Trump 17%, Jeb Bush 14% in new poll

No, pity that idiots like yourself find some value in him as a political leader.
You stupid bastard, it is not as a political leader, but as a leader and doer. Most people are tired of politicians passing themselves of as leaders. I want to see someone who can produce and make things happen. If we can get a few terms with that kind of a team, we may be able to survive a few more terms of your political leaders later.
I can't say I'm all that surprised. When millions of people tune in to watch the Kardashians do absolutely nothing and gripe about how hard their "jobs" are, I can't be shocked . We're a lot closer to President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho than we realize. We, the royal we, seem to care more about sound bites and twitter feeds than the substance of the candidates. Trump isn't substance, he's theater. If the Dems want to put someone up against him that would give him a really solid run for his money, nominate Jon Stewart - funny, seemingly fairly intelligent guy who has no business being the president ... but the debates would be really entertaining.
Great post
I used to have respect for him as a business person. I even disregarded his craziness being a birther. But the past months has shown something that I find shocking and amazing and that doesn't even describe my opinion on the context of his statements.
I know and I posted my opinion on that disgraceful fact earlier. And those that are in the 17%, should look hard at the mirror when they are bitching that this country has gone backward. They are the leading causes.
And all of you love McCain so much that you voted for him. What part of being military moved your vote in the past several presidential elections? If you really want to see a farce, look in the mirror. If you were like me and voted McCain, come forward and I will apologize.
And all of you love McCain so much that you voted for him. What part of being military moved your vote in the past several presidential elections? If you really want to see a farce, look in the mirror. If you were like me and voted McCain, come forward and I will apologize.
That was weak. I have enormous respect for McCain. Has nothing to do with what I thought of his presidential run.
one can respect a person without having that person earn one's vote. Pretty simple concept I guess lost on some.
That was weak. I have enormous respect for McCain. Has nothing to do with what I thought of his presidential run.
Where did I even remotely show any disrespect for the man or his service? What could be weak about what I said. Your response was the only thing that was weak.
one can respect a person without having that person earn one's vote. Pretty simple concept I guess lost on some.
You are still suggesting that Obama had better credentials? Of course we can cast our vote for any individual. Even write in someone who did not survive the primary. The simple concept, is we do not have to follow D or R. There had to be a reason to vote for a community organizer that was also chair of Harvard Law Review(no records there either to justify that appointment).
You are still suggesting that Obama had better credentials? Of course we can cast our vote for any individual. Even write in someone who did not survive the primary. The simple concept, is we do not have to follow D or R. There had to be a reason to vote for a community organizer that was also chair of Harvard Law Review(no records there either to justify that appointment).

I'm simply suggesting one should be respectful when it is earned. I also will respect yours and everyone else's right to vote for whoever they wish and I would think that is common courtesy of a gentleman whether it is in person or on a public message board. The topic of conversation as it pertains to Trump is supporting the nonsense he is spewing and the reflection of those that are supporting him. If you want to vote for him when the time comes, that is your business and I for one won't mention it as I don't mention what anyone does with their vote. My issue is with the content of his beliefs and the resulting conversation on the subject.

But do as you wish.
You are out of your mind with that opinion. Trump does nothing but throw personal insults, innuendo and unfounded half-truth bombs while supplying nothing more than ridiculous inactionable ideas on the issues. No wonder so many on this board likes him as a candidate. It is exactly what you see from the whackos on this board.

In a debate of substance, especially issues revolving around business and economics, I can image Trump laying out points that Hillary would struggle with. She'd hold an edge on certain foreign policy issues, but as a debater I don't find her that compelling. She was manhandled by Obama in the primaries in '08 and I think would be again. But as I said, Trump's inability not to come across as a pompous ass would be the death of him.
In a debate of substance, especially issues revolving around business and economics, I can image Trump laying out points that Hillary would struggle with. She'd hold an edge on certain foreign policy issues, but as a debater I don't find her that compelling. She was manhandled by Obama in the primaries in '08 and I think would be again. But as I said, Trump's inability not to come across as a pompous ass would be the death of him.

Maybe the Trump from yeats ago but I don't see it with this Donald. But ok.
It won't matter much anyways as I still think this a publicity stunt for him to keep media attention on himself.
Trump is the walking incarnation of the Republican Party. Everything he touches turns red. The crazy thing is he could hold a rally at Mountaineer Field and probably sell out the place with all the potential mountain folk supporters
It won't matter much anyways as I still think this a publicity stunt for him to keep media attention on himself.

Me too. I don't believe for one second that he would be willing to get rid of all his ties to all these businesses and opportunities to become POTUS. Watch, he has a plan in his back pocket for all this. Whether it be another reality TV show or something else.
Me too. I don't believe for one second that he would be willing to get rid of all his ties to all these businesses and opportunities to become POTUS. Watch, he has a plan in his back pocket for all this. Whether it be another reality TV show or something else.
Me too. Been thinking that all along. Rattle the cage and pick up business along the way.
Me too. Been thinking that all along. Rattle the cage and pick up business along the way.

Problem for Trump will be his business in the pipeline is going to dry up. He will have the same outcome from this outrageousness as Glenn Beck has had post-FoxNews. If Trump was a public stock, it would be the biggest Sale of the last 30 years.
Problem for Trump will be his business in the pipeline is going to dry up. He will have the same outcome from this outrageousness as Glenn Beck has had post-FoxNews. If Trump was a public stock, it would be the biggest Sale of the last 30 years.

I doubt that The Donald gives a rats ass about your opinions or your concern for his business interests. And referencing Glenn Beck? That is really lame. The fact is that Becks worth sky rocketed after he left Fox News. Has your income kept pace with his? You don't have to answer, I can figure out the answer. I will say, I have had a lot of fun watching all the folks who don't care about Trump have so much to say about him. Why bother, after all, he has zero chance.
I doubt that The Donald gives a rats ass about your opinions or your concern for his business interests. And referencing Glenn Beck? That is really lame. The fact is that Becks worth sky rocketed after he left Fox News. Has your income kept pace with his? You don't have to answer, I can figure out the answer. I will say, I have had a lot of fun watching all the folks who don't care about Trump have so much to say about him. Why bother, after all, he has zero chance.

Yeah, it would be great to have a president who disrespects war heros. Great leader.
Yeah, it would be great to have a president who disrespects war heros. Great leader.

Great Leader? That's your opinion. I have NEVER said it would be great to have The Donald as our President. I just find it a bit amusing how you folks get bent out of shape, especially this early in this election cycle about someone who speaks his mind. He makes some bonehead statements. But you and I both know he is correct about losing jobs to China,Mexico and others as well as his belief that illegal immigration is a mess. Maybe he should surround himself with a cadre of handlers like most of the candidates do. At the very least, he should invest in a few good speechwriters as well as a few TELEPROMPTERS. My money is still on Ms. Clinton.
Great Leader? That's your opinion. I have NEVER said it would be great to have The Donald as our President. I just find it a bit amusing how you folks get bent out of shape, especially this early in this election cycle about someone who speaks his mind. He makes some bonehead statements. But you and I both know he is correct about losing jobs to China,Mexico and others as well as his belief that illegal immigration is a mess. Maybe he should surround himself with a cadre of handlers like most of the candidates do. At the very least, he should invest in a few good speechwriters as well as a few TELEPROMPTERS. My money is still on Ms. Clinton.

I'm on him because of his disrespect towards John McCain. I like McCain. I did in 2008 (just hated who he selected as his VP candidate). Trump isn't a serious threat to anyone in this race. He is a sideshow. That's all.

And to the losing jobs to China, Mexico, etc., Trump has made his billions doing the same things these companies and politicians have done. To say that his hands are clean from outsourcing American jobs wouldn't be accurate. If someone dug in to his career, I'm sure we'd see some things. And illegal immigration? We aren't going to totally stop it. What does he want to do, build the great wall of China on our border? Put 10,000 troops per mile? He doesn't have any real answers to the problem. He just says things that get people fired up and say "wow, the Don understands!".
Great Leader? That's your opinion. I have NEVER said it would be great to have The Donald as our President. I just find it a bit amusing how you folks get bent out of shape, especially this early in this election cycle about someone who speaks his mind. He makes some bonehead statements. But you and I both know he is correct about losing jobs to China,Mexico and others as well as his belief that illegal immigration is a mess. Maybe he should surround himself with a cadre of handlers like most of the candidates do. At the very least, he should invest in a few good speechwriters as well as a few TELEPROMPTERS. My money is still on Ms. Clinton.

I'm interested in the election cycle including the effect candidates have on the public and having serious candidates that will put forth an effort to improve the country. If I want to hear someone espousing stupid opinions, I could listen to Rush or Hannity and read more of your posts on this board. That is not my intent. This type of vitriol has an impact and it is nothing but negative for society regardless of one's political leanings.

But you won't understand. You are part of the problem and is why you find what Trump is doing as simply "speaking his mind".
I'm interested in the election cycle including the effect candidates have on the public and having serious candidates that will put forth an effort to improve the country. If I want to hear someone espousing stupid opinions, I could listen to Rush or Hannity and read more of your posts on this board. That is not my intent. This type of vitriol has an impact and it is nothing but negative for society regardless of one's political leanings.

But you won't understand. You are part of the problem and is why you find what Trump is doing as simply "speaking his mind".
how's your golf game? beans, cucumbers and squash out the wazoo but no tomatoes yet.....but I have several cantaloupes the size of softballs...... an.Hillary sucks[banana]
Snow - I'm not interested in mixing a personal conversation and reading your right-wing hatred in the same conversation.
Me too. I don't believe for one second that he would be willing to get rid of all his ties to all these businesses and opportunities to become POTUS. Watch, he has a plan in his back pocket for all this. Whether it be another reality TV show or something else.
He is the rabbit and when he steps aside he will market himself as the man who set the tone for a whole election.
Snow - I'm not interested in mixing a personal conversation and reading your right-wing hatred in the same conversation.
Snow - I'm not interested in mixing a personal conversation and reading your right-wing hatred in the same conversation.
actually the last part was indeed said in jest.....there are many in even the democratic party who say the same thing, only not in jest.....and just to clear the air, if the election were held tomorrow my vote would be cast for Jim Webb, a democrat last time I checked. If that makes me "right wing" then what on God's green earth does that make you? much for trying to have a little fun......excuuuuuuuuuse ME!:flush:
actually the last part was indeed said in jest.....there are many in even the democratic party who say the same thing, only not in jest.....and just to clear the air, if the election were held tomorrow my vote would be cast for Jim Webb, a democrat last time I checked. If that makes me "right wing" then what on God's green earth does that make you? much for trying to have a little fun......excuuuuuuuuuse ME!:flush:

Look, I am trying not to be rude and ignore your direct post to me as I'm sitting here watching the Open. I will be glad to talk about gardening or golf but I'm not mixing that conversation with the hatred that is spewing on this thread. As you can see there are aholes that do nothing but flame and they will take every opportunity to do so as they have nothing worthwhile to say and they are left out of conversations. If attempting to explain that concept pisses you off, then so be it but that is just the way it is on this board.
Look, I am trying not to be rude and ignore your direct post to me as I'm sitting here watching the Open. I will be glad to talk about gardening or golf but I'm not mixing that conversation with the hatred that is spewing on this thread. As you can see there are aholes that do nothing but flame and they will take every opportunity to do so as they have nothing worthwhile to say and they are left out of conversations. If attempting to explain that concept pisses you off, then so be it but that is just the way it is on this board.
Truth hurts bitch.
Truth hurts bitch.
Rather amazing to damn Trump for speaking out about what McCain said about the crowd at Trump rally. Trump made a statement that could be
Truth hurts bitch.
Do you not find it amazing how attached they are to Trump statement about McCain and at the same time, see nothing wrong with, "What difference, at this time, does it make"?

Two different statements at two different times, and there is no consideration given to what prompted/proceeded both or either statement. Amazing how selective we can be when exercising our thoughts in politics.
"What difference, at this time, does it make"?

I have no clue what you are referencing to.

But what most in America find amazing, why are you and those that support Trump not outraged by his comment about what an American Hero is? Your type always have shouted down the Michael Moore's of the world when they say things like "Snipers are not heroes." But for some reason, you rather show your hatred towards those that call out Trump for an horrendous comment rather than being consistent with outrage. Why is that?
Rather amazing to damn Trump for speaking out about what McCain said about the crowd at Trump rally. Trump made a statement that could be

Do you not find it amazing how attached they are to Trump statement about McCain and at the same time, see nothing wrong with, "What difference, at this time, does it make"?

Two different statements at two different times, and there is no consideration given to what prompted/proceeded both or either statement. Amazing how selective we can be when exercising our thoughts in politics.
You are obviously the only one in the free world who does not know Hillary's response to the Sub-committee hearing on Benghazi. Four people(Americans serving US) were killed and she responded, "What difference 'at this point' does it matter".

Please note that I have not said a word about anyone's military record or what constitutes a war hero. And I would suggest that others have not earned the right if they have not served.

Another reminder, do you recall what McCain said about the crowd at Trump rally? "Crazies" for discussing immigrant problem on Mexico border. You see, McCain had already stuck his foot in his mouth as he has frequently done throughout his political career.

You may further remember Hillary was selling the "responding to a video" in the beginning and knowing damned well it was a lie. She was Sec of State, and couldn't be found while the ambush continued.
I didn't know you were deflecting the conversation by putting a Hillary quote on a totally different subject into the conversation. Benghazi has been beaten to death and your deflection is meaningless to me on this conversation. But thanks for clarifying.