; we know all kinds of shit on these dirty corrupt bastards.

You have to be either one of the most naive or dumb people I have ever met. I feel sorry for you. Your political slant blinds you to perceiving the truth and grasp basic facts.[/QUOTE]

OK country I admit I'm a little slow. So explain to me how all you just outlined as " collusion" helped Trump win the election and why hasn't anyone been chargred with a crime or prosecuted for one?

If what was done was so terrible or even illegal, why is there a special investigator looking into it and what is he waiting for to press charges against everyone named in your rundown?
OK country

So meeting to see if there is any usable opo reserach on Hillary is illegal right?

They broke into Manafort's home which is not illegal and found illegal activity right?

Flynn's deals were all illegal and tell me again what he's charged with?

If he lied isn't that perjury? Has he been charged?

And once again lay it all out for me as far as cause and effect how ANY of that helped Trump steal the election from Hillary using the Russians?

Remember, I'm naive so you have to go slower with me and explain it all so it makes sense to my adeled brain.
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I'm glad to see atlkvd is back! Even though it's not difficult to make CR89 look profoundly dumb, nobody does it better than atlkvd.
Now that this appears unlikely should we expect apologies from the WashPost and NYTimes for their lies? Will the dem sychophants continue to repeat the lies of their leaders?
Jesus Hubert Christ on a crutch. How about you calm the F* down and wait for Mueller to release the findings of his investigation? This ain't Law and Order or Criminal Minds where everything is wrapped up in 42 minutes. It took almost two years to get to the bottom of Watergate. This investigation has only been going on since May.
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Dave, there is literally an email chain in which a person stating they represent the Russian government's effort to influence the election offering information to help the Trump campaign, and the Trump rep saying they would be interested in that collusion of information.
So? It is cute how you try to call that collusion but that is pretty weak. Someone had something to tell them and they listened. How is that collusion? If that is collusion arent you colluding with CNN to take down the president every time you watch the news?
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Jesus Hubert Christ on a crutch. How about you calm the F* down and wait for Mueller to release the findings of his investigation? This ain't Law and Order or Criminal Minds where everything is wrapped up in 42 minutes. It took almost two years to get to the bottom of Watergate. This investigation has only been going on since May.
Ok sparky. You just sit around hoping and praying for good news while I mock all of you.
So? It is cute how you try to call that collusion but that is pretty weak. Someone had something to tell them and they listened. How is that collusion? If that is collusion arent you colluding with CNN to take down the president every time you watch the news?
"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"

It is collusion. Not something I would want prosecuted, but enough to think that the Trump campaign was 1) aware of Russian efforts to influence the election and 2) open to aiding or helping those efforts. So therefore, let's investigate the extent of Russian influence, Russian strategy, and IF ANY figures within the US helped them.

My point is: it's no witch hunt. It pretty serious, imo.
Jesus Hubert Christ on a crutch. How about you calm the F* down and wait for Mueller to release the findings of his investigation? This ain't Law and Order or Criminal Minds where everything is wrapped up in 42 minutes. It took almost two years to get to the bottom of Watergate. This investigation has only been going on since May.

Actually that's not true. The special counsel has been up and running since about May that's true, however if you add the Congressional & intelligence agency inquiries this investigation into alleged collusion has been ongoing since the moment the final vote was counted last November.

So far, no solid evidence of any collusion has emerged and they have been digging to find it a lot longer than Mueller!
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"countryroads89, post: 1665183, member: 5410"]Says the guy who predicted sPitt over Ok State for the upset of the week.


Hey country gonna do something here to speed this process along and help you explain it all to my naieve assembly OK?

I'm allowing for everything we've learned just as you predicted. I'm allowing for based on what we do know so far, clearly there has been rampant corruption and collusion by the Trump campaign.

All you say certainly indicates Trump's guilt OK? I'm giving you all of that.

So given what you can reconstruct based on our known or proven Trump malfeasence and trickery, apply this information to explain how it all changed votes from Hillary to Trump?

I think you have enough Intel now to at least lay out the broad outlines of how Trump and the Russians pulled it off, so explain it to me using as much of the known illegality that's been revealed how Trump and the Russians influenced our election last November and switched votes from Hillary to Trump.

I'll be here waiting for you to break it all down for me and cure me of my neivete.

"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"

It is collusion. Not something I would want prosecuted, but enough to think that the Trump campaign was 1) aware of Russian efforts to influence the election and 2) open to aiding or helping those efforts. So therefore, let's investigate the extent of Russian influence, Russian strategy, and IF ANY figures within the US helped them.

My point is: it's no witch hunt. It pretty serious, imo.

Same with you boomer. Read my post to countryroads89 and explain it to me based on what we know. It's OK to even speculate.

Let me hear how Trump and the Russians switched votes away from Hillary?
Same with you boomer. Read my post to countryroads89 and explain it to me based on what we know. It's OK to even speculate.

Let me hear how Trump and the Russians switched votes away from Hillary?

This article from Time was good. As for me? I'll just say that the internet can be very dangerous to those that do not read multiple sources on a subject. The real "fake news" is pumped out by paid internet trolls from Eastern Europe, and is designed to influence fence sitting voters to align themselves with the candidate they want them to. Does the effort change votes? Not mine, that's all I really can say.
I'll make it even easier for either @countryroads89 or @Boomboom521 or @Cooper65 or anyone else on the Left convinced of Trump's collusion with the Russians.

Tell us how they managed to keep Hillary away from traditional blue states she lost?

How did Trump and the Russians force her to set up that illegal server, then transmit classifed information over it illegally and then lie about it?

How did they force her to destroy the information on it that was subpoenaed?

Who bribed her to take donations for her foundation from Foreign interests seeking favors or business deals with the US?

How did the Russians hoodwink her into selling our Uranium to them?

Who in the Trump campaign fed the questions to Hillary through CNN during the Democrat debates?

How did the Russians rig the delegate pledges to Hillary during the primaries so Bernie couldn't win no matter how many votes he collected?

Which member of the KGB or Trump campaign planted all of those e mails from John Podesta onto his server so Wikileaks could expose them?

How did the Russians get to Debbie Wasserman Shultz to convince her to keep damaging information about vote rigging on her laptop for Arab terrorist operatives to get hold of?

How did the Russians force Comey to hold his news Conference exonerating Hillary from conspiracy and violation of the espionage act mishandling classifed material on her illegal server before he even investigated her?

How did the Russians trick officials in the Obama administration to issue FISA warrants and unmask innocent Americans surveilled in Trump tower eavesdropping?

How did the Russians force Loretta Lynch to meet with Bill Clinton on an airport Tarmac in Phoenix to discuss Grandkids?

How did they do all of that?

Can any of you on the Left explain how Trump outfoxed the "smartest Woman in the world" and the most qualified candidate for President we've ever had?

I'm listening.

This article from Time was good. As for me? I'll just say that the internet can be very dangerous to those that do not read multiple sources on a subject. The real "fake news" is pumped out by paid internet trolls from Eastern Europe, and is designed to influence fence sitting voters to align themselves with the candidate they want them to. Does the effort change votes? Not mine, that's all I really can say.

OK Boom but I'm asking how the Russians switched votes to Trump that otherwise would have gone to Hillary?

Isn't that essentially what everyone on the Left is alleging or is so upset about?

She would have won without Trump and the Russians "colluding" to stop her, so how'd they do it?
"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"

It is collusion. Not something I would want prosecuted, but enough to think that the Trump campaign was 1) aware of Russian efforts to influence the election and 2) open to aiding or helping those efforts. So therefore, let's investigate the extent of Russian influence, Russian strategy, and IF ANY figures within the US helped them.

My point is: it's no witch hunt. It pretty serious, imo.
Collusion is an act between two parties. Stop making things up.
Like the act of releasing damaging information about a opposition candidate? Douche
I hope this was not an attempt at a joke. If it was not..... I would say Trump could make a good case against a slew of individuals and organizations. The same is true for just about everyone that has ever ran for major office.
I hope this was not an attempt at a joke. If it was not..... I would say Trump could make a good case against a slew of individuals and organizations. The same is true for just about everyone that has ever ran for major office.
See dossier. Trust me. That is not the definition of collusion that a lot of people want. Mccain and most of the DMC would be going to prison.
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Boomboom please stop. I hate to cringe as bad as I do when I read your posts. Dave is owning you so bad that it's hard to read. For the sake of your pride, your family name, and your country, please stop the embarrassment.