" We must all learn to live together as brothers and sisters....

We should treat each other based on the content of our character not the color of our skin.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (A Baptist Christian who was Black...imagine that?)

Easy to do with people of any color, as long as they're not ignorant Marxists hellbent on strangling liberty.

Take a guess how many of those so called sh*thole countries Trump was calling out have affinity for or devotion to Marxist ideology. Do we want those folks here adding to the misguided Leftists already in this country equally devoted to it?

Not unless we want to turn America into the next great sh*thole like Cuba or Argentina who also thought it (Socialism) was a good idea.
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King would have supported Trump obviously.

He certainly would have been Pro Life, Pro traditional Marriage, and for Religious freedom. His politics was all about Social justice but based on Constitutional and Biblical principles....not income redistribution and Government running even how and where you Worship. He would have shut down the Abortion mills in Black communities overnight.
The myths of the GREAT Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. continue to be debunked today.........

King's speech in 1964 citing Norway and Sweden (socialist nations):

"In both Norway and Sweden, whose economies are literally dwarfed by the size of our affluence and the extent of our technology, they have no unemployment and no slums," King said. "There, men, women and children have long enjoyed free medical care and quality education. This contrast to the limited, halting steps taken by our rich nation deeply troubled me."

King then wrote a letter to his wife welcoming the day when "there will be a nationalization of industry ... and a better distribution of wealth."

Then the myth that King was a Republican because King's father was a Republican, but MLK, Jr. heavily favored JFK and helped to campaign for LBJ:

"Dr. King never believed in any kind of party identification," Baldwin says. "He never allowed himself to become closely aligned with partisan politics. He occasionally said that that both the Democratic and Republican Party had betrayed his people."

Great man, great thinker, great orator, great writer, bad husband

His picture hangs in my home and classroom and always will, and I will always point to him as an example to follow.
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The myths of the GREAT Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. continue to be debunked today.........

King's speech in 1964 citing Norway and Sweden (socialist nations):

"In both Norway and Sweden, whose economies are literally dwarfed by the size of our affluence and the extent of our technology, they have no unemployment and no slums," King said. "There, men, women and children have long enjoyed free medical care and quality education. This contrast to the limited, halting steps taken by our rich nation deeply troubled me."

King then wrote a letter to his wife welcoming the day when "there will be a nationalization of industry ... and a better distribution of wealth."

Then the myth that King was a Republican because King's father was a Republican, but MLK, Jr. heavily favored JFK and helped to campaign for LBJ:

"Dr. King never believed in any kind of party identification," Baldwin says. "He never allowed himself to become closely aligned with partisan politics. He occasionally said that that both the Democratic and Republican Party had betrayed his people."

So today you claim A Black man is racist against his own kind & Dr. King was a Marxist who believed incomes should be distributed and private companies should be nationalized?

Meanwhile you also correctly point out he supported John F. Kennedy who by the way supported massive tax cuts and a robust Military and Lyndon Johnson who ironically worked with Republicans to pass the 1964 Civil Rights act over the objections of Democrats in his own party!

That must be some hype Oregon grown Mary Jane you blowin' today MWV![laughing]
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So today you claim A Black man is racist & Dr. King was a Marxist who believed incomes should be distributed and private companies should be nationalized.

Meanwhile he supported John F. Kennedy who supported tax cuts and a robust Military and Lyndon Johnson who worked with Republicans to pass the 1964 civil rights act over the objections of Democrats in his own party.

That must be some hype Oregon grown Mary Jane you blowin' today MWV![laughing]
Those are his quotes.
OK. Dr. King was a Marxist. I guess Hitler was an Orthodox Jew too?
In your world of absolutes, most things gets distorted I’m sure. I simply said those were his quotes. Marxism isn’t the attribute that accurately defines everything left of your personal positions
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You cannot re-write history. He made those quotes. He was a democratic-socialist......Bernie Sanders.......I know that destroys the theory that everyone righteous and great were right-wing, and everyone bad is left-wing......

I have found several quotes from Dr. King that he uses the phrases "redistribution of wealth", "class struggle", and "democratic-socialism"........this is not "my opinion", these are the great Dr. King's words and thoughts.......

  1. “I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic… [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive… but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness.” – Letter to Coretta Scott, July 18, 1952.
  2. “In a sense, you could say we’re involved in the class struggle.” –Quote to New York Times reporter, José Igelsias, 1968.
  3. “And one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth.’ When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…” –Speech to Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.
  4. “Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.” – Speech to the Negro American Labor Council, 1961.
  5. “We must recognize that we can’t solve our problem now until there is a radical redistribution of economic and political power… this means a revolution of values and other things. We must see now that the evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied together… you can’t really get rid of one without getting rid of the others… the whole structure of American life must be changed. America is a hypocritical nation and [we] must put [our] own house in order.”- Report to SCLC Staff, May 1967.
  6. “The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.” –Speech to SCLC Board, March 30, 1967.
  7. “I am now convinced that the simplest approach will prove to be the most effective – the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed matter: the guaranteed income… The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty.” – Where do We Go from Here?, 1967.
  8. “You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry. Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism.” – Speech to his staff, 1966.
  9. “[W]e are saying that something is wrong … with capitalism…. There must be better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.” – Speech to his staff, 1966.
  10. “If America does not use her vast resources of wealth to end poverty and make it possible for all of God’s children to have the basic necessities of life, she too will go to hell.” Speech at Bishop Charles Mason Temple of the Church of God in Christ in support of the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike on March 18th, 1968, two weeks before he was assassinated.
In your world of absolutes, most things gets distorted I’m sure. I simply said those were his quotes. Marxism isn’t the attribute that accurately defines everything left of your personal positions

How can anyone deny Dr. King's own words? They love to speculate that Dr. King would have "supported Trump", which is crazy to think, but possible......but it's another thing to dispute that he was a left-leaning "SJW"......a progressive........
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How can anyone deny Dr. King's own words? They love to speculate that Dr. King would have "supported Trump", which is crazy to think, but possible......but it's another thing to dispute that he was a left-leaning "SJW"......a progressive........
Consider the source. Warping reality is obviously a well refined skill by some on this board. Simple people like things simple.
How can anyone deny Dr. King's own words? They love to speculate that Dr. King would have "supported Trump", which is crazy to think, but possible......but it's another thing to dispute that he was a left-leaning "SJW"......a progressive........
Once he’s done searching for quotes to counter your post, he will either rant about something off this specific topic, or stop posting on thread all together. Then on another thread where he thinks his fellow right handed circle jerkers will back him up, he will address this topic again without really addressing it specifically.
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How can anyone deny Dr. King's own words? They love to speculate that Dr. King would have "supported Trump", which is crazy to think, but possible......but it's another thing to dispute that he was a left-leaning "SJW"......a progressive........

So you quoted all of that about Dr. King and he was correct no doubt of the evils he saw, based on the immorality of racial segregation and hatred.

But tell me, could he speak for today's Leftists and be accepted by them also arguing for the respect and preservation of innocent human Life and Men marrying Men? Think Doctor King was down with all that as strongly as you claim he favored massive Government control over our Capitalist free enterprise system?
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Once he’s done searching for quotes to counter your post, he will either rant about something off this specific topic, or stop posting on thread all together. Then on another thread where he thinks his fellow right handed circle jerkers will back him up, he will address this topic again without really addressing it specifically.

Doctor King drew his moral authority addressing the Societal ills MWV quoted from the Constitution and the Bible. He didnt quote an "energy source" or suggest the Founders were in error pointing out they too saw all of our rights both economic and social coming from our Creator.

So you obviously agree with Dr.King on that source for our social and ecomonic morality?
Abortion and gay marriage are the only positions the left has....and if you’re not hardcore MUST MUST MUST believe in those two things
Once he’s done searching for quotes to counter your post, he will either rant about something off this specific topic, or stop posting on thread all together. Then on another thread where he thinks his fellow right handed circle jerkers will back him up, he will address this topic again without really addressing it specifically.

Figure he'll turn to other things: gay marriage, abortion, things like that. Ignore the fact that Dr. King was a democratic-socialist, which is PROVEN beyond a reasonable doubt by King's own quotes. You'd think before posting their opinions about King's beliefs they would have looked up just a few quotes and seen what he really was......a person that they DESPISE more than anything else. That's sad....Dr. King was a great guy.
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Doctor King drew his moral authority addressing the Societal ills MWV quoted from the Constitution and the Bible. He didnt quote an "energy source" or suggest the Founders were in error pointing out they too saw all of our rights both economic and social coming from our Creator.

So you obviously agree with Dr.King on that source for our social and ecomonic morality?
I think you’re a very twisted person. A mind warped out of any real consistent sanity. Good intentions gone very wrong.
Figure he'll turn to other things: gay marriage, abortion, things like that. Ignore the fact that Dr. King was a democratic-socialist, which is PROVEN beyond a reasonable doubt by King's own quotes. You'd think before posting their opinions about King's beliefs they would have looked up just a few quotes and seen what he really was......a person that they DESPISE more than anything else. That's sad....Dr. King was a great guy.
Any path to appear like he “wins” an argument. Even though he’s too obtuse to even understand the argument in the first place. Good thing he’s too busy to post on here anymore.
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Figure he'll turn to other things: gay marriage, abortion, things like that. Ignore the fact that Dr. King was a democratic-socialist, which is PROVEN beyond a reasonable doubt by King's own quotes. You'd think before posting their opinions about King's beliefs they would have looked up just a few quotes and seen what he really was......a person that they DESPISE more than anything else. That's sad....Dr. King was a great guy.

Dr. King's long struggle for social and economic justice was rooted in Morality. Without which there can be no Justice. You all on the Left want to skip right over that crucial fundamental understanding about his calls for Social and economic justice just to lay it on the doorstep of Bigger Government to secure those rights but Doctor King was as suspicious and skeptical of Big Government as he was about corrupt businesses who wouldn't hire Black people. You all just skip over his Christian roots because he recognized his Moral authority went beyond Government and directly to it's source. His reality is non existent to you Socialist Atheist "pure energy" types.
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Any path to appear like he “wins” an argument. Even though he’s too obtuse to even understand the argument in the first place. Good thing he’s too busy to post on here anymore.

I have PROVEN that Dr. King was not this right-wing conservative person that they are trying to rewrite history about.......
Give me quotes refuting the fact that he believed in democratic-socialism? Dispute that he believed in redistribution of wealth? I have used his quotes, his own great words, you have used your own opinion.......

Also, as I have established, I'm not a "socialist Atheist" just like to make that claim to attempt to be the better go spend time with your family and be the better man........
Any path to appear like he “wins” an argument. Even though he’s too obtuse to even understand the argument in the first place. Good thing he’s too busy to post on here anymore.

Good thing Doctor read and understood the Bible and its ultimate Truth about the immorality of Man towards his fellow Man better than the opportunists who try to claim his call for Social justice for Godless Socialism.

If Doctor King had his way, you all would be in Church every Sunday thanking Almighty God for his Blessings not thanking "Dear leader" for his malevolence.
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Give me quotes refuting the fact that he believed in democratic-socialism? Dispute that he believed in redistribution of wealth? I have used his quotes, his own great words, you have used your own opinion.......

Also, as I have established, I'm not a "socialist Atheist" just like to make that claim to attempt to be the better go spend time with your family and be the better man........

Doctor King called for Almighty God's Justice. Nowhere in Democratic Socialism you claim he promoted is the Supremacy of the State over Almighty God. In fact it's the exact opposite. The Left today hates any mention of Godly authority over the affairs of Man and if you think Doctor King believed other wise you do not understand where his fundamental calling emanated.
There are no claims......there are only facts:

“The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.” –Speech to SCLC Board, March 30, 1967.

“I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic… [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive… but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness.”

“Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.”
As much as you want to try, you cannot change the words of the great Dr. King.......he stated multiple times his beliefs, and they were democratic-socialism, calling for a redistribution of wealth, and citing socialist nations like Norway and Sweden as examples........
Give me quotes refuting the fact that he believed in democratic-socialism? Dispute that he believed in redistribution of wealth? I have used his quotes, his own great words, you have used your own opinion.......

Also, as I have established, I'm not a "socialist Atheist" just like to make that claim to attempt to be the better go spend time with your family and be the better man........

You really don't know what you are. How can a liar know Truth? Doctor King believed in justification of Sin through Christ at Calvary.

You agree with him right?
Dr. King was a democratic-socialist and a SJW.......facts are facts.......Dr. King was a great man.....and I doubt he ever referred to his own race as "their own kind"........
Now it’s about his religion being the truth, and anyone that doesn’t bow before that absolute fact is wrong if every other way they think. But who believes in liberty?
As much as you want to try, you cannot change the words of the great Dr. King.......he stated multiple times his beliefs, and they were democratic-socialism, calling for a redistribution of wealth, and citing socialist nations like Norway and Sweden as examples........

Doctor King was a Christian believer in Social justice. Government honestly is irrelevant in that equation. Only to assure it is protected not crushed as it was during his Life's work. He pricked this nation's conscience to live up to that creed as expressed in the Constitution. That we are Created equal and endowed by our Creator.

You agree with that along with other Social justice Leftists right?
Now it’s about his religion being the truth, and anyone that doesn’t bow before that absolute fact is wrong if every other way they think. But who believes in liberty?

He's backed up in a corner........showing his teeth but has no real bite now.........making accusations that people aren't Christian, but anyone who doubts his statements that he's black, a Christian, and all the other claims he's made that he is.....RACIST........and are LIARS......headed straight to damnation! :popcorn:
Now it’s about his religion being the truth, and anyone that doesn’t bow before that absolute fact is wrong if every other way they think. But who believes in liberty?

Dr. King was first a Pastor...then he took his message for Social justice from the pulpit to the streets. He was Christian so you obviously agree with his overall approach right?
You brought up government in your first posts in this thread, so evidently YOU thought it was don't recall?

He certainly would have been Pro Life, Pro traditional Marriage, and for Religious freedom. His politics was all about Social justice but based on Constitutional and Biblical principles....not income redistribution and Government running even how and where you Worship. He would have shut down the Abortion mills in Black communities overnight.

Notice how you claimed that he was not for "income redistribution"? Well, I shot that claim down pretty quickly, thus you switched your angle.......
Dr. King was a democratic-socialist and a SJW.......facts are facts.......Dr. King was a great man.....and I doubt he ever referred to his own race as "their own kind"........

Dr. King truth be told believed in a color blind society. Only Leftists divide and classify people by race. He saw our humanity first, then tried to get us past race.
You brought up government in your first posts in this thread, so evidently YOU thought it was don't recall?

Notice how you claimed that he was not for "income redistribution"? Well, I shot that claim down pretty quickly, thus you switched your angle.......

A lot of what you quoted from Doctor King was correct. But he wasn't for Government control over incomes. He was for economic freedom for all regardless of Race.