Dems may try and use Endangered Species Act to stop the wall

Then why is Left threatening to use these obscure regulations to block construction of the wall? That's what the "activist" was quoted as saying they were prepared to do to stop it?

NEPA, ESA, NHPA, CAA, CWA are not "obscure". [laughing]

Go back to whining about abortions. [winking]
I don't think it is crazy at all. I wall is going up along the border. It will not cover the entire border. And Mexico will pay for it. They may not write us a check, but they will pay for it.
As of January 2009, 580 miles of pedestrian/vehicle wall existed along the 1,954 mile border so you mean more wall will get built and we'll start a trade war with Mexico in hopes that Mexico will pay for some portion of it. Higher priced goods from Mexico just means that the U.S. taxpayer pays for much of the wall that may or may not slow the rate of illegal immigration. Of course our taxpayers will pay for all of the wall prior to any hoped for reimbursement. I'd guess that more aggressive treatment of illegals would go way further to discourage them from crossing the border than any wall would. Illegals are like drug dealers, they'll just find other ways to enter...over, under or around it or via the ocean.
I thought we were in a War against terrorists who have used that border to infiltrate us?

really? terrorists crossing the Mexican border? what planet do you live on?

Why do conservatives make an illogical premise and then use that to support an argument. The premise of the remark is
What do Dem have against border security? Dem do not hate border security. EVERYONE agrees that border security is necessary. Arguing against a wall is not an indication that one hate border security. The wall idea is simply stupid, ugly, waste of money and a lot of other things. If the Govt has 15-30 billion laying around send to WV. We can use it.

Really? Tightening border security had been proposed many times during Obama's reign and it was shot down. Ya'll cant change history quick enough.
As of January 2009, 580 miles of pedestrian/vehicle wall existed along the 1,954 mile border so you mean more wall will get built and we'll start a trade war with Mexico in hopes that Mexico will pay for some portion of it. Higher priced goods from Mexico just means that the U.S. taxpayer pays for much of the wall that may or may not slow the rate of illegal immigration. Of course our taxpayers will pay for all of the wall prior to any hoped for reimbursement. I'd guess that more aggressive treatment of illegals would go way further to discourage them from crossing the border than any wall would. Illegals are like drug dealers, they'll just find other ways to enter...over, under or around it or via the ocean.

First of all you have no idea how Trump will get Mexico to pay for the wall, it may be a tariff, it may be a fee on funds transferred to Mexico, I don't know nor do you. As for a trade war, Mexico won't start a war they can't win. And you are assuming that if there is a tariff, the U.S. consumers will pay for it. You may be right on some goods, not on others. There is something called competition. If the price for Mexicans goods is higher than the Chinese, Taiwanese, Filipino, Brazilian, Peruvian, etc., then Americans will buy non Mexican products.

A wall will stop some, not all. But it will put a big dent in drug trafficking though. In addition to the wall, Trump is funding more border patrol agents, more surveillance including drones, more electronic fencing, etc. All the technology at our disposal backed up by human intelligence and armed agents. The flow will not stop completely, but will slow significantly.
The Wall. Some questions:
1. what is the purpose of The Wall? There needs to be a consensus of purpose for such a large undertaking.
2. if we hope for The Wall to protect us, from what do we want protected along that border? we need to identify the specific dangers.
3. will The Wall exclude 100% of drugs or illegal immigrants or terrorists? by what objective means do we measure the effectiveness of The Wall?
4. if not 100%, what percentage will need to be excluded for The Wall to be considered a worthwhile endeavor/expense, and how will we measure that?
5. Since those constructing The Wall will want paid as they build, and Mexico says they're not paying, where will the cash come from to pay those construction workers and engineers until Mexico drinks the Kool-Aid and writes us a check?
6. much of the border land is privately owned. will the United States go to court and take private land by eminent domain of those U.S. citizens who don't want a big, hulking wall across their property, for whatever reason? How many years will all of that litigation take? What about the guy who likes to sit on his deck with a cold beer and look out over his land he struggled for years to buy, and enjoy the view to the river and beyond? Take his land for The Wall?
7. what becomes of the privately-owned land that ends up between The Wall and the river because of the topography of the land?
8. what will be the cost of maintenance of The Wall, and who will be charged with inspecting it and maintaining it in good repair?
9. do we install surface-to-air missile batteries on The Wall to bring down those who seek to fly above The Wall?
10. is there not a better way to use $15,000,000,000 to protect our country?

It's a Brave New World, for sure.

i am not a registered Republican or Democrat, and tend to vote roughly 50/50 in elections, especially local ones.
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really? terrorists crossing the Mexican border? what planet do you live on?


TerraFirma countryroads89. Not the idealistic world of pink unicorns and androgynous fairies you visit while walking in your sleep

Here read and learn:
Those terrorists have exploited the northern border. Wall there too?

Canadians help us enforce the Law. I've crossed that border several times coming back from Canada into Buffalo and had my car and all contents searched. Mexico doesn't even try to stop anyone from crossing illegally, they help them in many cases.
NEPA, ESA, NHPA, CAA, CWA are not "obscure". [laughing]

Go back to whining about abortions. [winking]

You'll be the one whining once this barbarism gets overturned, and if the environment is under such "imminent" threat from a Wall being built, why weren't at least the existing laws preventing illegal border crossings being enforced? No threat there, just potential Democrat voters.
President Donald Trump will be able to order the construction of a wall on the Mexico border Wednesday with the stroke of a pen, because of a 2006 law passed with the help of Democrats including Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.

The 2006 law authorized the construction of 700 miles of fencing along the southern border, as well as additional lights, cameras and sensors to enhance security. Although former President George W. Bush signed the measure into law, the Democrat-controlled Congress that took over a few months later ensured it would never be completed by means of an amendment to a 2008 spending bill.

The amendment removed an explicit requirement the wall be made of double-layer fencing, and gave the Department of Homeland Security authority to put in place less effective barriers, such as simple vehicle barriers that do not keep pedestrians out. As a result, Democrats were able to avoid a politically unpopular vote against the wall, and then turn around and quietly gut its construction. But Trump and Republicans in the new Congress now plan to use that law to ensure a proper wall is constructed.

Since the law was never actually repealed, the federal government is still authorized to build a substantial wall on the southern border. Congress doesn’t have to pass a new law to begin construction, and can instead package the funds necessary into a massive spending bill Democrats would have a politically hard time opposing. Trump may get a head start on the process by diverting other funds congressional leaders have indicated are available for the project, ensuring a snafu over the spending bill doesn’t hinder prompt construction of the wall.
Respectfully, here is where you're wrong. You may not be against border security but I can promise you a large portion of your base is. And they make no qualms about being for open borders. This is from Clintons own campaign website:

(4) There’s no need to secure the border because it’s already “the most secure border we’ve ever had”

Even as tens of thousands of migrants continue to pour across our southern border, Clinton has declared that the border is “the most secure border we’ve ever had”– suggesting that she does not feel it is necessary to take additional actions to secure it. Clinton argues that since the border is already secure, it is time to give amnesty to the millions of migrants who have entered illegally.

“We have the most secure border we’ve ever had… The Republicans, the opponents, no longer have an argument,” Clinton said during a March CNN/Univision Democratic debate. “We enhanced the border security. That part of the work is done… Everybody who I know who has looked at it says it is OK. We have a secure border. There’s no need for this rhetoric and demagoguery that still is carried out on the Republican side. You’ve run out of excuses. Let’s move to comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship.”

Another minority group I can exploit by playing to their ethnic ties and say whatever they want to hear so they will vote for me.
The Wall. Some questions:
1. what is the purpose of The Wall? There needs to be a consensus of purpose for such a large undertaking.
A. To protect our border so that we know and approve who enters our country.

2. if we hope for The Wall to protect us, from what do we want protected along that border? we need to identify the specific dangers.
A. Illegal aliens, drugs, terrorists, rapists (coyotes), migrants, weapons, etc.

3. will The Wall exclude 100% of drugs or illegal immigrants or terrorists? by what objective means do we measure the effectiveness of The Wall?

A. No wall is 100% secure. But if walls don't work, why does the White House have one? Why does Paul Ryan's home in Wisconsin have one? It will have its biggest impact on drug traffic, imo. Hard to drive a truck though a wall. They may tunnel, thus the additional need for electronic surveillance, border agents, drones, etc. Walls work.

4. if not 100%, what percentage will need to be excluded for The Wall to be considered a worthwhile endeavor/expense, and how will we measure that?

A. How much are human lives worth? How much is it worth to keep drugs out of the country? How much is it worth to protect against potential terror attack? Americans want border security. We want to know who enters our country. It is the LAW.

5. Since those constructing The Wall will want paid as they build, and Mexico says they're not paying, where will the cash come from to pay those construction workers and engineers until Mexico drinks the Kool-Aid and writes us a check?
A. Mexico will reimburse us for the costs, one way or another. Moot point.

6. much of the border land is privately owned. will the United States go to court and take private land by eminent domain of those U.S. citizens who don't want a big, hulking wall across their property, for whatever reason? How many years will all of that litigation take? What about the guy who likes to sit on his deck with a cold beer and look out over his land he struggled for years to buy, and enjoy the view to the river and beyond? Take his land for The Wall?
A. I live in Texas and most Texans support the wall. Government uses whatever it needs to use to secure the land for public use. You liberals don't seem to mind when wind mills scour the country side, kill birds and are an eyesight to everyone.

7. what becomes of the privately-owned land that ends up between The Wall and the river because of the topography of the land?
A. Again, most Texas support the wall. It is a security issue for many. I think they prefer security over a little bit of land.

8. what will be the cost of maintenance of The Wall, and who will be charged with inspecting it and maintaining it in good repair?
See above. We pay lots and lots of money to protect Americans. This is one of those costs.
9. do we install surface-to-air missile batteries on The Wall to bring down those who seek to fly above The Wall?
A. Stupid question. Shows you to be a lib which you claimed you weren't.
10. is there not a better way to use $15,000,000,000 to protect our country?
A. Mexico pays for it. Moot point.

It's a Brave New World, for sure.

i am not a registered Republican or Democrat, and tend to vote roughly 50/50 in elections, especially local ones.

Not buying the above statement. As for the rest:

1. what is the purpose of The Wall? There needs to be a consensus of purpose for such a large undertaking.
A. To protect our border so that we know and approve who enters our country.

2. if we hope for The Wall to protect us, from what do we want protected along that border? we need to identify the specific dangers.
A. Illegal aliens, drugs, terrorists, rapists (coyotes), migrants, weapons, etc.

3. will The Wall exclude 100% of drugs or illegal immigrants or terrorists? by what objective means do we measure the effectiveness of The Wall?

A. No wall is 100% secure. But if walls don't work, why does the White House have one? Why does Paul Ryan's home in Wisconsin have one? It will have its biggest impact on drug traffic, imo. Hard to drive a truck though a wall. They may tunnel, thus the additional need for electronic surveillance, border agents, drones, etc. Walls work.

4. if not 100%, what percentage will need to be excluded for The Wall to be considered a worthwhile endeavor/expense, and how will we measure that?

A. How much are human lives worth? How much is it worth to keep drugs out of the country? How much is it worth to protect against potential terror attack? Americans want border security. We want to know who enters our country. It is the LAW.

5. Since those constructing The Wall will want paid as they build, and Mexico says they're not paying, where will the cash come from to pay those construction workers and engineers until Mexico drinks the Kool-Aid and writes us a check?
A. Mexico will reimburse us for the costs, one way or another. Moot point.

6. much of the border land is privately owned. will the United States go to court and take private land by eminent domain of those U.S. citizens who don't want a big, hulking wall across their property, for whatever reason? How many years will all of that litigation take? What about the guy who likes to sit on his deck with a cold beer and look out over his land he struggled for years to buy, and enjoy the view to the river and beyond? Take his land for The Wall?
A. I live in Texas and most Texans support the wall. Government uses whatever it needs to use to secure the land for public use. You liberals don't seem to mind when wind mills scour the country side, kill birds and are an eyesight to everyone.

7. what becomes of the privately-owned land that ends up between The Wall and the river because of the topography of the land?
A. Again, most Texas support the wall. It is a security issue for many. I think they prefer security over a little bit of land.

8. what will be the cost of maintenance of The Wall, and who will be charged with inspecting it and maintaining it in good repair?
See above. We pay lots and lots of money to protect Americans. This is one of those costs.
9. do we install surface-to-air missile batteries on The Wall to bring down those who seek to fly above The Wall?
A. Stupid question. Shows you to be a lib which you claimed you weren't.
10. is there not a better way to use $15,000,000,000 to protect our country?
A. Mexico pays for it. Moot point.
5. Since those constructing The Wall will want paid as they build, and Mexico says they're not paying, where will the cash come from to pay those construction workers and engineers until Mexico drinks the Kool-Aid and writes us a check?

A. Mexico will reimburse us for the costs, one way or another. Moot point.

First of all you have no idea how Trump will get Mexico to pay for the wall, it may be a tariff, it may be a fee on funds transferred to Mexico, I don't know nor do you. As for a trade war, Mexico won't start a war they can't win. And you are assuming that if there is a tariff, the U.S. consumers will pay for it. You may be right on some goods, not on others. There is something called competition. If the price for Mexicans goods is higher than the Chinese, Taiwanese, Filipino, Brazilian, Peruvian, etc., then Americans will buy non Mexican products.

A wall will stop some, not all. But it will put a big dent in drug trafficking though. In addition to the wall, Trump is funding more border patrol agents, more surveillance including drones, more electronic fencing, etc. All the technology at our disposal backed up by human intelligence and armed agents. The flow will not stop completely, but will slow significantly.
All we know is that we'll spend more on border security and taxpayers will pay for it.
All we know is that we'll spend more on border security and taxpayers will pay for it.

This is true, because it is one of the 1st and legitimate functions of Government. National security.

I think what we also "know" moe is that unlike now, the Nation's immigration Laws will be enforced, strictly. The Wall is simply a tool that will help us do that more efficiently, & effectively...once again because those Laws are not being and have not been enforced consistently or effectively until Trump's election. It may be the biggest reason he was elected, so if you Leftists are mad over this you should blame President Obama who refused to consistently and aggressively enforce our immigration laws to stop the invasion across our border of people entering this country illegally.

What is a sanctuary city?
Even if you are right, how do you know we have no imminent threats? You can't possibly, that information is highly classified. Moreover, we have the threats of drugs, crime, death on the border, rapes on the border from coyotes, entry of criminals resulting in death of American citizens, etc.
50,000 overdosing deaths annually = 1 Vietnam/year. I realize not all sources of heroin come thru Mexico; that's why we have tight customs at Ports/Airports and points of entry like Tijuana/San Ysidro.
What do Dem have against border security? We know we have tons of drugs crossing the border. We have a flow of migrants from Central and South America escorted through Mexico to our border. We have Mexicans crossing illegally. Yes, we have criminals crossing the border often after they have been deported (e.g. the murder of Kate Steinle). We live in an age of terrorism and the threat always exists of them bringing very dangerous weapons across the border.

I can't imagine why the Dems are so against border security. The wall is not perfect, but will help especially with large quantities of drugs. Additional agents and surveillance, including drones, will certainly help. Shouldn't' we know who enters the country and decide for ourselves if we want them to enter?

They're not against border security doofus. They're against a blatant idiotic waste of taxpayer money for a fence like we already have. Get your head out of your ass and quit calling it a wall.

Ryan never used the word “wall” during his brief press conference with reporters, instead describing the barrier as a fulfillment of the Secure Fence Act.

Nearly 700 miles of the southern border is already fenced off, thanks to the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which garnered bipartisan support. (Ryan pointed out that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer voted for it.) One analysis suggests building an entirely new wall would cost $40 billion, far more than the $15 billion McConnell and Ryan are talking about.

All we know is that we'll spend more on border security and taxpayers will pay for it.
If you could honestly research the matter, you'd understand taxpayers are currently spending way more in a single year by not having the wall than it would cost to build it. 16B? pfffft.
I see a question mark but don't understand what you're asking, if anything. What's a huh? Would a billion be a lot of huh(s)?

It means you really think illegals cost us a billion dollars a year in health care.

You conservatives are dumber than I thought.

Another day and cuntrytard gets abused again. Notice that zero liberals stepped in to rescue him again today.

There it is. He worked in his famous tard.


I feel sorry for you, I hear life is tough on idiots. Dumb enough to vote for Trump.

It means you really think illegals cost us a billion dollars a year in health care.

You conservatives are dumber than I thought.

The illegals don't enter one by one; they come with children. Do YOU have an official number for per anum illegal healthcare? How about educational costs (all of them: Spanish text books and Spanish speaking teachers for illegal aliens that no comprendo our language, etc., etc?
What do Dem have against border security? We know we have tons of drugs crossing the border. We have a flow of migrants from Central and South America escorted through Mexico to our border. We have Mexicans crossing illegally. Yes, we have criminals crossing the border often after they have been deported (e.g. the murder of Kate Steinle). We live in an age of terrorism and the threat always exists of them bringing very dangerous weapons across the border.

I can't imagine why the Dems are so against border security. The wall is not perfect, but will help especially with large quantities of drugs. Additional agents and surveillance, including drones, will certainly help. Shouldn't' we know who enters the country and decide for ourselves if we want them to enter?

I actually have no issue with the wall. I just don't think the 15-25 billion is money well spent. There is no guarantee it will significantly reduce illegals. We still haven't secured the Canadian border where the 9/11 terrorists entered. I'd rather see a new a I-95 to add resiliency to our east coast transportation system, Investment in high speed trains, overhaul of our air transportation system, and upgrades to our electrical grid. That's my opinion.
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Go spend five years in Arizona like I did and you wouldn't have ANY objections to a wall.
Go spend five years in Arizona like I did and you wouldn't have ANY objections to a wall.
Ain't that the damn truth. Caught one drinking and loading up water bottles from my garden hose one night.
I actually have no issue with the wall. I just don't think the 15-25 billion is money well spent. There is no guarantee it will significantly reduce illegals. We still haven't secured the Canadian border where the 9/11 terrorists entered. I'd rather see a new a I-95 to add resiliency to our east coast transportation system, Investment in high speed trains, overhaul of our air transportation system, and upgrades to our electrical grid. That's my opinion.

I'd be in favor of all of this....AND the Wall!

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