Everything you've posted is either an outright lie, total misrepresentation of what has been going on or idiocy at its finest.
You seem to be detached from reality.
In reality the president of OKLAHOMA, seeing a need for the BIG 12 to address its disadvantages competitively ( less able to make playoff than others) and financially ( falling behind the Big Ten and SEC in per member revenues by an ever increasing amount) and from a psychological standpoint with not much positive exposure or influence compared to others- proposed that rather than doing things piece by piece - the league ( not buckaineer) should address all of these issues at the same time. Expansion which makes it possible to have a network and made a CCG make sense to add. These things would greatly increase revenues for everyone, give everyone more exposure, and eliminate any competitive disadvantages.
Some could only look at the issue emotionally ( should ring a bell with you) so the conference hired consultants to study the issue, report back to everyone in the spring and summer meeting and then decisions could be made.
In the meantime, not wanting the Big 12 to do anything proactive, many launched a groundswell campaign on social media to paint a very negative picture of everything the conference was trying to do. Actual fans of the conference were quickly duped into the full buy in of " no one available", "no money", " can't do this or that in only the BIg 12", "just wait" etc.
With UT and OU social media targeted along with other schools in the conference, the fans as expected raised hell and soon that went up the food chain. Some misguided and mislead fans joined in to harm their own programs down the road --all the while claiming social media has no influence, but viciously attacking anyone that agreed with positive improvements for the conference and trying to silence any such voices. Ask yourself why it's so important to you to silence anyone with a positive view of comprehensive improvements on a message board if social media has no impact?
With all the noise coming from the fanbases, getting anything done became extremely difficult at the leadership level.
When the meetings came about UT went into action with board members communicating with OU board members to stop any expansion and UTs social media outlets declaring everything dead before the meetings even began. Then prior to the full distribution and examination of the data at the meetings, UT virtually declared they liked things as they are, thought expansion should just be an ongoing conversation, and didn't intend to do anything with the LHN. They informed everyone that having a 10 team CCG would be "intriguing" but nothing else should happen to keep them happy.
Thus, the very next day, suddenly no network, more "study" on expansion indefinitely, and magically a ten team CCG happened. OUs president smiled, did the politically correct thing of declaring the conference strong, adding a CCG good, and expansion an ongoing study.
Internally the fanbase of OU now hates the BIG 12 and you can be sure their wishes have made it up the foodchain. UT obviously only has the intention of keeping their options open, which is bad for everyone else. They have duped others into taking no action for themselves until UT walks away, knowing they won't have to worry about the sheepish fanbases of the other schools pushing their schools to do anything but bow to UT.
Seeing your reactions- you are already trying to deflect any blame -while you did everything you could do to wreck WVUs conference future. It may not have been much, a negative post here, a bash of that school there on social media, but it was enough. Every bit adds up.
So stop attacking me, I have no influence according to you, I'm just talking about all this on a message board.