Klan members rally against removal of General Lee statue in Virginia

So I have to wonder - how many on here are ready to cleanse the name of Robert C Byrd from the history of WV?
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Is Jackson's statue at the Capital in Charleston of him in his Confederate uniform? I'm curious now. I know there is one, but not sure how he's depicted.
Why? Byrd acknowledged what he did wrong and worked to make up for his mistakes. Plus, he was never a traitor.
He was a wait a leader of a terror organization. A simple apology makes up for that?

Supposedly after the war, Lee argued for Washington and Lee he expelled white students that were violent towards black men...he was instrumental in efforts to set-up state-funded schools for black students. There may be more, but do these efforts not equate to something?
He was a wait a leader of a terror organization. A simple apology makes up for that?

Supposedly after the war, Lee argued for Washington and Lee he expelled white students that were violent towards black men...he was instrumental in efforts to set-up state-funded schools for black students. There may be more, but do these efforts not equate to something?

After the war Lee argued for reconciliation? Note the phrase "after the war." He didn't have much choice after the war. When he did have a choice he argued for (and led the army that fought for) separation from the US.

I think it's kinda dumb to have so many things in WV named after Byrd and considering there are lots of people that would happily become a US Senator and wield power I wouldn't mind if being a former KKKer de facto disqualified you from becoming a Senator (it certainly would today but not back then) but all that said what Byrd did wasn't in the same ballpark as what Lee did.
After the war Lee argued for reconciliation? Note the phrase "after the war." He didn't have much choice after the war. When he did have a choice he argued for (and led the army that fought for) separation from the US.

I think it's kinda dumb to have so many things in WV named after Byrd and considering there are lots of people that would happily become a US Senator and wield power I wouldn't mind if being a former KKKer de facto disqualified you from becoming a Senator (it certainly would today but not back then) but all that said what Byrd did wasn't in the same ballpark as what Lee did.
Byrd was a leader in a terror organization...he apologized after being a part of all is good. Okay I got's that simple.
Byrd was a leader in a terror organization...he apologized after being a part of all is good. Okay I got's that simple.

I didn't say all was good. But to be accurate, the group Byrd was a leader of was less vile and much smaller than the one Lee was a leader of.
After the war Lee argued for reconciliation? Note the phrase "after the war." He didn't have much choice after the war. When he did have a choice he argued for (and led the army that fought for) separation from the US.

NO HE DID NOT! When will you people learn?

Lee was not in favor of succession.
I didn't say all was good. But to be accurate, the group Byrd was a leader of was less vile and much smaller than the one Lee was a leader of.
Kinda like ISIS and Al Qaeda in Qatar?
NO HE DID NOT! When will you people learn?

Lee was not in favor of succession.

So Lee was not in favor of secession and yet he led the Confederate Army in its efforts to secede from the US? If so, then Lee was a moron.

So Lee didn't want VA to secede but after it seceded and the US gov't was going to try to make it re-enter the union by force, Lee led a southern army to use force to prevent the US gov't from forcing VA back into the union. So Lee wasn't in favor of VA seceding but after VA did secede Lee was in favor of using force to maintain its secession. And since he was head of the main army of the Confederacy he was in favor of using force to maintain the secession off all the states in the Confederacy.
NO HE DID NOT! When will you people learn?

Lee was not in favor of succession.

True, he didn't want it.....but he joined it. So, what would you say to a Muslim nation who doesn't agree with ISIS, but refuses to do anything to stop them? Yeah, I call them one word: "Enemy".
You forgot one.

3) The Republicans of today want to honor the slave-holders that the Republicans of the 1860s fought the Civil War against.
Total bullshit. I am a conservative - registered Republican. Most - not all - that I associate with are conservative - registered Republican, and none are in the least bit concerned with slavery. It is not relevant to anyone's life today. Never an item that would or should be discussed.

You obviously don't know any Republicans. Do you really know anyone who possesses the beliefs you are blaming on modern people?
Total bullshit. I am a conservative - registered Republican. Most - not all - that I associate with are conservative - registered Republican, and none are in the least bit concerned with slavery. It is not relevant to anyone's life today. Never an item that would or should be discussed.

You obviously don't know any Republicans. Do you really know anyone who possesses the beliefs you are blaming on modern people?

I'm not talking about slavery per se, I'm talking about the people those monuments honor. Who wants to leave them up and who wants to take them down?
I'm not talking about slavery per se, I'm talking about the people those monuments honor. Who wants to leave them up and who wants to take them down?
Earlier post you were into slavery and even stated it would still be in existence if South had been victorious. And, I don't see any reason to think we would be substantially different than we are today with representatives be same -- with different name.

I am not offended by statues, and wouldn't spend one penny of taxpayer money to remove. I feel confident we could find someone to be offended by everything. It would be near impossible to remove from sight everything that offends some person. Enough already.

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