Trump falsely claims Biden, FBI had plan to assassinate him during Mar-a-Lago search

Trump admits on tape he didn’t declassify ‘secret information’: CNN

Former President Trump admitted in a July 2021 recording that he had not declassified “secret information” that remained in his possession, CNN reported Friday.

“As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” Trump said, according to a transcript of the recording obtained by CNN.

“Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,” he reportedly added at another point. “This was done by the military and given to me.”

CNN had previously reported that federal prosecutors had obtained a recording of the July 2021 meeting, in which the former president appeared to acknowledge that a Pentagon document in his possession about a potential attack on Iran remained classified.
However, the transcript captures Trump explicitly saying that he had not declassified the document and could no longer do so, despite his later, public claims to the contrary.

In the meeting with two authors working on an autobiography for his former chief of staff Mark Meadows, Trump reportedly sought to counter an article from The New Yorker that suggested that Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had dissuaded him from attacking Iran.

“He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn’t that amazing?” Trump said, according to CNN. “I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this — this is off the record, but — they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.”

“All sorts of stuff — pages long, look,” he added. “Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this.”

All he has to do is say give me that goofball. It's up to others to do the Administrative process after the fact. Every President before him would be prosecuted playing your stupid game. Seriously go sit the corner. You sound like a moron.
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He's 80 + and in poor health. I will settle for the Co-conspirators getting theirs.
The Age Issue is simply a distraction for Obiden's personal inability to perform the duties of POTUS. He seems to be brain dead even worse than me at near the same age. Trump while only a few years younger seems to retain all his faculties. I can't think for the life of me why anybody would vote for Biden........... No matter how much they hate Trump
Trump admits on tape he didn’t declassify ‘secret information’: CNN

Former President Trump admitted in a July 2021 recording that he had not declassified “secret information” that remained in his possession, CNN reported Friday.

“As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” Trump said, according to a transcript of the recording obtained by CNN.

“Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,” he reportedly added at another point. “This was done by the military and given to me.”

CNN had previously reported that federal prosecutors had obtained a recording of the July 2021 meeting, in which the former president appeared to acknowledge that a Pentagon document in his possession about a potential attack on Iran remained classified.
However, the transcript captures Trump explicitly saying that he had not declassified the document and could no longer do so, despite his later, public claims to the contrary.

In the meeting with two authors working on an autobiography for his former chief of staff Mark Meadows, Trump reportedly sought to counter an article from The New Yorker that suggested that Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had dissuaded him from attacking Iran.

“He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn’t that amazing?” Trump said, according to CNN. “I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this — this is off the record, but — they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.”

“All sorts of stuff — pages long, look,” he added. “Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this.”
Now quote a real news source.....
Cool story. Trump's legal issues come from not returning the classified documents when asked for them (and other issues) not for the unsecure manner in which he (and Joe B.) stored them. They'll never recover all of the classified documents that Trump stole because they moved them off site.

Federal judge found ‘strong evidence’ of crimes before Trump was charged in classified documents case
So explain why Trump's being charged and Biden wasn't?

Nope...sorry... can't do that 'cause there's a different standard of Justice for Trump!

Gosh @moe , you're positively brilliant! :rolleyes:
Trump admits on tape he didn’t declassify ‘secret information’: CNN

Former President Trump admitted in a July 2021 recording that he had not declassified “secret information” that remained in his possession, CNN reported Friday.

“As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” Trump said, according to a transcript of the recording obtained by CNN.

“Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,” he reportedly added at another point. “This was done by the military and given to me.”

CNN had previously reported that federal prosecutors had obtained a recording of the July 2021 meeting, in which the former president appeared to acknowledge that a Pentagon document in his possession about a potential attack on Iran remained classified.
However, the transcript captures Trump explicitly saying that he had not declassified the document and could no longer do so, despite his later, public claims to the contrary.

In the meeting with two authors working on an autobiography for his former chief of staff Mark Meadows, Trump reportedly sought to counter an article from The New Yorker that suggested that Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had dissuaded him from attacking Iran.

“He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn’t that amazing?” Trump said, according to CNN. “I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this — this is off the record, but — they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.”

“All sorts of stuff — pages long, look,” he added. “Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this.”

The Process doesn't apply to a President. They can say whatever they want to any other leader or anyone they want.

All he has to do is say give me that.

It's up to others to do the Administrative process after the fact. Every President before him would be prosecuted playing your stupid game. Seriously go sit the corner. You sound like a moron

If Congress doesn't like it they can impeach him and the Senate can approve the Impeachment. That didn't happen so everything else is election interference.
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Trump: I Declassified. DOJ: Whatever

Declassified or not, it doesn't matter. Subject matter is key. Trump is screwed. His only hope is to stop this from coming to trial. Trump is just a dumb criminal with bad lawyers. If you're going to get into the classified document stealing business, you better learn the rules of the road first.

The national secrets former President Donald Trump retained and mishandled after leaving office have garnered legal and political attention since the moment the Justice Department’s investigation became public: Photos from a dramatic FBI search showed folders stamped with unmistakable classification markings as reporters’ scoops detailed the sensitivity of the documents and a debate raged over the authority of an ex-president to keep privileged information.

Trump repeatedly defended himself by making legally dubious claims about a president’s authority to declassify sensitive materials and insisted he had done as much before leaving office – and, thus, had committed no wrongdoing. Meanwhile, his surrogates took to friendly news outlets and social media, amplifying the account: The former president had done no wrong because he had exercised authority well within the scope of his presidential powers to declassify the papers in his possession.

But when a federal grand jury handed up a 37-count indictment of the former president in connection with the documents, the court papers revealed a curious thing: The Justice Department had moved to legally sidestep the issue of classification in several meaningful ways, nipping in the bud one of Trump’s long-standing defenses and avoiding a thorny legal fight.

Prosecutors indicted the former president on 31 counts of willful detention of national defense information, charging Trump under a specific statute of the so-called Espionage Act – 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) – that makes it a crime to have unauthorized possession or control of any “information relating to the national defense.” Notably, the statute does not anywhere specify that the information must be classified to fall under the umbrella of “information relating to the national defense.”

And perhaps more important than what prosecutors charged Trump with is what they chose not to charge Trump with: a separate criminal statute regarding the “unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material.”

In other words, although all 31 documents listed in the indictment were classified – including at some of the highest possible levels of classification – the Justice Department is charging Trump because the materials contained information about the national defense, not solely because of their classification status. As such, the decision sets aside what had been one of Trump World’s most reliable mechanisms for muddying the debate.

The indictment does mention the classification markings when describing other charges against Trump, including things like conspiracy and withholding.

“From a legal perspective, classification doesn't matter. It's really just: Does it pertain to the national defense?” says Barb McQuade, a professor from practice at the University of Michigan Law School and the former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan.

Trump has been making the classification argument, however, since the earliest days of the probe, leaning on the defense in particular as he slammed the Justice Department after the FBI executed a search warrant at his residence at Mar-a-Lago, his club in Palm Beach, Florida, last August. Investigators found over 100 documents with classified markings.

“You can declassify just by saying it's declassified, even by thinking about it. Because you're sending it to Mar-a-Lago or to wherever you're sending," Trump said in an interview with Fox News last year, shortly after the search.

"You're the president. You make that decision. So when you send it, it's declassified. Because I declassified everything,” he said.

Trump’s argument featured prominently, too, during a fight last year over the appointment of an independent reviewer – called a special master – to examine the materials collected at Mar-a-Lago last year.

But Trump’s lawyers never provided evidence that Trump moved to declassify the documents. Experts also disputed Trump’s grasp of the declassification process – meaning that point itself could have been headed before courts and appeals judges.

By charging Trump under the Espionage Act, which does not require “national defense information” to be classified to be considered such, the Justice Department is avoiding a protracted and thorny did-he-or-didn’t-he fight over classification at all.

“If it is national defense information – which could be used to the injury of the United States or the advantage of a foreign nation – then it doesn't matter where it's classified or not classified,” says McQuade. “And so if something was declassified by the president, that does not change the nature of the subject. So they have rendered that defense moot.”
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The Age Issue is simply a distraction for Obiden's personal inability to perform the duties of POTUS. He seems to be brain dead even worse than me at near the same age. Trump while only a few years younger seems to retain all his faculties. I can't think for the life of me why anybody would vote for Biden........... No matter how much they hate Trump

If Biden stepped up to a microphone today and rambled off the Nuclear Codes the only thing that could be done is immediately change them and 25th Amendment his ass.

Classified information doesn't apply to a Presidents or Former Presidents. It never will unless Congress can approve a veto proof law. Until then this is lawfare playing on ignorance.
Trump: I Declassified. DOJ: Whatever

Declassified or not, it doesn't matter. Subject matter is key. Trump is screwed. His only hope is to stop this from coming to trial. Trump is just a dumb criminal with bad lawyers. If you're going to get into the classified document stealing business, you better learn the rules of the road first.

The national secrets former President Donald Trump retained and mishandled after leaving office have garnered legal and political attention since the moment the Justice Department’s investigation became public: Photos from a dramatic FBI search showed folders stamped with unmistakable classification markings as reporters’ scoops detailed the sensitivity of the documents and a debate raged over the authority of an ex-president to keep privileged information.

Trump repeatedly defended himself by making legally dubious claims about a president’s authority to declassify sensitive materials and insisted he had done as much before leaving office – and, thus, had committed no wrongdoing. Meanwhile, his surrogates took to friendly news outlets and social media, amplifying the account: The former president had done no wrong because he had exercised authority well within the scope of his presidential powers to declassify the papers in his possession.

But when a federal grand jury handed up a 37-count indictment of the former president in connection with the documents, the court papers revealed a curious thing: The Justice Department had moved to legally sidestep the issue of classification in several meaningful ways, nipping in the bud one of Trump’s long-standing defenses and avoiding a thorny legal fight.

Prosecutors indicted the former president on 31 counts of willful detention of national defense information, charging Trump under a specific statute of the so-called Espionage Act – 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) – that makes it a crime to have unauthorized possession or control of any “information relating to the national defense.” Notably, the statute does not anywhere specify that the information must be classified to fall under the umbrella of “information relating to the national defense.”

And perhaps more important than what prosecutors charged Trump with is what they chose not to charge Trump with: a separate criminal statute regarding the “unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material.”

In other words, although all 31 documents listed in the indictment were classified – including at some of the highest possible levels of classification – the Justice Department is charging Trump because the materials contained information about the national defense, not solely because of their classification status. As such, the decision sets aside what had been one of Trump World’s most reliable mechanisms for muddying the debate.

The indictment does mention the classification markings when describing other charges against Trump, including things like conspiracy and withholding.

“From a legal perspective, classification doesn't matter. It's really just: Does it pertain to the national defense?” says Barb McQuade, a professor from practice at the University of Michigan Law School and the former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan.

Trump has been making the classification argument, however, since the earliest days of the probe, leaning on the defense in particular as he slammed the Justice Department after the FBI executed a search warrant at his residence at Mar-a-Lago, his club in Palm Beach, Florida, last August. Investigators found over 100 documents with classified markings.

“You can declassify just by saying it's declassified, even by thinking about it. Because you're sending it to Mar-a-Lago or to wherever you're sending," Trump said in an interview with Fox News last year, shortly after the search.

"You're the president. You make that decision. So when you send it, it's declassified. Because I declassified everything,” he said.

Trump’s argument featured prominently, too, during a fight last year over the appointment of an independent reviewer – called a special master – to examine the materials collected at Mar-a-Lago last year.

But Trump’s lawyers never provided evidence that Trump moved to declassify the documents. Experts also disputed Trump’s grasp of the declassification process – meaning that point itself could have been headed before courts and appeals judges.

By charging Trump under the Espionage Act, which does not require “national defense information” to be classified to be considered such, the Justice Department is avoiding a protracted and thorny did-he-or-didn’t-he fight over classification at all.

“If it is national defense information – which could be used to the injury of the United States or the advantage of a foreign nation – then it doesn't matter where it's classified or not classified,” says McQuade. “And so if something was declassified by the president, that does not change the nature of the subject. So they have rendered that defense moot.”
I'll make this real easy for you @moe since you're obviously confused. What can a President NOT declassify? When you find the answer, then your confusion fed by media misinformation ends...I promise!

Hmmm...never thought about it that way...guess if the President can declassify anything he wants, I'm really all wet on this case huh?

Gotta hand it to 'ya @moe ...few people can hide their intellectual heft as deftly as YOU! :rolleyes:

That's understandable...hate to brag, not everyone touches my level intellectually.

That's because the bar is too low for most folks @moe , so congratulate yourself being in a class all by yourself.
Moe has an erection every time media makes claims about Trump.
He's so delusional, the article he linked to trying to prove Trump broke the Law comically contradicts itself! I wonder if he even carefully read it?🤔

Photos from a dramatic FBI search showed folders stamped with unmistakable classification markings as reporters’ scoops detailed the sensitivity of the documents and a debate raged over the authority of an ex-president to keep privileged information.
so here the story clearly sets up Trump as a criminal, potentially being in illegal possession of "classified documents". However, in the very next paragraph it attempts to suggest that really wasn't the criminal act here.

when a federal grand jury handed up a 37-count indictment of the former president in connection with the documents, the court papers revealed a curious thing: The Justice Department had moved to legally sidestep the issue of classification
so here @moe 's story takes a swerve to suggest the issue isn't really about Trump's illegal possession of "classified" material (even though that's how the story was initially sold) oh, wasn't about that at all don't 'ya know? It's about the type of material Trump was hiding in Melania's underwear drawers!

Prosecutors indicted the former president on 31 counts of willful detention of national defense information, charging Trump under a specific statute of the so-called Espionage Act – 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) – that makes it a crime to have unauthorized possession or control of any “information relating to the national defense.”
so here the story swerves again to suggest Trump was in "criminal possession" of alleged "national defense" documents....doesn't matter if they contained "classified" markings or not don't you know, even though we were told the documents he had taken indeed were those marked "classified" (which he was charged with illegal possession of)

perhaps more important than what prosecutors charged Trump with is what they chose not to charge Trump with: a separate criminal statute regarding the “unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material.”
did you catch that? Trump was charged with 31 counts of illegally obtaining and holding so called "classified" material. We were first told Trump's residence was raided because he was allegedly in possession of "classified" documents he had no business taking correct? Now we're being told he wasn't actually being charged with that...he was actually being charged with “unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material” even if they just happened to be "unclassified!" Imagine that? Oh the horror! :oops:

then we were treated with this dichotomous gem by @moe 's media manipulators:
In other words, although all 31 documents listed in the indictment were classified including at some of the highest possible levels of classification – the Justice Department is charging Trump because the materials contained information about the national defense, not solely because of their classification status.
There 'ya have it folks! He wasn't charged with criminal possession of "classified material" (even though all documents listed in the indictment were indeed for illegal possession of "classified material". Oh nooo! It was because the documents were about "national defense" and NO ONE has any right to those documents, not even the President himself who has legal authority to "declassify" anything, anywhere, anytime he chooses...regardless of the content! (FACT)

So this new twist according to 'ol @moe's media manipulators, robs Trump of his strongest defense for even having possession of the so called restricted "classified" documents!

The indictment does mention the classification markings when describing other charges against Trump, including things like conspiracy and withholding. “From a legal perspective, classification doesn't matter. It's really just: Does it pertain to the national defense?”
So you see doesn't really matter that he was in fact indicted for having "classified documents". It's really the kind of "classified documents" he's in trouble over. See, if the documents weren't "classified"...he'd be OK with them even though they contain so called national defense secrets. He wouldn't have been charged because there's nothing wrong with having "unclassified" documents don't 'ya know?

However, since they were "classified", and they were about "national defense" now he's in real trouble because it doesn't matter if national defense documents are classified or one is supposed to have them, not even the President even if he "declassified" them! So do 'ya see how Trump is screwed even if he's 100% correct that he can legally "de classify" anything he wants? EXCEPT (in this case)...national defense documents! Ah, those are the forbidden fruit, and anyone in possession of those faces criminal conspiracy charges whether they're marked classified or not! (they were all marked "classified" btw)

Trump has been arguing since the moment he was indicted for illegally confiscating and then refusing to hand over "classified documents" that he has the right to in fact "declassify" anything he desires. (which is correct btw) however now we're being told..."not so fast Orange man can't declassify national defense information", and especially if it's "classified" as clearly these documents were. So according to the media spin, Trump is STILL guilty of criminal behavior not only because he had classified documents, but they were about national security which means it doesn't matter that they were "classified" yet he was indicted for exactly that! You just can't have documents talking about national defense...classified or not... get it?

Here read it for yourself:
Trump’s lawyers never provided evidence that Trump moved to declassify the documents. (so they were indeed "classified") Experts also disputed Trump’s grasp of the declassification process – meaning that point itself could have been headed before courts and appeals judges. By charging Trump under the Espionage Act, which does not require “national defense information” to be classified to be considered such, the Justice Department is avoiding a protracted and thorny did-he-or-didn’t-he fight over classification at all.
'Ya see that folks? It doesn't have to be "classified" to be considered "classified" and even if it wasn't "classified" Trump was still charged with having "classified" material because national defense doesn't have to be "classified" in order for it to be a crime to be in possession of it!

Let me run it to you again, according to @moe 's media hit piece, Trump screwed up having the documents even if he had already "declassified" them! Remember now, he was indicted for having "classified" documents. The indictment doesn't say he was in illegal possession of "national defense documents" simply charges him with 36 counts of "illegal possession of classified material", which apparently (according to the media hit piece) contains national defense, so it doesn't even really matter if it's not classified!

So why was he even charged then (for having "classified material") ?

Because we had to think of something to make the bogus charges stick, otherwise he'd skate on this like he's done virtually everything else we've tried to trap him with!

OK @moe ... guess that explains it! Maybe they just should have charged Trump with illegal possession of national defense documents then, and skipped the 36 count indictment about "classified documents" because if it doesn't matter whether the documents were "classified", it would still be a crime having them even if they weren't right @moe ? :rolleyes:

Why are you spoiling my perfectly set up media Trump hit piece're nauseating!

OK @moe I'll accept that, if YOU give me that you're simply a miserable media manipulated mind numbed lemming? ;)

P.S. @moe who's the author of this luminescent glittering jewel of journalistic incompetence? (you never provided a link to your source)

*editor's "late" note
@moe indeed DID link his source for the Trump hit piece. The paragon of journalistic exposition is none other than Claire Hansen...Leftist propagandist for US News and World Report:

Here's this babe's bio:
Claire Hansen is a staff writer who covers politics and justice, with an emphasis on the Justice Department, the GOP and elections. She first joined U.S. News & World Report in 2018 and has previously reported on immigration, homeland security, the courts and other topics. Prior to joining U.S. News, she reported for The Chronicle of Higher Education, the Medill Justice Project and the Asheville Citizen Times in Asheville, North Carolina. Claire holds an M.A. in Creative Writing–Literary Nonfiction from Royal Holloway, University of London, and earned her undergraduate degree from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. You can follow her on Twitter, connect with her on LinkedIn or email her at

Nice work there Claire. Is that what they teach at Medill school of Journalism for Northwestern University?. How to contradict yourself writing a 100% "hit piece" attempting to smear your designated political target 🤔
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He's so delusional, the article he linked to trying to prove Trump broke the Law comically contradicts itself! I wonder if he even carefully read it?🤔

so here the story clearly sets up Trump as a criminal, potentially being in illegal possession of "classified documents". However, in the very next paragraph it attempts to suggest that really wasn't the criminal act here.

so here @moe 's story takes a swerve to suggest the issue isn't really about Trump's illegal possession of "classified" material (even though that's how the story was initially sold) oh, wasn't about that at all don't 'ya know? It's about the type of material Trump was hiding in Melania's underwear drawers!

so here the story swerves again to suggest Trump was in "criminal possession" of alleged "national defense" documents....doesn't matter if they contained "classified" markings or not don't you know, even though we were told the documents he had taken indeed were those marked "classified" (which he was charged with illegal possession of)

did you catch that? Trump was charged with 31 counts of illegally obtaining and holding so called "classified" material. We were first told Trump's residence was raided because he was allegedly in possession of "classified" documents he had no business taking correct? Now we're being told he wasn't actually being charged with that...he was actually being charged with “unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material” even if they just happened to be "classified!" Imagine that? Oh the horror! :oops:

then we were treated with this dichotomous gem by @moe 's media manipulators:

There 'ya have it folks! He wasn't charged with criminal possession of "classified material" (even though all documents listed in the indictment were indeed for illegal possession of "classified material". Oh nooo! It was because the documents were about "national defense" and NO ONE has any right to those documents, not even the President himself who has legal authority to "declassify" anything, anywhere, anytime he chooses...regardless of the content! (FACT)

So this new twist according to 'ol @moe's media manipulators, robs Trump of his strongest defense for even having possession of the so called restricted "classified" documents!

So you see doesn't really matter that he was in fact indicted for having "classified documents". It's really the kind of "classified documents" he's in trouble over. See, if the documents weren't "classified"...he'd be OK with them even though they contain so called national defense secrets. He wouldn't have been charged because there's nothing wrong with having "unclassified" documents don't 'ya know?

However, since they were "classified", and they were about "national defense" now he's in real trouble because it doesn't matter if national defense documents are classified or one is supposed to have them, not even the President even if he "declassified" them! So do 'ya see how Trump is screwed even if he's 100% correct that he can legally "de classify" anything he wants? EXCEPT (in this case)...national defense documents! Ah, those are the forbidden fruit, and anyone in possession of those faces criminal conspiracy charges whether they're marked classified or not! (they were all marked "classified" btw)

Trump has been arguing since the moment he was indicted for illegally confiscating and then refusing to hand over "classified documents" that he has the right to in fact "declassify" anything he desires. (which is correct btw) however now we're being told..."not so fast Orange man can't declassify national defense information", and especially if it's "classified" as clearly these documents were. So according to the media spin, Trump is STILL guilty of criminal behavior not only because he had classified documents, but they were about national security which means it doesn't matter that they were "classified" yet he was indicted for exactly that! You just can't have documents talking about national defense...classified or not... get it?

Here read it for yourself:

'Ya see that folks? It doesn't have to be "classified" to be considered "classified" and even if it wasn't "classified" Trump was still charged with having "classified" material because national defense doesn't have to be "classified" in order for it to be a crime to be in possession of it!

Let me run it to you again, according to @moe 's media hit piece, Trump screwed up having the documents even if he had already "declassified" them! Remember now, he was indicted for having "classified" documents. The indictment doesn't say he was in illegal possession of "national defense documents" simply charges him with 36 counts of "illegal possession of classified material", which apparently (according to the media hit piece) contains national defense, so it doesn't even really matter if it's not classified!

So why was he even charged then (for having "classified material") ?

Because we had to think of something to make the bogus charges stick, otherwise he'd skate on this like he's done virtually everything else we've tried to trap him with!

OK @moe ... guess that explains it! Maybe they just should have charged Trump with illegal possession of national defense documents then, and skipped the 36 count indictment about "classified documents" because if it doesn't matter whether the documents were "classified", it would still be a crime having them even if they weren't right @moe ? :rolleyes:

Why are you spoiling my perfectly set up media Trump hit piece're nauseating!

OK @moe I'll accept that, if YOU give me that you're simply a miserable media manipulated mind numbed lemming? ;)

P.S. @moe who's the author of this luminescent glittering jewel of journalistic incompetence? (you never provided a link to your source)

*editor's "late" note
@moe indeed DID link his source for the Trump hit piece. The paragon of journalistic exposition is none other than Claire Hansen...Leftist propagandist for US News and World Report:

Here's this babe's bio:
Claire Hansen is a staff writer who covers politics and justice, with an emphasis on the Justice Department, the GOP and elections. She first joined U.S. News & World Report in 2018 and has previously reported on immigration, homeland security, the courts and other topics. Prior to joining U.S. News, she reported for The Chronicle of Higher Education, the Medill Justice Project and the Asheville Citizen Times in Asheville, North Carolina. Claire holds an M.A. in Creative Writing–Literary Nonfiction from Royal Holloway, University of London, and earned her undergraduate degree from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. You can follow her on Twitter, connect with her on LinkedIn or email her at

Nice work there Claire. Is that what they teach at Medill school of Journalism for Northwestern University?. How to contradict yourself writing a 100% "hit piece" attempting to smear your designated political target 🤔
moe only reads headlines

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