Dems may try and use Endangered Species Act to stop the wall

Not buying the above statement. As for the rest:

1. what is the purpose of The Wall? There needs to be a consensus of purpose for such a large undertaking.
A. To protect our border so that we know and approve who enters our country.

2. if we hope for The Wall to protect us, from what do we want protected along that border? we need to identify the specific dangers.
A. Illegal aliens, drugs, terrorists, rapists (coyotes), migrants, weapons, etc.

3. will The Wall exclude 100% of drugs or illegal immigrants or terrorists? by what objective means do we measure the effectiveness of The Wall?

A. No wall is 100% secure. But if walls don't work, why does the White House have one? Why does Paul Ryan's home in Wisconsin have one? It will have its biggest impact on drug traffic, imo. Hard to drive a truck though a wall. They may tunnel, thus the additional need for electronic surveillance, border agents, drones, etc. Walls work.

4. if not 100%, what percentage will need to be excluded for The Wall to be considered a worthwhile endeavor/expense, and how will we measure that?

A. How much are human lives worth? How much is it worth to keep drugs out of the country? How much is it worth to protect against potential terror attack? Americans want border security. We want to know who enters our country. It is the LAW.

5. Since those constructing The Wall will want paid as they build, and Mexico says they're not paying, where will the cash come from to pay those construction workers and engineers until Mexico drinks the Kool-Aid and writes us a check?
A. Mexico will reimburse us for the costs, one way or another. Moot point.

6. much of the border land is privately owned. will the United States go to court and take private land by eminent domain of those U.S. citizens who don't want a big, hulking wall across their property, for whatever reason? How many years will all of that litigation take? What about the guy who likes to sit on his deck with a cold beer and look out over his land he struggled for years to buy, and enjoy the view to the river and beyond? Take his land for The Wall?
A. I live in Texas and most Texans support the wall. Government uses whatever it needs to use to secure the land for public use. You liberals don't seem to mind when wind mills scour the country side, kill birds and are an eyesight to everyone.

7. what becomes of the privately-owned land that ends up between The Wall and the river because of the topography of the land?
A. Again, most Texas support the wall. It is a security issue for many. I think they prefer security over a little bit of land.

8. what will be the cost of maintenance of The Wall, and who will be charged with inspecting it and maintaining it in good repair?
See above. We pay lots and lots of money to protect Americans. This is one of those costs.
9. do we install surface-to-air missile batteries on The Wall to bring down those who seek to fly above The Wall?
A. Stupid question. Shows you to be a lib which you claimed you weren't.
10. is there not a better way to use $15,000,000,000 to protect our country?
A. Mexico pays for it. Moot point.

WVPATX: I was reading your responses and, though i agree with some of your points, and disagree with some others, i was enjoying the discussion and free flow of arguments exchanged. You lost me when you unnecessarily and incorrectly pigeon-holed me with your perjorative label of "liberal", and then said i asked a "stupid question." So much for trying to earnestly discuss an issue. I get that you are insecure and feel the need to lash out at someone who doesn't think the same as you, but i'm not interested in making things personal. Was just trying to stimulate some discusion of a timely, national topic with some questions that occurred to me. I will leave you to your walls and your opinions, and wish you well.
How dare they!

countryroads89 a few questions for you:

Do you think immigration to this country should be legal?

If so, should it be limited?

If so, by how much? (in rough numbers)
If you do not think it should be legal, or limited, should we have open other words anyone can come into or leave this country whenever they feel like it with no restrictions?

Which scenario do you favor, and why?

(I know you probably won't answer, but if you do I'd be curious what your reasoning is?)
countryroads89 a few questions for you:

Do you think immigration to this country should be legal?

If so, should it be limited?

If so, by how much? (in rough numbers)
If you do not think it should be legal, or limited, should we have open other words anyone can come into or leave this country whenever they feel like it with no restrictions?

Which scenario do you favor, and why?

(I know you probably won't answer, but if you do I'd be curious what your reasoning is?)

Because The Daily Show told her it is ok.
countryroads89 a few questions for you:

Do you think immigration to this country should be legal?

If so, should it be limited?

If so, by how much? (in rough numbers)
If you do not think it should be legal, or limited, should we have open other words anyone can come into or leave this country whenever they feel like it with no restrictions?

Which scenario do you favor, and why?

(I know you probably won't answer, but if you do I'd be curious what your reasoning is?)
He doesn't know how to respond. He hasn't read his opinions yet on Facebook.
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I actually have no issue with the wall. I just don't think the 15-25 billion is money well spent. There is no guarantee it will significantly reduce illegals. We still haven't secured the Canadian border where the 9/11 terrorists entered. I'd rather see a new a I-95 to add resiliency to our east coast transportation system, Investment in high speed trains, overhaul of our air transportation system, and upgrades to our electrical grid. That's my opinion.

Trump is committed to a $1 trillion stimulus package. That is in addition to building the wall. Some funds have already been appropriated for that purpose. And yes despite liberal protestantions the wall will be a good preventative measure particularly for massive amounts of drugs flowing into the country. But it's not just the wall. It is the additional border agents, the electronic surveillance, the drones etc. that will make up a much improved border security program.

Once again, I don't see why liberals are so upset. The only possible exclamation is they want illegal immigrants to flow across the border for votes. Hillary and Obama have said as much. Because surely the liberal posters that are objecting do not have national security at the front of their minds for if they did they would want that border secure.

And you're better, much better than the canard about the Canadian border.
I don't see why liberals are so upset. The only possible exclamation is they want illegal immigrants to flow across the border for votes. Hillary and Obama have said as much.

It's this, and it is not even arguable if you're on the Left. Illegals voting, and the extra votes changing those voting blocks in terms of representatives inside the electoral college to guarantee those numbers for Democrats.

There is no other reason to oppose this with the velocity of opposition the Left is displaying except to protect those voting blocks driven by illegals.
WVPATX: I was reading your responses and, though i agree with some of your points, and disagree with some others, i was enjoying the discussion and free flow of arguments exchanged. You lost me when you unnecessarily and incorrectly pigeon-holed me with your perjorative label of "liberal", and then said i asked a "stupid question." So much for trying to earnestly discuss an issue. I get that you are insecure and feel the need to lash out at someone who doesn't think the same as you, but i'm not interested in making things personal. Was just trying to stimulate some discusion of a timely, national topic with some questions that occurred to me. I will leave you to your walls and your opinions, and wish you well.

I was reacting to your surface to air missile comment. That was a ridiculous comment and that's why I said what I said. If any aircraft enters our airspace without permission, I presume that our Air Force Bases closest to the intruder will react. Again, in my opinion that was a ridiculous comment.

I think by the very nature and wording of your questions, particularly your last one regarding surface to air missile's, leads me to believe you are a liberal. You claim to have voted for conservatives, but I am quite skeptical except for fairly meaningless local elections. If you were truly an independent, you would not have worded the question is the way you worded them regarding our national security at the border, in my opinion. you're obviously against the wall which is a prerequisite in my opinion for effective border security along with many other measures.

By the way, if I have misread you and you truly are independent and open to all sides of an issue, then I apologize, but you clearly did not seem open to this one.
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He dave, I learned something really cool about your mom.

She has no gag reflex.

Hey countryroads89 are you going to answer my questions about immigration or just join this guy for your next runaway?

It means you really think illegals cost us a billion dollars a year in health care.

You conservatives are dumber than I thought.


Search Results
The estimated cost of providing Medicaid coverage to 3.1 million amnestied illegal immigrants would be $8.1 billion annually. We have previously estimated that taxpayer-provided health care for uninsured illegal immigrants costs $4.3 billion annually.

You are always wrong and get owned a lot.
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Red sirens warning lights going up.
I dont mind a true stimulus even if it is less than a trillion. The key to me is what the spending is on. Actually building infrastructure is one thing and bailing out state/local govt is another. There is plenty of infrastructure needed and if some changes were made in contracting it could be done cheaper than it is now.
Search Results
The estimated cost of providing Medicaid coverage to 3.1 million amnestied illegal immigrants would be $8.1 billion annually. We have previously estimated that taxpayer-provided health care for uninsured illegal immigrants costs $4.3 billion annually.

You are always wrong and get owned a lot.
Not even sure what that clown was thinking. I think he has been owned more than a 5 dollar whore and at this point he is just disagreeing to be a dickhead.
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Not even sure what that clown was thinking. I think he has been owned more than a 5 dollar whore and at this point he is just disagreeing to be a dickhead.

She is mentally ill.
Search Results
The estimated cost of providing Medicaid coverage to 3.1 million amnestied illegal immigrants would be $8.1 billion annually. We have previously estimated that taxpayer-provided health care for uninsured illegal immigrants costs $4.3 billion annually.

You are always wrong and get owned a lot.
If cuntyload wasn't muzzled, you'd get destroyed for that post!
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50,000 overdosing deaths annually = 1 Vietnam/year. I realize not all sources of heroin come thru Mexico; that's why we have tight customs at Ports/Airports and points of entry like Tijuana/San Ysidro.
Demand is the only way you end the flow of drugs
I actually have no issue with the wall. I just don't think the 15-25 billion is money well spent. There is no guarantee it will significantly reduce illegals. We still haven't secured the Canadian border where the 9/11 terrorists entered. I'd rather see a new a I-95 to add resiliency to our east coast transportation system, Investment in high speed trains, overhaul of our air transportation system, and upgrades to our electrical grid. That's my opinion.
In 30 yrs it will be the northern wall. Then it will be internment camps. Then Marshall law.
In healthcare for illegals, alone. There are so many metrics that show a US loss of tax payer money due to that boeder. You should consider living in "now" time in the real world.

There are about 480,000 illegals that cross the border each year. For us to spend 1 billion per year on them in health care, we would have to spend over 2,000 dollars on every single one of them.
There are about 480,000 illegals that cross the border each year. For us to spend 1 billion per year on them in health care, we would have to spend over 2,000 dollars on every single one of them.

The number who cross the border each year is irrelevant. There are over 11 million illegal immigrants here now and it is costing the US taxpayers billions of dollars. The longer we fail to secure the border the more the total number rises and the more the cost burden to tax payers.
Search Results
The estimated cost of providing Medicaid coverage to 3.1 million amnestied illegal immigrants would be $8.1 billion annually. We have previously estimated that taxpayer-provided health care for uninsured illegal immigrants costs $4.3 billion annually.

You are always wrong and get owned a lot.

You can't even focus on what the argument is and you want to call me wrong?
The number who cross the border each year is irrelevant. There are over 11 million illegal immigrants here now and it is costing the US taxpayers billions of dollars. The longer we fail to secure the border the more the total number rises and the more the cost burden to tax payers.

You are either being stupid or disengenuous. Illegals get here from many countries and many different ways. Most by plane with temporary visas.

So how important is the wall? How important is it to increase staffing to investigate all illegals?
You are either being stupid or disengenuous. Illegals get here from many countries and many different ways. Most by plane with temporary visas.

So how important is the wall? How important is it to increase staffing to investigate all illegals?

No Stephanie, you are wrong again. While illegal immigrants do come from other countries besides Mexico, the large majority come from Mexico or cross via the Mexico border. So maybe if you spent less time wearing your pussy hat and embarrassing yourself at the womens march you would probably be more up on the facts. I feel sorry for your husband.
Search Results
The estimated cost of providing Medicaid coverage to 3.1 million amnestied illegal immigrants would be $8.1 billion annually. We have previously estimated that taxpayer-provided health care for uninsured illegal immigrants costs $4.3 billion annually.

You are always wrong and get owned a lot.

This is a far right organization ......enough said. No bias here. Nope. None.
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The number who cross the border each year is irrelevant.

No it's not. Your right wing buddy made this argument.

If you could honestly research the matter, you'd understand taxpayers are currently spending way more in a single year by not having the wall than it would cost to build it. 16B? pfffft.

In healthcare for illegals, alone. There are so many metrics that show a US loss of tax payer money due to that boeder. You should consider living in "now" time in the real world.

You guys are morons. You can't even stayed focused on what you are trying to argue.
No Stephanie, you are wrong again. While illegal immigrants do come from other countries besides Mexico, the large majority come from Mexico or cross via the Mexico border. So maybe if you spent less time wearing your pussy hat and embarrassing yourself at the womens you would probably be more up on the facts. I feel sorry for your husband.

I saw a stat that I didnt verify that slighty over 40% of illegals enter legally and just don't leave. Nobody seems tto care about that group. A lot of those are students an young adults that would also fit that category of low income, Medicaid recipients. But We just focus on the shorter, Spanish speaking folks from the south. That's interesting isn't it. I always find it funny that everyone talks about the Mexican boarder as a potential avenue for terrorists to enter......canada would be the easiest way for them but nobody ever talked about securing the Canadian border.

Let's get the criminals out. Let's get the gang bangers out. Let's move on and focus on important issues like our electric grid redundancy and modernizing our air travel infrastructure.
I saw a stat that I didnt verify that slighty over 40% of illegals enter legally and just don't leave. Nobody seems tto care about that group. A lot of those are students an young adults that would also fit that category of low income, Medicaid recipients. But We just focus on the shorter, Spanish speaking folks from the south. That's interesting isn't it. I always find it funny that everyone talks about the Mexican boarder as a potential avenue for terrorists to enter......canada would be the easiest way for them but nobody ever talked about securing the Canadian border.

Let's get the criminals out. Let's get the gang bangers out. Let's move on and focus on important issues like our electric grid redundancy and modernizing our air travel infrastructure.
Their raw number doesn't seem out of line. I just thought it was telling that you only link something from the FAR right. Maybe even alt right.....

And I have given you the opportunity to link a separate study that either confirms what they say or disputes their findings.
Everybody talks about the drain on services due to illegals. I am sure there are areas of California, Texas, Arizona, and florida that are drowning in costs to deal with the illegals. What I would like to see is the cumulative Impact positive and negative of illegals on our society Here is something interesting I found.

Most arguments against illegal immigration begin with the premise that undocumented workers don't pay income taxes, and that they therefore take more in services than they contribute. However, IRS estimates that about 6 million unauthorized immigrants file individual income tax returns each year.[20] Research reviewed by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office indicates that between 50 percent and 75 percent of unauthorized immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes.[20]Illegal immigrants are estimated to pay in about $7 billion per year into Social Security.[30] In addition, they spend millions of dollars per year, which supports the US economy and helps to create new jobs. The Texas State Comptroller reported in 2006 that the 1.4 million illegal immigrants in Texas alone added almost $18 billion to the state's budget, and paid $1.2 billion in state services they used.