I say again remember when Trump said

this idiot makes the same post every week...

last Friday the 12th... same post

this is a sheep bot....

for the 21st time...


paid down the debt a trillion $$$$$$$$$$$$$







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Russian bot WVU 82 can’t handle the truth

Back here on planet earth the economy is definitely headed towards disaster under Biden and Inflation is hurting people badly. There also won't be any NESARA/GESARA conspiracy theories to save anyone. Countries around the 🌎 are broke and indebted beyond ever repaying it. You might want to head over to Patriot Supply and order some freeze dried food unless you plan on eating your neighbors. For the record you wouldn't be the first communist turd to turn to cannibalism.
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Biden’s own advisors are telling him to abandon Bidenomics. The economy was great under Trump. It has sucked under Biden.
He's not programmed to receive that information. You'll overload his circuits feeding him what Biden's economic advisors are saying that's contrary to what's he's been programmed to believe.

@sammyk trying to process economic information software written in reality
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The fiat currency being created by the fed is propping up Wall Street. Unfortunately, it causes devaluation of the dollar, inflation, profligate government spending and rising interest rates. Once again, the elites make out well but the general population suffers. Biden and the dems are hoping the money flowing into the stock market will mask the economic disaster they have created.
Socialists sammyk loves Biden's Socialists agenda.
@sammyk after hearing Biden's economic polls are at all time lows

Just look at these latest tracking polls...he's not anywhere above 45% in any poll, and for most of them he's mired in the low to mid 30's! The absolute worst polling of any incumbent seeking re-election ever...EVER!

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The fiat currency being created by the fed is propping up Wall Street. Unfortunately, it causes devaluation of the dollar, inflation, profligate government spending and rising interest rates. Once again, the elites make out well but the general population suffers. Biden and the dems are hoping the money flowing into the stock market will mask the economic disaster they have created.
You mean Trump created by flooding the system with cash through tax breaks that never work that’s what created inflation. But you Trumpers hilarious
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You mean Trump created by flooding the system with cash through tax breaks that never work that’s what created inflation. But you Trumpers hilarious

Honestly Bro, this is the first time I've ever heard someone say "tax breaks create inflation"! Can you expand on that? If you don't or can't, then I know you're just a damn bot.

Good Lord!
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@sammyk bot ...explaining how "tax cuts cause inflation"


Stand're being "botmatized" by my man @sammyk

Seriously @sammyk ...if you don't or can't explain how "tax cuts cause inflation" (that's what YOU said) I'll never let you live it down. I'm going to mock the absolute living Hell out of you if you don't explain that remark you made in post # 14!

Just damn Bro. :rolleyes:
Seriously...anyone else reading this thread...have any of you ever heard anyone anywhere ever suggest "tax breaks cause inflation"? I mean I still can't get over how a grown ass College educated (I think?) man could type such mind numbing incoherence?
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@sammyk ...are you going to explain to the board how "tax breaks cause inflation"? 🤔 If not, then why did you type that?

Why @sammyk ?
You mean Trump created by flooding the system with cash through tax breaks that never work that’s what created inflation. But you Trumpers hilarious
People like you are the reason school vouchers are needed .
That kind of thinking is what makes you a grub stub getting failure. It's that kind of thinking that created all the illegals from Venezuela.
@sammyk after hearing Biden's economic polls are at all time lows

Just look at these latest tracking polls...he's not anywhere above 45% in any poll, and for most of them he's mired in the low to mid 30's! The absolute worst polling of any incumbent seeking re-election ever...EVER!

Road loves the dictator donny. Nice job traitor
People like you are the reason school vouchers are needed .
That kind of thinking is what makes you a grub stub getting failure. It's that kind of thinking that created all the illegals from Venezuela.
People like you are the reason I like private schools. Get those dumb kids and parents out of here. I mean who wants kids and parents who want a dictator. How in American
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People like you are the reason I like private schools. Get those dumb kids and parents out of here. I mean who wants kids and parents who want a dictator. How in American
Statistics prove public schools are failing..... and it's public school teachers fighting vouchers.
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People like you are the reason I like private schools. Get those dumb kids and parents out of here. I mean who wants kids and parents who want a dictator. How in American
"How in American"..."But you Trumpers hilarious"...LOL...Ebonics ?
Road loves the dictator donny. Nice job traitor
How do tax cuts cause inflation? You paid thousands of dollars for a College education plus you pay over 120.00 a year to post on this website. Why did you spend all that money? At the very least what did it buy you? I honestly would like you to explain what you posted. Can you?
Ebonics ??? Racist ****
Now you're calling names but you still can't explain what you posted about tax cuts causing inflation? No wonder you voted for Biden. What I can't figure out is why roughly 67% of voters understand Biden's failed policies caused this high inflation and you're in the roughly 33% of uneducated bots who think his self described "Bidenomics" has made things cheaper?

It'd be understandable if those percentages were more like 51% v 49%....but it's closer to 2 to 1 where most folks understand perfectly what's caused this runaway inflation!

No one thinks it's because of Trump's tax cuts! 🤣 You're like in the top 1% of mind numbed bots who think that! Just damn @sammyk? Even pre programmed bots aren't designed to be that dense!

What happened to YOU?
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You seem to use the word racist a lot . Please tell us the definition.
Don't tax his limited ability to think. He can't even explain how keeping more of the money you earn through tax cuts causes inflation and now you're asking him to define such an esoteric nomenclature as "racist"? That's really mean @roadtrasheer I thought you were better than that!😉
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Yeah let’s ask the retard. Sammy tell us the definition of racist.
Y'all need to leave that poor man alone. How'd you like being exposed as a grossly uneducated economic neophyte who can't even explain the dynamic of individual tax cuts on revenues to the US treasury as an anecdote to inflationary monetary policy in a consumer driven service oriented economy? Now you're asking him to define Leftist racists? That's like asking a pre schooler to count to 10. 🤣

Just stop it!
Y'all need to leave that poor man alone. How'd you like being exposed as a grossly uneducated economic neophyte who can't even explain the dynamic of individual tax cuts on revenues to the US treasury as an anecdote to inflationary monetary policy in a consumer driven service oriented economy? Now you're asking him to define Leftist racists? That's like asking a pre schooler to count to 10. 🤣

Just stop it!
Imagine being his student. He probably teaches special Ed where the Students can relate more to him
MAGA =ideology over facts fact donny lost
Fact Donny is a rapist fact Donny tried to stage a coup fact
MAGA =ideology over facts fact donny lost
Fact Donny is a rapist fact Donny tried to stage a coup fact
MAGA = Making America Great Again. You do live in America, correct? Why is it bad wanting your country to be great?

Doofus, learn the difference between fact and opinion lol
Now you're calling names but you still can't explain what you posted about tax cuts causing inflation? No wonder you voted for Biden. What I can't figure out is why roughly 67% of voters understand Biden's failed policies caused this high inflation and you're in the roughly 33% of uneducated bots who think his self described "Bidenomics" has made things cheaper?

It'd be understandable if those percentages were more like 51% v 49%....but it's closer to 2 to 1 where most folks understand perfectly what's caused this runaway inflation!

No one thinks it's because of Trump's tax cuts! 🤣 You're like in the top 1% of mind numbed bots who think that! Just damn @sammyk? Even pre programmed bots aren't designed to be that dense!

What happened to YOU?
Grandma didn't have a 6th grade education and new when they print and spend the poor can't keep up . Seems common sense from the great depression is gone and all we have is educated idiots selling socialism as a winning team. One would look at the most recent attempts at socialism and run from any agenda that suggests it . Bernie Sanders should be front and center on who socialism works for .
I believe the u.s had a very good blend of some socialists programs that capitalism could carry .... modern day Democrats are breaking the backs of capitalism I'm wondering what will be the last straw?
Says the idiot from WV. I teach math. So numbers are numbers. MAGA= ideology over facts.

Bro seriously, why can't you just back up what you posted earlier ITT? If as you said "tax cuts cause inflation" as a math teacher surely you could provide us with some statistics to back that up? You think just saying it makes it so? Matter of fact do you have any cognizance of how absolutely imbecilic you come off when you post something as asinine as that then refuse to stand behind it or back it up?

I'm sure you're posting things in hopes of either changing minds or convincing folks of your beliefs? Otherwise you admit you're just a mindless bot posting mindless bot programmed rhetoric straight from the WH "spin machine" with no ability to either understand or explain what you've been pre programmed to say! It can't be's one or the other @sammyk.

I'm assuming you take the time to post something like you did because you really believe it. OK, fair enough. I believe tax cuts (and history has proven this to be true) actually increase revenues to the treasury and grow the economy, not trigger inflation! I can easily provide statistical data to back that up. Why can't you or why won't you provide your own data backing up your claim of the opposite? Let's compare notes and see who's correct? What's your problem with that? You posted what you said, now you can't back it up?

You'd make yourself & your posts so much more credible, and you'd be so much more believable and less of a joke if you could just once stand behind some of the absolute drivel you put up on here. Why do you do that?

@sammyk ...just can't explain himself
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Why can't you just back up what you posted earlier ITT? If as you said "tax cuts cause inflation" as a math teacher surely you can provide statistics to back that up? You think just saying it makes it so? Matter of fact do you have any cognizance of how absolutely imbecilic you sound when you post something like that then refuse to stand behind it or back it up?

Bro seriously, why can't you just back up what you posted earlier ITT? If as you said "tax cuts cause inflation" as a math teacher surely you could provide us with some statistics to back that up? You think just saying it makes it so? Matter of fact do you have any cognizance of how absolutely imbecilic you come off when you post something as asinine as that then refuse to stand behind it or back it up?

I'm sure you're posting things in hopes of either changing minds or convincing folks of your beliefs? Otherwise you admit you're just a mindless bot posting mindless bot programmed rhetoric straight from the WH "spin machine" with no ability to either understand or explain what you've been pre programmed to say! It can't be's one or the other @sammyk.

I'm assuming you take the time to post something like you did because you really believe it. OK, fair enough. I believe tax cuts (and history has proven this to be true) actually increase revenues to the treasury and grow the economy, not trigger inflation! I can easily provide statistical data to back that up. Why can't you or why won't you provide your own data backing up your claim of the opposite? Let's compare notes and see who's correct? What's your problem with that? You posted what you said, now you can't back it up?

You'd make yourself & your posts so much more credible, and you'd be so much more believable and less of a joke if you could just once stand behind some of the absolute drivel you put up on here. Why do you do that?

@sammyk ...just can't explain himself

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