Here is your Republican Party

No I am arguing with someone who does not read that’s my fault I should have known that arguing with an idiot goes nowhere
I can read just fine corky. Now find something relevant to the claim you made to back up cockholster.
I will be voting for non QAnaon candidates unlike you.

I do notice how you cannot defend what you will be voting for? You claim you are Pro Life, but YOU will be voting for taxpayer funded infanticide!

The only thing more hypocritical than that is how you can't even admit it while trying to "guilt shame" those of us who will be voting for Herschel because he will surely vote against taxpayer funded infanticide. (even if he paid for an abortion)

Secret Service claims no records exist of Biden’s Delaware visitors, NYP report says
US Mortgage Rates Rise for Seventh Week to Highest in 16 Years
US murder rate continued grim climb in 2021, new FBI estimates show
Oh my I see. I finally see. Take care QAnon

While you call names because you cannot defend what you support (infanticide) let me ask if you know who Norma Jean McCorvey is?

Give up?

She's the "Jane Doe" in the original Roe v Wade case. Know what else? She's one of the biggest proponents today in the Pro Life movement for a Human Life ammendment! So according to you once an abortionist, always one right? You can't change your mind about that like she did right? She's the "Roe" in Roe v Wade.

Herschel is Pro Life today, regardless of how the Left tries to smear him for perhaps once being for infanticide until he "followed the science".

You at least follow the science correct? Are you better informed on Abortion than the lady who once argued for it but now is strongly Pro Life just as you say you are?

Tell us some more sweet little lies.

In 1995, McCorvey was working at a clinic in Dallas when Operation Rescue moved in next door. She allegedly struck up a friendship over cigarettes with Operation Rescue preacher Philip "Flip" Benham. McCorvey said that Benham talked to her regularly and was kind to her. She became friends with him, attended church, and was baptized. She surprised the world by appearing on national television to say that she now believed abortion was wrong.

McCorvey had been in a lesbian relationship for years, but she eventually denounced lesbianism as well after her conversion to Christianity. Within a few years of her first book, McCorvey wrote a second book, "Won by Love: Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, Speaks Out for the Unborn as She Shares Her New Conviction for Life."
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My sincere advice to you @sammyk is don't start off calling someone else a "hypocrite" before you check out what it really means and make sure you're not practicing what you're calling out. ;)
Your lies continue. Not even is Gaetz not being charged, but his accuser IS being charged with attempting to defraud him.

So, Joe Biden and Hilliary aren’t pedophiles since they haven’t been charged.
Thanks for clearing that up.
So, Joe Biden and Hilliary aren’t pedophiles since they haven’t been charged.
Thanks for clearing that up.
and Trump isn't the criminal you believe he is because is hasn't been charged or convicted. But, you believe he has done wrong.

massengill can't refresh even you.
Has anyone noticed how quiet @sammyk has grown from when he started this thread earlier accusing everyone who is Pro Life of being hypocrites?

Silence of the Lamb?
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So, Joe Biden and Hilliary aren’t pedophiles since they haven’t been charged.
Thanks for clearing that up.

Unless something else comes out its probably safe to say the Gaetz stuff was made up. No way they don't have a show trial if it was close. Especially with him saying stuff like this.

The FBI has been discouraging. They’re not supposed to be biased or political preference.

Discouraging would be generous. I could post a lot of good things they are working on. But I'm not until the leadership is cleaned out and it's totally reformed and focused on things it should be. I could even be talked into shutting it down and starting a new agency with a more narrow scope on things that are important.
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The OP talked about hypocrisy opening this thread. He of course narrowed his definition to only Republicans who support Herschel Walker, who he pointed out is now accused of funding an abortion for his ex-girlfriend even though he claims to be Pro Life. But why did @sammyk exclude Walker's opponent in the Georgia Senate race from the abortion hypocrisy charge?

Well to be honest because BOTH he and Democrat Senator/Pastor Raphael Warnock are in fact hypocrites themselves on the issue!

Here's what @sammyk said about his position on abortion:
I'm Pro choice and ok with it but showing how you guys are so hypocritical. And I am pro life that means something different than you guys you guys are pro birth.
He was later asked to explain that rather obvious dichotomy and proceeded to expose his own overwhelming hypocrisy on this issue. Likewise, Senator/Pastor Raphael Warnock was asked by a group of 25 fellow Black Ministers in an open letter how he can be a God fearing Pastor yet support taxpayer funded abortion on demand at any time for any reason with no restrictions? They called it "contrary to Christian teachings" and saying abortion disproportionately affects African Americans. Here was his answer:

The Warnock campaign responded with a statement, writing that "Warnock believes a patient's room is too small a place for a woman, her doctor, and the US government and that these are deeply personal health care decisions – not political ones."[65]

Warnock called the June 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade "misguided" and "devastating for women and families in Georgia and nationwide."

Do you hear any mention of his belief in the supremacy of Human Life as it's created by Almighty God? Again he's supposed to be a Pastor and a Man speaking on behalf of Almighty God!

Here are a few more hypocritical tidbits about Senator Warnock the OP conveniently ignored:
  • In 2016 Warnock said that America needs to “repent for its worship of whiteness” speaking of Donald Trump’s presidency.
  • In a 2011 sermon Warnock said that “nobody can serve God and the military.” He mischaracterized Matthew 6:24 which speaks about the Practice of Kingdom living as it relates to money. The scripture actually says “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” The verse never mentions the military. (that's called a lie)
  • Warnock said Israeli soldiers “shoot down unarmed Palestinian sisters and brothers like birds of prey.” He also signed a letter comparing Israeli control of the West Bank to “previous oppressive regimes” like “apartheid South Africa.” (another lie)
  • Warnock is pro-Socialism. He cites Acts 2 as his justification. However, Acts 2:44-45, specifically depicts Christians voluntarily selling their own possessions to help travelers who stayed in Jerusalem to learn about Jesus. It doesn’t mention using government force to steal your neighbor’s stuff or income and redistribute it so that you can pretend like you’re being generous. Also 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says ‘if a man will not work, he shall not eat.” God doesn’t support Socialism!
Warnock has embraced a secular worldview that prioritizes identity politics above Biblical Truth. The self-destructive behavioral patterns that are endemic within the black community will remain until the black Christian church repents. Unless blacks confront the disease destroying black neighborhoods around the country, which is a lack of Biblical values being taught and applied in our homes and churches, symptomatic issues such as fatherless homes, abortion, high crime rates, poverty from a lack of quality education, low job skills and poor money management will continue to destroy these struggling communities.

Of course you heard nothing of all of this about Senator Warnock from the OP. Know why?

Because he's an even bigger hypocrite than either Senator Warnock or those he accused of being the same.

Hey my man @sammyk ...way to call out that hypocrisy Bro!
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The enemy isn't republicans. It's the liars. The case for a broad, fact based alliance against fabrications. If we don’t get control of this, if we don’t reestablish an ethic of respect for facts, nothing else will be solved.

Through it all, I saw politics as a fight between left and right. I don’t see it that way anymore. Joe Biden’s presidency has exposed himself and the left as bigger threats. Leftist have attacked the principle of facts and those facts can be made up to their benefit. We used to take facts and principle for granted, now we must defend it. The left has become a fight between those who are willing to respect evidence and those who aren’t.
I think he's more of a leech sucking off of the government teet. Who'd a thunk it around here?

Define sucking of the Government teet? Speaking for myself I earned every dollar I ever got from Uncle Sam. If he actually served then I'm Elon Musk. Not buying it.
Define sucking of the Government teet? Speaking for myself I earned every dollar I ever got from Uncle Sam. If he actually served then I'm Elon Musk. Not buying it.
Im talking another govt drone, non-military, in alliance with the Dems because he cant get a job elsewhere. Just a guess.
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Im talking another govt drone, non-military, in alliance with the Dems because he cant get a job elsewhere. Just a guess.

Being in alliance with the Democrats right now is dumb unless you're willing to come out of the closet as a communist. Because that's what they have become.
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