Now doggone it, that's just sick!
my lawn
Girl who says she opened a Dominoes Pizza with her college savings commercial ..... ...thoughts ?
Note: If you visit their site the financial requirements are huge (in my world)
If she balked at going to Harvard.
Ohhhh..... know I now think I completely misunderstood the commercial. I thought they were saying money she saved while at college and not money saved by her family (maybe her too) for college.
Your best post ever. All that stuff you mentioned is precisely why I never had a wife or kids.For the married men and fathers of the board.....
Have you ever day-dreamed of life as a bachelor, or what it would be like if you were solo for a bit?
My wife took the kids to visit her sister this weekend. Thursday night - tomorrow (Monday) morning. I haven't been alone in my own house for this long in over 6 years.
Long story short, you watch John Wick and drink 16 beers - and that's your day.
I also watched The Howling, Predator, Caddyshack, Fletch, Best of the Best, Sniper, The Burbs, , The Great Outdoors, and Career Opportunities.
I tried watching Uncle Buck twice and fell asleep both times.
I also ate a cheesecake. A whole one.
Ummmm... forbidden doughnuts.Almost 4am....time to make the doughnuts.
Just got home and made a cup of Caza Trail french roast in my Kuerig. Best coffee ever.
Allen, that may be your best!K-Cup. Sounds like a bra size for firm women.
Pretty sure the Green Mountain brand is owned by Kuerig (or was until recently). I watched their product get roasted and bagged at a large Starbucks roasting plant where I proudly played a large part in the (electrical) installation of 5 story roasters and long packaging lines.
Point being...some of that brand is produced by Starbucks. I don't drink coffee so I can't speak of the bean quality though. Rumor was that it was a requirement for Starbucks to roast their coffee for the rights to produce k-cups.
Ok.... ....I'll just say it....
I might purchase a Kia.
Consumer reports member here. Depends on which Kia, some rate very high.
I'm Making red beans and rice in the crock pot. I make them the creole way with ham and andouille sausage.
I used brown rice because its more earthy and goes better with the beans and meat.
Pet Peve:
Hate when people ( family members ) feel the need to buy souvenir gifts when on trips abroad. Inevitably, I end up getting a coffee mug from the place they visit. Not much thought behind the purchase other than being thought of is nice in and or itself, I suppose. However, I find it boorish to buy a " souvenir " that is made in China. To have a Mug that says Maine or Iceland or whatever other place in the world and know that is was made in China is off putting.
Ok, ok, I can see where this makes me sound like a ungrateful prick, but a souvenir, a real souvenir, would be something from the area of the world one is visiting. I would rather have a rock, which costs nothing, than a trinket bought out of a catalog from a " souvenir "
Btw, I'm drinking my Caribou Coffee from my WVU mug that was made in West Virginia...........took my wife many years to find one.
To add: The pressure to hold onto the coffee mug and then remember to use it when offending family members visit is also troublesome.
Just tell them basically what you wrote in this thread. Seriously.
Yes, some might initially take offense because of your honesty.....but imagine the boulders you'll get mailed to you (C.O.D. for shipping). anybody knows what C.O.D. is anymore...
Damn... ....I'm sooooooo hungry. Craving poached eggs over toast but on my grocery store (ok...I'll just admit it...Walmart) trip today I didn't get any.
It really is a cruel world.
Hey jackass....just went to make buttered toast coated in sugar snack and guess what...? You didn't get bread either.
You got you only failed on two of the three most basic grocery items. Good job.
Who in the hell doesn't have eggs in the house? WTH?
Didn't you delete an earlier question to me in another thread ?
...anyway...the answer is a jackass who didn't purchase any on the last trip to Walmart. I mean...who doesn't have bread either?
God I love poached eggs. Don't eat them that often (not a breakfast person)....but I love them.
I delete many messages that I read after I post them and don't like what I wrote for one reason or another. I should proof read more before I post.