Trump 17%, Jeb Bush 14% in new poll

It's early Bru...this Trump nonsense will fizz out once everyone realizes what a numbnut he is.

You really need to spend less time worrying about the dem party and you need to really be concerned about what is going on in the GOP ranks....REALLY!

You have been very wrong big league.
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I've thought this for a long time as well. However, if a charismatic Scott Walker or Rubio can sway some voters.....maybe, just maybe....

Trump on the other hand is a diplomatic knuckle dragger. Hillary will eat him alive.....

And again.
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I vote democrat cause I think Government can help people and improve everyones lives

Can you cite the best examples of where it has done this?

What has been big Government's biggest success as you see it?

Problem addressed, defined, Government comes in, applies the solution, fixes it, and now we see the excellent results and are currently benefiting from it.

How about a couple of your best examples, and link us to where the folks benefiting from the Government intervention are currently happy, satisfied and proud that it (Government) came in and solved the problem?

Can you help us see what you see?
Lol, I love it when they make you mad. WTF has Trump ever lead? He is getting bashed harder by the other candidates than the left, we don't want him to have to leave!

No worries, he still hasn't left you. In fact, he is living rent free inside your head lol.
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these posts are beyond funny. I feel sorry for some of these folks. It must be really hard for some of them just getting up every morning and facing reality of President Trump.

Maybe that's why they're so maniacally crazy....trying to change what is.

I almost feel sorry for them too. They listened to left wing media and took it as gospel which made them extremely confident and arrogant. In the end they embarrassed themselves with their arrogance. The sad thing is that two years later they didn't learn their lesson as they continue to parrot fake news that means nothing.
I almost feel sorry for them too. They listened to left wing media and took it as gospel which made them extremely confident and arrogant. In the end they embarrassed themselves with their arrogance. The sad thing is that two years later they didn't learn their lesson as they continue to parrot fake news that means nothing.

You know THAT is really true. imagine being told by those folks day after day that Hillary had it in the bag, there was NO WAY she could lose to this Orange colored blow hard?

They really believed it, and when she lost it was not only a shock to them, it was like finding out your Lover had been lying to you all along!

It was devastating, and had to be a mistake...Trump had to have cheated...he wasn't supposed to's not possible!

This is why they won't let Russia go. there has to be someway to alter this reality.
You know THAT is really true. imagine being told by those folks day after day that Hillary had it in the bag, there was NO WAY she could lose to this Orange colored blow hard?

They really believed it, and when she lost it was not only a shock to them, it was like finding out your Lover had been lying to you all along!

It was devastating, and had to be a mistake...Trump had to have cheated...he wasn't supposed to's not possible!

This is why they won't let Russia go. there has to be someway to alter this reality.

Absolutely. And while I am going nostalgic again I need to not only put all of the shame on our liberal friends. There were also some conservatives on this board who bought into the "Trump Can't Win" talking point. The Anti-Trump conservatives damn near gave the Supreme Court away to waste a vote for Gary Johnson or Evan McMullin.
No worries, he still hasn't left you. In fact, he is living rent free inside your head lol.

I just remember what I was thinking back then during all of that media hype about Hillary.

Day after day, revelation after revelation would come out about her corruption and lying, yet the polls never seemed to move. Double digit leads for her, no effect on her popularity.

Lie after lie, damning revelation after damning revelation...didn't matter she was measuring the drapes for the Oval Office.

I just remember feeling all of this anger and frustration at the Media because none of the people I knew or talked to could stand her.

Everyone I ran into hated her guts. Where was all of this support? It just made me determined to make sure I got to those polls and I dragged 6 folks with me and we checked our ballots and we made sure we pulled that lever for Trump.

It was our "take that" after feeling so powerless during all of the Hillary spin.

Watching those returns come in November 8th, and seeing the looks on those smug reporters faces then by 3AM their Funeral like announcement that Trump had indeed won was not only relief, it was better than satisfaction because they (Media) finally had to realize their spin didn't work.

It was awesome. So I'm enjoying reading these re-posts of all these Leftists who were so cocky before last fall. It's actually rip roarin' entertainment and I can't thank enough whoever the OP is who managed to save these threads and roll 'em out from time to time.

It really is funny reading some of these folks.
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I just remember what I was thinking back then during all of that media hype about Hillary.

Day after day, revelation after revelation would come out about her corruption and lying, yet the pools never seemed to move. Double digit leads for her, no effect on her popularity.

Lie after lie, damning revelation after damning revelation...didn't matter she was measuring the drapes for the Oval Office.

I just remember feeling all of this anger and frustration at the Media because none of the people I knew or talked to could stand her.

Everyone I ran into her hated her guts. Where was all of this support? It just made me determined to make sure I got to those polls and I dragged 6 folks with me and we checked our ballots and we made sure we pulled that lever for Trump.

It was our "take that" after feeling so powerless during all of the Hillary spin.

Watching those returns come in November 8th, and seeing the looks on those smug reporters faces then by 3AM their Funeral like announcement that Trump had indeed won was not only relief, it was better than satisfaction because they (Media) finally had to realize their spin didn't work.

It was awesome. So I'm enjoying reading these re-posts of all these Leftists who were so cocky before last fall. It's actually rip roarin' entertainment and I can't whoever the OP is who managed to save these threads and roll 'em out from time to time.

It really is funny reading some of these folks.

Right? The enthusiasm for her campaign didn't match up with what the media was saying. She had small crowds while Trump was selling out arenas. It was obvious early on that Trump appealed to independents and people who weren't normally interested in politics.
Right? The enthusiasm for her campaign didn't match up with what the media was saying. She had small crowds while Trump was selling out arenas. It was obvious early on that Trump appealed to independents and people who weren't normally interested in politics.

Spot on! Trump had HUGE MASSIVE crowds. The press ignored them. I remember one time in Cleveland I think, they had to cancel a Hillary rally, even after they brought in Lebron to geek up the crowd!

No one showed up (laughing)

That's when I knew the media was FOS....they never accurately reported why the rally was cancelled...they just said it was a "scheduling conflict"

You know WVU2007, you'd think these Leftists would be a little more skeptical of these media reports of Trump colluding with Russia given how the media lied to them about the election.

Nope, they swallow this bilge every day just like they did those stupid phony fake ass "polls" that blared Hillary can't lose and they came away holding an empty promise.

What will they do once this Russia crap ends up the same way for them?

Think we'll have to put some of them on suicide watch?
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Thanks for reposting this. Reading our board liberal projections was downright humorous. Nothing has changed they are still getting their junk kicked daily even today. This made my day reading our clowns being clowns. For the life of me, I just don't understand how they call themselves elite.

Good grief, they are amazingly ignorant folks and I love them for it. [jumpingsmile][jumpingsmile][jumpingsmile][laughing][laughing][laughing]

This is as good as WVU winning a NC in football, or basketball. Man....did they take a beating then and even today.:chairshot::chairshot::chairshot::chairshot::chairshot:
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