" We must all learn to live together as brothers and sisters....

More quotes from King:

One day we must ask the question, “Why are there forty million poor people in America?” ... When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy.
(Final speech to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1967)

In a 1966 speech to his staff, King explained:

[W]e are saying that something is wrong ... with capitalism.... There must be better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism. Call it what you may, call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all of God’s children.
The funny thing is, after Johnson instituted the Great Society and we've spent trillions on poverty, we still have more than that declared by our government to be poor. King has said he was a socialist and that conflicts with his teaching about the bible. A socialist government will require acquiesence to that government which will be in direct conflict with the teaching of the bible which is to put the lord first.
Maybe once you realized that MLK had socialist economic views that were in direct contrast to what you thought he did, and was thuroughly corrected by MWV.

Nope...he hasn't explained yet how Dr. King wanted incomes distributed. I said he wanted equality of ecomonic opportunity not outcomes through Government income redistribution. If that's what he wanted, how did he argue it should be done?
The funny thing is, after Johnson instituted the Great Society and we've spent trillions on poverty, we still have more than that declared by our government to be poor. King has said he was a socialist and that conflicts with his teaching about the bible. A socialist government will require acquiesence to that government which will be in direct conflict with the teaching of the bible which is to put the lord first.
By that ridiculous thinking, one could simply say that capitalism advocates for putting money, or even individual liberty above the lord.

Your Bullsh1t approaches to making my the world what you want it to be is just that....Bullsh1t.
Honestly....if you’d just slow down and look at might see that it’s really the only legitimate answer in most of your “debates”

Of course it is. I dont deny that. It's the source of all of my arguments just like big Government run by Man is the answer to all Leftist positions.
Nope...he hasn't explained yet how Dr. King wanted incomes distributed. I said he wanted equality of ecomonic opportunity not outcomes through Government income redistribution. If that's what he wanted, how did he argue it should be done?
He literally gave you quotes from the man himself. He didn’t try to “pretend” he knew the man’s specific views. Only that he was socialistic in his nature in regards to the economy and wanted the nation’s wealth to be more evenly distributed amongst the people.
By that ridiculous thinking, one could simply say that capitalism advocates for putting money, or even individual liberty above the lord.

Your Bullsh1t approaches to making my the world what you want it to be is just that....Bullsh1t.

Capitalism cannot exist without a moral Social order. Thats my argument and it was Dr. King's too. We were plenty capitalist enough before he started his work but we were morally bankrupt. He called on our morality to correct that.
I don't have to explain what I "thought" Dr. King believed in his redistribution of wealth ideas.............he (Dr. King) plainly and explicitly stated that he was more socialist than was very clear and transparent.......well, to most........
Of course it is. I dont deny that. It's the source of all of my arguments just like big Government run by Man is the answer to all Leftist positions.
Yep. Your twisted mind surely is the source of all your arguments....glad we can agree on that.
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He literally gave you quotes from the man himself. He didn’t try to “pretend” he knew the man’s specific views. Only that he was socialistic in his nature in regards to the economy and wanted the nation’s wealth to be more evenly distributed amongst the people.

And Im saying that is not how he envisioned a moral and just Society. Simply redistributing incomes is just as immoral as preventing folks of color from a chance to earn them!
Capitalism cannot exist without a moral Social order. Thats my argument and it was Dr. King's too. We were plenty capitalist enough before he started his work but we were morally bankrupt. He called on our morality to correct that.
And how this post applies to anything mentioned in this thread exists only in......yep.....your twisted twisted mind
And Im saying that is not how he envisioned a moral and just Society. Simply redistributing incomes is just as immoral as preventing folks of color from a chance to earn them!
You’re not MLK. You don’t get to speak for him.
Yep. Your twisted mind surely is the source of all your arguments....glad we can agree on that.

Your refual to accept Godly authority over the affairs of Man including Government is also quite telling.
He literally gave you quotes from the man himself. He didn’t try to “pretend” he knew the man’s specific views. Only that he was socialistic in his nature in regards to the economy and wanted the nation’s wealth to be more evenly distributed amongst the people.

Give up, he's trying to deflect and turn this in to a religious debate about morals and absolutes again......he has no answer to rebut the original claim (opinion) that he made that Dr. King would have been a supporter of Trump......then when I use the quotes against that claim (opinion), he switches his tune and tries to throw government beliefs out of the debate by saying they are "irrelevant".......well, if they were, then why was he the first to bring them up with his opinion on Dr. King's political beliefs?

I have supplied dozens of direct quotes from Dr. King himself.......proving once and for all what political side of the spectrum he would have been on, but have not put my own "opinion" on it because that isn't the thing to do........
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You’re not MLK. You don’t get to speak for him.

I think it's great that he is the ultimate judge and jury on someone's religious claims. I said I'm Christian, he denies that......but he can see in to the mind of Dr. King? I have the evidence......I have the quotes......he has his pride and opinions......
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I think you’re a very twisted person. A mind warped out of any real consistent sanity. Good intentions gone very wrong.

And I think you are woefully ignorant of where Dr.King's inspiration came from.
I think it's great that he is the ultimate judge and jury on someone's religious claims. I said I'm Christian, he denies that......but he can see in to the mind of Dr. King? I have the evidence......I have the quotes......he has his pride and opinions......

Dr. king quoted Scripture for his moral authority. What do you quote?
Give up, he's trying to deflect and turn this in to a religious debate about morals and absolutes again......he has no answer to rebut the original claim (opinion) that he made that Dr. King would have been a supporter of Trump......then when I use the quotes against that claim (opinion), he switches his tune and tries to throw government beliefs out of the debate by saying they are "irrelevant".......well, if they were, then why was he the first to bring them up with his opinion on Dr. King's political beliefs?

I have supplied dozens of direct quotes from Dr. King himself.......proving once and for all what political side of the spectrum he would have been on, but have not put my own "opinion" on it because that isn't the thing to do........
And not once have you bothered to recognoze on what authority Dr. King spoke those eloquent words. Why not? That wasn't his source? Almighty God's word? Then what was it?
Those "eloquent words" of him describing democratic-socialism? You've switched......awesome.....welcome to the team.
And not once have you bothered to recognoze on what authority Dr. King spoke those eloquent words. Why not? That wasn't his source? Almighty God's word? Thwn what was?
It’s ALMOST not funny, because it’s just so scary how gone you really are.....ooops, better stop posting for the day....cause you’re so busy

So he was his own source for his Morality?


And the Founders who he also quoted? Who was their authority boom? Who did they recognize that Dr.King missed? He quoted them too. Did they miss something?
It’s ALMOST not funny, because it’s just so scary how gone you really are.....ooops, better stop posting for the day....cause you’re so busy

I'm off today Thanks to Dr. King and George Bush who signed his Holiday into Law. I cant say I've enjoyed this exchange but its par for the course in the world of Leftist Godless Socialism.
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That’s who MWV quoted....nutjob

In case you missed it, I quoted Hitler to prove you guys are on the same team. MWV has been running like a scalded dog from that one while decrying 'but I've quoted MLK' in this thread. The irony is delicious.
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That’s who MWV quoted....nutjob

He's baiting you......he never will accept the truth, the factual quotes about Dr. King because it crushes his personal beliefs as he does not think a religious person can be...*gulp*....socialist in thought and practice?
In case you missed it, I quoted Hitler to prove you guys are on the same team. MWV has been running like a scalded dog from that one while decrying 'but I've quoted MLK' in this thread. The irony is delicious.

You seriously are sticking with this claim? Hitler was a right-wing socialist, that really does exist stupid! Research it, read's there....right in front of your face! Hitler was a fascist, which is NOT left-wing.......
He's baiting you......he never will accept the truth, the factual quotes about Dr. King because it crushes his personal beliefs as he does not think a religious person can be...*gulp*....socialist in thought and practice?

MWV what Socialist that you know places the Authority of Almighty God above the Government?

What Socialist Government even allows freedom of Worship over the State?
fascist, which is NOT left-wing


He's baiting you......he never will accept the truth, the factual quotes about Dr. King because it crushes his personal beliefs as he does not think a religious person can be...*gulp*....socialist in thought and practice?

You find for me a Leftist Socialist who recognizes God's authority and the Bible over the Supremacy of the State.

Link me. In fact show me where Dr. King believed that heresy? His authority was not Government I assure you. He did not ask Leviathan for his moral strength or authority.
If socialism is "Godless" are calling Dr. King "Godless"? How dare you! Especially today!

If you think Dr. King's allegiance and loyalty was in Socialist Governments you are more ignorant than misinformed.
I'll find one: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now, how do I know? It's called HIS OWN WORDS.

I have freaking showed you every possible quote showing his claims about being socialist........

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