To hell with the DNC....

EERs 3:16

Heisman Winner
Oct 17, 2001
if Trump got information from the Russians and used to beat Hellory....then good I'm glad.
Yes but on the flipside it shows how unpatriotic they are. They hate this country in favor of a political party.
I look at the hypocrisy of people ranting and raving about Planned Parenthood funding, George Soros, green energy funding campaigns for the Democrats.....but yet they're fine with the support of a foreign state? A foreign government (Russia at that) actively working to help get someone elected as our President (with the knowledge of that candidate) and it's no big deal. A PAC that seeks to help continue funding for needed medical services for women is just wrong in their eyes, yet a foreign government that seeks to have one candidate over another for who knows what reason is totally ok. Winning is all that matters to them. Even their integrity is negotiable when it comes to beating the other side.
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Sadly, no one doubted that for a second.
These wingnuts are fully supportive of an adversarial country (which has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at us and has contributed to the deaths of thousands of Americans over the years) helping them win elections. Great patriots these wingnuts. To them, the true enemies are fellow Americans who view govt differently than they do. MAGA indeed.
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So you have to admit it now do ya? Remember when these buffoons were whining Obama wasn't tough enough on Putin?
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Yes but on the flipside it shows how unpatriotic they are. They hate this country in favor of a political party.
And it makes no difference which party is in power. The other side cares more for their party than the country. Parties are interchangeable but not the philosophy.
I look at the hypocrisy of people ranting and raving about Planned Parenthood funding, George Soros, green energy funding campaigns for the Democrats.....but yet they're fine with the support of a foreign state? A foreign government (Russia at that) actively working to help get someone elected as our President (with the knowledge of that candidate) and it's no big deal. A PAC that seeks to help continue funding for needed medical services for women is just wrong in their eyes, yet a foreign government that seeks to have one candidate over another for who knows what reason is totally ok. Winning is all that matters to them. Even their integrity is negotiable when it comes to beating the other side.

Oh please, climb down off your high horse. The Clinton Camp took money from Communist China!
Oh please, climb down off your high horse. The Clinton Camp took money from Communist China!
Oh yeah, I think the Russian government literally launched a cyber campaign of influence to sway the election, and attempted to actually hack our voting systems.
Oh yeah, I think the Russian government literally launched a cyber campaign of influence to sway the election, and attempted to actually hack our voting systems.

yes, but, in August of last year Obama said that it was foolish to think that any foreign government could hack or influence our election; was he lying?
yes, but, in August of last year Obama said that it was foolish to think that any foreign government could hack or influence our election; was he lying?
That or just plain wrong. What's your point? He's not around anymore.
That or just plain wrong. What's your point? He's not around anymore.

That this whole thing is just F'ing stupid and is a result of some sour grapes from the Clinton Camp. They're the last ones on the face of the planet that should be complaining about dirty tricks or funny money
That this whole thing is just F'ing stupid and is a result of some sour grapes from the Clinton Camp. They're the last ones on the face of the planet that should be complaining about dirty tricks or funny money
"Conservatives" should be the last ones to defend the Trump Train and yet here we are.
yes, but, in August of last year Obama said that it was foolish to think that any foreign government could hack or influence our election; was he lying?
Foolish to think our voting systems can be hacked in order to change votes.....he did NOT say influence.
Foolish to think our voting systems can be hacked in order to change votes.....he did NOT say influence.
Okay great, provide proof that anyone was influenced by any of this..... You have one shot at it so make it a good one.
"Conservatives" should be the last ones to defend the Trump Train and yet here we are.

I know right, but, it's just whole thing is just maddening. If Hills had won, we wouldn't be talking about any of this (even though she's just as guilty as Trump) and so it's the whole double standard thingie.
There's a difference between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton campaign. But hey, if pay for play is found in the Clinton Foundation....then it's just as wrong, imo. Notice what I said there: just as bad.....not that one cancels the other.

You're joking right? As soon as the campaign was over, the Clinton Foundation folded its tent; why?
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Okay great, provide proof that anyone was influenced by any of this..... You have one shot at it so make it a good one.
I wonder if that fool that opened fire at the pizza shop voted? Personally, I think many were influenced by the massive amount of internet bs and social media trolls courtesy of Russian funds.....but you're right, can't prove why fools are fools. Doesn't make it less sleazy what Trump did to get elected.
I wonder if that fool that opened fire at the pizza shop voted? Personally, I think many were influenced by the massive amount of internet bs and social media trolls courtesy of Russian funds.....but you're right, can't prove why fools are fools. Doesn't make it less sleazy what Trump did to get elected.

Right, so in other words, ( much like Comey) you can't provide a shred of evidence that the Russians influenced anyone's vote. Got it
I know right, but, it's just whole thing is just maddening. If Hills had won, we wouldn't be talking about any of this (even though she's just as guilty as Trump) and so it's the whole double standard thingie.
I completely disagree. The GOP in the House would have about 50 hearings a day on her. And most of them probably with good reason.
I look at the hypocrisy of people ranting and raving about Planned Parenthood funding, George Soros, green energy funding campaigns for the Democrats.....but yet they're fine with the support of a foreign state? A foreign government (Russia at that) actively working to help get someone elected as our President (with the knowledge of that candidate) and it's no big deal. A PAC that seeks to help continue funding for needed medical services for women is just wrong in their eyes, yet a foreign government that seeks to have one candidate over another for who knows what reason is totally ok. Winning is all that matters to them. Even their integrity is negotiable when it comes to beating the other side.

The ranting has been going on for decades, and nothing has been done about it. Done with it. We'll play your game.
The ranting has been going on for decades, and nothing has been done about it. Done with it. We'll play your game.
Then all I'm asking, is stop hiding behind your mask of righteousness. "Your game"? Please. From religion to guns rights to massive corporate sponsorship, the GOP hands are stained with blood. Maybe you think Trump is your champion, charging into the fray big mouth wide open spewing non-PC truth, only his love of the nation fueling his passion, surrounded by his virtuous apostles, and raging against the machine. But in reality, I think he's a cheat, a liar, an unscrupulous greedy ego driven fool that will sell America out in a heartbeat in order to secure his legacy as "the greatest" man on campus.

Let's hope you're right and I'm wrong about him, cause he's in the oval. But this latest revelation, well it doesn't look good......and that's why you're pissy.
Then all I'm asking, is stop hiding behind your mask of righteousness. "Your game"? Please. From religion to guns rights to massive corporate sponsorship, the GOP hands are stained with blood. Maybe you think Trump is your champion, charging into the fray big mouth wide open spewing non-PC truth, only his love of the nation fueling his passion, surrounded by his virtuous apostles, and raging against the machine. But in reality, I think he's a cheat, a liar, an unscrupulous greedy ego driven fool that will sell America out in a heartbeat in order to secure his legacy as "the greatest" man on campus.

Let's hope you're right and I'm wrong about him, cause he's in the oval. But this latest revelation, well it doesn't look good......and that's why you're pissy.

It doesn't look good at all. He still didn't break any laws with what has been mentioned. Attempted collusion is not collusion. We'll see if anything else breaks. BUT, the DNC did collude with Ukraine, and you don't care. If you did, I might care more about Trump's boy. Don't though.

He's not my champion. I voted for Negan. Liberals have me pissed off, not Trump. Only time you think you need to be righteous is when a Republican of any sort is in office.

Yes, I hope he guts Obamacare. You will too after next year. But I guess we're going to have to wait and actually see how big the turd the law actually is before you'll do anything about it.
It doesn't look good at all. He still didn't break any laws with what has been mentioned. Attempted collusion is not collusion. We'll see if anything else breaks. BUT, the DNC did collude with Ukraine, and you don't care. If you did, I might care more about Trump's boy. Don't though.

He's not my champion. I voted for Negan. Liberals have me pissed off, not Trump. Only time you think you need to be righteous is when a Republican of any sort is in office.

Yes, I hope he guts Obamacare. You will too after next year. But I guess we're going to have to wait and actually see how big the turd the law actually is before you'll do anything about it.
Several points:

1) I voted for Romney in '12 because I was unhappy with Obama
2) I believe the ACA was a first step, meant to move us towards more sustainable healthcare
3) I am Negan