I think you let him finish the year and that is it. You gain nothing firing him now. One of his assistants would be interim and run the same system and we would still lose. They just need to start putting feelers out now
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I think you let him finish the year and that is it. You gain nothing firing him now. One of his assistants would be interim and run the same system and we would still lose. They just need to start putting feelers out now
You can begin negotiations with the next coach (ex. Jimbo Fisher) now and get a jump on other teams looking for coaches next year. Perhaps they have already been in contact? I just don't want to see him on the sideline again.
You can begin negotiations with the next coach (ex. Jimbo Fisher) now and get a jump on other teams looking for coaches next year. Perhaps they have already been in contact? I just don't want to see him on the sideline again.
Cignetti should be approached. I understand we could have gotten him when he was at JMU, maybe won't be as good getting him away from IU and Big 10. Hell, I'd even take DickRod -
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I remember people saying Kentucky was going to steal him. I remember sitting there shaking my head like wtf, yeah right lol!! Neil Brown should be coaching Frostburg State University. I can't believe people still support this jackass.
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Cignetti should be approached. I understand we could have gotten him when he was at JMU, maybe won't be as good getting him away from IU and Big 10. Hell, I'd even take DickRod -

Just like I said with Holgorsen, it's not a binary choice of "new coach" vs Brown. It is 2 separate choices. Getting rid of Brown is the easy choice. Who we hire is a completely second choice and I wouldn't be so quick to hire a one hit wonder (RR) nor a Les Miles who has a premium price tag and every incentive to rest on his laurels (Jimbo).
Just like I said with Holgorsen, it's not a binary choice of "new coach" vs Brown. It is 2 separate choices. Getting rid of Brown is the easy choice. Who we hire is a completely second choice and I wouldn't be so quick to hire a one hit wonder (RR) nor a Les Miles who has a premium price tag and every incentive to rest on his laurels (Jimbo).
For once I'd like to see us hire a premium guy.
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Brown was one of the best available at the time according to many "experts." The fact is that nobody knows if a coach will be able to duplicate the same success they had at another program until after the fact.
Exactly. The problem we have is the inability or stubbornness to pull the plug when it’s time. 6 years is way more time than nearly any other similar program would wait. Typically it’s 3-4 years and that’s it. And signing extensions twice for this performance is ludicrous
Brown was one of the best available at the time according to many "experts." The fact is that nobody knows if a coach will be able to duplicate the same success they had at another program until after the fact.

It is true that you don't really know when hiring an up and coming coach if he can succeed on a bigger stage. It is also true that you have a pretty accurate picture by the 3rd season of what kind of coach you do have. I had hopes for Brown when he was hired after seeing how he talked about football fundamentals and defense which was always Holgorsen led teams' weakness. But after only scant improvement from year 1 to year 2 followed by regression in year 3, I was down on him. I don't care about COVID, portals, or even biblical plagues of Egypt, next guy gets 3-4 years max to show something better than Holgorsen did. If not, move on. WVU is not so low of a program that we cannot expect a coach to come in to the situation Brown has us in and not be significantly better by year 3.
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Exactly. The problem we have is the inability or stubbornness to pull the plug when it’s time. 6 years is way more time than nearly any other similar program would wait. Typically it’s 3-4 years and that’s it. And signing extensions twice for this performance is ludicrous
There are programs that can afford to take that impatient approach and eventually luck into the right coach. Those are the blueblood programs with tons of money. How many coaches did Texas have to burn through before they found the right one? How many has Texas A&M burnt through with their seemingly endless wealth? How about Alabama replacing Saban and losing to Vanderbilt of all programs with their new coach and already having 2 losses before November? WVU cannot afford the same costly and inefficient approach as those programs. It would be better served working to improve what they already have. Is recruiting lacking? Do whatever you can to improve it. Is the secondary underperforming? Get a new secondary coach or provide better training for the one you have. Taking small steps to improve each component of the program at a time is a more realistic strategy at a place like WVU than constantly firing and hiring entire coaching staffs.
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There are programs that can afford to take that impatient approach and eventually luck into the right coach. Those are the blueblood programs with tons of money. How many coaches did Texas have to burn through before they found the right one? How many has Texas A&M burnt through with their seemingly endless wealth? How about Alabama replacing Saban and losing to Vanderbilt of all programs with their new coach and already having 2 losses before November? WVU cannot afford the same costly and inefficient approach as those programs. It would be better served working to improve what they already have. Is recruiting lacking? Do whatever you can to improve it. Is the secondary underperforming? Get a new secondary coach or provide better training for the one you have. Taking small steps to improve each component of the program at a time is a more realistic strategy at a place like WVU than constantly firing and hiring entire coaching staffs.
Really? Did anyone compare WVU to the bluebloods? No. What about similar programs like Louisville? They didnt play around with Kragthorpe. And since when has WVU just kept burning through coaches? 6 years is more than enough time to prove yourself. And no we don’t need minor fixes by Brown tinkering with assistants and recruiting. We need a new HC and philosophy
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Really? Did anyone compare WVU to the bluebloods? No. What about similar programs like Louisville? They didnt play around with Kragthorpe. And since when has WVU just kept burning through coaches? 6 years is more than enough time to prove yourself. And no we don’t need minor fixes by Brown tinkering with assistants and recruiting. We need a new HC and philosophy
Please go back and re-read what I said. This time, for understanding.
There are programs that can afford to take that impatient approach and eventually luck into the right coach. Those are the blueblood programs with tons of money. How many coaches did Texas have to burn through before they found the right one? How many has Texas A&M burnt through with their seemingly endless wealth? How about Alabama replacing Saban and losing to Vanderbilt of all programs with their new coach and already having 2 losses before November? WVU cannot afford the same costly and inefficient approach as those programs. It would be better served working to improve what they already have. Is recruiting lacking? Do whatever you can to improve it. Is the secondary underperforming? Get a new secondary coach or provide better training for the one you have. Taking small steps to improve each component of the program at a time is a more realistic strategy at a place like WVU than constantly firing and hiring entire coaching staffs.
ECU just fired Mike Houston who was ultra successful at JMU...his buyout is a mere 3 million:)...I driving while listening to an ECU sports radio show (since I'm an hr away)... one of the names that came up with these men connected to ECU was none other than RR... felt bad for the team on Saturday,,,,, not for me or anyone else...suppose if you played team sports you'd understand that..gut-wrenching loss
There are programs that can afford to take that impatient approach and eventually luck into the right coach. Those are the blueblood programs with tons of money. How many coaches did Texas have to burn through before they found the right one? How many has Texas A&M burnt through with their seemingly endless wealth? How about Alabama replacing Saban and losing to Vanderbilt of all programs with their new coach and already having 2 losses before November? WVU cannot afford the same costly and inefficient approach as those programs. It would be better served working to improve what they already have. Is recruiting lacking? Do whatever you can to improve it. Is the secondary underperforming? Get a new secondary coach or provide better training for the one you have. Taking small steps to improve each component of the program at a time is a more realistic strategy at a place like WVU than constantly firing and hiring entire coaching staffs.
To a certain point, I agree with you. WVU is not an Alabama - there isn't an endless string of money and crazy expectations to be playing for a NC every year. So, firing a coach every 3 or 4 years is asinine.

But, one does have to take a look at the program as a whole when looking at the "big picture" to determine if a coach should be fired or kept on.

One can't look solely on wins and losses. There are lots of things that go into that - the competition level that year, injuries to key personnel, etc. A 7 win season one year may be better than a 10 win season in another...

Still, one has to ask if the program is improving as a whole? Is recruiting getting better? Retention getting better? Individual coaching units getting better? All the things that go into a successful, yearly competitive program - are they improving?

Can anyone say the reason WVU is where they are today is because the recruiting has gone up? No... there's only so much x's and o's one can run with limited Jimmies and Joes.
Can anyone say the reason WVU is where they are today is because one unit, i.e the secondary, is failing while everyone else is doing outstanding? No...
Can anyone say the reason WVU is going to be better tomorrow than they are today is because we have a competent staff that has shown that they can win consistently in the past? Definitely not.
Can anyone say WVU is on an upward trajectory from where they were yesterday, last week, or last year? Absolutely not.

As such, isn't it time to be looking around for a better option? Yes!!

College football isn't what it was back in the days of Nehlen and Beamer. The pagentry is gone with the single-wing. Its a business, as the transfer portal and NIL constantly remind us. Thus, as savvy business leaders, the AD must be looking for the best available coach just as players have the right to go where it suits them best.
There are programs that can afford to take that impatient approach and eventually luck into the right coach. Those are the blueblood programs with tons of money. How many coaches did Texas have to burn through before they found the right one? How many has Texas A&M burnt through with their seemingly endless wealth? How about Alabama replacing Saban and losing to Vanderbilt of all programs with their new coach and already having 2 losses before November? WVU cannot afford the same costly and inefficient approach as those programs. It would be better served working to improve what they already have. Is recruiting lacking? Do whatever you can to improve it. Is the secondary underperforming? Get a new secondary coach or provide better training for the one you have. Taking small steps to improve each component of the program at a time is a more realistic strategy at a place like WVU than constantly firing and hiring entire coaching staffs.

Programs that hope to compete for conference championships can't afford to have a coach averaging 6 wins and 5.8 losses per season. Especially when the only reason the former is higher than the latter is a fluke season where some how WVU played 8 teams with a .500 or worse record. So far a 3-4 6th season doesn't show much hope to improve that mark. Nehlen and RR both showed big improvements in their 3rd year and went on to better things. Stewart and Holgorsen both showed regression in year 3 and were not nearly as good. No reason to think Brown suddenly breaks that trend. WVU is much more likely to keep treading water at this current level than improve based upon historic trends across college football for the last 50+ years. Even if you could point to an exception, and your Beamer bullsh*t has already been debunked, that does not disprove the rule.
Programs that hope to compete for conference championships can't afford to have a coach averaging 6 wins and 5.8 losses per season. Especially when the only reason the former is higher than the latter is a fluke season where some how WVU played 8 teams with a .500 or worse record. So far a 3-4 6th season doesn't show much hope to improve that mark. Nehlen and RR both showed big improvements in their 3rd year and went on to better things. Stewart and Holgorsen both showed regression in year 3 and were not nearly as good. No reason to think Brown suddenly breaks that trend. WVU is much more likely to keep treading water at this current level than improve based upon historic trends across college football for the last 50+ years. Even if you could point to an exception, and your Beamer bullsh*t has already been debunked, that does not disprove the rule.
It's a tough one. I think we are close and just below the mendoza line for change. This year I think it was worth giving a shot. Everything was wide open. But getting blown out in the last two at home was bad.

We can't compare to blue bloods, we all know that. Good thing the Big 12 doesn't really have any blueblood football programs any longer. Matt Campbell is probably the closest example to WV. He won an average of 7.28 games in his first 7 years. I think that is reasonable.

There will always be leaner years for programs like ours, the goal is to limit them, and make the leaner years respectable.
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It's a tough one. I think we are close and just below the mendoza line for change. This year I think it was worth giving a shot. Everything was wide open. But getting blown out in the last two at home was bad.

We can't compare to blue bloods, we all know that. Good thing the Big 12 doesn't really have any blueblood football programs any longer. Matt Campbell is probably the closest example to WV. He won an average of 7.28 games in his first 7 years. I think that is reasonable.

There will always be leaner years for programs like ours, the goal is to limit them, and make the leaner years respectable.
The goal should’ve been to be like Kansas State since we entered the B12. Similar programs and similar disadvantages. Yet they’ve always done it in the B12. That is why I’ve never believed the naysayers that we can’t compete
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anyone who fires a head coach during the season is an imbecile....if the head coach is let go, the players are immediately eligible to enter the portal...the vultures would pick apart the roster like it was the SMU death penalty.
That's not true during the season.
anyone who fires a head coach during the season is an imbecile....if the head coach is let go, the players are immediately eligible to enter the portal...the vultures would pick apart the roster like it was the SMU death penalty.
We're going to need a complete rebuild anyways. The true Mountaineer players will stay the other ones will not. If they bring in the right coach, it will be fixed very fast. Just look at what Cignetti is doing in Indiana. They were terrible last year and they're undefeated now. Coaching is everything. A good coach can take a team of average players and make them good. Neil Brown takes good players and makes them average. We're going to move on because the fan base has been lost and it's going to get ugly for brown and he really is a nice guy and he doesn't deserve what's coming if they keep him.
There are programs that can afford to take that impatient approach and eventually luck into the right coach. Those are the blueblood programs with tons of money. How many coaches did Texas have to burn through before they found the right one? How many has Texas A&M burnt through with their seemingly endless wealth? How about Alabama replacing Saban and losing to Vanderbilt of all programs with their new coach and already having 2 losses before November? WVU cannot afford the same costly and inefficient approach as those programs. It would be better served working to improve what they already have. Is recruiting lacking? Do whatever you can to improve it. Is the secondary underperforming? Get a new secondary coach or provide better training for the one you have. Taking small steps to improve each component of the program at a time is a more realistic strategy at a place like WVU than constantly firing and hiring entire coaching staffs.
Texas A M has finally caught Up with WVU on the all-time wins list. They will most likely surpass us this year which is really pathetic. You are talking about them like there's some kind of blue blood but the honest truth is we have a better history than Texas A&M. They put the money into their football program because they want to be as good as they can get because it helps the rest of the University succeed. At wvu, the best attendance has come when we were the best at football. The worse we get at football, the worse the attendance get. It's no joke. You can look those stats up. You talk about WVU like they can't compete with these big names but we are already better than Texas A&M until Neil Brown of course. You are very negative towards West Virginia university. A lot of Die Hard WVU fans are going to find that slightly offensive to say the least