We were promised evidence of Trumps collusion the the Russians

Its OK. I understand it is hard for someone like you to admit they are wrong.

I generally know when I have them Dave when I encourage their silence. It happens often when I either challenge them to defend what they believe or challenge one of their assumptions and ask them to support it.

I get called lots of names, but only in a few instances do they ever bother to substantively reengage me to either defend their positions or refute mine.

Very telling.
About what? It happens a lot, and I have no problem admitting it

Hillary broke the law both having a private e mail server and trafficking classified materials over it, then lying about it.

You agree with all of that as both true and proven fact right boom?
Hillary broke the law both having a private e mail server and trafficking classified materials over it, then lying about it.

You agree with all of that as both true and proven fact right boom?
I wouldn't go that far. I think her actions were super shady, and for a sec of isn't a good thing. But, using a private email isn't a Clinton only action by a SofS. And, I'm not sure any intent to expose classified info or intent to cover up that action was there. I wouldn't mind seeing an investigation. But I also do not think that the "deep state" fabricated their findings, or failed to investigate with integrity on this issue either.

So no, I don't think laws were broken with intent.
I wouldn't go that far. I think her actions were super shady, and for a sec of isn't a good thing. But, using a private email isn't a Clinton only action by a SofS. And, I'm not sure any intent to expose classified info or intent to cover up that action was there. I wouldn't mind seeing an investigation. But I also do not think that the "deep state" fabricated their findings, or failed to investigate with integrity on this issue either.

So no, I don't think laws were broken with intent.
It is funny when you call people loyalists and then you excuse violating clear laws about protecting classified information but go apeshit over someone taking a meeting to get political dirt on an opponent.
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using a private email isn't a Clinton only action by a SofS

Do you know why she was told she could not have it (by Obama) and do you know anyone else who did this or had this type of set up? Why was is private? She never told anyone about it or that it even existed, that came out during an investigation into another matter btw.(Bhengahzi)

I'm not sure any intent to expose classified info or intent to cover up that action was there

Then can you explain what happened to over 30,000 of those e-mails? Why was the server's hard drive destroyed? Why didn't she turn over all of the information requested that was on it? Why did she claim no classified information went out over it, when in fact thousands of classified e-mails were sent out on it as FBI Director Comey testified to Congress?

But I also do not think that the "deep state" fabricated their findings, or failed to investigate with integrity on this issue either.

I agree with you here. but no one is interested in whatever it was she was hiding by bleach bit scrubbing that server's hard drive. Who does THAT Boom?

So no, I don't think laws were broken with intent.

What about this? (from National review July 5, 2016)
According to Director James Comey, Hillary Clinton checked every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18): With lawful access to highly classified information she acted with gross negligence in removing and causing it to be removed it from its proper place of custody, and she transmitted it and caused it to be transmitted to others not authorized to have it, in patent violation of her trust.

Read more at:
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It is funny when you call people loyalists and then you excuse violating clear laws about protecting classified information but go apeshit over someone taking a meeting to get political dirt on an opponent.

So [B said:
no, I don't think laws were broken with intent.

Oh that's convenient boom.

Well Officer, I certainly didn't intend to go 95 mph in a 45 mile zone...I was thinking of just getting home in time for dinner with my kids!
This law, in particular, doesn't care about intent. No matter what Comey said.

Trey Gowdy exposed all of her lies when he questioned Comey directly...nothing about "intent" here in this questioning except to hide her illegality. Can you say perjury? Obstruction of Justice? Intent to hide criminality or criminal behavior?

You bet!
@countryroads89 you wrote this about me eariler in this thread:

"You have to be either one of the most naive or dumb people I have ever met. I feel sorry for you. Your political slant blinds you to perceiving the truth and grasp basic facts".

You forgot to call me gracious countryroads89. I've accepted your argument and given you credit for your spot on "predictions" about us learning within a few months exactly how Trump and the Russians pulled it off and stole the election from Hillary?

I've offered you a golden opportunity to back your assertion about me, and school me on the finer points of political espionage so my naive mind can absorb your masterful wisdom. I've asked you to explain to me how they did it, based on the outstanding information we now know which has been revealed exactly as you clairvoyantly predicted!

So I'd think to shut me up once and for all you'd have weighed in by now with chapter and verse on exactly how Trump and the Russians upended our Democracy and stole destiny from Hillary?

What are you waiting for, this is your chance to back up that quote don't 'ya know?

C'mon @countryroads89, educate me.
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OK Boom but I'm asking how the Russians switched votes to Trump that otherwise would have gone to Hillary?

Isn't that essentially what everyone on the Left is alleging or is so upset about?

She would have won without Trump and the Russians "colluding" to stop her, so how'd they do it?

This article... this is your proof? Really boomer?

In one case, investigators found there had been a manipulation of voter data in a county database but the alterations were discovered and rectified, two sources familiar with the matter tell TIME. Investigators have not identified whether the hackers in that case were Russian agents.

If they're not even sure it was the Russians who hacked that data base boom, how do they know even if Trump was involved? Why is that incident even germane to this investigation?

Congressional investigators are probing whether any of this stolen private information made its way to the Trump campaign, “If any campaign, Trump or otherwise, used inappropriate data the questions are, How did they get it? From whom? And with what level of knowledge?” the former top Democratic staffer on the House Intelligence Committee, Michael Bahar, tells TIME. “That is a crux of the investigation."

But what has been revealed? I haven't heard of ANY Trump involvement have you?

No one contacted for this story said they had seen evidence that the stolen, private, data had actually made its way to the Trump campaign.

Seems the reporters of the story are refuting their own reporting, or if Trump is/was involved with any Russians, they're not alleging it in this piece.

Both intelligence committees are looking at whether and how the intrusions could have furthered Russia’s larger strategic goals of undermining U.S. democracy, hurting Hillary Clinton and helping Donald Trump.

Yes wouldn't we all like to know that boom? But why have they been unable to lay it out given the almost certain nature of the reporting that some sort of "collusion" between Trump and the Russians occurred? if it was so pervasive, why is it so hard to find?

During the run up to the vote, Obama Administration cyber-security officials took steps to prepare for widespread voter registration manipulation, fearing Russia might seek to cause chaos at polling places to undermine the credibility of the election. Current and former law enforcement and intelligence officials say Russia could also have tried to use stolen voter data to gain leverage over witting or unwitting accomplices in the Trump camp, by involving them in a broader conspiracy.

Again, they're reporting this as if it happened. Where is there any evidence for any of this actually occurring? It's one thing to suggest it as a possibility, quite another to bring forth evidence it actually went down as it's alleged here. I asked you for specific information on how the Russians influenced the vote, you linked me to speculation?

Cyber-security officials testifying at the Senate hearing acknowledged for the first time the extent of the Russian effort to interfere with the election. Twenty-one states saw such intrusions last year, a senior official from the Department of Homeland Security, Jeanette Manfra, said. None of the intrusions affected the vote count itself, all the officials testified.

So here they report on some specific incidents that apparently were investigated and attempts that were made by Russians to influence votes, but as is stated not one vote was changed despite these efforts to change them! And where's Trump in all of this?

Michael Daniel, who led the White House effort to secure the vote against the Russian intrusions, “We had to assume that they actually tried to at least rattle the doorknobs on all 50,(states) and we just happened to find them in a few of them.

Once again, no mention here on how votes were changed or exactly what it is the Russians did to influence cast ballots...and no where was Trump mentioned.

As far as officials have been able to determine, the number of actual successful intrusions, where Russian agents gained sufficient access to attempt to alter, delete or download any information, was “less than a dozen,” current and former officials say.

This paragraph speaks for itself. No Trump, no collusion, no effect.

In addition to the threat to the vote we were also very concerned about the public confidence in the integrity of the electoral system.

But in my opinion, they're looking in the wrong place boom. It was the Dems who tried to rig their election process in favor of Hillary, Dems had dead people voting in their districts, and illegal unregistered aliens casting ballots. What did Trump or the Russians have to do with ANY of that?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether any laws were broken in relation to the Russian attack. The Congressional intelligence probes also seek to determine the nature and scope of the Russian espionage operation in order to protect future elections.

I agree with this summation, as it's about the only thing provable in this whole story you offered as proof of Trump/Russian collusion.

Honestly, this is weak boomer. It's filled with suppositions, unsubstantiated claims, non documented scenarios, unverified facts, and suggestions of what could have happened or may have happened.

This is why the media is doing us such a disservice over this story, they have you and many others convinced it's already a fact, without any facts to back it up.

Post me boom when any of this suggested here is proven and they explain exactly how it helped Trump steal the election from Hillary for the Russians OK?
It is funny when you call people loyalists and then you excuse violating clear laws about protecting classified information but go apeshit over someone taking a meeting to get political dirt on an opponent.
Did I go apeshit? Really? And I didn't excuse her, I just don't see intent, and I welcome an investigation (another investigation I should say)
Do you know why she was told she could not have it (by Obama) and do you know anyone else who did this or had this type of set up? Why was is private? She never told anyone about it or that it even existed, that came out during an investigation into another matter btw.(Bhengahzi)

Then can you explain what happened to over 30,000 of those e-mails? Why was the server's hard drive destroyed? Why didn't she turn over all of the information requested that was on it? Why did she claim no classified information went out over it, when in fact thousands of classified e-mails were sent out on it as FBI Director Comey testified to Congress?

I agree with you here. but no one is interested in whatever it was she was hiding by bleach bit scrubbing that server's hard drive. Who does THAT Boom?

What about this? (from National review July 5, 2016)
According to Director James Comey, Hillary Clinton checked every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18): With lawful access to highly classified information she acted with gross negligence in removing and causing it to be removed it from its proper place of custody, and she transmitted it and caused it to be transmitted to others not authorized to have it, in patent violation of her trust.

Read more at:
Kerry was the first SofS to solely use government hardware for communication, actually.

She (and other SofS that did it) say it's because of convenience. Encryption processes, from what I've read, slow productivity or their staffs and them as well.

I think she and her staff were ridiculously careless in handling classified information, which could/ even maybe should be deemed criminal, but I'm no expert in the law in this regard, nor the information sent. The potential cover up is exactly what I think should be investigated and potentially prosecuted. Even though I do not think she had intent of "passing" classified information to those not allowed to be privy to it, if she deliberately covered it up in order to avoid jail (and get elected).....she should be prosecuted.

But, and this is key to me, INTENT is everything. Comparing the two potential is more troubling to me.....ESP since Hillary is now resigned to a life of book writing and interviews.
This article... this is your proof? Really boomer?

In one case, investigators found there had been a manipulation of voter data in a county database but the alterations were discovered and rectified, two sources familiar with the matter tell TIME. Investigators have not identified whether the hackers in that case were Russian agents.

If they're not even sure it was the Russians who hacked that data base boom, how do they know even if Trump was involved? Why is that incident even germane to this investigation?

Congressional investigators are probing whether any of this stolen private information made its way to the Trump campaign, “If any campaign, Trump or otherwise, used inappropriate data the questions are, How did they get it? From whom? And with what level of knowledge?” the former top Democratic staffer on the House Intelligence Committee, Michael Bahar, tells TIME. “That is a crux of the investigation."

But what has been revealed? I haven't heard of ANY Trump involvement have you?

No one contacted for this story said they had seen evidence that the stolen, private, data had actually made its way to the Trump campaign.

Seems the reporters of the story are refuting their own reporting, or if Trump is/was involved with any Russians, they're not alleging it in this piece.

Both intelligence committees are looking at whether and how the intrusions could have furthered Russia’s larger strategic goals of undermining U.S. democracy, hurting Hillary Clinton and helping Donald Trump.

Yes wouldn't we all like to know that boom? But why have they been unable to lay it out given the almost certain nature of the reporting that some sort of "collusion" between Trump and the Russians occurred? if it was so pervasive, why is it so hard to find?

During the run up to the vote, Obama Administration cyber-security officials took steps to prepare for widespread voter registration manipulation, fearing Russia might seek to cause chaos at polling places to undermine the credibility of the election. Current and former law enforcement and intelligence officials say Russia could also have tried to use stolen voter data to gain leverage over witting or unwitting accomplices in the Trump camp, by involving them in a broader conspiracy.

Again, they're reporting this as if it happened. Where is there any evidence for any of this actually occurring? It's one thing to suggest it as a possibility, quite another to bring forth evidence it actually went down as it's alleged here. I asked you for specific information on how the Russians influenced the vote, you linked me to speculation?

Cyber-security officials testifying at the Senate hearing acknowledged for the first time the extent of the Russian effort to interfere with the election. Twenty-one states saw such intrusions last year, a senior official from the Department of Homeland Security, Jeanette Manfra, said. None of the intrusions affected the vote count itself, all the officials testified.

So here they report on some specific incidents that apparently were investigated and attempts that were made by Russians to influence votes, but as is stated not one vote was changed despite these efforts to change them! And where's Trump in all of this?

Michael Daniel, who led the White House effort to secure the vote against the Russian intrusions, “We had to assume that they actually tried to at least rattle the doorknobs on all 50,(states) and we just happened to find them in a few of them.

Once again, no mention here on how votes were changed or exactly what it is the Russians did to influence cast ballots...and no where was Trump mentioned.

As far as officials have been able to determine, the number of actual successful intrusions, where Russian agents gained sufficient access to attempt to alter, delete or download any information, was “less than a dozen,” current and former officials say.

This paragraph speaks for itself. No Trump, no collusion, no effect.

In addition to the threat to the vote we were also very concerned about the public confidence in the integrity of the electoral system.

But in my opinion, they're looking in the wrong place boom. It was the Dems who tried to rig their election process in favor of Hillary, Dems had dead people voting in their districts, and illegal unregistered aliens casting ballots. What did Trump or the Russians have to do with ANY of that?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether any laws were broken in relation to the Russian attack. The Congressional intelligence probes also seek to determine the nature and scope of the Russian espionage operation in order to protect future elections.

I agree with this summation, as it's about the only thing provable in this whole story you offered as proof of Trump/Russian collusion.

Honestly, this is weak boomer. It's filled with suppositions, unsubstantiated claims, non documented scenarios, unverified facts, and suggestions of what could have happened or may have happened.

This is why the media is doing us such a disservice over this story, they have you and many others convinced it's already a fact, without any facts to back it up.

Post me boom when any of this suggested here is proven and they explain exactly how it helped Trump steal the election from Hillary for the Russians OK?
I never said it was proof. I used the article as a source that indicates potential vote manipulation. I don't think it happened, but this new information is troubling to me actually. Thanks to Stein's recount efforts, I have confidence.

But technically, I said that INFLUENCE was key. Social media trolls -- like yourself -- but only paid by Russia to sway public opinion in key areas. A lot of the information is just now being uncovered and analyzed. It will be interesting to see what Mueller finds. As he was appointed under a GOP WH, and GOP controlled Congress.
I never said it was proof. I used the article as a source that indicates potential vote manipulation. I don't think it happened, but this new information is troubling to me actually. Thanks to Stein's recount efforts, I have confidence.

But technically, I said that INFLUENCE was key. Social media trolls -- like yourself -- but only paid by Russia to sway public opinion in key areas. A lot of the information is just now being uncovered and analyzed. It will be interesting to see what Mueller finds. As he was appointed under a GOP WH, and GOP controlled Congress.

Thanks boomer, but you're giving me and other "trolls" way too much credit for changing votes or voter's minds.

boomer I asked you (and others on the Left) to show me how based on what we've learned so far, did the Russians change or alter cast votes for Hillary to Trump?


Is THAT what Mueller is investigating? How the Russians and Trump "influenced" the outcome? Well in that case Trump could be prosecuted for being brash and outspoken!

Maybe that's the whole idea?

Nice try least you endeavored to answer my question. The majority of the myrmidons on the Left don't even attempt to explain why they're so whipped up!
Kerry was the first SofS to solely use government hardware for communication, actually.

She (and other SofS that did it) say it's because of convenience. Encryption processes, from what I've read, slow productivity or their staffs and them as well.

I think she and her staff were ridiculously careless in handling classified information, which could/ even maybe should be deemed criminal, but I'm no expert in the law in this regard, nor the information sent. The potential cover up is exactly what I think should be investigated and potentially prosecuted. Even though I do not think she had intent of "passing" classified information to those not allowed to be privy to it, if she deliberately covered it up in order to avoid jail (and get elected).....she should be prosecuted.

But, and this is key to me, INTENT is everything. Comparing the two potential is more troubling to me.....ESP since Hillary is now resigned to a life of book writing and interviews.

boom if her use of that server was on the up and up, why did she attempt to hide it even from her boss(Obama) who specifically told her not to use it?

Then why did she attempt to wipe its hard drive clean after it was subpoenaed by Congress during the Benghazi investigation?

That's a crime in and of itself, not to mention the actual use of and subsequent mishandling of information on it!

C'mon boom, you're grasping at straws here trying to defend her and she's as crooked as an ant trail.
boom if her use of that server was on the up and up, why did she attempt to hide it even from her boss(Obama) who specifically told her not to use it?

Then why did she attempt to wipe its hard drive clean after it was subpoenaed by Congress during the Benghazi investigation?

That's a crime in and of itself, not to mention the actual use of and subsequent mishandling of information on it!

C'mon boom, you're grasping at straws here trying to defend her and she's as crooked as an ant trail.
I could give a flip about Hillary Clinton brother. I also wonder what it was exactly you think she was "up to" in this action? Emails back and forth to foreign governments exchanging classified info for cash? Emails detailing pay for play transactions? Are you really dense enough to believe these types of communications couldn't be carried out more covertly?

I think she did what she wanted, regardless of her President's orders. I think she probably tried to cover up any wrongdoing in an attempt to ensure election. She's not the best decision maker in DC.

Again, it's intent I look at which makes me either concerned or dismissive towards crime.
I could give a flip about Hillary Clinton brother. I also wonder what it was exactly you think she was "up to" in this action? Emails back and forth to foreign governments exchanging classified info for cash? Emails detailing pay for play transactions? Are you really dense enough to believe these types of communications couldn't be carried out more covertly?

I think she did what she wanted, regardless of her President's orders. I think she probably tried to cover up any wrongdoing in an attempt to ensure election. She's not the best decision maker in DC.

Again, it's intent I look at which makes me either concerned or dismissive towards crime.

It's not rocketman science. She's not that smart.

She was trying to hide everything from FOIA. In doing so, she gave everything to our enemies.
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Thanks boomer, but you're giving me and other "trolls" way too much credit for changing votes or voter's minds.

boomer I asked you (and others on the Left) to show me how based on what we've learned so far, did the Russians change or alter cast votes for Hillary to Trump?


Is THAT what Mueller is investigating? How the Russians and Trump "influenced" the outcome? Well in that case Trump could be prosecuted for being brash and outspoken!

Maybe that's the whole idea?

Nice try least you endeavored to answer my question. The majority of the myrmidons on the Left don't even attempt to explain why they're so whipped up!
Maybe you are or are not privy to the Russian strategy. Maybe you are or are not privy to the information that has initiated Congessional investigations (with GOP lawmakers in control). As for me, I'm not on any Russian payroll, and I'm not able to read any information that isn't in the press, so I'm waiting for the SP appointed by the DOJ (controlled by your glorious savior) to determine what's what. You just keep on thinking you know, because Rush and Tucker told you so.....then get online and bash liberals for being spoon fed their opinions.

Trump is about as trustworthy as anyone else in DC. Just because he's rich, and a loudmouth....doesn't mean he's got integrity.
It's not rocketman science. She's not that smart.

She was trying to hide everything from FOIA. In doing so, she gave everything to our enemies.
If she was locked up for it, I wouldn't shed a tear. Why doesn't your boy do it then? If it's so very simple and clear? Shouldn't THAT be what concerns you at this point?
I could give a flip about Hillary Clinton brother. I also wonder what it was exactly you think she was "up to" in this action? Emails back and forth to foreign governments exchanging classified info for cash? Emails detailing pay for play transactions? Are you really dense enough to believe these types of communications couldn't be carried out more covertly?

I think she did what she wanted, regardless of her President's orders. I think she probably tried to cover up any wrongdoing in an attempt to ensure election. She's not the best decision maker in DC.

Again, it's intent I look at which makes me either concerned or dismissive towards crime.

Boom intent is not a prerequisite for determining if a crime is committed. Especially in this case.

"Oh sorry your honor, I didn't intend to hide my server, I just figured no one would be interested in my private fund raising!

C'mon boom.
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Boom intent is not a prerequisite for determining if a crime is committed. Especially in this case.

"Oh sorry your honor, I didn't intend to hide my server, I just figured no would be interested in my private fund raising!

C'mon boom.
For me? Yes, intent is everything when looking at a crime. I'm not a prosecutor, I'm not a cop, I'm not a defense attorney.

C'mon Atl.

My opinion is mine. I think if there were communications that Hillary wanted to prevent being seen by authorities or the public....they would have been done through third parties. She wouldn't need to go through this process. But what's really interesting to me, is that you and others on here are so convinced of wrongdoing, and see it as so clear and simple, yet your boy is letting her skate? You get online and try to bash liberals for supporting Clinton, because it's obvious she's so criminal. But where's the outrage for the fact that your glorious leader (who led his rallies in chants of lock her up) isn't pursuing charges or appointing a SP to investigate? C'mon Atl, intent doesn't matter right? It's obvious she broke the law, right? Then where's your boy? Only dog has the honesty to call bullsh1t on that lack of action. You? Nah, Teump can do no wrong.
Maybe you are or are not privy to the Russian strategy. Maybe you are or are not privy to the information that has initiated Congessional investigations (with GOP lawmakers in control). As for me, I'm not on any Russian payroll, and I'm not able to read any information that isn't in the press, so I'm waiting for the SP appointed by the DOJ (controlled by your glorious savior) to determine what's what. You just keep on thinking you know, because Rush and Tucker told you so.....then get online and bash liberals for being spoon fed their opinions.

Trump is about as trustworthy as anyone else in DC. Just because he's rich, and a loudmouth....doesn't mean he's got integrity.

If your trust is in bureaucrats and politicians you will always be disappointed my friend.
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For me? Yes, intent is everything when looking at a crime. I'm not a prosecutor, I'm not a cop, I'm not a defense attorney.

C'mon Atl.

My opinion is mine. I think if there were communications that Hillary wanted to prevent being seen by authorities or the public....they would have been done through third parties. She wouldn't need to go through this process. But what's really interesting to me, is that you and others on here are so convinced of wrongdoing, and see it as so clear and simple, yet your boy is letting her skate? You get online and try to bash liberals for supporting Clinton, because it's obvious she's so criminal. But where's the outrage for the fact that your glorious leader (who led his rallies in chants of lock her up) isn't pursuing charges or appointing a SP to investigate? C'mon Atl, intent doesn't matter right? It's obvious she broke the law, right? Then where's your boy? Only dog has the honesty to call bullsh1t on that lack of action. You? Nah, Teump can do no wrong.

Boom her oath was as a sworn US officer granted the highest level of clearance

She had a duty and obligation to protect her privileged access and she swore to do so.

How do you judge her intent on that?
Boom her oath was as a sworn US officer granted the highest level of clearance

She had a duty and obligation to protect her privileged access and she swore to do so.

How do you judge her intent on that?
As I said, I know nothing of the information in question. I'd expect the DOJ, or at least the WH would pursue charges if the information placed American lives or interests at risk. Why aren't they?
Did they hack her server? Do you have any evidence whatsoever that this happened?

"With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked. But, given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence. We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account."

Summary: We have no idea since we couldn't look at the server itself, but probably.
Not always

Once you understand boom that their whole 'MO' is simply about maintaining their power to collect that big pile of money in DC and fighting over which one of their favorite donors gets to spend it so they can keep themselves in Office and on their personal ego trips, then you won't be disappointed with the way they act accordingly.

Both parties my Man.
As I said, I know nothing of the information in question. I'd expect the DOJ, or at least the WH would pursue charges if the information placed American lives or interests at risk. Why aren't they?

Why isn't Comey charged with perjury?

Susan Rice same thing?

Why isn't Loretta Lynch under indictment for obstruction of Justice?

Why isn't Samantha Powers being charged for violating FISA statutes?

Hillary should be prosecuted. Most voters both believed and wanted that.

Why do you think they ignored all of Trump's boorish behavior and bigotry and still voted for him boom?

Because all of those people were placed above the Law by Swamp dwelling poloticos who were certain Trump would never win and all of that illegal activity would be swept under the rug by Hillary.

You should be demanding prosecutions of all of them boom, instead of chasing that fake ass Russian collusion with Trump rabbit.
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Why isn't Comey charged with perjury?

Susan Rice same thing?

Why isn't Loretta Lynch under indictment for obstruction of Justice?

Why isn't Samantha Powers being charged for violating FISA statutes?

Hillary should be prosecuted. Most voters both believed and wanted that.

Why do you think they ignored all of Trump's boorish behavior and bigotry and still voted for him boom?

Because all of those people were placed above the Law by Swamp dwelling poloticos who were certain Trump would never win and all of that illegal behavior would be swept under the rug.

You should be demanding prosecutions of all of them boom, instead of chasing that Russian collusion with Trump rabbit.

1) most voters didn't vote for Chump....only most on the right places to win the EC. Maybe with help from campaigning support from a foreign state.
And 2) I'm not chasing any rabbit chubbs, the Senate, House, and Special Prosecutor are.....and we will see what they catch. Seems like Trump is concerned though.

Also.....I'd like to point out that with all your self righteous bullsh1t about how you so viciously "school" liberals on this db, and how they never answer your questions directly (often loaded questions that you regurgitate over and over, I will say) are guilty of the same Professor. It's a simple question;
Why isn't Trump pursuing investigation or charges against Hillary Clinton, if her criminality is so easily proven and obvious? And why in the world, with all of your headstrong cocksureness, aren't you at least upset with the current administration for allowing this blatant lawlessness to continue to exist?

1) most voters didn't vote for Chump....only most on the right places to win the EC. Maybe with help from campaigning support from a foreign state.
And 2) I'm not chasing any rabbit chubbs, the Senate, House, and Special Prosecutor are.....and we will see what they catch. Seems like Trump is concerned though.

Also.....I'd like to point out that with all your self righteous bullsh1t about how you so viciously "school" liberals on this db, and how they never answer your questions directly (often loaded questions that you regurgitate over and over, I will say) are guilty of the same Professor. It's a simple question;
Why isn't Trump pursuing investigation or charges against Hillary Clinton, if her criminality is so easily proven and obvious? And why in the world, with all of your headstrong cocksureness, aren't you at least upset with the current administration for allowing this blatant lawlessness to continue to exist?

The direct answer to you boomer is I hope the DOJ does hand over indictments. As you always say, let them finish investigating. I am angry and frustrated it hasn't already happened but I'd rather wait for justice and get it right than have no justice at all.

I expect Congress will ask both Rice and Powers to testify to either corroborate or revise their previous sworn testimony.

Then I expect both to also be indicted for perjury.

Voters duly elected Trump under our Constitutionally proscribed laws. The only ones upset with that process are you losers on the Left, who can't imagine your discredited ideology was rejected by the American people without any help from the Russians.
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The direct answer to you boomer is I hope the DOJ does hand over indictments. As you always say, let them finish investigating. I am angry and frustrated it hasn't already happened but I'd rather wait for jistice and get it right than have no justice at all.

I expect Congress will ask both Rice and Powers to testify to either corroborate or revise their pervious sworn testimony.

Then I expect both to also be indicted for perjury.

Voters duly elected Trump under our Constitutionally proscribed laws. The only ones upset with that process are you losers on the Left, who can't imagine your discredited ideology was rejected by the American people without any help from the Russians.
"Discredited ideology"? I bet you aren't singing that song in 08 when the ideology in control led us into the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression (another time in history where that "discredited ideology" saved our collective asses). But you keep being you, it's good for the nation, imo. Balance is best. Probably why doc gave you those pills.
"Discredited ideology"? I bet you aren't singing that song in 08 when the ideology in control led us into the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression (another time in history where that "discredited ideology" saved our collective asses). But you keep being you, it's good for the nation, imo. Balance is best. Probably why doc gave you those pills.

Boomer unlike you and most Leftists, I do trust the American people to eventually get it right.

We sometimes don't always get the Government we need, but we do get what we vote for.

The 16 elections represented a clear choice for voters, and they said NO to the candidate media shills and political sycophants were pimping. That lying, incompetent, Saul Alyinsky radical known as HRC.
"Discredited ideology"? I bet you aren't singing that song in 08 when the ideology in control led us into the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression (another time in history where that "discredited ideology" saved our collective asses). But you keep being you, it's good for the nation, imo. Balance is best. Probably why doc gave you those pills.

Your revisionist history is cute but not accurate boom.

Expansion of capitalism and free markets is what saved our asses after the Great depression and is what's behind our current recovery from the financial crisis caused by the housing market bubble bursting in '08.

I came back to this forum earlier this week reading Leftists praising President Obama for providing us with policies that have caused a record increase in stocks.

I was stunned. Most Leftists hate private equity markets, wealth accumulation, business expansion, investing, and the "evil rich".

I thought I was in a time warp. Leftists praising expansion of the stock market instead of squealing like stuck pigs over too many people being "greedy" by putting more money into their 401Ks.

I asked you to tell me what policy Obama promoted that led to this record stock market expansion, I'm still waiting for your answer boom.