Dems may try and use Endangered Species Act to stop the wall

You guys are morons. You can't even stayed focused on what you are trying to argue.
It's a long thread that broadened in scope, IMO. With the exception of your offerings it didn't fly off the tracks entirely like so many threads do around here. The post I'm replying to proves who is the moron. Unless, of coarse, I just got destroyed and I'm more to dumberest too no it.
You can't even focus on what the argument is and you want to call me wrong?
There are about 480,000 illegals that cross the border each year. For us to spend 1 billion per year on them in health care, we would have to spend over 2,000 dollars on every single one of them.

Curious where you got the 480,000 figure and what it has to do with Dems trying to use the Endangered Species Act. Seriously, I saw numbers more than twice that high per annum on the evening news. It was one of the big 3 (ABC, CBS or NBC) so take it with a grain of salt. Whatever the annual entry number is, it does increase the annual costs over time.
There are about 480,000 illegals that cross the border each year. For us to spend 1 billion per year on them in health care, we would have to spend over 2,000 dollars on every single one of them.
You are arguing with government statistics. It is many multiple of billion and of course your stupid ass forgets that at 480k a year in 4 years that is almost 2 million.
You are arguing with government statistics. It is many multiple of billion and of course your stupid ass forgets that at 480k a year in 4 years that is almost 2 million.

We are comparing numbers with what it costs us in health care PER YEAR just for those that cross the Mexico border, not all immigrants, because Priddy said in an earlier post that we would spend more on health care per year than the wall would cost us PER YEAR.

I've never seen a more mentally challenged group of people. You changed the argument and use bogus facts from extreme right wing sites like InfoWars, Breitbart, etc.

And no dave, those weren't government statistics.

That wall will cost us at least 1 billion per year. Even if it is 100% effective (which it won't be) it will not pay for itself from the savings in costs on illegals crossing the Mexico border.

Some facts you right wingers are forgetting: it won't be 100% effective, illegals still come in by plane with either fake passports or student Visas and just stay here. Crossing the Mexico border is only one of many ways illegals get here. The wall won't even cover the full length of the border and most importantly, Mexico ain't paying for it. [laughing]
We are comparing numbers with what it costs us in health care PER YEAR just for those that cross the Mexico border, not all immigrants, because Priddy said in an earlier post that we would spend more on health care per year than the wall would cost us PER YEAR.

I've never seen a more mentally challenged group of people. You changed the argument and use bogus facts from extreme right wing sites like InfoWars, Breitbart, etc.

And no dave, those weren't government statistics.

That wall will cost us at least 1 billion per year. Even if it is 100% effective (which it won't be) it will not pay for itself from the savings in costs on illegals crossing the Mexico border.

Some facts you right wingers are forgetting: it won't be 100% effective, illegals still come in by plane with either fake passports or student Visas and just stay here. Crossing the Mexico border is only one of many ways illegals get here. The wall won't even cover the full length of the border and most importantly, Mexico ain't paying for it. [laughing]
And now you are trying change the argument. Who said the wall would be 100% effective? The wall will pay for itself and the monies Mexico pay us now are far more than the cost of the wall. All of that is irrelevant because the ESA wont stop the wall and once again you are just wrong.
We are comparing numbers with what it costs us in health care PER YEAR just for those that cross the Mexico border, not all immigrants, because Priddy said in an earlier post that we would spend more on health care per year than the wall would cost us PER YEAR.

I've never seen a more mentally challenged group of people. You changed the argument and use bogus facts from extreme right wing sites like InfoWars, Breitbart, etc.

And no dave, those weren't government statistics.

That wall will cost us at least 1 billion per year. Even if it is 100% effective (which it won't be) it will not pay for itself from the savings in costs on illegals crossing the Mexico border.

Some facts you right wingers are forgetting: it won't be 100% effective, illegals still come in by plane with either fake passports or student Visas and just stay here. Crossing the Mexico border is only one of many ways illegals get here. The wall won't even cover the full length of the border and most importantly, Mexico ain't paying for it. [laughing]
Is this offering from wvu2007 bogus?

We could pay for the wall and give Mexico 100B and they would still pay dearly. That is my opinion. I feel sorry for the people of Mexico, but we didn't create the problem. We can't even get our own government to operate as intended, how are we supposed to get Mexico to run their government above board?

addendum: we didn't create the problem, but we have allowed it for too long, IMO.

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