" We must all learn to live together as brothers and sisters....



Nazism = fascism

So, if fascism can also be "liberal", then the reverse also goes in to effects: socialism can be conservative.

Thanks! You just proved my point.
He's baiting you......he never will accept the truth, the factual quotes about Dr. King because it crushes his personal beliefs as he does not think a religious person can be...*gulp*....socialist in thought and practice?

So to you Dr. King's message was only economic there was no moral Authority he spoke on? You don't know the Dr. King I know.
Again, pretty much sums it up.........
  1. “I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic… [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive… but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness.” – Letter to Coretta Scott, July 18, 1952
  2. “Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.” – From a speech to the Negro American Labor Council, 1961
  3. “The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.” – Delivered during a speech to SCLC Board, March 30, 1967
  4. “In a sense, you could say we’re involved in the class struggle.” – Quote in the New York Times reporter, 1968.
If socialism is "Godless" are calling Dr. King "Godless"? How dare you! Especially today!

You are such a piece of work. Dr King stood in the Pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist Church and talked about Socialist Governments not Godly respect for our Humanity right MountaineerWV?
I know you are an advocate of gay rights. Don’t know where you stand on abortion, but my point is that it’s just foolish to believe that someone’s views economically forces them to have the same social views.

When it’s someone on the left doing it, you bash the practice. When someone on the right does it, you defend it?
I’m not an advocate of abortion. I don’t think women should have the choice as to murder their unborn child nor do I think they have sole decision making power as I think the father should have some say as well. It is a woman’s body, that’s true, but last I checked it was illegal to commit suicide or assist someone in committing suicide. How someone should be legally allowed to kill their unborn child I don’t know.

Nor do I care.

Abortion doesn’t rank on my givesoshitometer when it comes to elections. It’s not a core issue for me. I have my beliefs but that’s as far as it goes. I’m way more apt to vote for gay rights than an abortion candidate. But even that falls significantly below my core issues: Economy, Military, and Jobs.
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By that ridiculous thinking, one could simply say that capitalism advocates for putting money, or even individual liberty above the lord.

Your Bullsh1t approaches to making my the world what you want it to be is just that....Bullsh1t.
No it doesn't. the bible says to render under caesar what is caesar and render unto the lord what it the lords. The bible believes in tithing, socialist govt believes render that unto it so it can take care of the poor. Capitalism believes in the individual not the government. You are conflating love of money vs capitalism. making money, lots of it, is not bad. Government taking your money, at least lots of it, is very bad.
I'm off today Thanks to Dr. King and George Bush who signed his Holiday into Law. I cant say I've enjoyed this exchange but its par foe the course in the world of Leftist Godless Socialism.
MWV isn’t godless, even if you don’t believe that I’m not
No it doesn't. the bible says to render under caesar what is caesar and render unto the lord what it the lords. The bible believes in tithing, socialist govt believes render that unto it so it can take care of the poor. Capitalism believes in the individual not the government. You are conflating love of money vs capitalism. making money, lots of it, is not bad. Government taking your money, at least lots of it, is very bad.

I used Dr. King's own quotes......his own statements on his beliefs......and it's pretty damn obvious what side of the spectrum he had swung to in the 1960' he stated in several of his speeches and letters
Again, pretty much sums it up.........
  1. “I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic… [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive… but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness.” – Letter to Coretta Scott, July 18, 1952
  2. “Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.” – From a speech to the Negro American Labor Council, 1961
  3. “The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.” – Delivered during a speech to SCLC Board, March 30, 1967
  4. “In a sense, you could say we’re involved in the class struggle.” – Quote in the New York Times reporter, 1968.

Dr. King<Karl Marx=Communist manifesto>Bible? convinced me!
You find for me a Leftist Socialist who recognizes God's authority and the Bible over the Supremacy of the State.

Link me. In fact show me where Dr. King believed that heresy? His authority was not Government I assure you. He did not ask Leviathan for his moral strength or authority.
A lot of people are conflicted about their beliefs. Jefferson was conflicted, we know what he wrote, we know he had slaves. That's conflicted. I have to say, Kings written beliefs are very socialist which is not good as far as individual growth is concerned.
MWV isn’t godless, even if you don’t believe that I’m not

I know you aren't boom...I doubt he is. He says he is, but I said I'm Muslim too so that makes us even in terms of believing in God right?
I used Dr. King's own quotes......his own statements on his beliefs......and it's pretty damn obvious what side of the spectrum he had swung to in the 1960' he stated in several of his speeches and letters
I was spending the night with my best friend when he was shot. I remember his mom telling us and that all hell was going to break loose. I was 11 years old.
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I didn't convince you, the credit should be given to Dr. King as I used NONE of my was all direct quotes from Dr. King.......a great leader and man!
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No it doesn't. the bible says to render under caesar what is caesar and render unto the lord what it the lords. The bible believes in tithing, socialist govt believes render that unto it so it can take care of the poor. Capitalism believes in the individual not the government. You are conflating love of money vs capitalism. making money, lots of it, is not bad. Government taking your money, at least lots of it, is very bad.
I’m just pointing out that your crap approach to a linear determination of ones political beliefs, as either left- without God or right - with God, is just crap.
I was spending the night with my best friend when he was shot. I remember his mom telling us and that all hell was going to break loose. I was 11 years old.

I wasn't born yet in 1968, but I've said that may be one of the biggest years in American history......

Dr. King
Robert Kennedy
Vietnam Tet
Chicago Democrat Convention protests

If we survived 1968, we will survive the next 3 years.
I’m just pointing out that your crap approach to a linear determination of ones political beliefs, as either left- without God or right - with God, is just crap.
No, I was pointing out that capitalism is not in conflict with Jesus's teaching. He taught that you should be self reliant. Socialism is in conflict in that it takes away your responsibilty of self reliance.
I wasn't born yet in 1968, but I've said that may be one of the biggest years in American history......

Dr. King
Robert Kennedy
Vietnam Tet
Chicago Democrat Convention protests

If we survived 1968, we will survive the next 3 years.
And we survived the last 8. We survived Carter.
I wasn't born yet in 1968, but I've said that may be one of the biggest years in American history......

Dr. King
Robert Kennedy
Vietnam Tet
Chicago Democrat Convention protests

If we survived 1968, we will survive the next 3 years.
Except I was 14 not 11. I thought he was murdered in 66 for some reason.
A lot of people are conflicted about their beliefs. Jefferson was conflicted, we know what he wrote, we know he had slaves. That's conflicted. I have to say, Kings written beliefs are very socialist which is not good as far as individual growth is concerned.
Correct Airport. Even Christians argue about Biblical passages. But to say Dr. King was only animated or influenced by his Socialist economics and not by his Christian morality for Social justice is a disservice to his work.

He was not Athiest nor recognizing of State authority over Human morality which was his primary calling. Man's inhumanity towards his fellow Man in the expression of racial bigotry and hatred. He saw an immoral Government essentially allowing that and in some cases legalizing it. That's what he fought to end so that all could be free and treated equally based on their human dignity not unequal incomes.
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No, I was pointing out that capitalism is not in conflict with Jesus's teaching. He taught that you should be self reliant. Socialism is in conflict in that it takes away your responsibilty of self reliance.
A little more legitimate of an approach. But, what makes you think someone in a socialist form of government isn’t self reliant?
Correct Airport. Even Christians argue about Biblical passages. But to say Dr. King was only animated or influenced by his Socialist economics and not by his Christian morality for Social justice is a disservice to his work.

He was not Athiest nor recognizing of State authority over Human morality which was his primary calling. Man's inhumanity towards his fellow Man in the expression of racial bigotry and hatred. He saw an immoral Government essentially allowing that in some cases legalizing it. That's what he fought to end so that all could be free and treated equally based on their human dignity not unequal incomes. one said that...NOT the entire thread
Guess I'll keep reposting until you get it:
  1. “I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic… [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive… but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness.” – Letter to Coretta Scott, July 18, 1952 one said that...NOT the entire thread

Just reply back to him with the quotes I provided........he will never accept anything.......because if he does, then his entire belief system crumbles and he's left with nothing. He is backed in to a corner. What's sad is, if he is as educated as he claims, this shouldn't have been the first time he saw those Dr. King's quotes........
Just reply back to him with the quotes I provided........he will never accept anything.......because if he does, then his entire belief system crumbles and he's left with nothing. He is backed in to a corner. What's sad is, if he is as educated as he claims, this shouldn't have been the first time he saw those Dr. King's quotes........
Aren’t you Christian?
Correct Airport. Even Christians argue about Biblical passages. But to say Dr. King was only animated or influenced by his Socialist economics and not by his Christian morality for Social justice is a disservice to his work.

He was not Athiest nor recognizing of State authority over Human morality which was his primary calling. Man's inhumanity towards his fellow Man in the expression of racial bigotry and hatred. He saw an immoral Government essentially allowing that in some cases legalizing it. That's what he fought to end so that all could be free abd treated equally based on their human dignity not unequal incomes.
Great men are always conflicted. Washington had slaves, Jefferson too. Both saw the disgust in that and we became a country that eliminated it. did it end racism, no and never will. Socialism is a good goal to the point of taking care of people less fortunate. Unfortunately, people will take the easier way out and not strive to improve their lot in the world. They will become complacent to living a life of letting somebody else take care of them.
I thought so. I think it’s very wrong for other Christians to think that having liberal economic or social views automatically cancels their religious faith. Seems to be very counter to the core of the religion.

Beyond that, I thought that proclaiming that one is "more religious" than another or that another person "isn't religious" went against the Teachings as well? That's sort of a prideful sin, to make such claims......
In case you missed it, I quoted Hitler to prove you guys are on the same team. MWV has been running like a scalded dog from that one while decrying 'but I've quoted MLK' in this thread. The irony is delicious.
Who brought up Hitler?
So you Lefties....if Dr. King's model was a Socialist Government redistributing incomes under Godly Biblical authority where is the Blue print? If he didn't believe in the Founder's idea of Constitutionally protected Liberty and Freedoms through equal opportunity in our free market economy then what was the model he was using for the proposed alternative you all are aguing he advocated?

In other words, where is the Socialist economy that allows income redistribution under Godly authority and recognizes Biblically based moral Justice as the means to distribute it? What was Dr. King referring to since he was a Bible believer as well as an avowed Socialist in your minds?

What Socialist economy operates this way?
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