Atlanta burning tonight...

But Muh reparations, because my great great great granddaddy was a slave GTFOH.

There we go embrace your true self...scream it from the rooftops!!

I don’t think anyone is asking for reparations lol...but I mean less than sixty years ago past the mason dixon line they couldn’t drink from the same water fountain as white people so some people might still be a little sour
Yea it’s way more visceral and chaotic now nothing like with MLK, that was what made those images from protests back then so powerful they were treated like animals for just wanting basic rights promised to them. The violence from everyone now isn’t going to change anything, just embolden the feelings of those that already hate them.

crazy to think if MLK is never assassinated where race relations in this country may be today

With Liberals playing the games they play then we are still in the same position we are now.
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There we go embrace your true self...scream it from the rooftops!!

I don’t think anyone is asking for reparations lol...but I mean less than sixty years ago past the mason dixon line they couldn’t drink from the same water fountain as white people so some people might still be a little sour
So 60 years ago ? Not today ? I’m shocked. When you have pro athletes that make millions talking about being hunted down by police LOL, there may be a problem. Not asking for reparations? One of BLM demands to stop rioting consisted of 325,000 for every black American because of oppression. It’s not 1930 anymore and the MAJORITY of people have moved on but you keep on holding on to the past. As far as racism ? I live in rural WV and we have a couple of black people who live here , Want their number to call and ask if anyone’s ever been racist toward them here ? Now what if I as a white man went to St Louis , inner city Cleveland, Portsmouth VA , parts of Philly ? Been there and done that and was told my KIND shouldn’t be in those parts. But hey keep holding on to the false narrative that the media pumps into you and I’ll go by real life experience. I was taught you treat a person like they treat you no matter the color of their skin and I have to say it’s worked out pretty well for me. So before you talk about MY TRUE SELF maybe you should know what that is.
So 60 years ago ? Not today ? I’m shocked. When you have pro athletes that make millions talking about being hunted down by police LOL, there may be a problem. Not asking for reparations? One of BLM demands to stop rioting consisted of 325,000 for every black American because of oppression. It’s not 1930 anymore and the MAJORITY of people have moved on but you keep on holding on to the past. As far as racism ? I live in rural WV and we have a couple of black people who live here , Want their number to call and ask if anyone’s ever been racist toward them here ? Now what if I as a white man went to St Louis , inner city Cleveland, Portsmouth VA , parts of Philly ? Been there and done that and was told my KIND shouldn’t be in those parts. But hey keep holding on to the false narrative that the media pumps into you and I’ll go by real life experience. I was taught you treat a person like they treat you no matter the color of their skin and I have to say it’s worked out pretty well for me. So before you talk about MY TRUE SELF maybe you should know what that is.

No you’re right how silly of me racism is a switch and we turned it off 60 years ago!! Now there is only racism towards white people, we are taken advantage of and treated unfairly by the black controlled government, media, and police force!! We are under attack by the colored leftist anarchists who are trying to steal Christmas from us hard working Americans!! Benghazi, pizza gate and Qanon!!! Dear god won’t someone think of the WHITE PEOPLE!?

Are you sure they were racist and not just homophobic?
No you’re right how silly of me racism is a switch and we turned it off 60 years ago!! Now there is only racism towards white people, we are taken advantage of and treated unfairly by the black controlled government, media, and police force!! We are under attack by the colored leftist anarchists who are trying to steal Christmas from us hard working Americans!! Benghazi, pizza gate and Qanon!!! Dear god won’t someone think of the WHITE PEOPLE!?

Are you sure they were racist and not just homophobic?
It has to be exhausting being a mental Midget but here you are. Where did I say that racism is dead ? I unlike you believe it exists in every race . But beyond that it is not as bad as some believe because the Majority of us choose to be one race , the human race. Have you ever made fun of a fat person , Hillbilly , Chinese ? Have you ever looked down at the poor , crippled , mentally challenged ? If so you are no better than a racist because you discriminate against a person because of their lot in life. I didn’t ask to be born white but I sure as **** won’t apologize for it. We as a society have moved on except for the ones who want to exploit the past for their gain . I hate no man who has never crossed me and I’ve forgiven most of them. It seems as a society we don’t have a problem we are trying to create one . ( sorry for the mental midget comment if it offended you )
No you’re right how silly of me racism is a switch and we turned it off 60 years ago!! Now there is only racism towards white people, we are taken advantage of and treated unfairly by the black controlled government, media, and police force!! We are under attack by the colored leftist anarchists who are trying to steal Christmas from us hard working Americans!! Benghazi, pizza gate and Qanon!!! Dear god won’t someone think of the WHITE PEOPLE!?

Are you sure they were racist and not just homophobic?

Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020, by race

459 - white
223 - black
179 - Hispanic

399 - white
209 - black
158 - Hispanic

370 - white
235 - black
158 - Hispanic

So far..
172 - white
88 - black
57 - Hispanic

It's time to stop with the racism excuses and look at seriously changing the way law enforcement handles things.
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There we go embrace your true self...scream it from the rooftops!!

I don’t think anyone is asking for reparations lol...but I mean less than sixty years ago past the mason dixon line they couldn’t drink from the same water fountain as white people so some people might still be a little sour
Im willing to bet none of those people who were discriminated against sixty years ago were rioting the last couple weeks
while yes there are racists of every color, in America at least, that number is definitely not the “same” as you put it

It has to be exhausting being a mental Midget but here you are. Where did I say that racism is dead ? I unlike you believe it exists in every race . But beyond that it is not as bad as some believe because the Majority of us choose to be one race , the human race. Have you ever made fun of a fat person , Hillbilly , Chinese ? Have you ever looked down at the poor , crippled , mentally challenged ? If so you are no better than a racist because you discriminate against a person because of their lot in life. I didn’t ask to be born white but I sure as **** won’t apologize for it. We as a society have moved on except for the ones who want to exploit the past for their gain . I hate no man who has never crossed me and I’ve forgiven most of them. It seems as a society we don’t have a problem we are trying to create one . ( sorry for the mental midget comment if it offended you )

reading comprehension will take you far my friend...see my post up there? That was my first reply to you, what does it say?
Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020, by race

459 - white
223 - black
179 - Hispanic

399 - white
209 - black
158 - Hispanic

370 - white
235 - black
158 - Hispanic

So far..
172 - white
88 - black
57 - Hispanic

It's time to stop with the racism excuses and look at seriously changing the way law enforcement handles things.

Yes but there’s also about 4x as many white people in America as black people so when taking it as a percentage of population it’s much higher for them than us
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Yes but there’s also about 4x as many white people in America as black people so when taking it as a percentage of population it’s much higher for them than us

I don't care what percentage is what it doesn't make it right.

That is a racist statement there by saying but there is 4x as many white people in America. When people read what you say it comes out as nothing wrong with the illegal killing of white people by cops because there is so many of them.

It's time to look at seriously changing the way law enforcement handles things.
Yes but there’s also about 4x as many white people in America as black people so when taking it as a percentage of population it’s much higher for them than us

True, but then again, if you look at the number of violent crimes committed which seems to put one race more likely to be at odds with the police then it's clearly not race related as it would otherwise appear.

In other words, those involved in violent crime are more likely to be shot by police. That has to be taken into consideration.

Doesn't seem to be systemic racism once you put in that factor.
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Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020, by race

459 - white
223 - black
179 - Hispanic

399 - white
209 - black
158 - Hispanic

370 - white
235 - black
158 - Hispanic

So far..
172 - white
88 - black
57 - Hispanic

It's time to stop with the racism excuses and look at seriously changing the way law enforcement handles things.

Now discuss the stats regarding how many folks are shot and killed by police who are unarmed and not physically resisting arrest. Then show the statistics about many officers are killed every year in the United States. Then give the statistics on who commits homicide, rape, robbery, and assault. Context matters.

I’ll help you out. Last year there were 19 whites and 9 African Americans who fit the description of unarmed and not resisting arrest. But it will be good for you to do the leg work on the others.
African Americans make up like 12% of the population and Caucasians make up like 60% so no it’s not the “same” as he put it. White people don't experience anywhere near as much racism as black people it’s ridiculous to even think that...listen you’re a smart woman I don’t have to break it down for you that much do I?
Maybe the answer if for the cops to just shoot more white people. Just sayin, from a statistics standpoint.

Just kidding. Actually, maybe the cops just need to ask for voluntary submission to arrest. If the person resists, just let them go. Stop the violence.
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True, but then again, if you look at the number of violent crimes committed which seems to put one race more likely to be at odds with the police then it's clearly not race related as it would otherwise appear.

In other words, those involved in violent crime are more likely to be shot by police. That has to be taken into consideration.

Doesn't seem to be systemic racism once you put in that factor.

That’s a fair point I’m not ruling that out either I’ve said the same before. I’m just stating the fact that when you break it down by numbers a higher percentage of black people lose there lives in police shootings than any other race.

I’m not here to argue if systemic racism exists only that as a white person in America although you may experience racism on some scale people of color experience it more that was it lol. I thought that was pretty obvious but I guess not. If race relations are gonna get any better in this country it’s going to take all races working together
Yes but there’s also about 4x as many white people in America as black people so when taking it as a percentage of population it’s much higher for them than us
And despite being a minority blacks commit 58 % of all murders and 62% of all armed robberies . Maybe we can takes classes together , me in reading comprehension and you is basic math.
And despite being a minority blacks commit 58 % of all murders and 62% of all armed robberies . Maybe we can takes classes together , me in reading comprehension and you is basic math.

I’ve never denied that in fact I even agreed with someone above about it. Because of that factor they deal with the police at a much higher rate. Listen I don’t think about race like your typical liberal because I’m not one...I can take you down the rabbit hole if you’d like but it’s all about socioeconomic status and it’s effect on us. It’s the same reason why white people are the majority of serial killers, pedophiles and school shooters. There’s a explanation for everything and often it’s not how it seems on the surface.
I’ve never denied that in fact I even agreed with someone above about it. Because of that factor they deal with the police at a much higher rate. Listen I don’t think about race like your typical liberal because I’m not one...I can take you down the rabbit hole if you’d like but it’s all about socioeconomic status and it’s effect on us. It’s the same reason why white people are the majority of serial killers, pedophiles and school shooters. There’s a explanation for everything and often it’s not how it seems on the surface.
I promise you I will never be on here defending serial killers, pedophiles and school shooters ;)
So 60 years ago ? Not today ? I’m shocked. When you have pro athletes that make millions talking about being hunted down by police LOL, there may be a problem. Not asking for reparations? One of BLM demands to stop rioting consisted of 325,000 for every black American because of oppression. It’s not 1930 anymore and the MAJORITY of people have moved on but you keep on holding on to the past. As far as racism ? I live in rural WV and we have a couple of black people who live here , Want their number to call and ask if anyone’s ever been racist toward them here ? Now what if I as a white man went to St Louis , inner city Cleveland, Portsmouth VA , parts of Philly ? Been there and done that and was told my KIND shouldn’t be in those parts. But hey keep holding on to the false narrative that the media pumps into you and I’ll go by real life experience. I was taught you treat a person like they treat you no matter the color of their skin and I have to say it’s worked out pretty well for me. So before you talk about MY TRUE SELF maybe you should know what that is.
We stumbled into inner city Louisville in a Suburban on 22 inch rims. People were coming off their porches at us Two right turns and about 8 missed stop signs later we got out of there without incident.
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There we go embrace your true self...scream it from the rooftops!!

I don’t think anyone is asking for reparations lol...but I mean less than sixty years ago past the mason dixon line they couldn’t drink from the same water fountain as white people so some people might still be a little sour
Yes, there are black leaders asking for trillions of dollars in reparations so.....
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